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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 709

709. And upon her head a crown of twelve stars.- That this signifies the wisdom and intelligence of those of that church through doctrinals and the knowledges of all things of truth and good from the Word, is evident from the signification of the head, as denoting wisdom and intelligence (concerning which see above, n. 553, 577), here of those who are of that church which is signified by the woman encompassed with the sun, and the moon under her feet; from the signification of a crown, as also denoting wisdom and intelligence (concerning which also see above, n. 126, 218, 272); from the signification of stars, as denoting doctrinals and knowledges of truth and good from the Word (see n. 72, 402, 535); and from the signification of twelve, as denoting all things, and as being said of truths and goods (see n. 430). It is therefore evident that the crown of twelve stars upon the head of the woman signifies the wisdom and intelligence through doctrinals and the knowledges of all things pertaining to truth and good from the Word of those who are of that church. This is said of the woman after she was described as encompassed with the sun and the moon under her feet, because the sun signifies celestial and spiritual love, and the moon, the faith of charity, and from these all wisdom and intelligence flow forth. For from the Lord as the Sun proceed heat and light, and heat is the good of love, and light is truth from that good, and these two constitute wisdom and intelligence with angels and men, for the good of love enters their will, and the truth from that good enters their understanding, and wisdom resides in the will and understanding together.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 709

709. And upon her head a crown of twelve stars, signifies the wisdom and intelligence of those who are of that church through doctrinals and knowledges of all things of truth and good from the Word. This is evident from the signification of "head," as being wisdom and intelligence (of which above, n. 553, 577), here of those who are of the church that is signified by "the woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon under her feet;" also from the signification of "crown," which also means wisdom and intelligence (of which above, n. 126, 218, 272), also from the signification of "stars," as being the doctrinals and knowledges of truth and good from the Word (of which see n. 72, 402, 535), also from the signification of "twelve," which means all, and is predicated of truths and goods (See n. 430). From this it is clear that "the crown of twelve stars upon the head" of the woman signifies the wisdom and intelligence of those who are of that church through the doctrinals and knowledges of all things of truth and good from the Word. This is said of the woman after it is said that she was "arrayed with the sun, and the moon was under her feet," because the "sun" signifies celestial and spiritual love, and the "moon" the faith of charity, and from these all wisdom and intelligence flow forth; for from the Lord as a sun heat and light proceed, and heat is the good of love, and light is truth from that good, and these two constitute wisdom and intelligence with angels and men, for the good of love enters their will, and truth from that good enters their understanding, and in the will and understanding together wisdom has its seat.

Apocalypsis Explicata 709 (original Latin 1759)

709. "Et super capite ejus corona stellarum duodecim." - Quod significet sapientiam et intelligentiam illorum qui ab ea ecclesia, per doctrinalia et cognitiones omnium veri et boni ex Verbo, constat ex significatione "capitis", quod sit sapientia et intelligentia (de qua supra, n. 553, 1

577 [a]), hic illorum qui sunt ab ea ecclesia quae per "mulierem circumdatam sole, et luna sub pedibus ejus", significatur; ex significatione "coronae", quod etiam sit sapientia et intelligentia (de qua etiam supra, n. 126, 218, 272); ex significatione "stellarum", quod sint doctrinalia et cognitiones veri et boni ex Verbo (de qua, n. 72, 402, 535); et ex significatione "duodecim", quod sint omnia, et quod dicantur de veris et bonis (de qua supra, n. 430): inde constare potest quod per "coronam stellarum duodecim super capite mulieris" significetur sapientia et intelligentia illorum qui ab ea ecclesia, per doctrinalia et cognitiones omnium veri et boni ex Verbo. Quod haec dicantur postquam dictum est de muliere quod "circumdata sit sole, et luna sub pedibus ejus", est quia per "solem" significatur amor caelestis et spiritualis, ac per "lunam" fides charitatis, et ex illis profluit omnis sapientia et intelligentia; nam ex Domino ut Sole procedit calor et lux, ac calor est bonum amoris et lux est verum ex illo bono, et illa duo faciunt apud angelos et apud homines sapientiam et intelligentiam; bonum amoris enim intrat voluntatem eorum, et verum ex illo bono intrat intellectum eorum, ac in voluntate et simul in intellectu residet sapientia.


1. The editors made a correction or note here.

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