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属天的奥秘 第10490节


  10490.“各人杀他的弟兄,各人杀他的同伴,各人杀他的邻舍”表一种关闭,以防止对所流入的良善和真理,以及触及它们的事物的任何接受和传送。这从“杀”、“弟兄”、“同伴”和“邻舍”的含义清楚可知:“杀”是指夺走属灵生命,因而 夺走爱之良善和信之真理,故在此是指一种关闭,以防止对这些的任何接受和传送,因为当这些被夺走时,属灵生命也就被夺走了,只剩下属世生命,“杀”表示夺走属灵生命(参看338733953607676770438902节);“弟兄”是指爱与仁之良善(3815412141915409568656926756节);“同伴”是指该良善的真理;“邻舍”是指与它们结合之物(59119378节),因而是指触及它们之物。因为边界接壤的人就是邻舍。由此明显可知,“各人杀他的弟兄,各人杀他的同伴,各人杀他的邻舍”表内在之物向这个民族的一种关闭,以防止他们对所流入的良善和真理,或凡触及它们的事物的任何接受和传送。

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Potts(1905-1910) 10490

10490. And slay ye, a man his brother, and a man his companion, and a man his neighbor. That this signifies a closing in respect to the influx of good and truth and of that which is related thereto, in order to prevent any reception and communication, is evident from the signification of "slaying," as being to take away the spiritual life, thus the good of love and the truth of faith, here therefore to close, in order to prevent any reception and communication of these; for when these are taken away, the spiritual life also is taken away, and only the natural life remains. (That "slaying" denotes to take away the spiritual life, see n. 3387, 3395, 3607, 6767, 7043, 8902.) And from the signification of "brother," as being the good of love and of charity (n. 3815, 4121, 4191, 5409, 5686, 5692, 6756); from the signification of "companion," as being the truth of this good; and from the signification of "neighbor," as being that which has been conjoined with these (n. 5911, 9378), thus that which is related; for relations are neighbors. From this it is evident that by "slay ye a man his brother, and a man his companion, and a man his neighbor," is signified the closing of the internal with that nation in respect to the influx of good, of truth, and of the things related to these, in order to prevent with them any reception and communication of these. [2] In regard to this the case is, that inasmuch as that nation was at heart idolatrous and wholly in the loves in which is hell, and yet a worship representative of heavenly things was to be instituted among them, therefore their internals were completely closed. There were two reasons for this; one, in order that there might be conjunction with heaven by means of their external things devoid of what is internal; the other in order to prevent the holy things of the church and of heaven from being profaned. For if that nation had acknowledged the internal things of worship, which are the holy things of the church and of heaven that were represented, they would have defiled and profaned them. Hence it was that so little was revealed in light to that nation concerning heaven and the life after death, and hence it was that they did not at all know that the kingdom of the Messiah is in heaven. [3] That at the present day that nation is also of the same character, is known; but see what has been shown concerning it at the places cited above (n. 10396); as, That they were altogether in external things without anything internal (n. 4293, 4311, 4459, 4834, 4844, 4847, 4865, 4868, 4874, 4903, 4913, 9320, 9373, 9380, 9381): That consequently their worship was merely external (n. 3147, 3479, 8871): That they did not wish to know the internal things of worship and of the Word (n. 3479, 4429, 4433, 4680): That if they had known holy internal things they would have profaned them (n. 3398, 3489,4289): That therefore it was not granted them to know them (n. 301, 302, 304, 2520, 3769): That nevertheless there was communication with heaven by means of the externals of worship with them, which were representative of heavenly things (n. 4311, 4444, 6304, 8588, 8788, 8806). These then are the things which are meant and signified by the words, "slay ye a man his brother, and a man his companion, and a man his neighbor." [4] He who does not know that by "brethren," "companions," "neighbors," and many other names of relationship are signified the goods and truths of the church and of heaven; and their opposites, which are evils and falsities; cannot know what is involved in many other passages in the Word where these names occur, as in the following:

Think not that I am come to send peace on the earth; I am not come to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's foes shall be those of his own household. Whosoever loveth father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and whosoever loveth son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; and whosoever doth not take up his cross and follow after Me, is not worthy of Me (Matt. 10:34-38);

spiritual combats are here treated of, which are temptations to be undergone by those who are to be regenerated, thus the contentions arising in man between the evils and falsities which are with him from hell, and the goods and truths which are with him from the Lord. Because these combats are here described, it is said, "whosoever doth not take up his cross, and follow after Me, is not worthy of Me;" by the "cross" being meant the state of man when in temptations. He who does not know that such things are signified by "man" and "father," by "daughter" and "mother," by "daughter-in-law" and "mother- in-law," must believe that the Lord came into the world in order to take away peace in homes and families, and introduce dissension; and yet He came to give peace and to take away dissensions, according to His own words in John 14:27, and elsewhere. [5] That the dissension of the internal and the external man is described in this passage, is evident from the signification in the internal sense of "man" and "father," of "daughter" and "mother," and of "daughter-in-law" and "mother-in-law," in which sense "man" [homo] denotes the good which is from the Lord; "father" denotes the evil which is from man's own; "daughter" denotes the affection of good and truth; "mother" denotes the affection of evil and falsity; "daughter-in-law" denotes the truth of the church adjoined to its good; and "mother-in-law" denotes falsity adjoined to its evil. And because the combat between goods and evils, and between falsities and truths, with man is described, it is also said that "a man's foes shall be those of his own household," for by "those of his own household" is signified the things that appertain to man, thus which are his own; and "foes" in a spiritual sense denote the evils and falsities which assault goods and truths. That such things are signified by "man," "father," "daughter," "mother," "daughter-in-law," and "mother-in-law," has been shown throughout in these explications. [6] In like manner is it with these words:

The brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall give them to death (Matt. 10:21). If any man cometh unto Me, and hateth not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own soul also, he cannot be My disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after Me, cannot be My disciple. So therefore whosoever he be of you that renounceth not all that he hath, he cannot be My disciple (Luke 14:26, 27, 33). Who does not see that these words are to be understood otherwise than according to the letter, at least from the fact of its being said without restriction that father, mother, wife, children, brethren, sisters, are to be hated, in order that it may be possible for a person to be a disciple of the Lord? And yet it is according to the Lord's commandments that no one is to be hated, not even an enemy (Matt. 5:43, 44). [7] It is evident that things belonging to man, which are evils and falsities in their order, are meant by these names, for it is also said that he must hate his own soul, and that he must renounce all that he hath, that is, the things that belong to him. A state of temptation, that is, of spiritual combat, is also here described, for it is said, "whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after Me, cannot be My disciple." To be a disciple of the Lord is to be led by Him and not by self, thus by the goods and truths which are from the Lord, and not by the evils and falsities which are from man. [8] In like manner is the Word to be understood elsewhere, where these names are mentioned, as in these passages:

They do not attend unto My words; and as for My law, they reject it. Therefore thus said Jehovah, Behold I will lay stumbling-blocks before this people; so that the fathers and the sons together shall stumble against them, the neighbor and his companion, and they shall perish (Jer. 6:19, 21). I will scatter them, a man with his brother, even the fathers and the sons together; I will not pity, nor spare, nor have compassion, that I should not destroy them (Jer. 13:14). Jehovah hath multiplied those who stumble; yea, they fell a man upon his companion (Jer. 46:16). I will commingle Egypt with Egypt; and they shall fight a man against his brother, and a man against his companion (Isa. 19:2). In these passages also similar things are meant by "fathers," "sons," "brothers," and "companions."

Elliott(1983-1999) 10490

10490. 'And kill [every] man his brother, and [every] man his companion, and [every] man his neighbour' means a shutting off to prevent any reception and transmission of inflowing goodness and truth, and of the things touching on them. This is clear from the meaning of 'killing' as taking spiritual life away, thus taking the good of love and the truth of faith away, and therefore at this point as a shutting off to prevent any reception and transmission of them, for when they have been removed, so too has spiritual life been taken away and only natural life remains (for the meaning of 'killing' as taking spiritual life away, see 3387, 3395, 3607, 6767, 7043, 8902); from the meaning of 'brother' as the good of love and charity, dealt with in 3815, 4121, 4191, 5409, 5686, 5692, 6756; from the meaning of 'companion' as the truth of that good; and from the meaning of 'neighbour' as that which is linked to them, dealt with in 5911, 9378, thus that which touches on them. For people whose borders touch are neighbours. From all this it is evident that 'kill [every] man his brother, and [every] man his companion, and [every] man his neighbour' means a shutting off of what is internal with that nation to prevent any reception by them or transmission to them of inflowing goodness, truth, or anything that touches on them.

[2] The implications of all this are that because that nation was idolatrous at heart, ruled completely by the kinds of love in which hell consists, and yet worship representative of heavenly realities was to be established among them, their internals were altogether shut off. They were shut off for two reasons, the first being in order that external things alone with them, devoid of anything internal, might be the means by which the joining to heaven could be effected, and the second in order that the holy things of the Church and of heaven might not be rendered profane. For if that nation had acknowledged the internal things of worship, that is, the holy things of the Church and of heaven which were being represented, they would have defiled them and rendered them profane. This explains why little if any was clearly revealed to that nation about heaven and life after death, and why they were totally ignorant of the truth that the Messiah's kingdom existed in heaven. That nation is still like this at the present day, as is well known.

[3] But see what has been shown regarding that nation in the places referred to above in 10396, for instance the following,

Their whole interest lay in external things and not in anything internal, 4293, 4311, 4459(end), 4834, 4844, 4847, 4865, 4868, 4874, 4903, 4913, 9320, 9373, 9380, 9381. Consequently their worship was merely external, 3147, 3479, 8871. Nor did they wish to know about the inner things of worship and of the Word, 3479, 4429, 4433, 4680. If they had known the holy inner things they would have rendered them profane, 3398, 3489, 4289. Therefore they were not allowed to know those things, 301, 302, 304, 2520, 3769. Nevertheless through the outward things of worship among them, which were representative of heavenly realities, there was contact with heaven, 4311, 4444, 6304, 8588, 8788, 8806.

These then are the things that should be understood and are meant by the words commanding them to kill [every] man his brother, [every] man his companion, and [every] man his neighbour.

[4] Anyone who does not know that brothers, companions, neighbours, and further names describing human relationships serve to mean the Church and heaven's forms of good and truths, or their opposites, which are evils and falsities, cannot know what is implied by very many places in the Word where those names occur, such as in the following places: In Matthew,

Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to set a man (homo) against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother above Me is not worthy of Me; and whoever loves son or daughter above Me is not worthy of Me. And whoever does not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. Matt 10:34-38.

These verses refer to spiritual conflicts, which are the temptations that those who are to be regenerated must undergo. Thus they refer to the strife a person experiences at that time between the evils and falsities which come to him from hell and the forms of good and the truths which come to him from the Lord. Since those conflicts are what is described here the declaration 'whoever does not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me' is made, 'cross' being used to mean a person's state during temptations. Anyone who does not know that these kinds of things are meant by 'man and father', 'daughter and mother', 'daughter-in-law and mother-in-law' will suppose that the Lord came into the world to remove the peace in households and families and to introduce strife, when in fact He came to bring peace and remove strife, as accords with His words in John 14:27, and elsewhere.

[5] The fact that strife between the internal man and the external is described in those verses is clear from the meaning in the internal sense of 'man and father', 'daughter and mother', and 'daughter-in-law and mother-in-law'. In that sense 'man' (homo) means good which comes from the Lord, and 'father' evil which springs from a person's self; 'daughter' means an affection for goodness and truth, and 'mother' an affection for evil and falsity; and 'daughter-in-law' means the Church's truth linked to its good, and 'mother-in-law' falsity linked to its evil. And since the conflict that takes place between the forms of good and the evils residing with a person, and between the falsities and truths, is described in that manner those verses also contain the declaration 'a man's enemies will be those of his own household'. By 'those of his own household' the things that reside with a person are meant, thus those which belong properly to himself, while 'enemies' in the spiritual sense are the evils and falsities that attack forms of good and truths. The fact that such things are meant by 'man', 'father', 'daughter', 'mother', 'daughter-in-law', and 'mother-in-law' has been shown in various places in the explanations.

[6] The like is meant by the following words in Matthew,

Brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his son; and children will rise up against parents and put them to death. Matt 10:21.

Also by the following in Luke,

If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and even his own soul, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. So therefore any of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be My disciple. Luke 14:26,27,33.
Is there anyone who does not see that these words should not be taken literally, at the very least from the fact that they say without any qualification that father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters must be hated before anyone can be the Lord's disciple, when yet it is one of the Lord's commands, in Matt 5:43,44, that no one should be hated, not even an enemy?

[7] It is self-evident that the things which are a person's own, that is, evils and falsities in their own order, should be understood by the names of those family members, since it also says that he must hate his own soul and renounce all his possessions, that is, the things which are properly his. The state of temptation or spiritual conflict is also described here, for it says, 'whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple'. 'Being the Lord's disciple' means being led by Him and not by self, thus by the forms of good and the truths which come from the Lord and not by the evils and falsities which come from the person.

[8] The Word should be understood in a like manner in other places where those names are used, such as in Jeremiah,

They do not pay attention to My words; and My law, they reject it. Therefore thus said Jehovah, Behold, I am laying before this people stumbling-blocks, that fathers and sons together may stumble against them, a neighbour and his companion, and may perish. Jer 6:19,21.

In the same prophet,

I will scatter them, [every] man with his brother, [and fathers] and sons together. I will not spare, nor forgive, nor pity, that I should not destroy them. Jer 13:14.

In the same prophet,

Jehovah caused many to stumblea; also [every] man fell upon his companion. Jer 46:16.

And in Isaiah,

I will embroil Egypt with Egypt, in order that a man may fight against his brother, and a man against his companion. Isa 19:2.

In these places also the like should be understood by 'fathers', 'sons', 'brothers', and 'companions'.


a lit. Jehovah multiplied the stumblers

Latin(1748-1756) 10490

10490. `Et occidite vir fratrem suum, et vir socium suum, et vir propinquum suum': quod significet occlusionem quoad influxum boni et veri, et illis affinium, ne sit aliqua receptio et communicatio, constat ex significatione `occidere' quod sit auferre vitam spiritualem, ita bonum amoris et verum fidei; hic itaque occludere ne sit aliqua eorum receptio et communicatio, quibus ademptis, etiam vita spiritualis ablata est, manet modo vita naturalis {1}; quod `occidere' sit auferre vitam spiritualem, videatur n. 3387, 3395, 3607, 6767, 7043, 8902; ex significatione `fratris' quod sit bonum amoris et charitatis, de qua n. 3815, 4121, 4191, 5409, 5686, 5692, 6756; ex significatione `socii' quod sit verum illius boni {2}; et ex significatione `propinqui' quod sit quod illis conjunctum (o)est, de qua n. 5911, 9378, ita quod affine est, (o)nam affines sunt propinqui; inde patet quod per `occidite vir fratrem suum, et vir socium suum, et vir propinquum suum' significetur occlusio interni apud illam gentem, quoad influxum boni, veri, et illis affinium, ne sit aliqua receptio eorum et communicatio (o)cum illis. [2] Cum hoc ita se habet: quia gens illa corde idololatrica fuit, et plane in amoribus in quibus infernum, et usque apud illam instituendus erat cultus repraesentativus caelestium, ideo interna apud illam prorsus occludebantur; quod interna occluderentur, binae erant causae, una ut conjunctio cum caelo esset per externa eorum absque interno, altera ne sancta Ecclesiae (c)et caeli profanarentur; nam si gens illa agnovisset interna cultus, quae sunt sancta Ecclesiae et caeli quae repraesentabantur, conspurcavisset et profanavisset illa; inde est quod illi genti parum aliquid in luce de caelo et de vita post mortem revelatum sit; ac inde est quod {3} prorsus nesciverint quod regnum Messiae esset in caelo; [3] quod gens illa etiam talis hodie sit, notum est; sed videantur quae de illa gente in locis citatis supra n. 10,396 ostensa sunt, ut quod prorsus in externis absque ullo interno essent {4}, n. 4293, 4311, 4459 fin., 4834, 4844, 4847, 4865, 4868, 4874, 4903, 4913, 9320, 9373, 9380, 9381, {5} quod inde cultus eorum modo externus fuerit, n. 3147, 3479, 8871, quod nec scire voluerint interna cultus et Verbi, n. 3479, 4429, 4433, 4680, si scivissent (o)sancta interna quod (o)illa profanavissent, n. 3398, 3489, 4289, quod ideo nec datum sit illa scire, n. 301, 302, 304, 2520, 3769, quod usque per externa cultus, quae erant repraesentativa caelestium, apud illos, communicatio fuerit cum caelo, n. 4311, 4444, 6304, 8588, 8788, 8806. [4] Haec nunc sunt quae intelliguntur et significantur per illa verba, quod occiderent vir fratrem suum, vir socium suum, et vir propinquum suum. Qui non scit quod per fratres, socios, propinquos, et per plura nomina cognationis, significentur bona et vera Ecclesiae et caeli, ac opposita eorum quae sunt {6} mala et falsa, ille non potest scire quid involvunt plura in Verbo {7} ubi illa nomina occurrunt, sicut in his sequentibus, (o)ut apud Matthaeum, Ne existimate quod venerim ad mittendum pacem super (x)terram; non veni mittere pacem sed gladium; veni enim ad dissidendum hominem contra patrem illius, et filiam contra matrem illius, et nurum contra socrum illius; et hostes hominis erunt domestici (c)illius; quisquis amat patrem aut matrem supra Me, non est Me dignus, et quisquis amat filium aut {8} filiam supra Me, non est (t)Me dignus, (o)et quisquis non suscipit crucem suam et sequitur post Me, non est Me dignus, x 34-37, (o)38;

agitur ibi de pugnis spiritualibus, quae sunt tentationes quas subituri qui regenerandi, ita de discidiis apud hominem tunc {9} inter mala et falsa quae ei ab inferno, (c)et inter bona et vera quae ei a Domino; quia pugnae illae hic describuntur, ideo dicitur, `quisquis non suscipit crucem (x)suam et sequitur post Me, non est Me dignus'; per `crucem' intelligitur status hominis {10} in tentationibus; (s)qui non scit quod talia per `hominem et patrem,' per `filiam et matrem,' per `nurum et socrum' significentur, credet quod Dominus in mundum venerit, ut in domibus et familiis pacem tolleret, et discidium induceret, cum tamen venit ut daret pacem, et tolleret discidia, secundum (t)Ipsius verba apud Johannem xiv 27, et alibi; [5] quod discidium interni (c)et externi hominis ibi {11} describatur, constat ex significatione `hominis et patris, filiae et matris, {12} nurus et socrus {13},' in sensu interno, in quo sensu `homo' est bonum quod a Domino, `pater' est malum quod ex proprio {14} hominis, `filia' est affectio boni et veri, `mater' est affectio mali et falsi {15}, `nurus' est Ecclesiae verum adjunctum ejus bono, et `socrus' est falsum adjunctum ejus malo; et quia sic pugna inter bona (c)et mala, ac inter falsa et vera apud hominem describitur, ideo quoque dicitur quod `hostes hominis erunt domestici (c)illius'; per `domesticos' significantur quae apud hominem, ita quae ejus propria sunt, ac `hostes' in spirituali sensu sunt mala et falsa quae impugnant bona et vera; quod talia per `hominem, {16} patrem, filiam, matrem, {16} nurum, et socrum' significentur {17}, in explicationibus passim ostensum est. {18} [6] Similiter per haec apud Matthaeum, Tradet frater fratrem in mortem, et pater filium, et insurgent liberi contra parentes, et morti dabunt eos, x 21:

tum {19} per haec apud Lucam, Si quis venit ad Me, neque {20} odit patrem suum, et matrem {21}, et uxorem {21},et liberos {22}, et fratres, et sorores, immo vero etiam animam suam, non potest discipulus Meus esse; (o)et quisquis non portat crucem suam et venit post Me, non potest Meus discipulus esse: sic ergo omnis ex vobis qui non abnegat omnes suas facultates, non potest Meus esse discipulus, xiv 26, (o)27, 33;

(s)quis non videt quod aliter intelligenda sint haec verba quam secundum litteram, ad minimum ex eo quod dicatur absque restrictione, quod pater, mater, uxor, liberi, fratres, sorores, odio habendi sint, ut quis possit esse discipulus Domini, cum tamen ex praeceptis Domini est quod nemo odio habendus sit, ne quidem inimicus? Matth. v 43, 44; quod propria hominis, quae sunt mala et falsa in suo ordine, per illa nomina intelligantur, patet, nam dicitur etiam quod odio habebit animam suam, et quod abnegabit omnes suas facultates, quae sunt propria ejus; [7] status tentationis seu pugnae spiritualis etiam hic describitur {23}, nam dicitur, `quisquis non portat crucem suam et venit post Me, non potest Meus discipulus esse'; `discipulus Domini esse' est duci ab Ipso et non a semet, ita a bonis et veris quae a Domino, et non a malis et falsis quae ab homine.(s) Similiter intelligendum est Verbum alibi, ubi illi nominantur, ut {24} apud (x)Jeremiam, Ad verba Mea non attendunt, et legem Meam, repudiant (o)illam; quapropter sic dixit Jehovah, Ecce Ego dans coram populo hoc offendicula, ut offendant in iis patres et filii una, vicinus et socius ejus, et pereant, vi 19, 21:

apud Jeremiam, Dispergam eos, virum cum fratre suo, [ac patres] (c)et filios simul; non parcam, neque remittam, neque miserabor, quo minus perdam eos, xiii 14:

(x)apud eundem, Multiplicavit Jehovah impingentes, etiam cecidit vir super socium suum, xlvi 16:

et apud Esaiam, Commiscebo Aegyptum cum Aegypto, ut pugnet vir contra fratrem, et vir contra socium suum, xix 2;

in (o)his locis etiam similia per patres, filios, fratres, et socios intelliguntur. @1 ac communicatur, sic enim vita spiritualis aufertur$ @2 i , de qua sequitur$ @3 tunc interna Ecclesiae quae repraesentabantur conspurcata fuissent, et prophanata; inde est, quod parum aliquid de coelo, deque vita post mortem illis detectum sit, ac ideo$ @4 fuerint$ @5 i et$ @6 in opposito sensu$ @7 intelligere sensum Verbi in pluribus locis$ @8 et$ @9 i, quae sunt$ @10 i cum$ @11 quale est in tentationibus,$ @12 i ac$ @13 socri$ @14 proprium$ @15 i , et quae ex proprio hominis$ @16 i et$ @17 i et per$ @18 intelligantur$ @19 et$ @20 et non$ @21 i suam$ @22 i suos$ @23 quod status tentationis seu pugnae spiritualis contra mala et falsa etiam hic describatur, patet$ @24 i in sequentibus$

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