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属天的奥秘 第9895节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9895

9895. Opposite to the joining thereof, above the girdle of the ephod. That this signifies where there is a conjunction of all things most nearly within the external bond, by which all things are held together in connection and in form, is evident from the signification of "opposite to the joining of the ephod," as being where there is a conjunction of all the things signified by "the ephod," which are the goods and truths in the spiritual kingdom in the external form (see n. 9824); and from the signification of "above the girdle of the ephod," as being most nearly within the external bond, by which all things are held together in connection and in form; for by "above" is signified within, because by higher things are signified interior things (n. 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325); and by "the girdle of the ephod" is signified the external bond by which all things are held together in connection and in form (n. 9828, 9837). How the case herein is, shall be briefly stated. [2] That by the binding of the breastplate to the shoulderpieces above, inward, and underneath, is signified the conjunction of all things of heaven, has been shown above (n. 9891); also that by this last binding, which was above the girdle, is signified their preservation in the lowest part, where good and truth are presented in a natural form (n. 9893). That the things which are lowest, or ultimate, hold the higher or interior things together in their connection and form, may be seen above (n. 9828). This lowest or ultimate is represented by the girdle of the ephod (n. 9828, 9837); but that which is most nearly within or above was represented by that which was opposite to the joining above the girdle, where the breastplate was bound to the ephod underneath.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9895

9895. 'Against the join above the girdle of the ephod' means where the joining together of all things is accomplished, immediately within the outward bond holding everything in connection and form. This is clear from the meaning of 'against the join of the ephod' as where the joining together of all the things meant by 'the ephod' is accomplished, those things being the forms of good and the truths in the spiritual kingdom in an outward form, 9824; and from the meaning of 'above the girdle of the ephod' as immediately within the outward bond holding everything in connection and form. For 'above' means within, because things that are more internal are meant by those said to be higher above, 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325; and 'the girdle of the ephod' means an outward bond holding all things in connection and form, 9828, 9837.

[2] What the situation is in this must be stated briefly. The tying of the breastplate to the shoulder-pieces above it, on its inside, and below, means the joining to all things of heaven, as shown above in 9891; and this lowest tying, above the girdle, means the preservation of the things in the lowest part, where good and truth present themselves in a natural form, 9893. As regards those things which are lowest, or which stand last, and their holding higher or more internal ones in connection and form, see 9828; and that which is lowest or last is represented by the girdle of the ephod, 9828, 9837. But what lies immediately within or above was represented by the part 'against the join above the girdle', where the breastplate was tied below to the ephod.

Latin(1748-1756) 9895

9895. `Contra juncturam ejus supra cingulum ephodi': quod significet ubi conjunctio omnium proxime intra colligamentum externum, per quod omnia continentur in nexu et in forma, constat ex significatione `contra juncturam ephodi' quod sit ubi conjunctio omnium quae per ephodum significantur, quae sunt bona et vera in regno spirituali in forma externa, n. 9824, ex significatione `supra cingulum ephodi' quod sit proxime intra colligamentum externum, per quod omnia continentur in nexu et in forma, nam per `supra' significatur intra, quia per superiora interiora, n. 2148, 3084, 4599, 5146, 8325; et per `cingulum ephodi' colligamentum externum, per quod omnia continentur in nexu et in forma, n. 9828, 9837. [2] Quomodo cum his se habet, paucis dicetur: quod per alligationem pectoralis ad umeralia {1} superius, interius, et inferius, significetur {2}conjunctio omnium caeli, supra n. 9891 ostensum est, et quod per hanc ultimam alligationem, quae supra cingulum, conservatio illorum {3}a parte infima, ubi bonum et verum sistitur in forma naturali, {4} n. 9893; quod illa quae infima sunt, seu quae ultima, contineant superiora seu interiora in nexu et in forma, videatur n. 9828; id infimum seu ultimum repraesentatur per cingulum ephodi, n. 9828, 9837, at quod proxime intra seu supra est, {5}repraesentatum est per id quod est contra juncturam supra cingulum, ubi pectorale ephodo inferius alligatum est. @1 i ephodi$ @2 conservatio$ @3 in$ @4 videatur$ @5 repraesentatur$

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