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属天的奥秘 第7935节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7935

7935. And it shall be, when your sons shall say unto you. That this signifies the interior perception of truth, which perception is of conscience, is evident from the signification of "to say," as being perception (of which above, n. 7913); and from the signification of "sons," as being truths (n. 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623, 3373, 4257). That it denotes the interior perception which is of conscience, is because the subject here treated of is the state hereafter or future of those who are of the spiritual church and are liberated by the Lord, in that this truth must remain fixed in their minds; that their salvation ought to be accepted as solely from the Lord. The perception of this truth is of conscience; for they who are of the spiritual church have not perception as have those who are of the celestial church, but in place of it they have conscience. Conscience with them is born and formed from the truths of the church wherein they have been born, which truths have been received by them in childhood and afterward, and have been confirmed by life, and in this way have become matters of faith. To act according to these truths is to act according to conscience, and to act contrary to them is to act contrary to conscience. They are fixed in the interior memory as if written there, and at last are so to speak things that have been impressed in infancy, which afterward appear quite familiar and as it were innate, just as do the speech, thoughts, recollections, various reflections, and, in external matters, the gait, gestures, countenance and other things into which one is not born, but is introduced by habits. When the truths of faith also have been impressed in this way, which takes place in the interior man, then they in like manner become familiar, and at last, being as it were innate, impel the man to think, to will, and to act according to them. This part of the life is called conscience, and is the life of the spiritual man, which is to be valued in proportion as the truths from which he thinks are genuine truths of faith, and as the goods from which he acts are genuine goods of charity. From the series in what follows it is also evident that by the above words is signified the interior perception which is of conscience.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7935

7935. 'And it shall be, when your children say to you' means the inward perception of truth that belongs to conscience. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' as perception, dealt with above in 7913; and from the meaning of 'children' or 'sons' as truths, dealt with in 489, 491, 573, 1147, 2623, 3373, 4257. The reason why the inward perception that belongs to conscience is meant is that reference is being made to the state from then on, or the future state, of members of the spiritual Church who have been delivered by the Lord. In that state the truth must be lodged firmly in their minds that the Lord alone should receive the credit for their salvation. The perception of this truth belongs to conscience, because members of the spiritual Church do not have the gift of perception such as those of the celestial Church have; instead they have conscience. Conscience existing with them is born and formed from the truths of the Church in which they were born. They have learned those truths in childhood and after it, and have endorsed them in life, thereby making them truths of faith. Acting in accordance with those truths is doing so in accordance with conscience, and acting contrary to them is doing so contrary to conscience. They are lodged in the interior memory as though written into it and ultimately come to be like those things which have been imprinted in earliest childhood and after that appear to be fully known and so to speak inborn. They appear to be like a person's ability to speak, think, recollect, and reflect on various things, and like his physical ability to walk, make gestures, and use facial expressions, and like many other abilities which he is not born with but acquires through habitual practice. When the truths of faith have been imprinted in that way too, which happens in the interior man, they likewise become fully known; and ultimately, when they have become as if inborn, they impel the person to think, will, and act in conformity with them. This driving force in his life is called conscience. It is the life of the spiritual man, and that life should be evaluated according to how far genuine truths of faith are the source of his thoughts and how far forms of the genuine good of charity are the source of his actions, and also to what extent they take the lead. From the whole train of thought too it is evident that the words at this point mean the inward perception that belongs to conscience.

Latin(1748-1756) 7935

7935. `Et erit quod dixerint ad vos filii vestri': quod significet interiorem perceptionem veri quae conscientiae, constat ex significatione `dicere' quod sit perceptio, de qua supra n. 7913; et ex significatione `filiorum' quod sint vera, de qua n. 489, 491, 533, 1147, 2623, 3373, 4257; quod sit perceptio interior quae conscientiae, est quia agitur de statu posthac seu futuro illorum qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, et liberati a Domino, quod mentibus illorum insidebit {1}id verum, quod salvatio illorum unice accepta debeatur Domino; hujus veri perceptio est conscientiae; qui enim ab Ecclesia spirituali sunt non perceptionem {2} habent prout {3}illi qui ab Ecclesia caelesti, sed loco illius habent conscientiam. (s)Conscientia apud illos nascitur et formatur ex veris Ecclesiae in qua nati sunt, quae in pueritia et postea hauserunt et vita confirmarunt, et sic fidei facta sunt; secundum illa vera agere est secundum conscientiam, et contra illa agere est contra conscientiam; insident memoriae interiori sicut inscripta, et demum quasi illa quae in infantia impressa sunt, quae apparent postea prorsus familiaria et sicut innata; quemadmodum {4}sunt loquelae, cogitationes, reminiscentiae, reflexiones variae, et in externis gressus, gestus, vultus, et plura, in quae homo non nascitur sed per consuetudines inducitur; cum vera quae fidei ita quoque impressa sunt, quod fit in interiore homine, tunc illa similiter familiaria fiunt, (c)et demum sicut {5}innata agunt hominem ad cogitandum, volendum, et agendum secundum illa; hoc vitae vocatur conscientia, estque vita {6}hominis spiritualis quae tanti aestimanda {7}quanti sunt vera genuina quae fidei, ex quibus cogitat, et quantum sunt bona genuina quae charitatis, ex quibus agit, tum quantum illa ducunt. Ex sequentium serie etiam patet quod per illa verba {8}significetur perceptio interior quae conscientiae.(s) @1 Before mentibus$ @2 i de vero$ @3 coelestes$ @4 All singular$ @5 connata$ @6 ejus$ @7 I which is obviously corrupt reads: quantum vera sunt bona genuina quae fidei, ex quibus cogitat, et quantum sunt bona genuina quae charitatis, ex quibus agit; quantum illa dicunt et$ @8 significatur after conscientiae$

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