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《天堂与地狱》 第384节



{注1}:奸淫是亵渎(996110174)。天堂向淫乱者关闭(2750)。那些在淫乱中体验快乐的人不能进天堂(53927332747-2749275110175)。淫乱者都很残忍,毫无宗教信仰(82427472748)。淫乱者的观念是污秽的(27472748)。在来世,他们喜欢污秽,并在污秽的地狱中(275553945722)。在圣经中,“淫乱”表示对良善的掺假,“卖淫”表示对真理的歪曲(2466272933994865890410648)。【英238】在别处,史威登堡认为悔改赋予人重开天堂的力量(《启示录注解》(Revelation Explained)798:6)。



384. 地上的婚姻是人类的苗床, 也是天堂天使的苗床, 正如前面所说, 天堂来自人类; 而且这些婚姻来自一个属灵的源头, 也就是来自良善与真理的婚姻, 主的神性主要流入婚姻之爱, 故在天堂天使眼中, 地上的婚姻是最为神圣的. 另一方面, 奸淫因是婚姻之爱的对立面, 故被天使视为亵渎. 事实上, 天使在婚姻中看到良善与真理的婚姻, 也就是天堂; 在奸淫中则看到虚假与邪恶的婚姻, 也就是地狱. 所以, 他们甚至一听见有人提及奸淫, 便转身离开. 这就是为何天堂向出于快乐犯奸淫的人关闭. 一旦天堂被关闭, 人就不再承认神性, 也不再承认教会的信仰. 我蒙允许从地狱所放射的气场发觉, 凡陷入地狱的人都与婚姻之爱对立. 地狱所放射的气场就像瓦解并摧毁婚姻的一种无休止的努力. 这表明在地狱, 占主导地位的快乐是奸淫的快乐, 奸淫的快乐则是摧毁良善与真理的结合的快乐, 而这种结合构成天堂. 由此可知, 奸淫的快乐是一种地狱的快乐, 与婚姻的快乐, 也就是天堂的快乐截然对立.

注: 奸淫是亵渎(天国的奥秘 9961, 10174节). 天堂向奸淫者关闭(天国的奥秘 2750节). 那些在奸淫中体验快乐的人不能上天堂(天国的奥秘 539, 2733, 2747-2749, 2751, 10175节). 奸淫者都很残忍, 缺乏宗教信仰(天国的奥秘 824, 2747, 2748节). 奸淫者的观念是淫秽的(天国的奥秘 2747, 2748节). 在来世, 他们喜欢淫秽, 并陷入淫秽的地狱(天国的奥秘 2755, 5394, 5722节). 在圣言中, 奸淫表示对良善的玷污, 卖淫表示对真理的歪曲(天国的奥秘 2466, 2729, 3399, 4865, 8904, 10648节).



384. 人間的婚姻是人類的苗床, 也是天人的苗床。因為正如前面所說, 天國源起於人類, 而且婚姻是出於心靈的源頭, 即良善與真理的結合, 主的神性也主要流入婚愛之中。所以在天人眼中, 人間的婚姻是至為神聖的。反之, 與婚愛相對的淫欲, 在天人眼中是不潔的。因為在婚姻中, 天人看到良善與真理的結合(此乃天國);而在淫欲中, 他們看到邪惡與偽謬的結合(此乃地獄), 甚至他們一聽說淫詞穢語, 便立即走開。所以, 人若喜歡縱欲行淫, 天國對他是閉合的。天國一旦閉合, 上帝就不再被其承認, 任何信仰也不被他接受。

從地獄所發的氣息, 我能看出地獄之人與婚愛是對立的。這氣息仿佛一種永不休止的努力, 意欲毀壞婚姻。這說明地獄的主要快樂是淫欲之樂, 淫欲之樂也是破壞之樂, 意欲破壞那構成天國的良善與真理的結合。由此可見, 淫欲之樂是地獄之樂, 與婚姻之樂(此乃天國之樂)正好相對。

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Heaven and Hell #384 (NCE, 2000)

384. Marriages on earth are the seedbed of the human race and also of the angels of heaven, for as already noted in its own chapter, heaven is from the human race. For this reason, and because they do have a spiritual origin (from the marriage of the good and the true), and because the Lord's divine nature flows especially into this love, these earthly marriages are seen as most holy by heaven's angels. Correspondingly, adultery, as the opposite of marriage love, is seen by them as unholy; for as angels see in marriages a marriage of the good and the true, which is heaven, so in adultery they see a marriage of the false and the evil, which is hell. So if they even hear adultery mentioned, they turn away. This is why heaven is closed to people if they commit adultery because they enjoy it. Once it is closed, the Divine Being is no longer acknowledged, nor is anything of the faith of the church. 1

I could tell that everyone in hell is opposed to marriage love from the aura that emanated from hell. It was like a ceaseless effort to break up and destroy marriages. This showed that the dominant pleasure in hell is the pleasure of adultery, and that the pleasure of adultery is also the pleasure of destroying the union of the good and the true, the union that makes heaven. It follows from this that the pleasure of adultery is a hellish pleasure, diametrically opposed to the pleasure of marriage, which is a heavenly pleasure.


1. Acts of adultery are unholy: 9961, 10174. Heaven is closed to adulterers: 275 [2750?]. People who feel pleasure in acts of adultery cannot enter heaven: 539, 2733, 2747-2749, 2751, 10175. Adulterers are merciless and have no religion: 824, 2747-2748. Adulterers' ideas are filthy: 2747-2748. In the other life they love filth and are in that kind of hell: 2755, 5394, 5722. Acts of adultery in the Word mean adulterations of what is good, and prostitution means the distortion of what is true: 2466, 2729, 3399, 4865, 8904, 10648.


Heaven and Hell #384 (Harley, 1958)

384. Marriages on the earth are most holy in the sight of the angels of heaven because they are seminaries of the human race, and also of the angels of heaven (heaven being from the human race, as already shown above, in the relevant section), also because these marriages are from a spiritual origin, namely, from the marriage of good and truth, and because the Lord's Divine flows especially into that love. Adulteries, on the other hand, are regarded by the angels as profane because they are contrary to conjugial love; for as in marriages the angels behold the marriage of good and truth, which is heaven, so in adulteries they behold the marriage of falsity and evil, which is hell. If, then, they but hear adulteries mentioned they turn away. And this is why heaven is closed up to man when he commits adultery from delight; and when heaven is closed, man no longer acknowledges the Divine nor anything of the faith of the Church. 1That all who are in hell are antagonistic to conjugial love I have been permitted to perceive from the sphere exhaling therefrom, which was like an unceasing endeavour to dissolve and violate marriages; which shows that the reigning delight in hell is the delight of adultery, and the delight of adultery is a delight in destroying the conjunction of good and truth, which conjunction makes heaven. From this it follows that the delight of adultery is an infernal delight directly opposed to the delight of marriage, which is a heavenly delight.


1. Adulteries are profane (Arcana Coelestia 9961, 10174).

Heaven is closed to adulterers (Arcana Coelestia 2750).

Those who have experienced delight in adulteries cannot come into heaven (Arcana Coelestia 539, 2733, 2747-2749, 2751, 10175).

Adulterers are unmerciful and destitute of religion (Arcana Coelestia 824, 2747-2748).

The ideas of adulterers are filthy (Arcana Coelestia 2747-2748).

In the other life they love filth and are in filthy hells (Arcana Coelestia 2755, 5394, 5722).

In the Word "adulteries" signify adulterations of good, and "whoredoms" perversions of truth (Arcana Coelestia 2466, 2729, 3399, 4865, 8904, 10648).


Heaven and Hell #384 (Ager, 1900)

384. Marriages on the earth are most holy in the sight of the angels of heaven because they are seminaries of the human race, and also of the angels of heaven (heaven being from the human race, as already shown under that head), also because these marriages are from a spiritual origin, namely, from the marriage of good and truth, and because the Lord's Divine flows especially into marriage love. Adulteries on the other hand are regarded by the angels as profane because they are contrary to marriage love; for as in marriages the angels behold the marriage of good and truth, which is heaven, so in adulteries they behold the marriage of falsity and evil, which is hell. If, then, they but hear adulteries mentioned they turn away. And this is why heaven is closed up to man when he commits adultery from delight; and when heaven is closed man no longer acknowledges the Divine nor any thing of the faith of church. 1That all who are in hell are antagonistic to marriage love I have been permitted to perceive from the sphere exhaling from hell, which was like an unceasing endeavor to dissolve and violate marriages; which shows that the reigning delight in hell is the delight of adultery, and the delight of adultery is a delight in destroying the conjunction of good and truth, which conjunction makes heaven. From this it follows that the delight of adultery is an infernal delight directly opposed to the delight of marriage, which is a heavenly delight.


1. Adulteries are profane (Arcana Coelestia 9961, 10174).

Heaven is closed to adulterers (2750).

Those that have experienced delight in adulteries cannot come into heaven (539, 2733, 2747-2749, 2751, 10175).

Adulterers are unmerciful and destitute of religion (824, 2747-2748).

The ideas of adulterers are filthy (2747-2748).

In the other life they love filth and are in filthy hells (2755, 5394, 5722).

In the Word adulteries signify adulterations of good, and whoredoms perversions of truth (2466, 2729, 3399, 4865, 8904, 10648).


De Coelo et de Inferno #384 (original Latin)

384. Conjugia in terris, quia sunt seminaria generis humani, et quoque angelorum caeli, (nam ut supra in suo articulo ostensum est, Caelum est ex humano genere,) tum quia ex spirituali origine sunt, nempe ex conjugio boni et veri, ac Divinum Domini in illum amorem principaliter influit, ideo sanctissima sunt coram angelis caeli; et vicissim adulteria, quia sunt contraria amori conjugiali, spectantur ab illis ut profana nam angeli sicut in conjugiis spectant conjugium boni et veri, quod est caelum, ita in adulteriis spectant conjugium falsi et mali, quod est infernum: quapropter dummodo audiunt nominari adulterium, se avertunt; quae etiam est causa, quod cum homo adulterium committit ex jucundo, claudatur ei caelum; quo clauso non amplius agnoscit Divinum, nec aliquid fidei ecclesiae. 1Quod omnes qui in inferno sunt, sint contra amorem conjugialem, percipere datum est ex sphaera inde exhalata, quae erat sicut perpetuus conatus dissolvandi et violandi conjugia; ex qua patuit, quod jucundum regnans in inferno sit jucundum adulterii, et quod jucundum adulterii sit quoque jucundum destruendi conjunctionem boni et veri, quae conjunctio facit caelum. Inde sequitur, quod jucundum adulterii sic jucundum infernale prorsus oppositum jucundo conjugii, quod est jucundum caeleste.


1. Quod adulteria sint profana (9961, 10174).

Quod adulteris claudatur caelum (275 [2750?]).

Quod qui in adulteriis jucundum perceperunt, in caelum venire nequeant (539, 2733, 2747-2749, 2751, 10175).

Quod adulteri sint immisericordes, et absque religioso (824[1], 2747, 2748).

Quod adulterorum ideae sint spurcae (2747, 2748). Quod in altera vita ament sordes, et in talibus infernis sint (2755, 5394, 5722).

Quod per "adulteria" in Verbo significentur adulterationes boni, et per "scortationes" perversiones veri (2466, 2729, 3399, 4865, 8904, 10648).

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