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属天的奥秘 第9896节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9896

9896. And they shall bind the breastplate by the rings thereof unto the rings of the ephod. That this signifies the conjunction and preservation of all things of heaven by means of the sphere of Divine good in the externals of the spiritual kingdom, is evident from the signification of "binding," as being conjunction and preservation (of which above, where the binding of the breastplate to the ephod was treated of); from the signification of "the breastplate," as being a representative of all things of heaven (n. 9879, 9887); from the signification of "the rings," as being the sphere of Divine good through which there is conjunction (n. 9498, 9501, 9882); and from the signification of "the ephod," as being Divine truth in the spiritual kingdom in the external form, in which the interior things cease (n. 9824), thus the whole external of this kingdom.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9896

9896. 'And they shall tie the breastplate from its rings to the rings of the ephod' means the joining to and preservation of everything in heaven by means of the sphere of Divine Good in the outermost parts of the spiritual kingdom. This is clear from the meaning of 'tying' as joining to and preserving, dealt with in the places above where the tying of the breastplate to the ephod has been the subject; from the meaning of 'the breastplate' as a representative sign of all things of heaven, dealt with in 9879, 9887; from the meaning of 'the rings' as a sphere of Divine Good by which the joining together is accomplished, dealt with in 9498, 9501, 9882; and from the meaning of 'the ephod' as Divine Truth in the spiritual kingdom in an outward form, in which inner things terminate, dealt with in 9824, thus the whole outermost part of that kingdom.

Latin(1748-1756) 9896

9896. `Et alligabunt pectorale ex annulis ejus ad annulos ephodi': quod significet conjunctionem et conservationem omnium caeli per sphaeram Divini Boni in externis regni spiritualis, constat ex significatione `alligare' quod sit conjunctio et conservatio, de qua in superioribus, ubi de alligatione pectoralis ad ephodum actum est; ex significatione `pectoralis' quod sit repraesentativum omnium caeli, de qua n. 9879, 9887; ex significatione `annulorum' quod sint sphaera Divini Boni per quam conjunctio, de qua n. 9498, 9501, 9887; et ex significatione `ephodi' quod sit Divinum Verum in regno spirituali in forma externa, in quod desinunt interiora, de qua n. 9824, ita omne externum illius regni.

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