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《天堂与地狱》 第251节



{注1}:“前额”对应于属天的爱,故在圣经中表示爱(9936)。“脸”对应于人的内层,属于思想和情感(15682988 298936314796479748005165516856959306)。脸是作为内层的对应而形成的(4791-48055695)。因此,在圣经中,“脸”表示内层(19992434352740664796)。



251. 主自己流入人, 是流入他的前额, 由此流入整张脸, 因为人的前额对应于爱, 脸对应于他的一切内层. 属灵天使流入人, 是流入他的整个头部, 从前额和太阳穴流入覆盖大脑的整个区域, 因为头部区域对应于聪明. 而属天天使则流入覆盖小脑, 被称为后枕骨的头部区域, 从耳朵周围直到颈项, 因为该区域对应于智慧. 天使的一切言语都经由这两条途径进入人的思维, 我以这种方式察觉与我说话的是什么天使.

注: “前额”对应于天堂之爱, 故在圣言中表示这爱(天国的奥秘 9936节). “脸”对应于人的内层, 人的内层属于思维和情感(天国的奥秘 1568, 2988 天国的奥秘 2989, 3631, 4796, 4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306节). 脸为了对应于内层而得以形成(天国的奥秘 4791-4805, 5695节). 因此, 在圣言中, “脸”表示内层(天国的奥秘 1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796节).



251. 主流入人, 是流入額頭, 再流入臉部。義信天人流入人的頭部, 從額頭, 兩鬢到覆蓋大腦的整個區域, 因為該區域對應聰明。仁智天人則流入覆蓋小腦的區域, 從耳朵直到頸項, 我們稱之為"後腦,"因為該區域對應智慧。

天人的語言由這兩條途徑進入人的思維, 我由此留意是哪類天人在和我說話。

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Heaven and Hell #251 (NCE, 2000)

251. The inflow of the Lord himself into us is into the forehead and from there into the whole face. 1The inflow of the spiritual angels who are with us is into our head overall, from the forehead and temples to the whole region that covers the cerebrum, because this area corresponds to our intelligence. In contrast, the inflow of heavenly angels is into the part of the head that covers the cerebellum and is called the occiput, from one ear to the other and down to the neck, since this area corresponds to our wisdom.

All the speech of angels comes into our thoughts by these two paths. This has enabled me to notice just which angels were talking with me.


1. The forehead corresponds to heavenly love, and therefore means that love in the Word: 9936. The face corresponds to our deeper levels, which have to do with thought and affection: 1568, 2988-2989, 3631, 4796-4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306. So too, the face is formed to be responsive to our more inward natures: 4791-4805, 5695. So the face in the Word means our deeper natures: 1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796.


Heaven and Hell #251 (Harley, 1958)

251. The influx of the Lord Himself with man is into his forehead, and thence into the whole face, because the forehead of man corresponds to love, and the face corresponds to all his interiors. 1The influx of spiritual angels with man is into his head from every direction, from the forehead and temples to the whole part containing the cerebrum, because that region of the head corresponds to intelligence. The influx of celestial angels, however, is into that part of the head containing the cerebellum, and this is called the occiput, from the ears all round even to the neck, for that region corresponds to wisdom. All the speech of angels with man enters by these ways into his thought. By this means I have perceived what angels they were who spoke with me.


1. The "forehead" corresponds to celestial love, and consequently in the Word signifies that love (Arcana Coelestia 9936).

The "face" corresponds to the interiors of man, which belong to thought and affection (Arcana Coelestia 1568, 2988-2989, 3631, 4796-4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306).

The face is formed to a correspondence of the interiors (Arcana Coelestia 4791-4805, 5695). Consequently the "face", in the Word, signifies the interiors (Arcana Coelestia 1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796).


Heaven and Hell #251 (Ager, 1900)

251. The influx of the Lord Himself into man is into his forehead, and from that into the whole face, because the forehead of man corresponds to love, and the face corresponds to all his interiors. 1The influx of spiritual angels into man is into his head every where, from the forehead and temples to the whole part that contains the cerebrum, because that region of the head corresponds to intelligence; but the influx of celestial angels is into that part of the head that contains the cerebellum, and is called the occiput, from the ears all around even to the neck, for that region corresponds to wisdom. All the speech of angels with man enters by these ways into his thought; and by this means I have perceived what angels they were that spoke with me.


1. The "forehead" corresponds to heavenly love, and consequently in the Word signifies that love (Arcana Coelestia 9936).

The "face" corresponds to the interiors of man, which belong to thought and affection (1568, 2988, 2989, 3631, 4796-4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306).

The face is formed to correspondence with the interiors (4791-4805, 5695).

Consequently the "face," in the Word, signifies the interiors (1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796).


De Coelo et de Inferno #251 (original Latin)

251. Influxus Ipsius Domini apud hominem est in frontem illius, et inde in totam faciem; quoniam frons hominis correspondet amori, et facies correspondet omnibus interioribus ejus. 1Influxus angelorum spiritualium apud hominem est in caput ejus undequaque a frontispicio et temporibus ad omnem partem sub qua est cerebrum, quia illa regio capitis correspondet intelligentiae. Influxus autem angelorum caelestium est in illam partem capitis sub qua est cerebellum, et vocatur occipitium, ab auribus undequaque circum usque a cervice, nam illa regio correspondet sapientiae. Omnis loquela angelorum cum homine intrat per illas vias in cogitationes ejus. Inde apperceptum est, quinam angeli fuerunt, qui mecum locuti sunt.


1. Quod frons correspondeat amori caelesti, et inde in Verbo significet illum amorem (9936).

Quod facies correspondeat interioribus hominis, quae sunt cogitationis et affectionis (1568, 2988, 2989, 3631, 4796, 4797, 4800, 5165, 5168, 5695, 9306).

Quod etiam facies ad correspondentiam interiorum formata sit (4791-4805, 5695).

Quod inde "facies" in Verbo significet interiora (1999, 2434, 3527, 4066, 4796).

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