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属天的奥秘 第8367节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8367

8367. And they came to Elim. That this signifies a state of enlightenment and of affection, thus of consolation after temptation, is evident from the signification of "Elim," as involving and signifying the state and the quality of the thing that is treated of; like all the other places to which the sons of Israel came (see n. 2643, 3422, 4298, 4442); here the state after temptation, namely, a state of enlightenment and of affection, thus of consolation. For after all spiritual temptation there come enlightenment and affection, thus pleasantness and delight; pleasantness from enlightenment through truth, and delight from the affection of good. [2] That consolation follows after temptations, see n. 4572, 5246, 5628, 6829; the reason is that by means of temptations truths and goods are implanted and are conjoined, consequently the man as to his spirit is introduced interiorly into heaven, and to the heavenly societies with which he had previously been associated. When the temptation is ended, communication with heaven is opened, which had previously been partly closed, consequently enlightenment and affection, and consequently pleasantness and delight; for then the angels with whom communication is given, flow in by means of truth, and by means of good. Enlightenment by means of truth, and the consequent pleasantness, are signified by the "twelve springs of waters," for "springs" signify truths; the affection of truth from good, and the consequent delight, are signified by the "seventy palm-trees" (of which below).

Elliott(1983-1999) 8367

8367. 'And they came to Elim' means a state of enlightenment and affection, and so a state of comfort after temptation. This is clear from the meaning of 'Elim'; as with all the other places to which the children of Israel came, it embodies and has as its meaning the state and essential nature of the reality to which it refers, see 2643, 3422, 4298, 4442. In this instance a state after temptation is meant, which is a state of enlightenment and affection, and so of comfort. Every spiritual temptation is followed by enlightenment and affection, and so by feelings of pleasure and delight, pleasure as a result of enlightenment through truth, delight as a result of affection for good.

[2] For the fact that comfort follows temptations, see 4572, 5246, 5628, 6829; and the reason why is that through temptations truths and forms of good are instilled and linked together, as a result of which inwardly, as to his spirit, a person is brought into heaven and to heavenly communities among which he has not been before. Once a temptation is completed, contact with heaven, contact which previously was partially shut off, is opened up. Enlightenment and affection, and consequently pleasure and delight, result from this, because the angels with whom he is now in contact enter in by means of truth and by means of good. The enlightenment through truth and the pleasure this gives are meant by 'twelve springs of water', since truths are meant by 'springs'; and an affection for truth arising from good and the delight this affords are meant by 'seventy palm trees', spoken of in what comes next.

Latin(1748-1756) 8367

8367. `Et venerunt ad Elim': quod significet statum illustrationis et affectionis, ita consolationis post tentationem, constat ex significatione `Elim' {1}quod involvat et significet statum et quale rei, de qua agitur, sicut omnia alia loca ad quae venerunt filii Israelis, videatur n. 2643, 3422, 4298, 4442; (x)hic statum post tentationem, nempe statum illustrationis et affectionis, ita consolationis; nam post omnem tentationem spiritualem venit illustratio et affectio, ita amoenum et jucundum, amoenum ex illustratione per verum, et jucundum ex affectione boni; quod succedat consolatio post {2}tentationes, videatur n. 4572, 5246, 5628, 6829; causa est quia per tentationes implantantur 2 vera et bona, et conjunguntur; inde homo (x)quoad spiritum suum interius in caelum {3} introducitur, adque societates caelestes cum quibus non prius fuerat; {4} cum tentatio finita est, {5}aperitur communicatio cum caelo, quae prius quoad partem clausa fuit; inde illustratio et affectio, proinde amoenum et jucundum, nam angeli tunc, cum quibus {6}datur communicatio, influunt per verum (c)et per bonum. Illustratio per verum et inde amoenum significatur per `duodecim fontes aquarum,' nam `fontes' significant vera; affectio veri ex bono et inde jucundum significatur per `septuaginta palmas,' de quibus sequitur. @1 quod sicut alia loca, quo venerunt filii Israelis, involvant statum et quale rei, de qua ibi agitur, de qua$ @2 tentationem$ @3 i a Domino$ @4 i inde$ @5 After fuit$ @6 aperta est$

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