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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 1204

1204. And her smoke shall ascend unto ages of ages.- That this signifies that the falsity of evil which they possessed is for ever condemned to hell, is evident from the signification of smoke, as denoting the falsity of evil, concerning which see above (n. 539, 889, 1131); and from the signification of ascending into ages of ages, as denoting to be in hell for ever (in aeternum), consequently also to be condemned to hell. That ages of ages signifies eternity, may be seen (n. 289, 468).

Continuation [concerning the Life of Plants].- The mode in which the spiritual enters by influx into plants and acts upon them, producing conatus, effort, or act, cannot be comprehended by any understanding unless the following propositions are first explained:-

1. Nothing in nature exists or subsists except from the Spiritual, and by means of it.

2. Nature in itself is dead, having been created in order that the Spiritual may be clothed by it with forms to serve for use, and thus be terminated.

3. There are two general forms, the spiritual and the natural; the spiritual being such as that which belongs to animals; and the natural, such as that which belongs to plants.

4. There are three forces inherent in everything spiritual; the active, the creative, and the formative.

5. Plants and animals also - both those which appear in heaven, and those which are in the world - exist from the spiritual, by means of these forces.

6. Both of these - animals and plants - have the same origin, and thence the same soul; the difference being only in the forms into which the influx is received.

7.This origin is in use.

Unless these propositions are first explained, the cause of these wonderful effects in the vegetable kingdom cannot be understood.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 1204

1204. And her smoke goeth up unto the ages of the ages signifies that the falsity of evil that pertains to such is forever condemned to hell. This is evident from the signification of "smoke," as being the falsity of evil (See n. 539, 889, 1131); also from the signification of "going up unto the ages of the ages," as meaning to be in hell forever, consequently to be condemned to hell. (That "the ages of the ages" signifies eternity may be seen n. 289, 468.)


How the spiritual flows in and acts upon plants and produces such a tendency, effort, and action, cannot be comprehended by any understanding, unless the following are first unfolded: 1. Nothing in nature exists and subsists except from the spiritual and by means of it.

2. Nature in itself is dead, being created that the spiritual may be clothed by it with forms that may serve for use, and thus may be terminated.

3. There are two general forms, the spiritual and the natural; the spiritual is such as belongs to animals, and the natural is such as belongs to vegetables.

4. In everything spiritual there are three forces, an active force, a creative force, and a formative force.

5. From the spiritual by means of these forces both plants and animals, both those which appear in heaven and those which are in the world, have their existence.

6. These two classes have the same origin and thus the same soul, the difference being only in the forms into which the influx flows.

7. And that origin is in use. Until these propositions are explained, the cause of so many wonderful effects in the vegetable kingdom cannot be seen by the understanding.

Apocalypsis Explicata 1204 (original Latin 1759)

1204. "Et fumus ejus ascendit in saecula saeculorum." - Quod significet quod falsum mali, quod illis fuerat, damnatum sit inferno in aeternum, constat ex significatione "fumi", quod sit falsum mali (de qua [supra] , n. 539 [a, b] , 889, 1131); et ex significatione "ascendere in saecula saeculorum", quod sit in inferno esse in aeternum, proinde etiam quod damnatum sit inferno.

(Quod "saecula saeculorum" significent aeternum, videatur [supra,] n. 289, 1


(Continuatio [de Vita Vegetabilium] .)

Quomodo spirituale influit et agit in vegetabilia, ac producit illum conatum, nisum et actum, non potest aliquo intellectu comprehendi, nisi prius evolvantur haec sequentia:-

(1.) Quod nihil in Natura existat et subsistat nisi ex spirituali et per illud.

(2.) Quod Natura in se mortua sit, creata ut spirituale ab illa induatur formis quae inserviant usui, ac ut terminetur.

(3.) Quod sint binae formae communes, spiritualis et naturalis, spiritualis qualis est animalium, ac naturalis qualis est vegetabilium.

(4.) Quod tres vires insint omni spirituali; vis agendi, vis creandi, et vis formandi.

(5.) Quod ex spirituali per illas vires existant vegetabilia et quoque animalia, tam quae in caelo apparent, quam quae in mundo.

(6.) Quod eadem origo et inde anima sit utrisque, cum sola differentia formarum in quas fit influxus.

(7.) Et quod illa origo sit in usu.

Haec nisi prius evolvantur, non potest causa effectuum tam mirabilium in regno vegetabili intellectu videri.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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