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属天的奥秘 第7144节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7144

7144. There is no straw given to thy servants. That this signifies that memory-knowledges containing truth are no longer furnished, is evident from the signification of " straw," as being memory-knowledges the most general of all (see n. 7112), which, being like vessels that can be filled with truths (n. 4345, 4383, 5208, 7131), are called memory-knowledges, the containers of truth; from the signification of "not being given," as being not to be furnished; and from the signification of "servants," as being those who minister and perform a duty (of which just above, n. 7143).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7144

7144. 'No straw is given to your servants' means that they were no longer being supplied with factual knowledge that is a container for truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'straw' as factual knowledge, the most general kind of all, dealt with in 7112, which - being like a vessel that can be filled with truths, 4745, 4387, 5208, 7131 - is called factual knowledge that is a container for truth; from the meaning of 'not being given' as not being supplied with; and from the meaning of 'servants' as those who minister and perform a function, dealt with immediately above in 7143.

Latin(1748-1756) 7144

7144. `Palea nulla datur servis tuis': quod significet quod scientifica continentia veri non amplius subministrentur, constat ex significatione `paleae' quod sint scientifica omnium communissima, de qua n. 7112, quae quia sunt instar vasorum quae impleri possunt veris, n. 4345, 4383, 5208, 7131, vocantur scientifica continentia veri; ex significatione `non dari' quod sit non subministrari; et ex significatione `servorum' quod sint qui ministrant et officio funguntur, de qua mox supra n. 7143.

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