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属天的奥秘 第8146节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8146

8146. And he harnessed his chariot. That this signifies the doctrine of falsity, which is that of faith separate in general, is evident from the signification of a "chariot," as being doctrine (see n. 2760, 5321, 5945), here the doctrine of falsity which is of faith separate, because it is the chariot of Pharaoh, and by Pharaoh are represented the falsities which are of faith separate; for they who are in faith separate from charity and at the same time in a life of evil must needs be in falsities (n. 8094). [2] In what now follows, the subject treated of is the gathering together of all the falsities derived from evil with those who have been in faith separate from charity and in a life of evil. In what precedes, the vastation of the truths of faith with them was described, and their final reduction to the state of being in mere falsities from evil, thus in damnation. In this chapter their being cast down into hell is now treated of, for this follows damnation. With this state of being cast down into hell, the case is this. When this is to be done, all the falsities that appertain to them are gathered together into one, which is effected by the opening of all the hells with which they have had communication, and their being poured in upon them. Thence come the condensations around them of falsities from evil which appear as waters to those who look at them from without (n. 8137, 8138), for they are exhalations from their life; and when they are encompassed about with these, they are in hell. That the falsities from evil are gathered together into one and are poured in upon them, is done in order that they may be surrounded by such things as have been of their life, and may be afterward kept in them. Their kind of evil and its derivative falsity then distinguish them and their hell from other hells. [3] As the subject treated of is the gathering together of all the falsities from evil which appertain to them, therefore such frequent mention is made in this chapter of the chariots of Pharaoh, his horses, horsemen, army, and people, for by these are signified all things of falsity which appertain to them, as in this verse, "He harnessed his chariot, and took his people with him;" in the seventh verse, "He took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt;" in the ninth verse, "And the Egyptians pursued after them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army;" in verse seventeen, "I will be glorified in Pharaoh, in all his army, in his chariots, and in his horsemen;" in like manner in verse eighteen; again in verse twenty-three, "And the Egyptians pursued, and came after them, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen;" in verse twenty-five, "Jehovah removed the wheel of their chariots;" in verse twenty-six, "That the waters may return upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen;" in verse twenty-eight, "The waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, even to all the army of Pharaoh." These things are repeated so many times because the subject treated of is falsities from evil, in that these were gathered together and poured in upon them; for by the things mentioned above are signified all things of falsity from evil; by "Pharaoh and the Egyptians," the men themselves who are in falsities from evil; by "chariots," the doctrinal things of falsity; by "horses," false memory-knowledges from a perverted understanding; by "horsemen," the derivative reasonings; by "army," and "people," the falsities themselves.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8146

8146. 'And he harnessed his chariot' means doctrine championing falsity that belongs to separated faith in general. This is clear from the meaning of 'chariot' as doctrine, dealt with in 2760, 5321, 5945, in this case doctrine championing falsity that belongs to separated faith, since the chariot is Pharaoh's and 'Pharaoh' represents the falsities that belong to separated faith. For those who subscribe to faith separated from charity and at the same time lead a life of evil are inevitably steeped in falsities, 8094.

[2] The descriptions that follow on from here refer to the gathering together of all the falsities arising from evil that existed with people who subscribed to faith separated from charity and led a life of evil. Descriptions prior to this have dealt with the vastation of the truths of faith that exist with those people, and with the eventual reduction of those people to a condition which is such that they are steeped in utter falsities arising from evil, and so are lost in damnation. The present chapter now deals with their being cast down into hell, for being cast down into hell follows damnation. What happens in this state - a state in which people are cast down into hell - is as follows: When they are going to be cast down all the falsities that exist with them are first gathered together (which is accomplished by the opening up of all the hells with which they have had contact) and then are poured into them. As a result those people have around them dense masses of falsities arising from evil, which appear as waters to those looking on from outside, 8137, 8138; they are vapours emanating from their life. When they are engulfed by those dense masses they are in hell. When the falsities arising from evil are gathered into one and poured into them the purpose is that those people may become surrounded by the kinds of things that have come to be part of their life, and after that may be confined within them. The type of evil, together with the falsity arising from it, then mark them and their hell off from other hells.

[3] Because of the subject here - the gathering together of all the falsities arising from evil that existed with those people - references are made so many times in this chapter to Pharaoh's chariot, his horses, horsemen, army, and people; for these mean all the powers of falsity that reside with those people. Such references are,

He harnessed his chariot, and took his people with him. Verse 6. He took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt. Verse 7. And the Egyptians pursued them, all Pharaoh's chariot-horses, and his horsemen, and his army. Verse 9. I will be glorified in Pharaoh, and in all his army, in his chariots, and in his horsemen. Verse 17, and similarly verse 18. And the Egyptians pursued, and came after them, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. Verse 23. Jehovah took off the wheels of their chariots. Verse 25. Let the waters return onto the Egyptians, onto their chariots, and onto their horsemen. Verse 26. The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen, even all Pharaoh's army. Verse 28.

These references to them occur so many times because falsities arising from evil - their being gathered together and poured into those people - are the subject. The things referred to so many times mean all the powers of falsity arising from evil. 'Pharaoh' and 'the Egyptians' are the people themselves who are steeped in falsities arising from evil; 'the chariots' are doctrinal teachings that uphold falsity; 'the horses' are false factual knowledge belonging to a perverted understanding; 'the horsemen' are reasonings resting on that knowledge; and 'the army' and 'the people' are the falsities themselves.

Latin(1748-1756) 8146

8146. `Et alligavit currum suum': quod significet doctrinam falsi quae fidei separatae in genere, constat ex significatione `currus' quod sit doctrina, de qua n. 2760, 5321, 5945, hic doctrina falsi quae fidei separatae, quia currus Pharaonis, et per `Pharaonem' repraesentantur falsa quae fidei separatae; nam qui in fide separata a charitate, et simul in vita mali sunt, non possunt aliter quam in falsis esse, n. 8094. 2 In nunc sequentibus agitur de collectione omnium falsitatum ex malo apud illos qui in fide separata a charitate et in vita mali fuerunt; actum est in praecedentibus de vastatione {1}verorum fidei apud illos et tandem de reductione ad illum statum ut in meris falsis ex malo essent, ita in damnatione; in hoc capite nunc agitur de dejectione illorum in infernum, nam dejectio in infernum sequitur damnationem; cum hoc statu, nempe {2}cum statu dejectionis in infernum, ita se habet: cum hoc fiet, colliguntur tunc in unum omnia falsa quae illis, quod fit per aperitionem omnium infernorum cum quibus communicationem habuerunt, et infunduntur in illos; inde falsorum ex malo condensationes circum illos, quae illis qui extra aspiciunt apparent sicut aquae, n. 8137, 8138, {3}sunt exhalationes ex vita illorum; cum his circumfunduntur, tunc in inferno sunt; quod falsa ex malo in unum colligantur et infundantur in illos, fit ob causam ut circumstipentur talibus quae vitae illorum fuerant, ac in illis postea teneantur; genus mali et inde falsi tunc distinguit illos et infernum illorum ab aliis infernis. 3 Quia agitur de collectione omnium falsorum ex malo quae illis, ideo toties in hoc capite memorantur Pharaonis currus, ejus equi, equites, exercitus, et populus, nam per illa significantur omnia falsi quae apud illos; ut in hoc versu, Alligavit currum suum, et populum suum sumpsit secum:

versu 7mo, Sumpsit sescentos currus electos, et omnes currus Aegypti:

vers. 9, Et persecuti Aegyptii post illos, omnes equi curruum Pharaonis, et equites illius, et exercitus illius:

vers. 17, Glorificabor in Pharaone, et in omni exercitu illius, in curribus illius, et in equitibus illius:

vers. 18, similiter:

vers. 23, Et persecuti Aegyptii, et venerunt post illos, omnes equi Pharaonis, currus illius, et equites illius:

(m)vers. 25, Jehovah removit rotam curruum illorum:(n) vers. 26, Revertantur aquae super Aegyptios, super currus {4}illorum, et super equites {4}illorum:

vers. 28, Reversae sunt aquae, et obtexerunt currus et equites, ad omnem exercitum Pharaonis:

haec toties repetita sunt quia {5}agitur de falsis ex malo, quod collecta et infusa in illos; per illa enim significantur omnia falsi ex malo; per `Pharaonem et Aegyptios' ipsi illi qui in falsis ex malo sunt; per `currus' doctrinalia falsi; per `equos' scientifica falsa ex intellectuali perverso; per `equites' ratiocinia inde; per `exercitum' et {6} `populum' ipsa falsa {7}. @1 veri$ @2 conjectionis$ @3 sunt hae exhalationes e vita illorum, quae ita sistuntur ad apparentiam; tum ita fit, tunc in inferno sunt; quod falsa in unum colligantur, et infundantur in illos, fit ob causam, ut inde distinguantur ab aliis, hoc est, illorum infernum separetur ab infernis aliorum, inde genus seu species mali et inde falsi manifeste sistitur; collectio omnium falsorum ex malo significatur per Pharaonis currus, ejus equos, equites, exercitum, populum, quia quae assumsit secum et cum quibus persequutus est filios Israelis, quae ideo toties nominantur$ @4 illius$ @5 per illa significantur omnia falsa e malo quae nunc infusa in illos ad sistendam naturam falsi illius, et sic illorum circumfundendorum illis, ac sic separandi ab aliis infernis (last 4 words are d)$ @6 i per$ @7 i quae non repetita toties fuissent, nisi involverent et significarent omnium falsorum collectionem et infusionem in illos, propter illam finem. Haec sunt, de quibus in sequentibus hujus capitis agitur$

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