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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 210

210. (Verse 9) Behold, I will make them of a synagogue of Satan. That this signifies those who are in the doctrine of faith alone, and not in charity, is evident from the signification of being of a synagogue of Satan, as being those who are in the doctrine of every kind of falsities (concerning which see above, n. 120.) Here, therefore, by of a synagogue of Satan are meant those who are in the doctrine of faith alone, but not in charity, because, in what is written to the angel of this church those are treated of who are in faith from charity. The reason why these are said to be of a synagogue of Satan is, that they are not in faith, although they think they are, and that they reject charity, as not being a means of salvation, notwithstanding that the Lord flows into faith by means of charity, and not into faith separated from charity; for faith separated from charity is only knowledge (scientia), in which there is no life from the Divine. This is why those who are in the doctrine of faith alone, and not in charity, have no enlightenment; therefore, also, they are in the doctrine of many falsities, which state is specifically signified by a synagogue of Satan. (That there is no faith where there is no charity, may be seen in the small work, The Last Judgment 33-39; and what faith and what charity are, in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 84-107, and 108-122.) That those who are in faith alone are in the doctrine of many falsities, will be seen in the following article.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 210

210. Verse 9. And 1I will give from the synagogue of Satan, signifies those who are in the doctrine of faith alone, and in no charity. This is evident from the signification of "from the synagogue of Satan," as being those who are in the doctrine of all falsities (See above, n. 120). Here therefore, "from the synagogue of Satan" means those who are in the doctrine of faith alone, and in no charity, since what is written to the angel of this church treats of those who are in faith from charity. These are said to be "from the synagogue of Satan" because they are not in faith, although they think they are; and because they reject charity as being no means to salvation, and yet the Lord flows into faith through charity, and not into faith separate from charity; for faith separate from charity is merely knowing [scientia] in which there is no life from the Divine. From this it is that they who are in the doctrine of faith alone, and not in charity, are in no illustration; they are therefore in the doctrine of many falsities, which is specially signified by "the synagogue of Satan." (That there is no faith where there is no charity, see in the small work on The Last Judgment 33-39; and what faith and what charity are, in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 84-107, 108-122.) That they are in the doctrine of many falsities will be seen in the following article.


1. Latin has "and" for "behold," as found in n. 202.

Apocalypsis Explicata 210 (original Latin 1759)

210. (Vers. 9.) " 1

Ecce dabo ex synagoga satanas." - Quod significet illos qui in doctrina de sola fide et in nulla charitate, constat ex significatione "ex synagoga satanae", quod sint illi qui in doctrina omnium falsorum (de qua supra, n. 120); hic itaque per "ex synagoga satanae" intelliguntur illi qui in doctrina de sola fide et in nulla charitate sunt, quoniam in scriptis ad hujus Ecclesiae Angelum agitur de illis qui in fide ex charitate sunt: quod illi "ex synagoga satanae" dicantur esse, est quia in nulla fide sunt, tametsi putant se esse; et quia charitatem rejiciunt sicut nullum medium ad salutem, et tamen Dominus influit per charitatem in fidem, et non in fidem separatam, nam fides separata est modo scientia cui non inest vita a Divino: inde est, quod qui in doctrina de sola fide sunt et non in charitate, in nulla illustratione sint; quare etiam sunt in doctrina plurium falsorum, quae in specie significatur per "synagogam satanae." (Quod nulla fides sit ubi non charitas, videatur in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio n. 33-39: et quid fides et quid charitas, in Doctrine Novae Hierosolymae, n. 84-107, et n. 108-122.) Quod in doctrina plurium falsorum sint, videbitur in articulo nunc sequente.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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