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属天的奥秘 第9899节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9899

9899. And that the breastplate withdraw not from upon the ephod. That this signifies that all things of heaven are inseparable from the externals of the spiritual kingdom, is evident from the signification of "not to withdraw," as being not to be separated; from the signification of "the breastplate," as being a representative of all things of heaven (see n. 9879, 9887); and from the signification of "the ephod," as being all the external of the spiritual kingdom (n. 9824, 9896).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9899

9899. 'And the breastplate will not come away from upon the ephod' means that all things in heaven are inseparable from the outermost parts of the spiritual kingdom. This is clear from the meaning of 'not coming away from' as not being separated; from the meaning of 'the breastplate' as a representative sign of all things composing heaven, dealt with in 9879, 9887; and from the meaning of 'the ephod' as the whole outermost part of the spiritual kingdom, dealt with in 9824, 9896.

Latin(1748-1756) 9899

9899. `Nec recedet pectorale a super ephodo': quod significet omnia caeli inseparabilia ab externis regni spiritualis, constat ex significatione `non recedere' quod sit non separari, ex significatione `pectoralis' quod sit repraesentativum omnium caeli, de qua n. 9879, 9887, et ex significatione `ephodi' quod sit omne externum regni spiritualis, de qua n. 9824, 9896.

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