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属天的奥秘 第9900节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9900

9900. And Aaron shall carry the names of the sons of Israel. That this signifies the preservation by the Lord of good and truth in respect to all their quality, is evident from the signification of "carrying," when said of the breastplate, by which are signified all the goods and truths of heaven (n. 9879, 9887), as being to preserve, for that which is carried upon the breast is preserved (that "to carry" also, when said of the Divine, denotes to hold together in a state of good and truth, see n. 9500, 9737); from the representation of Aaron, as being the Lord in respect to Divine good (see n. 9806); and from the signification of "the names of the sons of Israel," as being the goods and truths of heaven and of the church in respect to all their quality (n. 9842).

Elliott(1983-1999) 9900

9900. 'And Aaron shall carry the names of the sons of Israel' means the preservation of good and truth, of their entire essential nature imparted to them by the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'carrying' - when it refers to 'the breastplate', by which all the forms of good and the truths belonging to heaven are meant, 9879, 9887 - as preserving, for what is carried on the breast is preserved ('carrying' also means, when it refers to the Divine, holding in a state of goodness and truth, see 9500, 9737); from the representation of 'Aaron' as the Lord in respect of Divine Good, dealt with in 9806; and from the meaning of 'the names of the sons of Israel' as the forms of good and the truths that belong to heaven and the Church, the entire essential nature of them, dealt with in 9842.

Latin(1748-1756) 9900

9900. `Et portabit Aharon nomina filiorum Israelis': quod significet conservationem boni et veri quoad omne quale a Domino, constat ex significatione `portare' cum de pectorali, per quod significantur omnia bona et vera caeli, n. 9879, 9887, quod sit conservare, quod enim portatur super pectore, hoc conservatur; quod etiam `portare' cum de Divino, sit continere in statu boni et veri, videatur n. 9500, 9737; ex repraesentatione `Aharonis' quod sit Dominus quoad Divinum Bonum, de qua n. 9806; et ex significatione `nominum filiorum Israelis' quod sint bona et vera caeli `et Ecclesiae quoad omne quale, de qua n. 9842.

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