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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 211

211. Who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie. That this signifies who believe themselves to be in truths when nevertheless they are in falsities is evident from the signification of Judah, which, in the highest sense, is the Lord as to celestial love, in the internal sense, the celestial kingdom of the Lord, and the Word, and, in the external sense, the doctrine from the Word which is of the celestial church (concerning which see above, n. 119). Hence it is, that by their saying they are Jews is signified that they believe themselves to be in genuine doctrine, thus in essential truths. Also from the signification of do lie, as being to be in falsities; for by a lie in the Word is signified falsity of doctrine (concerning which see Arcana Coelestia 8908, 9248). Those who are in faith alone, and not in charity, do not know that they are in falsities, because they believe that they are in truths, when, notwithstanding, from the false principle that faith alone saves falsities flow in a continual series; for the principle assumed draws everything to its own side, because they must be connected with it. This is why they are in such great ignorance with respect to the things of heaven and the church. That these are in such ignorance is evident from the circumstance that they do not know what celestial love is, which is love to the Lord; what spiritual love is, which is charity to the neighbour; what is meant by neighbour, by good, and by the conjunction of good and truth, by spiritual life, and what spiritual affection, what conscience, free-will, or regeneration are, what spiritual temptation, baptism and the holy supper are, and why they are commanded; what the spiritual sense of the Word is, what the nature of heaven and hell, and that both the one and the other are from the human race; besides many other things of which they are ignorant. It is from such ignorance that falsities flow when they think of these things, because they think without enlightenment; for, as said above, they can neither think interiorly, nor have they any internal sight respecting anything spiritual. (See, moreover, what is said and shown concerning this in Arcana Coelestia, viz., that faith separated from charity is no faith, n. 654, 724, 1162, 1176, 2049, 2116, 2343, 2349, 3849, 3868, 6348, 7039, 7822, 9783; that such faith perishes in the other life, n. 2228, 5820: that when faith alone is established as a principle, truths are contaminated by the false principle, n. 2435; that such persons will not suffer themselves to be persuaded, because it is against their principle, n. 2385; that doctrinals of faith alone destroy charity, n. 6353, 8094; that those who are in faith separated from charity, are inwardly in the falsities of their own evil, although they are ignorant of this, n. 7790, 7950; that therefore good cannot be conjoined to them, n. 8981, 8983; that faith separated from love and charity, is as the light of winter, when all things on the earth become torpid, and when there is no production of corn, of fruits, and flowers; but that faith from love or charity is as the light of spring and summer, in which all things flourish and are productive, n. 2231, 3146, 3412, 3413. That the light of winter, which is that of faith separated from charity, is turned into dense darkness when light flows in out of heaven; and that those who are then in such faith become blind and stupid, n. 3412, 3413; that those who separate faith from charity in doctrine and life are in darkness, thus in ignorance of truth, and in falsities, n. 9186; that they cast themselves into falsities, and thence into evils, n. 3325, 8094; the errors and falsities into which they cast themselves, n. 4721, 4730, 4776, 4783, 4925, 7779, 8313, 8765, 9224; that the Word is closed to them, n. 3773, 4783, 8780; that they do not see and attend to the things which the Lord so often spoke concerning love and charity, and concerning fruits and good works, n. 1017, 3416; that they do not know what good is, nor consequently what celestial love is, nor what charity is, n. 2417, 3603, 4126, 9995; that the simple in heart, who still are wise, nevertheless know what the good of life is, and consequently what charity is, and not what faith separated from charity is, n. 4741, 4754.)

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 211

211. Of those saying that they are Jews, and are not, but do lie, signifies who believe themselves to be in truths, when yet they are in falsities. This is evident from the signification of "Judah," which is in the highest sense, the Lord in respect to celestial love; in the internal sense the Lord's celestial kingdom and the Word, and in the external sense, doctrine from the Word which belongs to the celestial church (of which see above, n. 119). From this it is that "to say that they are Jews" signifies to believe themselves to be in genuine doctrine, thus in truths themselves. This is evident also from the signification of "to lie," as meaning to be in falsities, for "a lie" signifies in the Word the falsity of doctrine (about which see Arcana Coelestia 8908, 9248).

They who are in faith alone and in no charity, know not that they are in falsities, because they believe themselves to be in truths, when yet, out of the false principle, which is that faith alone saves, falsities flow in a continual series; for a principle draws all things to its own side, since they must be connected with it; and this is the cause of their great ignorance in regard to the things of heaven and the church. That they who are in faith alone are so ignorant is clear from this, that they do not know what celestial love is, which is love to the Lord; what spiritual love is, which is charity towards the neighbor; what the neighbor is, what good is, what the conjunction of good and truth is, what spiritual life is, what spiritual affection is, what conscience is, what freedom of choice is, what regeneration is, what spiritual temptation is, what baptism and the holy supper are, and why they are commanded, what the spiritual sense of the Word is, what heaven and hell are, and that both of them are from the human race; and as to many other things. From this their ignorance falsities flow whenever these subjects are thought about, since they are unable to think, as was said above, from any illustration or to have any internal sight respecting anything spiritual. (See, moreover, what is shown on this subject in Arcana Coelestia, that faith separate from charity is no faith (Arcana Coelestia 654), n. 65, 724, 1162, 1176, 2049, 2116, 2343, 2349, 3849, 3868, 6348, 7039, 7822, 9780, 9783; that such faith perishes in the other life, n. 2228, 5820; that when faith alone is taken as the principle, truths are contaminated by a false principle, n. 2435; that such persons will not suffer themselves to be persuaded, because it is against their principle, n. 2385; that the doctrinals of faith alone destroy charity, n. 6353, 8094; that they who separate faith from charity, are inwardly in the falsities of their own evil, although they are ignorant of it, n. 7790, 7950; that therefore good cannot be conjoined to them, n. 8981, 8993; that faith separate from love and charity is as the light of winter, in which all things of the earth become torpid, and there is no production of corn, fruits, and flowers; but that faith from love of charity is as the light of spring and summer, in which all things flourish and are produced, n. 2231, 3146, 3412, 3413; that the light of winter, which is that of faith separate from charity, is turned into dense darkness when light out of heaven flows in; and that they who are in such faith then become blind and stupid, n. 3412, 3413; that they who separate faith from charity in doctrine and life are in darkness, thus in ignorance of truth and in falsities, n. 9186; that they cast themselves into falsities and into evils therefrom, n. 3325, 8094; the errors and falsities into which they cast themselves, n. 4721, 4730, 4776, 4783, 4925, 7779, 8313, 8765, 9224; that the Word is closed to them, n. 3773, 4783, 8780; that they do not see and attend to all that the Lord so often said about love and charity, and about fruits and good things in act, concerning which n. 1017[1], 3416; that they do not know what good is, thus what celestial love is, nor what charity is, n. 2417, 3603, 4126, 9995; that the simple in heart, who still are wise, know what the good of life is, thus what charity is, but not what faith is separate from charity, n. 4741, 4754)

Apocalypsis Explicata 211 (original Latin 1759)

211. "Dicentium se (ipsos) Judaeos esse (et non sunt) sed mentiuntur." - Quod significet qui credunt se in veris esse, cum tamen sunt in falsis, constat ex significatione "Jehudae", quod illi supremo sensu sit Dominus quoad amorem caelestem, in sensu interno regnum caeleste Domini et Verbum, et in externo doctrina ex Verbo quae ecclesiae caelestis (de qua supra, n. 119); inde est, quod per "dicere se Judaeos esse", significetur credere se in genuina doctrina esse, ita in ipsis veris: et ex significatione "mentiri", quod sit esse in falsis; per "mendacium" enim in Verbo significetur falsum doctrinae (de qua n. 8908, 9248). Illi qui in sola fide sunt et in nulla charitate non sciunt quod in falsis sint, quia credunt quod sint in veris; cum tamen ex falso principio, quod est quod sola fides salvet, fluant falsa in continua serie; trahit enim principium omnia in suas partes, quia cum illo erunt connexa; inde illis tanta ignorantia in rebus caeli et ecclesiae est. Quod illis ignorantia sit, constare potest ex eo, quod non sciant quid amor caelestis qui est amor in Dominum, quid amor spiritualis qui est charitas erga proximum, quid proximus, quid bonum, quid conjunctio boni et veri, quid vita spiritualis, et quid affectio spiritualis, quid conscientia, quid liberum arbitrium, quid regeneratio, quid tentatio spiritualis, quid et cur Baptismus, et quid et cur Sancta Cena, quid sensus spiritualis Verbi, quid caelum et infernum, quod illud et hoc sint ex humano genere, et quid plura alia. Ex ignorantia illorum fluunt falsa cum cogitatur de illis, quoniam ex nulla illustratione, ut supra dictum est, cogitare possunt, nec aliquem visum internum habere de aliqua re spirituali. (Praeterea videantur quae de hac re in Arcanis Caelestibus, ostensa (sunt): Quod nempe fides separata a charitate sit nulla fides, n. 654, 724, 1162, 1176, 2049, 2116, 1

2343, 2349, 3849, 3868, 6348, 7039, 2

7822, 9780 (, 9783). Quod talis fides in altera vita pereat, n. 2228, 5820; quum pro principio ponitur sola fides, quod vera contaminentur falso principio, n. 3

2435; quod nec se persuaderi patiantur quia contra principium, n. 2385. Quod doctrinalia de sola fide destruant charitatem, n. 6353, 8094. Quod illi qui fidem separant a charitate, intus in falsis sui mali sint, tametsi hoc non sciunt, n. 7790, 7950. Quod ideo non illis conjungi possit bonum, n. 8981, 8993. Quod fides separata ab amore et charitate sit sicut lux hiemis, in qua omnia telluris torpent, et nihil messis, fructus et floris producitur; at quod fides ex amore seu charitate sit sicut lux veris et aestatis, in qua omnia florent et producuntur, n. 2231, 3146, 3412, 3413. Quod lux hiemalis, quae est fidei separatae a charitate, vertatur in densas tenebras cum influit lux e caelo; et quod illi tunc qui in ea fide sunt in caecitatem et stupiditatem veniant, n. 3412, 3413. Quod qui fidem a charitate separant doctrina et vita in tenebris sint, ita in ignorantia veri, et in falsis, n. 9186; quod se conjiciant in falsa et inde mala, n. 3325, 8094. Errores et falsa in quae se conjiciunt, n. 4721, 4730, 4776, 4783, 4925, 7779, 8313, 8765, 9224. Quod Verbum illis sit occlusum, n. 3773, 4783, 8780. Quod non videant et attendant ad omnia illa quae Dominus toties locutus est de amore et charitate, deque fructibus seu bonis actu, de quibus, n. 1017, 3416; quod nec sciant quid bonum, ita nec quid caelestis amor, et quid charitas, n. 4

2417, 3603, 4126, 9995. Quod simplices corde, et usque sapientes, sciant quid bonum vitae, ita quid charitas, et non quid fides separata, n. 4741, 4754.)


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