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属天的奥秘 第8573节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8573

8573. And Moses cried unto Jehovah. That this signifies interior lamentation and intercession, is evident from the signification of "crying," when for Divine aid, which the people demanded by reason of their grievous suffering, as being interior lamentation (see n. 7782), and also intercession (n. 8179). As by "Moses crying unto Jehovah" is signified intercession by the Divine truth which is represented by Moses, it shall be briefly told what intercession is, and how the case is in respect to it. They who do not know what intercession is, cannot form any other idea about it than that the Lord continually prays to the Father, and intercedes for the sinner who devoutly supplicates and promises repentance. Nay, the simple think that the Lord sits with the Father, and pleads with Him for the sinner, and entreats Him to give him to Himself, that he may be in His kingdom, and may enjoy eternal happiness. Such an idea have very many about the intercession spoken of in the Word, where it is said that the Lord will entreat His Father for them. But who cannot see that these things were said according to the ideas of human thought? For everyone at that time, as also very many at this day, could not think otherwise of the heavenly kingdom, than as they think of an earthly kingdom, because they get the idea about the former from the latter. This is plainly evident from those very apostles of the Lord, James and John, who asked to sit the one on His right hand, and the other on His left, in His kingdom (Mark 10:35-37); and also from the rest of the apostles, among whom there was a contention as to which of them should be the greatest in the Lord's kingdom, and who were therefore told by the Lord that they should eat and drink at His table in His kingdom, and should sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Luke 22:24, 30), thus that they should reign with Him. It is evident that these things were said in accordance with their ideas, and thus in accordance with their apprehension, and that in the interior sense they have a different signification, which at that time could not so well be made known. (What "the twelve thrones" signify on which the apostles were to sit, see n. 2129, 6397.) [2] As regards intercession, the case is this. There is intercession in all love, consequently in all mercy; for mercy is of love. That he who loves, or who feels compassion, continually intercedes, can be seen from examples. A husband who loves his wife, wishes her to be kindly received by others, and to be well treated; he does not say this in express terms, but continually thinks it, consequently is in silence continually entreating it, and interceding for her. Parents act in like manner in favor of their children whom they love. In like manner do those also who are in charity for their neighbor; and they who are in friendship for their friends. From all this it can be seen that there is constant intercession in all love. It is the same in respect to the Lord's intercession for the human race, and in especial for those who are in the good and truth of faith; for toward them there is Divine, that is, infinite love; and there is Divine, that is, infinite mercy. He does not pray the Father for them, and in this way intercede, for this would be to act altogether after a human manner; but He continually excuses, and continually forgives, for He continually feels compassion; and this is done on the part of the Lord Himself, for the Lord and the Father are one (John 14:8-12). [3] A secret that lies still more interiorly hidden in the word "intercession," shall also be told. The Divine truth which proceeds from the Lord continually intercedes in the manner described, because it proceeds from the Divine love. When the Lord was in the world He was the Divine truth; but since He was glorified, which was effected when He rose again, He is the Divine good (n. 7499). It is the Divine good which is meant in the Word in the internal sense by "the Father," and the Divine truth which is meant by "the Son" (n. 2803, 3704, 7499). And as in the Divine truth, which proceeds from the Divine good, there is continual intercession, therefore it is said that the Son entreats the Father, and intercedes for man. This latter idea could be apprehended by man, but the former with difficulty.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8573

8573. 'And Moses cried out to Jehovah, [saying]' means deep grief, and intercession. This is clear from the meaning of 'crying out' - when it refers to the Divine aid which the people demanded in their misery and grief - as deep grief, as also previously in 7782, and intercession, as in 8179. Since 'Moses cried out to Jehovah' means intercession by Divine Truth, which 'Moses' represents, what intercession is and the nature of it must be stated briefly. People who do not know what intercession is can have no other conception of it than this, that the Lord constantly prays to the Father and intercedes for the sinner who pleads in a devout manner and promises to repent. Indeed the simple think that the Lord sits with the Father and speaks to Him about a sinner, asking the Father to give Him that sinner to be in His kingdom and possess eternal happiness. An idea such as this is what very many have about intercession referred to in the Word, where it says that the Lord will entreat the Father on their behalf. But who can fail to see that human ways of thinking were being used in what was said? For everyone at that time, like very many also at the present day, could think of a heavenly kingdom only as they think of an earthly kingdom. The latter serves them to gain an idea of the former. This is plainly evident from the Lord's apostles themselves - from James and John, who asked to sit one on His right, the other on His left in His kingdom, Mark 10:35-37; and also from the rest of the apostles, among whom a quarrel arose over which of them was to be greatest in His kingdom, and to whom the Lord said that they would eat and drink at His table in His kingdom, and that they would sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel, Luke 22:24, 30, and therefore that they would reign with Him. The things He said, it is evident, were adapted to their way of thinking and so to their ability to grasp them; but in the interior sense those things had a different meaning, which could not be made known at that time What twelve thrones with the apostles seated on them mean, see 2129, 6397.

[2] As regards the nature of intercession, all love holds intercession within it, and so does all mercy since mercy is the characteristic of love. Anyone who has love or who has mercy is interceding constantly, as the following examples demonstrate: The husband who loves his wife wishes her to be well-received and well-treated by others. He does not express his wish in actual words, but it is constantly in his thinking, so that he is silently requesting it and interceding for her. Parents do the same thing for their children whom they love. It is likewise what a person governed by charity does for his neighbour, and what one moved by friendship does for a friend. These examples show that intercession is present unceasingly in all love. The same is true of the Lord's intercession for the human race, especially for those with whom the goodness and truth of faith are present; for towards them Divine - that is, infinite - love is shown, and Divine - that is, infinite - mercy. Not that the Lord prays to the Father for them and intercedes in that way; for then He would be acting in an entirely human manner. Rather He is constantly excusing and constantly forgiving, because He is constantly showing mercy; this the Lord Himself is doing since the Lord and the Father are one, John 14:8-12.

[3] An arcanum that lies even more deeply concealed within the word 'intercession' must also be mentioned. Divine Truth which emanates from the Lord intercedes constantly in such a way because it emanates from Divine Love. While the Lord was in the world He was Divine Truth; but now that He has been glorified, which was accomplished when He rose again, He is Divine Good, 7499. Divine Good is what is meant in the Word in the internal sense by 'the Father', and Divine Truth by 'the Son', 2803, 3704, 7499. And since Divine Truth, which emanates from Divine Good, holds constant intercession within it, the Son is said to entreat the Father and to intercede for a person. People were able to grasp the latter notion of the Son, but the former idea of Divine Truth only with difficulty.

Latin(1748-1756) 8573

8573. `Et clamavit Moscheh ad Jehovam [, dicendo]': quod significet lamentationem interiorem et intercessionem, constat ex significatione `clamare' cum de ope Divina, quam populus ex gravi indolentia {1}flagitabat, quod sit lamentatio interior, ut quoque prius n. 7782, atque intercessio, ut n. 8179. Quia per `clamavit Moscheh ad Jehovam' significatur intercessio a Divino Vero, quod per `Moschen' repraesentatur, paucis dicendum quid sit intercessio {2}, et quomodo cum illa se habet: qui {3} non sciunt quid intercessio, non aliam sibi ideam de {4}illa sistere possunt quam quod Dominus continue oret Patrem et intercedat pro peccatore qui devote supplicat et paenitentiam pollicetur; immo simplices cogitant quod Dominus sedeat apud Patrem, et loquatur cum Ipso de peccatore, et quod roget Ipsum ut {5}det illum Sibi, ut sit in regno Suo, et {6}potiatur felicitate aeterna; talem ideam habent perplures de intercessione, de qua in Verbo, ubi dicitur quod Dominus rogabit Patrem Suum pro illis; sed quis non videre potest quod haec dicta sint secundum ideas cogitationis humanae? nam unusquisque illo tempore, sicut et perplures hodie, non aliter potuerunt cogitare de regno caelesti quam sicut cogitant de regno terrestri, ab hoc enim capitur idea de illo, ut manifeste patet ab ipsis apostolis Domini, Jacobo et Johanne, qui petierunt ut unus sederet a dextris, alter a sinistris in regno Ipsius, Marc. x 35-37; {7}et quoque a reliquis apostolis, inter quos quia contentio facta est quis illorum major futurus est in regno Domini, quibus Dominus ideo dixit quod (x)comederent et biberent super mensa Sua in regno Suo, et quod sederent super thronis judicantes duodecim tribus Israelis, Luc. xxii 24, 30, proinde quod regnarent cum Ipso; {8} haec quod secundum ideam ac ita secundum captum {9}illorum dicta sint, et quod significent in interiore sensu aliud, quod non ita tunc potuit propalari, patet; quid duodecim throni, super quibus apostoli, significant, videatur n. 2129, 6397. 2 Cum intercessione ita se habet: in omni amore est intercessio, proinde in omni misericordia, nam misericordia est amoris; quod qui amat aut qui miseretur continue intercedat, constare potest ab exemplis: maritus qui amat uxorem vult ut ab aliis benigne recipiatur utque ei benefiat; hoc non apertis verbis dicit sed continue id cogitat, proinde id continue tacite rogat et pro illa intercedit; similiter faciunt parentes pro liberis suis quos amant; pariter qui in charitate sunt ita faciunt pro proximo, et qui in amicitia pro {10}amico; ex his constare potest quod intercessio insit omni amori jugiter; similiter se habet cum intercessione Domini pro humano genere, et in specie pro illis qui in bono et vero fidei sunt, nam erga illos est Divinus, hoc est, infinitus amor, et est Divina, hoc est, infinita misericordia; nec orat Patrem pro illis et sic intercedit, nam hoc foret prorsus humano more agere, sed continue excusat et continue remittit, nam continue miseretur, et hoc fit apud Ipsum Dominum, nam Dominus et Pater unum sunt, Joh. xiv 8-12. 3 Arcanum quod adhuc interius latet in Verbo intercessionis, etiam dicetur: Divinum Verum, quod procedit a Domino, intercedit tali modo continue, quia procedit a Divino Amore; Dominus cum in mundo fuit, Divinum Verum fuit, (x)at cum glorificatus est, quod factum cum resurrexit, Divinum Bonum est, n. 7499; Divinum Bonum est quod in Verbo in sensu interno intelligitur per `Patrem,' et Divinum Verum per `Filium,' n. 2803, 3704, 7499; et quia inest Divino Vero, quod procedit a Divino Bono, intercessio continua, {11}ideo dicitur quod Filius roget Patrem, et intercedat pro homine; hoc capi potuit ab homine, {12}ast illud aegre. @1 flagitat$ @2 i in sensu interno$ @3 i hoc$ @4 intercessione$ @5 After Sibi$ @6 ibi in$ @7 et a reliquis apostolis, quibus ideo dictum quod sederent super duodecim thronis et judicarent duodecim tribus Israelis$ @8 i tum ad Judaeos, quod comesuri sint cum Abrahamo, Jischako et Jacobo,$ @9 hominis$ @10 socio$ @11 hoc est, misericordia, idcirco$ @12 sed$

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