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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 444

444. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand.- That this signifies good works, is evident from the representation, and hence signification, of Levi and his tribe, as denoting spiritual love which is called charity towards the neighbour. The tribe of Levi here signifies good works, because spiritual love or charity consists in doing goods, which are good works. Charity itself, considered in itself, is the affection for truth and good, and where that affection is, there a life according to truths and goods is found, for affection without a life according to the truths and goods by which it is bestowed has no existence; if it be thought to exist and to be present, it is a natural, not a spiritual affection. These two affections differ in this, that natural affection has for its end self and the world. Therefore the truths and goods with which a man is then affected he loves for his own reputation's sake, in order to obtain honours and wealth, in which case the life which he lives, according to the doctrinals he had learned, is merely put on from self for the sake of appearance and therefore is a life of pretence and interior hypocrisy. But spiritual affection has for its end the Lord, heaven, and eternal life, which it looks to in truths and goods, and so loves truths and goods spiritually. When a man possesses this affection he then loves to think and to will those things, consequently to live according to them. To live according to goods and truths is meant in the Word by doing, and the life itself, by the deeds and works so frequently mentioned in the Word. These things, therefore, are represented and signified by Levi and his tribe in the church with the Jews.

[2] Because this affection is the very essential of the church, therefore the tribe of Levi was made the priesthood; and the staff of Levi in the tent of the assembly blossomed with almonds; and for the same reason, an inheritance was not given to that tribe as to the other tribes, but [it was] amongst each of them. That the tribe of Levi was made the priesthood, is well known; for not only was Aaron made the chief priest, but also his sons succeeded him, and all the Levites were given them for the purpose of ministering. That Moses and Aaron were of the tribe of Levi, may be seen in Exodus (6:20); Numbers (18:2); and that the Levites were appointed to be ministers of Aaron and his sons, is seen in Moses. The tribe of Levi was chosen for the priesthood to keep the charge of the whole assembly before the tent of the congregation to do the service of the Tabernacle; and the Levites were given to Aaron, and taken instead of all the first-born.

[3] Concerning their ministry and offices see Numbers (3:1 to end). The priesthood was given to the tribe of Levi, because it represented, and thence signified, love and charity.

Love and charity are the affection for spiritual good and truth; for affection is the term used of love in its continuity, affection being the continuity of love. The same is also signified in the Word by the priesthood and its ministry. For this affection is the essential of the church, since where that is, there is the church, and where it does not exist the church does not exist. For the affection for good and truth is the very spiritual life of man, because when man is affected with good and truth, he is then in good and truth as to his life; his very thought is then nothing but affection in a varied form, for a man draws whatever he thinks, from his thought, since no one can think without affection. This then is the reason why the tribe of Levi was appointed to the priesthood. A similar thing is related of the Levites in Ezekiel, where a new earth, a new city, and a new temple are treated of (40:46; 43:19; 44:15; 48:11, 12).

[4] Because the tribe of Levi represented, and thence signified, charity in act, thus the goods of charity, which are good works, therefore the staff of Levi upon which was written the name of Aaron, and which was placed in the tent of the congregation, bloomed with almonds (Num. 17:2-11). Almonds signify the goods of charity, for all things of the church in man flourish from these, because when he possesses the goods of charity, he possesses intelligence and faith, being in the affection of understanding what he knows from the Word, and in the will to act according to what he knows. Since it is necessary for the good of charity to be in all things of the church, in order that the church may be in them, and because the very affection for good and truth, which is charity, gives the power to understand, and instructs all, therefore the tribe of Levi was not only appointed to the priesthood, but also neither lot nor inheritance was granted to that tribe as to the rest, but it was amongst all, as is evident in Moses (Num. 35:1 to end; and in Joshua 21:1 to end). On this account it is said in Moses,

"Levi hath no part nor inheritance with his brethren; Jehovah is his inheritance" (Deuteronomy 10:9).

[5] And because, as we have stated, every man acquires knowledge, intelligence and wisdom, according to his affection for good and truth, therefore it is also said in Moses,

"Jehovah God hath chosen" the sons of Levi "to minister unto him, and to bless in his name; and according to their mouth shall every controversy and every stroke be" (Deuteronomy 21:5).

These words, in the spiritual sense, signify that the affection for good and truth, which is charity, ministers to the Lord, and teaches the things pertaining to the church and worship, and distinguishes falsities from truths, and evils from goods; for "the sons of Levi," in the spiritual sense, signify the affection for good and truth, which is charity. From these observations it is evident that the tribe of Levi was chosen for the priesthood, and had an inheritance among all the tribes, not because that tribe was better than the rest, but because it represented charity in act, and good works, which are the effects of all good and truth in man.

[6] That the tribe of Levi signifies in the Word the goods of charity, which are good works, is also evident from the following passages.

In Jeremiah:

"In those days, and at that time, will I cause a just branch of David to grow up; and he shall execute judgment and justice in the land. In those days shall Judah be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely; and this is the name whereby He shall be called, Jehovah our Justice. There shall not be cut off from David a man sitting upon the throne of the house of Israel; and from the priests, the Levites there shall not be cut off a man from before my faces to offer the burnt-offering, and to kindle the meat-offering, and to do sacrifice continually. If ye shall render vain my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, then will also my covenant become of no effect with David my servant, that he shall not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, my ministers. As the host of the heavens is not numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured; so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites my ministers" (Jeremiah 33:15-17, [18,] 20-22).

Here the subject is the coming of the Lord, who is the branch of David, and is called Jehovah our Justice. That Judah shall then be saved, and Israel dwell safely, signifies that then those will be saved who are in love to the Lord. That Israel shall dwell safely signifies that then those who are in charity towards their neighbour will not be infested by evils and falsities. There shall not be cut off from David a man sitting upon the throne of the house of Israel, signifies that then Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord shall reign continually in the church, the throne of the house of Israel denoting the church where it reigns. And from the priests the Levites there shall not be cut off a man from before my faces to offer the burnt-offering, and to kindle the meat-offering, and to do sacrifice continually, signifies, that then there shall be worship continually from the good of love and charity, and from the truths of faith.

[7] The Levites signify those who are in such worship; the burnt-offering signifies worship from the good of love; the meat-offering worship from the good of charity towards the neighbour; and the sacrifice, worship from the truths of faith. If ye shall render vain my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night signifies if they did not observe these two things, which make conjunction with the Lord, love and faith; covenant denotes conjunction; the covenant of the day, conjunction by love, and the covenant of the night, conjunction by faith. Then will also my covenant become of no effect with David my servant, that he shall not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests my ministers, signifies that then they would have neither Divine truth, nor Divine Good. The Levites the priests and ministers are those who are in the good of love to the Lord, and in worship thence. As the host of the heavens is not numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured, signifies the knowledges of truth and good in the spiritual and natural man, the host of heaven denoting those knowledges in the spiritual man, and the sand of the sea the same in the natural man. So will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites my ministers, signifies the multiplication of Divine Truth, and the fructification of Divine Good, in those who have conjunction with the Lord. The Levites, the priests, here and elsewhere in the Word, signify those who are in the good of love and charity, and in the abstract sense that good itself.

[8] In Malachi:

"Behold, I send my angel, who shall prepare the way before me; and the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple, and the angel of the covenant whom ye desire; for he is as a refiner's fire, and as fuller's soap; and he shall sit refining and purifying the silver, and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and shall purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to Jehovah a meat-offering in justice. Then shall the meat-offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant to Jehovah, according to the days of an age, and according to the former years" (242:9 and 433:12), where it is shown that by the sons of Levi are meant all those who are in the good of charity, and thence in the good of faith. The subject is the coming of the Lord. His Divine Human is meant by His temple, to which Jehovah the Lord shall come; and that He would purify those who are in the good of charity, and thence in the good of faith, is meant by His purifying and purging the sons of Levi. That the sons of Levi themselves are not meant is evident, for it is said that He shall then purify and purge them, and that the meat-offering of Judah and Jerusalem shall then be pleasant to Jehovah. It is known that the Lord did not purify and purge the Levites; nor was the meat-offering of Judah and Jerusalem pleasant to the Lord, for they were altogether against the Lord, and worship by sacrifices and meat-offering was at that time abrogated. For by Judah there, is meant all who are in the good of love to the Lord, and by Jerusalem the church which is in truths of doctrine; see above (n. 433).

[9] Again, in Moses:

"And of Levi he said, thy Thummim and thy Urim, to thy holy man whom thou didst prove in Massah, and with whom thou didst strive, at the waters of Meribah; who said to his father and to his mother, I have not seen you; neither did he acknowledge his brethren, nor know his sons; for they shall guard thy word, and they shall keep thy covenant. They shall teach Jacob thy judgments, and Israel thy law; they shall put incense to thy nostril, and whole burnt-sacrifice upon thine altar. And accept the work of his hands; smite through the loins of them that rise against him, and of them that hate him, that they rise not again" (Deuteronomy 33:8-11).

These words occur in the blessing of the sons of Israel by Moses, in which the subject treated of is the Word, which in the representative sense is signified by Moses. By Urim and Thummim is signified Divine Truth shining forth from Divine Good, therefore the Word; and by Levi is meant the spiritual affection for truth. The holy man whom they tempted in Massah, and at the waters of Meribah, means the Lord as to Divine Truth, for the rock at which that temptation took place signifies the Lord, and the waters issuing thence signify Divine truths. The father and mother to whom he said, "I have not seen you," signify the Israelitish church, which did not acknowledge the Lord, the church being called father from good, and mother from truth. His brethren whom he did not acknowledge, and his sons whom he knew not, mean the goods and truths of the church, which that church did not possess, brethren denoting goods, and sons denoting truths.

[10] But because the sons of Levi signify the goods and truths of the church, and generally, the spiritual affection for truth and good, it is therefore said of them, they shall guard thy word, and keep thy covenant; they shall teach Jacob thy judgments, and Israel thy law. This signifies that those who are in the spiritual affection for truth act according to the Word, and teach the goods and truths of the church, for it is the spiritual affection for truth that itself acts and teaches, because the Lord flows into that affection, doing the good in man, and teaching truth in him. The Word in this passage is the Divine Truth, and "to guard it" means to act, covenant denoting conjunction with the Lord by means of it. Judgments are truths of doctrine from the Word; the law is the good of truth; Jacob and Israel are the church. They shall put incense to thy nostril, signifies worship from the truths of doctrine; and whole burnt-sacrifice upon thine altar, signifies worship from the good of love. Smite through the loins of them that rise against him, signifies the dissipation of falsities by truths; and smite through the loins of them that hate him, that they rise not again, signifies the dissipation of evils. These things are said concerning Levi, because Divine Truth, which is the Word, is in those only who are in the spiritual affection for truth. The spiritual affection for truth is love for the truth itself, and esteem for it above every good of the world, because by means of it man has eternal life, which can be implanted in him only by means of truths, therefore by means of the Word, for the Lord teaches truths by the Word. The spiritual affection for truth, which is love for truths above every good of the world, is thus described by the Lord in Matthew:

"The kingdom of the heavens is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls; who, when, he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it" (Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 24, to the end).

[11] That Levi signifies love and charity is evident from the words of his mother Leah when she bare him, which are these:

And Leah "conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Now this time will my man (vir) adhere unto me, because I have borne him three sons; therefore she called his name Levi" (Arcana Coelestia 3873-3877). Levi signifies adhesion, and adhesion signifies conjunction by means of spiritual love. The three sons of Leah, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, born in the order named, signify in their series the chief and primary essentials of the church, truth in the understanding, truth in the will, and truth in act, like the three disciples of the Lord, Peter, James, and John. For Peter signifies truth in the understanding, James, truth in the will, and John, truth in act, which is the good of life, or the good of charity; and adhesion, which in the original tongue is called Levi, signifies conjunction by means of love and charity. That adhesion has this signification may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 3875).

[12] That Levi in the highest sense signifies the Lord as to love and mercy, is evident in Malachi:

"And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant may be with Levi. My covenant of life and peace was with him; which I gave to him in fear, that he might fear me, therefore on account of my name he hath feared for himself. The law of truth was in his mouth, and perversity was not found in his lips; he walked with me in peace and uprightness, and did turn many away from iniquity; the lips of the priest shall seek [the law] from his mouth; for he is the messenger (angelus) of Jehovah of hosts. But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble in the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi" (Malachi 2:4-7,


Here Levi, in the highest sense, means the Lord as to His Divine Human, for it is said of Levi, that "the law of truth was in his mouth, and perversity was not found in his lips," that "the lips of the priest shall seek [the law] from his mouth, for he is the messenger of Jehovah of Hosts." The covenant, therefore, of Levi means conjunction with the Lord by means of love and charity; the covenant of life and peace signifies that conjunction, and the fear which is also stated of Him, signifies love. The lips of the priest shall seek [the law] from his mouth "signifies, that all the truth of doctrine is from Him, and with those who are in love to Him. He is called the Angel of Jehovah from the Divine Truth which the Lord teaches in the Word and by means of the Word. Their departing out of the way, and causing many to stumble in the law, and corrupting the covenant of Levi, signifies that the church with the Israelites perverted the truths of the Word, and thence the goods of life, and therefore destroyed conjunction with the Lord; way signifying the truths of doctrine, the law, the goods thereof, and the covenant of Levi, conjunction with the Lord. From these things the signification of Levi and his tribe in the representative sense is evident, namely, the good of charity, which is the good of life, also the spiritual affection for good and truth, and, in the highest sense, the Lord as to spiritual love.

[13] Since most things in the Word have also an opposite sense, so have Levi and his tribe, and in this sense Levi signifies the evil of falsity, which is contrary to the good of charity; and also a life without charity, consequently, the absence of charity towards the neighbour. This is signified by Levi in the prophecy of Israel concerning his sons:

"Simeon and Levi are brethren; weapons of violence are their swords; into their secret let not my soul come, in their congregation let not my glory be united; because in their anger they slew a man, and in their good pleasure they unstrung an ox. Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce, and their wrath, for it was hard; I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel" (4436).

[14] This opposite sense is also meant by the Levite in the Lord's parable concerning the man wounded by robbers. This parable shall be explained here, because it treats of charity towards the neighbour, and because the Lord spoke therein from beginning to end by correspondences, which have not hitherto been known.

A lawyer "willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, Who is my neighbour? Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead, and by chance there came down a certain priest that way; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two-pence (denarii), and gave them to the host, and said, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. Which now of these three thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the robbers? And he said, He that showed mercy unto him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise" (Arcana Coelestia 3875, 3876, 3877, 4497, 4502, 4503, 6352, 10017).

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 444

444. Of the tribe of Levi twelve thousand sealed, signifies good works. This is evident from the representation and consequent signification of "Levi" and his tribe, as being spiritual love, which is called charity towards the neighbor. "The tribe of Levi" here signifies good works because spiritual love or charity consists in doing things that are good, and these are good works. Charity, itself, viewed in itself, is the affection of truth and good, and where that affection is, there is a life according to truths and goods, for there is no affection without a life according to the truths and goods for which there is affection. If such affection is thought to be possible and to be present, it is a natural not a spiritual affection. These two kinds of affection differ in this, that natural affection has self and the world for an end; thus the truths and goods by which it is affected are loved 1for the sake of reputation, that honors and wealth may be acquired, and then a life according to the doctrinals that have been learned is put on merely from self for the sake of appearance, which is thus a feigned life and inwardly hypocritical; while spiritual affection has the Lord, heaven, and eternal life for an end, and has regard to these in truths and goods; thus it loves truths and goods spiritually. When this affection is with man he loves to think and to will these truths and goods, and consequently to live according to them. To live according to truths and goods is what is meant in the Word by "doing," and the life itself is meant by "deeds" and "works" which are so often mentioned in the Word; these, therefore, are what were represented and signified by "Levi" and his tribe in the church with the Jews.

[2] Because this affection is the very essential of the church, the tribe of Levi was assigned to the priesthood; this, too, is why Levi's staff in the tent of meeting blossomed with almonds; and this is why no inheritance was given to that tribe as to the other tribes, but among them all. It is known that the tribe of Levi was appointed to the priesthood; for not only was Aaron made high priest, but also his sons after him, and all the Levites were made ministers to them. That Moses and Aaron were of the tribe of Levi may be seen in Exodus 6:20; Numbers 18:2; and that the Levites were made ministers to Aaron and his sons, in Moses:

The tribe of Levi was taken for the priesthood, to keep the charge of the whole congregation before the tent of meeting, to serve the service of the tabernacle. And the Levites were given to Aaron, and accepted in place of all the firstborn; and further respecting their ministries and functions (Numbers 3 end).

[3] The priesthood was given to this tribe because it represented and thence signified love and charity. Love and charity are the spiritual affection of good and truth; since affection is predicated of love in its continuity, for affection is the continuation of love. This, too, is what the priesthood and its ministry signify in the Word, for this affection is the essential of the church, for where it is there the church is, and where it is not there the church is not; for the affection of good and truth is the very spiritual life of man, and when man is affected by good and truth he is in good and truth in respect to his life, and his thought itself is nothing but affection in a different form, for whatever a man thinks he derives from affection; no one can think without affection. This is why the tribe of Levi was appointed to the priesthood. The like is said of the Levites in Ezekiel, where a new land, a new city, and a new temple are treated of (Ezekiel 40:46; 43:19; 44:15; 48:11, 12).

[4] Because the tribe of Levi represented and thence signified charity in act, thus the goods of charity, which are good works, therefore:

The rod of Levi, upon which was written the name of Aaron, when placed in the tent of meeting before the testimony, blossomed with almonds (Numbers 17:2-11);

"almonds" signifying the goods of charity, since by these all things of the church flourish in man, for when the goods of charity are with man there are also intelligence and faith, for man is then in the affection of understanding what he knows from the Word, and in the will to do according to what he knows. Because the good of charity must be in all things of the church that the church may be in them, and because the affection itself of good and truth, which is charity, is what gives understanding and instruction to all, so not only was the tribe of Levi appointed to the priesthood, but there was no lot and inheritance granted to that tribe like that granted to the other tribes, but was among them all (as is evident in Moses, Numbers 21 and in Joshua 21:1 to the end). So it is said in Moses:

Therefore no part or inheritance with his brethren fell to Levi; Jehovah Himself is his inheritance (Deuteronomy 10:9).

[5] And because (as has been said) every man acquires knowledge (scientia), intelligence, and wisdom, according to the affection of good and truth that is in him, it is said in Moses:

Jehovah God hath chosen the sons of Levi to minister unto Him and to bless in His name, and according to their mouth shall be every controversy and every stroke (Deuteronomy 21:5).

This signifies in the spiritual sense that the affection of good and truth, which is charity, ministers to the Lord, and teaches those things that are of the church and worship, and discerns between falsities and truths, and between evils and goods; for "the sons of Levi" signify in the spiritual sense the affection of good and truth, which is charity. From this it can be seen that the tribe of Levi was chosen for the priesthood, and an inheritance was given to it among all the tribes, not because that tribe was better than the others, but because it represented charity in act, and good works, which are the effects of all good and truth in man.

[6] That "the tribe of Levi" signifies in the Word the goods of charity, which are good works, can be seen also from the following passages. In Jeremiah:

In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous shoot to sprout up unto David; and He shall do judgment and righteousness in the land. In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem 2shall dwell safely; and this is the name whereby He shall be called, Jehovah our righteousness. There shall not be cut off from David a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel, and from the priests the Levites there shall not be cut off a man from before My faces to offer up the burnt-offering and to burn the meal-offering, and to do sacrifice all the days. If ye shall have rendered void My covenant of the day and My covenant of the night, My covenant also with David My servant shall become void that he shall not have a son to reign, and with the Levites, the priests My ministers. As the host of the heavens is not numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured, 3so will I multiply the seed of David My servant and the Levites My ministers (Jeremiah 33:15-18, 20-22).

This treats of the coming of the Lord, who is "the shoot of David," and who shall be called "Jehovah our Righteousness." "Judah shall then be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely," signifies that then those who are in love to the Lord shall be saved; "Israel shall dwell safely" signifying that those who are in charity towards the neighbor shall not be infested by evils and falsities; "there shall not be cut off from David a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel" signifies that Divine truth proceeding from the Lord is then to reign perpetually in the church, "the throne of the house of Israel" meaning the church wherein Divine truth reigns; "and from the priests the Levites there shall not be cut off a man from before My faces to offer up the burnt-offering and to burn the meal-offering, and to do sacrifice" signifies that then there shall be worship perpetually from the good of love and charity, and from the truths of faith; "Levites" signifying those who are in such worship; "burnt-offering" the worship from the good of love, "meal-offering" worship from the good of charity towards the neighbor; and "sacrifice" worship from the truths of faith.

[7] "If ye shall have rendered void My covenant of the day and My covenant of the night," signifies if they did not observe the two things, love and faith, that effect conjunction with the Lord; "covenant" meaning conjunction; "covenant of the day" conjunction by love, and "covenant of the night" conjunction by faith; "My covenant also with David My servant shall become void, that he shall not have a son to reign, and with the Levites the priests, My ministers," signifies that they shall then have neither Divine truth nor Divine good; "Levites, priests, ministers," are such as are in the good of love to the Lord and in worship therefrom; "as the host of the heavens is not numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured," signifies the knowledges of truth and good in the spiritual and in the natural man; "host of the heavens" meaning such knowledges in the spiritual man, and "sand of the sea" meaning such knowledges in the natural man; "so will I multiply the seed of David My servant, and the Levites My ministers," signifies the multiplication of Divine truth, and the fructification of Divine good in those who have conjunction with the Lord; here as elsewhere "the Levites, the priests," signify those who are in the good of love and charity, and in an abstract sense, that good itself.

[8] In Malachi:

Behold I send My messenger, and He shall prepare the way before Me; and the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to His temple, even the angel of the covenant, whom ye desire. For He is like a refiner's fire, and like fuller's soap; and He shall sit refining and purifying silver, and shall purify the sons of Levi, and shall purge them as gold and silver, that they may bring to Jehovah an offering in righteousness. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be sweet unto Jehovah; according to the days of an age and according to former years (242, and 4433); and that "the sons of Levi" here mean all who are in the good of charity, and thence in the good of faith. This treats of the Lord who was to come; His Divine Human is what is meant by "His temple" to which Jehovah the Lord was to come; that He will purify those who are in the good of charity, and thence in the good of faith, is meant by "He shall purify and purge the sons of Levi." Evidently the sons of Levi are not meant, for it is said that "He shall then purify and purge them," and that "the offering of Judah and Jerusalem shall then be sweet unto Jehovah," and it is known that the Lord did not purify and purge the Levites, and that the offering of Judah and Jerusalem was not sweet to the Lord, for they were utterly opposed to the Lord, and worship by sacrifices and offerings was then abrogated. For "Judah" here means all who are in the good of love to the Lord, and "Jerusalem" the church that is in the truths of doctrine (See above, n. 433).

[9] In Moses:

Moses said of Levi, Thy Thummim and Thy Urim for Thy holy man, whom thou didst tempt in Massah, with whom thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah; who said to his father and to his mother, I have not seen him; 5and his brethren he did not recognize, and his sons he did not know; they shall keep Thy word and they shall observe Thy covenant. They shall teach Jacob Thy judgments, and Israel Thy law; they shall put incense in Thy nostrils, and whole burnt offering upon Thine altar, and accept the work of his hands; smite through the loins of them that rise against him and of them that hate him, that they rise not again (Deuteronomy 33:8-11).

This is in the blessing of the sons of Israel by Moses, which treats of the Word, because this is signified in the representative sense by "Moses;" and "Urim and Thummin" signify the Divine truth shining forth from Divine good, thus the Word; and "Levi" here means the spiritual affection of truth; the "holy man whom they tempted in Massah and at the waters of Meribah" means the Lord in respect to Divine truth, for the "rock" at which that temptation took place signifies the Lord, and the "waters" from it signify Divine truths; "the father and mother to whom he said I have not seen you" signify the Israelitish church, which did not acknowledge the Lord; the church is called "father" from good, and "mother" from truth; "his brethren whom he did not recognize, and his sons whom he did not know," mean the goods and truths of the church, which were not with them, "brethren" meaning goods, and "sons" truths.

[10] But as "the sons of Levi" signify the goods and truths of the church, and in general the spiritual affection of truth and good, it is said of them "they shall keep Thy Word, they shall observe Thy covenant; they shall teach Jacob Thy judgments, and Israel Thy law," which signifies that those who are in the spiritual affection of truth do the Word and teach the goods and truths of the church, for the spiritual affection of truth is what does and teaches, since it is into that affection that the Lord flows, doing the good with man and teaching the truth with him; "the Word" here means Divine truth, and "to keep it" means to do it; "covenant" means conjunction thereby with the Lord; "judgments" mean the truths of doctrine from the Word; the "law" means the good of truth; "Jacob and Israel" mean the church; "to put incense in the nostrils" signifies worship from the truths of doctrine, and "to put whole burnt offering upon the altar" signifies worship from the good of love. The dispersion of falsities by truth is signified by "smiting through the loins of them that rise against him;" and the dispersion of evils by "smiting through the loins of them that hate him, that they rise not again." This is said of Levi, because Divine truth, which is the Word, can only be with those who are in the spiritual affection of truth. The spiritual affection of truth consists in loving the truth itself, and esteeming it above every good of the world, because through it man has eternal life, and the only means by which eternal life is implanted in man are truths, consequently the Word, for through the Word the Lord teaches truths. The spiritual affection of truth, which is to love truths above every good of the world, is thus described by the Lord in Matthew:

The kingdom of the heavens is like unto a man that is a merchant seeking beautiful pearls; who, when he had found one pearl of great price, going away, sold all that he had and bought it (The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 24 at the end.)

[11] That "Levi" signifies love and charity is evident from the words of his mother Leah when she bare him, which are these:

Leah conceived again and bare a son, and said, Now this time will my husband (vir) cleave unto me, because I have borne him three sons; therefore she called his name Levi (Arcana Coelestia 3873-3877.) "Levi" means a cleaving, and "to cleave" signifies conjunction by spiritual love. The three sons of Leah born in succession, "Reuben, Simeon, and Levi" signify in series the first and chief essentials of the church, namely, truth in the understanding, truth in the will, and truth in act; the same as the three disciples of the Lord, "Peter, James, and John," "Peter" signifying truth in the understanding, "James" truth in the will, and "John" truth in act, which is the good of life or the good of charity. In the original tongue Levi means a cleaving, which signifies conjunction through love and charity. (That this is the signification of "cleaving," see Arcana Coelestia 3875.)

[12] That "Levi" in the highest sense signifies the Lord in relation to love and mercy, is evident in Malachi:

That ye may know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that My covenant may be with Levi. My covenant with him was of life and peace; which I gave to him in fear, that he might fear Me, therefore because of My name he was dismayed. The law of truth was in his mouth, and perversity was not found in his lips; he walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and did turn many away from iniquity. The priest's lips, they shall seek the law from his mouth, for he is the messenger of Jehovah of Hosts. But ye have turned aside out of the way; ye have caused many to stumble in the law; ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi (Malachi 2:4-8).

Here "Levi" in the highest sense means the Lord in respect to His Divine Human, for it is said of Levi, that "the law of truth was in his mouth, and perversity was not found in his lips," and that "the priest's lips they shall seek the law from his mouth, for he is the messenger of Jehovah of Hosts;" therefore "the covenant of Levi" means conjunction with the Lord through love and charity; "the covenant of life and peace" signifies that conjunction; "fear," which is also predicated of Him, signifies love. "The priest's lips they shall seek the law from his mouth" signifies that all truth of doctrine is from the Lord, and is with such as are in love to Him. He is called "the messenger of Jehovah" because of the Divine truth that the Lord teaches in the Word and through the Word; "they turned aside out of the way and caused many to stumble in the law, they corrupted the covenant of Levi," signifies that the church that was among the Israelites perverted the truths of the Word and the goods of life therefrom, and thus destroyed conjunction with the Lord; "way" signifying the truths of doctrine, "law" its goods, and the "covenant of Levi" conjunction with the Lord. From this what is signified in the representative sense by Levi and his tribe can be seen, namely, the good of charity, which is the good of life, also the spiritual affection of good and truth, and in the highest sense, the Lord in relation to spiritual love.

[13] As most things in the Word have also a contrary sense, so has "Levi" and his tribe; and in this sense "Levi" signifies the evil of falsity, which is the opposite of the good of charity; also life apart from charity, consequently no charity towards the neighbor. This is signified by "Levi" in the prophecy of Israel the father respecting his sons:

Simeon and Levi are brethren; instruments of violence are their swords; into their secret let not my soul come; unto their assembly let not my glory be united; for in their anger they slew a man, and in their good pleasure they houghed an ox. Accursed be their anger, for it is strong, and their fury, for it is hard. I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel (443, where "Simeon" is treated of.

[14] Again, the "Levite" in the Lord's parable of the man wounded by robbers has this contrary signification; and that parable shall here be explained, because it treats of charity towards the neighbor, and because the Lord there spoke from beginning to end by correspondences, which have heretofore been unknown. In Luke:

The lawyer wishing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbor? And Jesus continuing said, A certain man was going down from Jerusalem into Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and smote him, and departed leaving him half dead. And by chance a certain priest was going down that way; and seeing him he passed by. And in like manner a Levite, when he was at the place, came and saw and passed by. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to him; and when he saw him he was moved with compassion, and coming near he bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and then setting him on his own beast he led him to an inn and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed he took out two denaries and gave them to the host, and said to him, Take care of him, and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come back again I will repay thee. Which now of these three seems to thee to have been a neighbor unto him that fell among the robbers? He said, He that showed mercy unto him. And Jesus said unto him, Go, and do thou likewise (Arcana Coelestia 3875-3877, 4497, 4502, 4503, 6352, 10017.)


1. The photolithograph has "it is."

2. The photolithograph has "Israel," the Hebrew has "Jerusalem."

3. The photolithograph has "numbered."

4. The photolithograph has "to."

5. The photolithograph has "you."

Apocalypsis Explicata 444 (original Latin 1759)

444. "Ex tribu Levi duodecim millia signati." - Quod significet bona opera, constat ex repraesentatione et inde significatione "Levi" et ejus tribus, quod sit amor spiritualis, qui vocatur charitas erga proximum.

Quod "tribus Levi" hic significet bona opera, est quia amor spiritualis seu charitas consistit in bonis praestandis, quae sunt bona opera. Ipsa charitas in se spectata est affectio veri et boni; et ubi illa affectio est, ibi est vita secundum vera et bona, nam affectio absque vita secundum vera et bona, quibus afficitur, non datur: si putatur dari et adesse, est affectio naturalis et non spiritualis; quae affectiones in eo differunt, quod affectio naturalis pro fine habeat se et mundum (quare vera et bona, quibus afficitur, 1

amat propter sui famam, ut lucretur honores et opes; et tunc vita secundum doctrinalia quae didicerat, est modo a semet assumpta ut appareat, et sic simulata ac interius hypocritica), at affectio spiritualis pro fine habet Dominum, caelum et vitam aeternam, quae spectat in veris et bonis, ita amat vera et bona spiritualiter: et cum haec affectio apud hominem est, tunc homo amat cogitare illa et velle illa, proinde vivere secundum illa; vivere secundum vera et bona intelligitur in Verbo per "facere", ac ipsa vita per "facta" et "opera", quae toties memorantur in Verbo: haec itaque sunt quae per "Levin" et ejus tribum in ecclesia apud Judaeos repraesentata et significata sunt.

[2] Quia haec affectio est ipsum essentiale ecclesiae, ideo tribus Levi sacerdotium facta est; ac ideo ejus baculus in Tentorio conventus floruit amygdalis; et ideo illi tribui non data est hereditas sicut reliquis tribubus, sed inter singulas. Quod tribus Levi sacerdotium facta sit, notum est, nam non modo Aharon factus est summus sacerdos, sed etiam filii ejus post eum, et omnes Levitae dati sunt illis ad ministrandum. Quod Moses et Aharon fuerint ex tribu Levi, videatur Exodus 6:20; 2

Numeri 18:2; et quod Levitae facti sint ministri Aharonis et ejus filiorum, apud Mosen,

Acceptata est tribus Levi in sacerdotium, ut custodirent custodiam totius congregationis coram Tentorio conventus, ad serviendum servitium Habitaculi: ac dati sunt Levitae Aharoni, et acceptati loco omnis primogeniti. Et porro de ministeriis et functionibus eorum (Numeri 3:1 ad fin. ).

[3] Quod sacerdotium isti tribui datum fuerit, erat causa quia repraesentabat amorem et charitatem, et inde amorem et charitatem significabat; amor et charitas est affectio boni et veri spiritualis, nam affectio dicitur de amore in suo continuo, est enim affectio continuum amoris. Simile etiam in Verbo significatur per "sacerdotium" et "ministerium" ejus; illa enim affectio est essentiale ecclesiae, nam ubi illa est ibi est ecclesia, et ubi illa non est ibi nec est ecclesia: nam affectio boni et veri est ipsa vita spiritualis hominis, quando enim homo afficitur bono et vero, tunc est in bono et vero quoad vitam; ipsa cogitatio ejus tunc non est nisi affectio in varia forma, nam quicquid homo cogitat hoc trahit ex affectione; cogitare absque affectione nemo potest. Inde nunc est quod tribus Levi facta sit sacerdotium. Simile dicitur de Levitis apud Ezechielem, ubi agitur de nova terra, nova urbe, et novo templo (cap. 40:46; 43:19; 44:15; 48:11, 12).

[4] Quoniam "tribus Levi" repraesentabat et inde significabat charitatem actu, ita bona charitatis, quae sunt bona opera, ideo

Baculus Levi, super quo scriptum fuit nomen Aharonis, positus in Tentorio conventus coram Testimonio florebat amygdalis (Numeri 17:17-26 [B.A. 2-11]):

per "amygdalas" enim significantur bona charitatis; ex his enim apud hominem florent omnia ecclesiae; nam cum bona charitatis sunt apud hominem, est intelligentia et fides, est enim homo in affectione intelligendi quod scit ex Verbo, et in voluntate faciendi secundum quod scit. Quoniam omnibus rebus ecclesiae inerit bonum charitatis ut in illis sit ecclesia, et quia ipsa affectio boni et veri, quae est charitas, dat intelligere, ac instruit omnes, ideo tribus Levi non modo sacerdotium facta est, sed etiam non ei data est sors et hereditas sicut reliquis tribubus, verum inter omnes (Ut constat apud Mosen, Numeri 35:1 ad fin. ; et apud Josuam, cap. 21:1 ad fin. ): quare dicitur apud Mosen,

"Non contigit Levitis pars et hereditas cum fratribus suis; Jehovah Ipse hereditas ejus" (Deuteronomius 10:9):

[5] et quia, ut dictum est, quisque homo discit scientiam, intelligentiam et sapientiam secundum affectionem boni et veri quae est apud illum, ideo dicitur apud Mosen,

"Jehovah Deus elegit" filios Levi "ad ministrandum Ipsi, et ad benedicendum in nomine Ipsius; et juxta os eorum erit omnis lis et omnis plaga" (Deuteronomius 21:5);

per quae in sensu spirituali significatur quod affectio boni et veri, quae est charitas, ministret Domino, ac doceat illa quae ecclesiae et cultus sunt, ac discernat falsa a veris et mala a bonis; nam per "filios Levi" in sensu spirituali significatur affectio boni et veri, quae est charitas. Ex his constare potest quod tribus Levi electa sit in sacerdotium, et quod ei data sit hereditas inter omnes tribus; non quod illa tribus melior esset reliquis, sed quia repraesentabat charitatem actu et bona opera, quae sunt effectus omnis boni et veri apud hominem.

[6] Quod "tribus Levi" bona charitatis, quae sunt bona opera, in Verbo significet, etiam constare potest a sequentibus his locis:

- Apud Jeremiam,

"In diebus illis et in tempore illo germinare faciam Davidi germen justum, et faciet judicium et justitiam in terra: in diebus illis servabitur Jehudah, et 3

Israel habitabit secure; hoc nomen quod vocabunt Illi, Jehovah Justitia nostra:.... non excidetur Davidi vir sedens super throno domus Israelis, ac sacerdotibus Levitis non excidetur vir a coram faciebus meis, offerens holocaustum et adolens mincham, et faciens sacrificium omnibus diebus. .... Si irritum reddideritis foedus meum diei et foedus meum noctis, ...etiam foedus meum irritum fiet cum Davide servo meo, ut non sit illi, filius regnans, et cum Levitis sacerdotibus ministris meis. Sicut non numeratur exercitus caelorum, et non mensuratur arena maris, ita multiplicabo semen Davidis servi mei, et Levitas ministros meos" (33:15-17, [18,] 20-22):

agitur ibi de adventu Domini, qui est "germen Davidis", et qui vocabitur "Jehovah Justitia nostra": quod tunc "servabitur Jehudah, et 4

Israel habitabit secure", significat quod tunc salvandi qui in amore in Ipsum sunt; et quod tunc illi qui in charitate erga proximum sunt non infestabuntur a malis et falsis, significatur per quod "tunc 5

Israel habitabit secure": quod "non excidetur Davidi vir sed ens super throno domus Israelis" significat quod tunc Divinum Verum procedens a Domino perpetuo in ecclesia regnaturum sit, "thronus domus Israelis" est ecclesia ubi regnat; " [ac sacerdotibus Levitis] non excidetur vir a coram faciebus meis offerens holocaustum, adolens mincham et faciens sacrificium", significat quod tunc perpetuo erit cultus ex bono amoris et charitatis et ex veris fidei; per "Levitas" significantur illi qui in eo cultu sunt, per "holocaustum" significatur cultus ex bono amoris, per "mincham" cultus ex bono charitatis erga proximum, et per "sacrificium" cultus ex veris fidei:

[7] "si irritum reddideritis foedus meum diei et foedus meum noctis" significat si non observarent duo illa quae faciunt conjunctionem cum Domino, nempe amorem et fidem; "foedus" est conjunctio, "foedus diei" est conjunctio per amorem, "foedus noctis" est conjunctio per fidem: "etiam foedus meum irritum fiet cum Davide servo meo, ut non sit illi filius regnans, et cum Levitis sacerdotibus ministris meis", significat quod tunc non illis Divinum Verum et Divinum Bonum; "Levitae sacerdotes ministri" sunt illi qui in bono amoris in Dominum sunt et in cultu inde; "sicut non numeratur exercitus caelorum, et non 6

mensuratur arena maris", significat cognitiones veri et boni in spirituali et naturali homine; "exercitus caelorum" sunt cognitiones illae in spirituali homine, et "arena maris" sunt cognitiones illae in naturali homine: "ita multiplicabo semen Davidis servi mei, et Levitas ministros meos", significat multiplicationem Divini Veri ac fructificationem Divini Boni apud illos qui conjunctionem cum Domino habent; hic ut alibi per "Levitas sacerdotes" significantur illi qui in bono amoris et charitatis sunt, ac in sensu abstracto significatur ipsum illud bonum.

[8] Apud Malachiam,

"Ecce Ego mittens angelum meum, qui parabit viam ante Me, et subito veniet ad Templum suum Dominus quem vos quaeritis, et Angelus foederis quem vos desideratis:.... Ille enim sicut ignis conflatoris et sicut smegma fullonum; et sedebit conflans et purgans argentum, et purificabit filios Levi et defaecabit eos sicut aurum et argentum; ut sint adferentes Jehovae mincham in justitia: tunc suavis erit Jehovae minchah Jehudae et Hierosolymae, juxta dies saeculi et juxta annos priores" (3:1-4):

quid haec in sensu spirituali significant, videatur explicatum supra (n. 242 [~ 7

et 433 [h]); et ibi quod per "filios Levi" intelligantur omnes qui in bono charitatis et inde in bono fidei sunt: agitur ibi de Domino venturo; Divinum Humanum Ipsius est quod intelligitur per "Templum suum" ad quod Jehovah Dominus venturus: quod purificaturus illos qui in bono charitatis et inde in bono fidei sunt, intelligitur per quod "purificabit et defaecabit filios Levi "; quod non filii Levi intelligantur, patet, nam dicitur quod "tunc purificabit et defaecabit illos", et quod "tunc suavis erit Jehovae minchah Jehudae et Hierosolymae", et notum est quod Dominus non purificaverit et defaecaverit Levitas, et quod non suavis fuerit Domino minchah Jehudae et Hierosolymae; nam prorsus contra Dominum fuerunt, et tunc cultus per sacrificia et minchas abrogabatur; per "Jehudam" enim ibi intelliguntur omnes qui in bono amoris in Dominum sunt, et per "Hierosolymam" intelligitur ecclesia quae in veris doctrinae (videatur supra, n. 433).

[9] Apud Mosen,

Moses "de Levi dixit, Thummim tui et Urim tui, viro sancto tuo quem tentasti in Massa, contendisti cum eo apud aquas Meriba; qui dixit patri suo et matri suae, Non vidi 8

vos, et fratres suos non agnovit, ac filios suos non novit: custodient verbum tuum, et foedus tuum servabunt, docebunt judicia [tua] Jacobum et legem tuam Israelem; ponent suffitum in nasum tuum, et holocaustum super altare tuum, .... et opus manuum ejus accepta; percute lumbos insurgentium contra eum, et osorum ejus, ut non resurgant" (Deutr. 33 9


haec in Benedictione filiorum Israelis a Mose, in qua agitur de Verbo, quia hoc per "Mosen" in sensu repraesentativo significatur, ac per "Urim et Thummim" significatur Divinum Verum elucens ex Divino Bono, ita Verbum; ac per "Levin" ibi intelligitur affectio veri spiritualis; per "virum sanctum quem tentarunt in Massa et ad aquas Meriba", intelligitur Dominus quoad Divinum Verum, nam "Petra", ad quam illa tentatio fiebat, significat Dominum, et "aquae inde" Divina vera; per "patrem et matrem" quibus dixit "Non vidi 10

vos", significatur Ecclesia Israelitica, quae non agnovit Dominum; ecclesia dicitur "pater" ex bono et "mater" ex vero: per "fratres suos" quos non agnovit, et per "filios" quos non novit, intelliguntur bona et vera ecclesiae quae apud illos non erant; "fratres" sunt bona et "filii" sunt vera:

[10] sed quia "filii Levi" significant bona et vera ecclesiae, et in genere affectionem veri et boni spiritualem, ideo dicitur de illis quod "custodient Verbum, foedus servabunt, judicia docebunt Jacobum et legem Israelem", per quod significatur quod illi qui in affectione veri spirituali sunt, faciant Verbum ac doceant bona et vera ecclesiae; ipsa enim affectio veri spiritualis facit et docet, nam Dominus in illam influit et facit bonum apud hominem et docet verum apud illum; "Verbum" ibi est Divinum Verum, "custodire illud" est facere, "foedus" est conjunctio per id cum Domino, "judicia" sunt vera doctrinae ex Verbo, "lex" est bonum veri, "Jacobus" et "Israel" sunt ecclesia: cultus ex veris doctrinae significatur per "ponere suffitum in nasum", et cultus ex bono amoris per "ponere holocaustum super altare": dissipatio falsorum per vera significatur per "percutere lumbos insurgentium contra illum"; ac dissipatio malorum per "percutere lumbos osorum ut non resurgant." Haec de Levi dicta sunt, quia Divinum Verum, quod est Verbum, non apud alios datur quam apud quos est affectio veri spiritualis; affectio veri spiritualis est amare ipsum verum, et aestimare id supra omne bonum mundi, quia per id est homini vita aeterna; nam vita aeterna non per alia media implantatur homini quam per vera, consequenter per Verbum, nam per hoc docet Dominus vera. Affectio veri spiritualis, quae est amare vera supra omne bonum mundi, ita describitur a Domino apud Matthaeum,

"Simile est regnum caelorum homini negotiatori, quaerenti pulchras margaritas, qui cum invenisset unam pretiosam margaritam, abiens vendidit omnia quae habuit et emit eam" (13:45, 46):

"margarita" significat verum. (Quod non aliunde sit homini vita aeterna quam per vera ex bono quod a Domino, videatur in Doctrina Novae Hierosolyme, n. Doctrina Novae Hierosolyme24 fin. )

[11] Quod "Levi" significet amorem et charitatem, constat ex Leae matris ejus verbis cum peperit illum, quae haec sunt,

Et Leah "concepit adhuc et peperit filium, et dixit, Nunc hac vice adhaerebit vir meus ad me, quia peperi ei tres filios; propterea Vocavit nomen ejus Levi" (Genesis 29:34):

"concepit adhuc et peperit filium" significat conceptionem et partum spiritualem; "et dixit, Nunc hac vice adhaerebit vir meus ad me", significat amorem spiritualem per quem conjunctio, seu charitatem; "quia peperi ei tres filios" significat successivum; "propterea vocavit nomen ejus Levi" significat conjunctionem per amorem, et quale ejus. (Sed haec ulterius explicata videantur in Arcanis Caelestibus n. 3873-3877.) Levi significat adhaesionem, et "adhaesio" conjunctionem per amorem spiritualem. Tres filii Leae ordine nati, "Reuben", "Simeon", et "Levi", significant in serie prima et primaria essentialia ecclesiae; nempe verum intellectu, verum voluntate, et verum actu, similia cum tribus discipulis Domini, nempe Petro, Jacobo et Johanne; "Petrus" enim significat verum intellectu, " 11

Jacobus" verum voluntate, et "Johannes" verum actu, quod est bonum vitae seu bonum charitatis: et "adhaesio", quae in lingua originali dicitur Levi, significat conjunctionem per amorem et charitatem. (Quod adhaesio id significet, videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus n. 3875.)

[12] Quod "Levi" in supremo sensu significet Dominum quoad amorem et misericordiam, constat apud Malachiam,

"Ut cognoscatis quod miserim ad vos praeceptum hoc, ut sit foedus meum cum Levi;.... foedus meum fuit cum illo vitae et pacis, quae dedi illi timore, ut timeret Me, ideo propter nomen meum timuit ille sibi: lex veritatis fuit in ore ejus, et perversitas non inventa est in labiis ejus; in pace et rectitudine ambulavit Mecum, multosque avertit ab iniquitate: labia sacerdotis.... quaerent [legem] ex ore ejus, quia Angelus Jehovae Zebaoth Ille. At vos recessistis a via, impingere fecistis multos in lege, corrupistis foedus Levi" (2:4-7 [, 8]):

per "Levi" hic in supremo sensu intelligitur Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum, nam dicitur de Levi quod "lex veritatis fuerit in ore ejus, et perversitas non inventa in labiis ejus", quod "labia sacerdotis quaerent [legem] ex ore ejus, quia Angelus Jehovae Zebaoth Ille": quare per "foedus Levi" intelligitur conjunctio cum Domino per amorem et charitatem; "foedus vitae et pacis" significat illam conjunctionem; per "timorem", qui praedicatur etiam de Illo, significatur amor; quod "labia sacerdotis quaerent [legem] ex ore ejus" significat quod omne verum doctrinae sit ab Ipso, et apud illos qui in amore in Ipsum sunt: ex Divino Vero quod Dominus docet in Verbo et per Verbum vocatur "Angelus Jehovae": quod "recesserint a via, impingere fecerint multos in lege, corruperint foedus Levi", significat quod ecclesia quae fuit apud Israelitas perverterit vera Verbi et inde bona vitae, et sic perdiderint conjunctionem cum Domino; "via" significat vera doctrinae, "lex" bona ejus, et "foedus Levi" conjunctionem cum Domino. Ex his constare potest quid in sensu repraesentativo significatur per "Levin" et ejus tribum; quod nempe bonum charitatis, quod est bonum vitae, tum affectio boni et veri spiritualis, ac in supremo sensu Dominus quoad amorem spiritualem.

[13] Quoniam pleraque in Verbo etiam sensum oppositum habent, ita quoque Levi et ejus tribus; et in eo sensu significat "Levi" malum falsi quod oppositum est bono charitatis, ac vitam absque charitate, proinde non charitatem erga proximum; hoc significatur per "Levin" in Prophetia de filiis suis ab Israele patre:

"Simeon et Levi fratres, instrumenta violentiae machaerae eorum: in secretum eorum ne veniat anima mea, in congregatione eorum ne uniatur gloria mea; quia in ira sua occiderunt virum, et in beneplacito eorum enervarunt bovem: maledicta ira eorum quia vehemens, et excandescentia eorum quia dura: dividam eos in Jacobo, et dispergam eos in Israele" (Genesis 49:5-7);

sed haec videantur explicata in superiori articulo (n. 443 [b]), ubi actum est de Simeone.

[14] Hoc oppositum etiam significatur per "Levitam" a Domino in parabola de Vulnerato a Latronibus, quae hic explicanda est, quia ibi agitur de charitate erga proximum, et quia Dominus ibi per correspondentias locutus est a principio ad finem, quae hactenus ignotae sunt:

- Apud Lucam,

Legisperitus "volens se ipsum justificare, dixit ad Jesum, Quis est meus proximus? Excipiens Jesus dixit, Homo quis descendit a Hierosolyma in Jerichuntem, et in latrones incidit, qui etiam exuerunt cum, et plagas infligentes abiverunt, relinquentes eum cum semimortuus esset: et forte sacerdos quis descendit in eadem via, sed Videns eum praeteriit; similiter etiam Levita cum esset apud locum, veniens et Videns praeteriit: Samarita autem quidam iter faciens Venit ad eum, et videns eum visceribus commotus est; quare accedens obligavit vulnera ejus, infudit oleum et vinum, deinde tollens eum super proprium jumentum duxit in diversorium, et curam ejus habuit; insuper crastino die exiens extraxit duos denarios et dedit hospiti, ac dixit illi, Curam ejus habe, nam quodcunque insuper insumpseris, quando reversus fuero, restituam tibi. Quis ergo trium horum videtur tibi proximus fuisse ejus qui inciderat in latrones? Hic dixit, Qui fecit misericordiam cum illo. Et dixit Jesus, Abi tu, quoque fac similiter" (10:29-37):

agitur ibi de charitate erga proximum, et de bonis operibus, per quae charitas est in suo effectu et in suo pleno: "Hierosolyma" ibi significat ecclesiam ubi vera doctrina, et "Jericho" illam ubi cognitiones veri et boni; "sacerdos" inde significat illos quibus nullus amor in Dominum est, et "Levita" illos quibus nulla charitas erga proximum, quales erant eo tempore in Hierosolyma; "Samarita" autem significat gentes quae in bono charitatis fuerunt; "homo descendens e Hierosolyma in Jericho" significat illos qui instrui voluerunt in ecclesiae veris et cognitionibus: "latrones" in quos incidit, significant illos tunc in ecclesia perversa, qualis eo tempore erat Judaica; "qui exuentes eum, plagis afflixerunt et semimortuum reliquerunt", significat quod illum veris orbaverint ac falsis imbuerint, et sic illum quoad spiritualem vitam in tantum laeserint ut vix aliqua vita spiritualis superesset; "exuere" in Verbo significat orbare veris, "infligere plagas" significat mentem et vitam spiritualem falsis laedere, et "semimortuus" significat dum paene expers illius vitae esset: "visceribus commoveri" significat misericordiam et charitatem ab interiori; misericordia etiam et charitas unum faciunt: "obligare vulnera, et infundere oleum et vinum", significat parare medelam contra falsa quae laeserant ejus vitam per bonum amoris et verum fidei instruendo; "oleum" in Verbo significat bonum amoris, et "vinum" bonum et verum fidei: "tollere super proprium jumentum" significat secundum intellectum suum quantum posset, nam "equus" significat intellectum, similiter "jumentum ": "ducere in diversorium, et curam ejus habere", significat ad illos qui plus instructi sunt in cognitionibus boni et veri; "diversorium" est ubi emuntur cibi et potus, per quos significantur cognitiones boni et veri, ac inde nutritio spiritualis quae datur per instructionem: quod "dederit hospiti duos denarios, et dixerit illi, Curam ejus habe, nam quodcunque insuper insumpseris, ego, quando reversus fuero, restituam tibi", significat omnia charitatis quantum valuit et potuit. Ex his nunc constare potest quid "Levi", "tribus ejus", et "Levitae" in utroque sensu significant. (Plura de repraesentatione et inde significatione "Levi", et tribus ab illo nominatae, videantur in Arcanis Caelestibus n. 3875-3877, 4497, 4502, 4503, 6352, 10017.)


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