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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 134

134. Where Satan's throne is. That this signifies where every kind of falsity rules is evident from the signification of where a throne is, as being where anything rules; for by a throne is signified a kingdom; and from the signification of Satan, as being the hells, where and whence all falsities are (concerning which see above, n. 120). Thrones are mentioned in many passages in the Word, and by them, in the spiritual sense, is signified judgment from Divine truths, and, in the highest sense, the spiritual kingdom of the Lord, where the Divine truth of the Lord is received more fully than His Divine good (see Arcana Coelestia 2129, 5313, 5315, 6397, 8625). But as throne is here mentioned in an opposite sense, the consideration of those passages from the Word in confirmation thereof is here omitted; it shall be shown in the following pages.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 134

134. Where Satan's throne is, signifies where all falsities reign. This is evident from the signification of "where the throne is," as being where reigns, for "throne" signifies sovereignty; also from the signification of "Satan," as being the hells where and whence are all falsities (of which above, n. 120. "Thrones" are mentioned in many passages of the Word, and in the spiritual sense they signify judgment from Divine truths, and in the highest sense the Lord's spiritual kingdom, where His Divine truth is received more than His Divine good (See Arcana Coelestia 2129, 5313, 5315, 6397, 8625). But as "throne" is here mentioned in a contrary sense, showing this by passages from the Word will here be omitted. It will be shown in what follows.

Apocalypsis Explicata 134 (original Latin 1759)

134. "Ubi thronus satanae." - Quod significet ubi regnant omnia falsa, constat ex significatione "ubi thronus", quod sit ubi regnat, nam per "thronum" significatur regnum; ex significatione "satanae", quod sint inferna ubi et unde omnia falsa (de qua supra, n. 120). Multis in locis in Verbo memorantur "throni"; et per illos in sensu spirituali significatur Judicium ex Divinis veris, et in supremo sensu regnum spirituale Domini, ubi Divinum Verum plus quam Divinum Bonum Domini recipitur (videatur n. 2129, 5313, 5315, 6397, 8625); sed quia "thronus" nominatur hic in opposito sensu, supersedetur nunc e locis e Verbo id ostendere; ostendetur in sequentibus.

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