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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1046

1046. (Verse 5) And upon her forehead a name written, Mystery, Babylon the great. That this signifies, in heart the love of dominion over the world and heaven, to which the holy things of the Word, of the church, and of worship, serve as means, is evident from the signification of a name written upon the forehead, as denoting her quality as to love. For by name is signified the quality of a thing or state, and by forehead is signified love. That name denotes the quality of a thing or state may be seen (n. 102, 148, 676, 695, 841, 892); and that the forehead corresponds to the good of love (n. 497, 852); and from the signification of mystery, as denoting that which lies hid in the heart, and does not appear before the common people. That this is the love of dominion over the world and over heaven, to which the holy things of the church are subservient as means, and that the cupidity and rule of that love is Babylon, has been shown many times in the premises to this chapter (n. 1029). And because that love devastates the church of all truths and goods, therefore this also is meant by Mystery, Babylon the great.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1046

1046. Verse 5. And upon her forehead a name written, Mystery, Babylon the great, signifies having in heart a love of dominion over the world and heaven, which the holy things of the Word, of the church, and of worship are made to serve as means. This is evident from the signification of "a name written upon the forehead," as being what she is as to love, for "name," signifies what a thing or a state is, and "forehead" signifies love. That "name" means what a thing or a state is may be seen n. 102, 148, 676, 695, 841, 892; and that "forehead" corresponds to the good of love, n. 427, 852. Also from the signification of "mystery," as being that which lies hidden in the heart and is not evident to the common people. That this is the love of dominion over the world and over heaven, which the holy things of the church are made to serve as means, and that the cupidity and government of that love is Babylon, has been fully shown in the introduction to this chapter (n. 1029). And as that love devastates the church of all truths and goods, that devastation is also meant by "Mystery, Babylon the great."

Apocalypsis Explicata 1046 (original Latin 1759)

1046. (Vers. 5.) "Et super fronte ejus nomen scriptum, Mysterium, Babylon magna." - Quod significet in corde amorem dominii super mundum et caelum, cui sancta Verbi, ecclesiae et cultus inservirent pro mediis, constat ex significatione "nominis scripti super fronte", quod sit quale ejus quoad amorem; per "nomen" enim significatur quale rei aut status, et per "frontem" significatur amor: (quod "nomen" sit quale rei aut status, videatur (supra, ) n. 102, 148, 676, 695(b), 841, 892; et quod "frons" correspondeat bono amoris, n. 427(a), 852(a)): ex significatione "mysterii", quod sit id quod in corde latet, et non coram vulgo patet; quod hoc sit amor dominii super mundum et super caelum, cui sancta ecclesiae inserviunt pro mediis, et quod illius amoris cupiditas atque regimen sit Babylon, in praemissis ad hoc caput (n. 1029), pluribus ostensum est: et quia amor ille devastat ecclesiam ab omnibus veris et bonis, ideo hoc quoque intelligitur per "Mysterium, Babylonem magnam."

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