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属天的奥秘 第8145节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8145

8145. That we have let Israel go from serving us. That this signifies that they have left and have not subjugated them, is evident from the signification of "letting go," as being to leave; and from the signification of "from serving us," when said by the Egyptians concerning the sons of Israel, as being from assaulting by means of falsities and infesting (see n. 7120, 7129), and from subjugating thereby (n. 6666, 6670, 6671).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8145

8145. 'That we have sent Israel away from serving us?' means that they had left them alone and not brought them under their control. This is clear from the meaning of 'sending away' as leaving alone; and from the meaning of 'from serving them', when said by the Egyptians regarding the children of Israel, as refraining from assaulting them by means of falsities and from molesting them, dealt with in 7120, 7129, and from thereby bringing them under their control, 6666, 6670, 6671.

Latin(1748-1756) 8145

8145. `Quod dimiserimus Israelem a serviendo nobis?': quod significet quod reliquerint et non subjugaverint, constat ex significatione `dimittere' quod sit relinquere; et ex significatione `a serviendo sibi,' cum ab Aegyptiis de filiis Israelis, quod sit ab impugnando per falsa et infestando, de qua n. 7120, 7129, et per id a subjugando, n. 6666, 6670, 6671.

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