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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1047

1047. Mother of the whoredoms and abominations of the earth. That this signifies a religious persuasion from which are the adulterations of good and truth, and profanations of the holy things of the church, is evident from the signification of a mother, as denoting the church, but, in this case, the religious persuasion which, in the general sense, is meant by Babylon; and from the signification of whoredoms, as denoting the adulterations of good and falsifications of truth (concerning which see n. 141, 161, 817, 881); and from the signification of abominations, as denoting profanations (see n. 1044); and from the signification of the earth, as denoting the church; in this case, as to the holy things thereof. That earth in the Word signifies the church may be seen (n. 29, 304, 413, 417, 697, 741, 742, 876).

Concerning Profanations:-

[2] As to profanations, they are of many kinds. The most grievous is, when the truths and goods of the Word, of the church, and of worship, are acknowledged, and the life is in accordance with them, but afterwards are denied, and the life is contrary to them; or even when they are not denied, and yet the life led is contrary to them. This profanation brings about a conjunction and coherence of good with falsity, also of truth with evil; whence it comes to pass that a man is in heaven and in hell at the same time; the consequence of which is, that while heaven wills to have its own, and hell to have its own, and yet they cohere, each is taken away. Hence the man's own life perishes, and he becomes like a brute animal, raving continually, and is carried away by phantasy on every hand, like a dragon in the air; and who also sees in phantasy flakes and chaff as giants and crowds, and looks upon a small vessel as if it were the universe, and so on.

[3] Because such have no longer any human life, therefore they are not called spirits, but somewhat profane, nor are they named "he" or "she," but "it." And when they are seen in the light of heaven they seem to be like calcined skeletons.

But this kind of profanation is rare, since provision is made by the Lord to prevent a man from entering into the faith of truth and into the life of good, unless he can be constantly kept therein even to the last of his life. But concerning this and other kinds of profanation more will be said in the following articles.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1047

1047. The mother of the whoredoms and of the abominations of the earth, signifies a religious persuasion which is the source of adulterations of good and truth, and profanations of the holy things of the church. This is evident from the signification of "mother," as being the church, but here a religious persuasion which in the general sense is meant by "Babylon;" also from the signification of "whoredoms," as being adulterations of good and falsifications of truth (See n. 141, 161, 817, 881); also from the signification of "abominations," as being profanations (See n. 1045); also from the signification of the "earth," as being the church, here as to its holy things. That in the Word "earth" signifies the church may be seen (n. 29, 304, 413, 417, 697, 741, 742, 752, 876).

(Continuation respecting Profanation)

[2] Profanations are of many kinds. The most grievous kind is when one acknowledges and lives according to the truths and goods of the Word, of the church, and of worship, and afterwards denies them and lives contrary to them, or even lives contrary to them and does not deny them. Such profanation effects a conjunction and coherence of good with falsity, and of truth with evil, and from this it comes to pass that man is at the same time in heaven and in hell; consequently, when heaven wills to have its own, and hell wills to have its own, and yet they cohere, they are both swept away, and thus the proper human life perishes, and the man becomes like a brute animal, continually delirious, and carried hither and thither by fantasy like a dragon in the air, and in his fantasy shreds and specks appear like giants and crowds, and a little platter like the universe; and so on.

[3] As such have no longer any human life they are not called spirits, but something profane, nor are they called he or she, but it; and when they are seen in the light of heaven they appear like dried skeletons. But this kind of profanation is rare, since the Lord provides against a man's entering into a belief in truth and a life of good unless he can be kept in them continually even to the end of his life. But this profanation, and other kinds of profanations, will be further treated of in the following articles.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1047 (original Latin 1759)

1047. "Mater scortationum et abominationum terrae." - Quod significet religiosum, ex quo adulterationes boni et veri, et profanationes sanctorum ecclesiae, constat ex significatione "matris", quod sit ecclesia, hic autem religiosum, quod in communi sensu intelligitur per "Babylonem"; ex significatione "scortationum", quod sint adulterationes boni et falsificationes veri (de qua (supra), n. 141, 161, 817(c), 881); ex significatione "abominationum", quod sint profanationes (de qua (supra), n. 1045): et ex significatione "terrae", quod sit ecclesia, hic quoad sancta ejus; quod "terra" in Verbo significet ecclesiam, videatur (supra) (n. 29, 304, 413(b), 417(a), 697, 741 (c, d), 742, 752, 876).

[2] (De Profanationibus.)

Quod profanationes attinet: sunt plura illarum genera; genus gravissimum est, dum vera et bona Verbi, ecclesiae et cultus agnoscuntur et vivitur secundum illa, ac postea negantur et vivitur contra illa, vel etiam non negantur et usque vivitur contra illa: per hanc profanationem fit conjunctio et cohaerentia boni cum falso, tum veri cum malo; inde existit quod homo sit in caelo ac in inferno simul; quare dum caelum vult suum habere, et infernum vult suum, et tamen cohaerent, quod utrumque auferatur; inde perit vita propria hominis, et homo fit sicut brutum animale, continue delirans, et fertur ex phantasia sicut draco in aerem cis et ultra, et quoque videt in phantasia floccos et paleas sicut gigantes et turmas, ac patellam sicut universum, et sic porro.

[3] Quoniam non illis amplius est vita humana, ideo non vocantur spiritus, sed profanum; nec nominantur ille aut illa, sed illud; et cum apparent in luce caeli, apparent sicut adusta sceleta. Sed hoc genus profanationum est rarum, quoniam a Domino providetur ne homo intret in fidem veri ac in vitam boni, nisi in illis usque ad ultimum vitae suae constanter teneri possit. Sed plura de hac profanatione, et postea de generibus aliarum profanationum, in sequentibus articulis dicentur.

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