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属天的奥秘 第7382节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7382

7382. Stretch forth thy hand with thy rod. That this signifies the power of internal truth through external truth, is evident from the signification of "hand," as being spiritual power, which is that of internal truth; and from the representation of a rod, as being natural power, which is that of external truth (see n. 6947, 6948). (That all power in the spiritual world belongs to truth, see n. 3091, 3387, 4931, 6344, 6423, 6948.) As Moses represents the internal law, which is the same as internal truth, and Aaron represents the external law, which is the same as external truth, and as internal truth flows into external and gives it power (n. 7381), therefore by the word of Moses to Aaron, "Stretch forth thy hand with thy rod," is signified the power of internal truth through external truth.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7382

7382. 'Stretch out your hand with your rod' means the power of inward truth directed through outward truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'hand' as spiritual power, which belongs to inward truth, and from the representation of 'rod' as natural power, which belongs to outward truth, both dealt with in 6947, 6948. For the fact that all power in the spiritual world belongs to truth, see 3091, 3787, 4931, 6344, 6423, 6948. Since 'Moses' represents inward law, which is the same as inward truth, and 'Aaron' represents outward law, which is the same as outward truth, and since inward truth flows into outward truth and gives it power, 7381, Moses' word of command to Aaron 'stretch out your hand with your rod' means the power of inward truth directed through outward truth.

Latin(1748-1756) 7382

7382. `Extende manum tuam baculo tuo': quod significet potentiam veri interni per verum externum, constat ex significatione `manus' quod sit potentia spiritualis, quae est {1}veri interni; et ex repraesentatione `baculi' quod sit potentia naturalis, quae est {2}veri externi, de quibus n. 6947, {3}6948; quod omnis potentia in spirituali mundo sit veri, videatur n. 3091, 3387, 4931, 6344, (x)6423, 6948; {4} quia `Moscheh' repraesentat legem internam, quae eadem est cum vero interno, (c)et `Aharon' repraesentat legem externam, quae eadem est cum vero externo, (c)et quia verum internum influit in verum externum et ei dat potentiam, n. 7381, idcirco {5}per verbum Moschis ad Aharonem `extende manum tuam baculo tuo' significatur potentia veri interni per verum externum. @1 interna A vestri interni I$ @2 externa$ @3 7011; et quia omnis potentia spiritualiter intellecta, fit per verum$ @4 i et$ @5 dicitur$

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