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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 745

745. Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ.- That this signifies that now the Lord has power, by means of His Divine Truth, to save those who are of His church, who receive it in heart and soul, is evident from the signification of salvation, as denoting deliverance; from the signification of "the power" (potentia), as denoting to have ability, thus possibility (of which we shall speak presently); and from the signification of kingdom, as denoting heaven and the church (concerning which see above, n. 48, 685); from the signification of our God, as denoting the Lord as to His Divine; and from the signification of the authority (potestas) of His Christ, as denoting the efficacy of Divine Truth, that is, by means of Divine Truth. That Christ means the Lord as to Divine Truth may be seen above (n. 684, 685); that authority (or power), when said of the Lord, signifies the salvation of the human race, may be seen above (n. 293); and that the Lord has the power of saving by means of His Divine Truth, may also be seen above (n. 333, 726). And because the Lord can save only those who receive Divine Truth from Him in heart and soul, this also is signified. It is therefore evident that Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority (or power) of His Christ, signifies that now the Lord has, by means of His Divine Truth, the power of saving those who are of His church, who receive it in heart and soul.

[2] It is said "who receive it in heart and soul," and this means in love and faith, also in will and understanding; for when in the Word it is said "heart and soul," then soul signifies faith, and also understanding, while heart signifies love, and also will. For soul (anima), in the Word in the ultimate sense, means the respiration of man, which is also called his breath (spiritus), therefore the expression "to animate" (animare) is used for "to respire" (respirare); also a man is said to give up the ghost, or it is said that the breath has gone out of him, when he dies. That soul (anima), moreover, signifies faith and also understanding, and the heart love, and also the will, is from correspondence. For faith and understanding correspond to the animation or respiration of the lungs, and the love and will correspond to the motion and pulsation of the heart; concerning this correspondence see above (n. 167); and the Arcana Coelestia 2930, 3883-3896, 9050).

[3] The reason why these words, "Now is come the salvation and the power of our God," signify that the Lord can now save, thus why power there signifies to have ability, thus possibility, is that the Lord could not save those who were of His church until the dragon with his angels had been driven out, that is, separated from heaven. He who is ignorant of the laws of Divine order may suppose that the Lord can save whomsoever He pleases, thus the evil as well as the good; and for this reason some are of opinion that in the end all who are in hell will also be saved. But that no one can be saved by immediate, but only by mediate mercy, and that still it is from pure mercy that those are saved who receive Divine Truth from the Lord in soul and heart, may be seen in Heaven and Hell 521-527).

[4] This also is meant by these words in John:

"His own received him not; but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born not of bloods, neither of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" (1:11-13).

His own who received Him not, mean those who are of the church where the Word is, and to whom the Lord could therefore be known; therefore those who were of the Jewish church are there meant by His own. That the Lord would give to those who believe in His name power to become the sons of God, signifies to give heaven to those who receive Divine truths from Him in soul and heart, or in faith and life; to believe in His name signifying to receive the Lord in faith and life, for the name of the Lord signifies everything by which He is worshipped. The sons of God, mean those who are regenerated by the Lord; who are born not of bloods, signifies those who have not falsified and adulterated the Word; nor of the will of the flesh, signifies those who are not in evils from their proprium; nor of the will of man, signifies those who are not in falsities from their proprium, for the will signifies man's proprium, flesh signifies evil, and man falsity; but born of God, signifies those who are regenerated by means of truths from the Word and by a life according to them. From these things also it is evident that those who are not willing to be reformed and regenerated by the Lord cannot be saved, this being effected by the reception of Divine Truth in faith and life.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 745

745. Now is come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ, signifies that now the Lord has power by His Divine truth to save those who are of His church, who receive Divine truth in heart and soul. This is evident from the signification of "salvation," as being to be saved; and from the signification of "power," as being to have ability, thus possibility (of which presently); from the signification of "kingdom," as being heaven and the church (See above, n. 48, 685); from the signification of "our God," as being the Lord in relation to His Divine; and from the signification of "the authority of His Christ," as being the efficacy of Divine truth, thus by means of Divine truth. That "the Christ" means the Lord in relation to Divine truth may be seen above (n. 684, 685); and that "authority" signifies, in reference to the Lord, the salvation of the human race, may be seen above n. 293; and that the Lord has power to save by means of His Divine truth (n. 333, 726); and because the Lord can save only those who receive Divine truth from Him with heart and soul, this too is signified. From this it is clear that "Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ," signifies that now the Lord has power by His Divine truth to save those who are of His church who receive Divine truth with heart and soul.

[2] It is said "who receive with heart and soul," meaning with love and faith, likewise with the will and understanding; for in the Word when "soul and heart" are both mentioned "soul" signifies faith, likewise understanding, and "heart" signifies love, likewise will; for soul [anima] means there in the ultimate sense the respiration of man, which is also called his "spirit" [or breath], and the verb animare means to respire; also when a man dies he is said "to give up the ghost" [emittere animam et spirituum]. Moreover, it is also from correspondence that "soul" signifies faith, also the understanding, and that "heart" signifies love, as also the will; for faith and understanding correspond to the breathing [animatio] or respiration of the lungs, and the love and will correspond to the motion and pulsation of the heart (on which correspondence see above, n. 167; and the Arcana Coelestia 2930, 3883-3896, 9050).

[3] "Now is come the salvation and the power of our God" signifies that the Lord is now able to save; so "power" here signifies to have ability, thus the possibility, because the Lord could not save those who were of His church before the dragon with his angels had been driven out, that is, separated from heaven. One who does not know the laws of Divine order might believe that the Lord can save anyone He pleases, thus the evil as well as the good; and for this reason some are of the opinion that in the end all who are in hell will be saved. But that no one can be saved by immediate mercy, but only by mediate, and that still it is from pure mercy, that those who receive Divine truth from the Lord in soul and heart are saved, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell 521-527.

[4] This is also meant by these words in John:

His own received Him not; but as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become sons of God, to them that believe on His name; who were born not of bloods nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God (John 1:11-13).

"His own" who received Him not mean those who are of the church where the Word is, and to whom the Lord could be known through the Word; therefore those who were of the Jewish Church are here meant by "His own." That the Lord would "give to those that believe on His name power to become sons of God" signifies that He gives heaven to those 1who receive Divine truths from Him in soul and heart, or in faith and life; "to believe on His name" meaning to receive the Lord in faith and life, for "the name of the Lord" signifies everything by which He is worshiped; "sons of God" mean those who are regenerated by the Lord; "who are born not of bloods" signifies who have not falsified and adulterated the Word; "nor of the will of the flesh" signifies who are not in evils from what is their own [proprium]; "nor of the will of man" signifies who are not in falsities from what is their own [proprium], for the "will" signifies what is man's own [proprium], "flesh" signifies evil, and "man" [vir] signifies falsity; "but born of God" signifies those who have been regenerated by truths from the Word and by a life according to them. From this it can be seen that those who are not willing to be reformed and regenerated by the Lord, which is effected by the reception of Divine truth in faith and life, cannot be saved.


1. The Latin has "to him who receive," for "to them."

Apocalypsis Explicata 745 (original Latin 1759)

745. "Nunc facta est salus et potentia et regnum Dei nostri, et petestas Christi Ipsius." - Quod significet quod nunc potentia Domino salvandi illos qui ab ecclesia Ipsius sunt per Divinum suum Verum, qui corde et anima id recipiunt, constat ex significatione "salutis", quod sit salvatio; ex significatione "potentiae", quod sit quod possit, ita possibilitas (de qua sequitur); ex significatione "regni", quod sit caelum et ecclesia (de qua supra, n. 48, 685 1

); ex significatione "Dei nostri", quod sit Dominus quoad suum Divinum; et ex significatione "potestatis Christi Ipsius", quod sit efficacia Divini Veri, ita per Divinum Verum. Quod per "Christum" intelligatur Dominus quoad Divinum Verum, videatur supra (n. 684, 685 2

); et quod "potestas", cum de Domino, significet salvationem generis humani (supra, n. 293); et quod potestas salvandi Domino sit per Divinum suum Verum (etiam supra, n. 333, 726); et quia Dominus non alios salvare potest quam illos qui anima et corde recipiunt Divinum Verum ab Ipso, ideo hoc etiam significatur. Inde constare potest quod per "Nunc facta est salus et potentia et regnum Dei nostri, et potestas Christi Ipsius", significetur quod nunc potentia Domino salvandi illos qui ab ecclesia Ipsius sunt, per Divinum suum Verum, qui corde et anima id recipiunt:

[2] dicitur, qui recipiunt corde et anima, et per id intelligitur amore et fide, tum voluntate et intellectu; per "animam" enim in Verbo, ubi dicitur "anima et cor", significatur fides, tum intellectus, et per "cor" amor, tum voluntas; nam ibi per "animam" in sensu ultimo intelligitur respiratio hominis, quae etiam spiritus ejus vocatur; quare dicitur "animare" pro respirare, tum "emittere animam" et "spiritum" cum moritur homo: quod etiam "anima" significet fidem, ut et intellectum, ac "cor" amorem, ut et voluntatem, est ex correspondentia; fides enim ac intellectus correspondet animationi seu respirationi pulmonum, ac amor et voluntas correspondet motui ac pulsui cordis (de qua correspondentia videatur supra, n. 167; et in Arcanis Caelestibus, n. 2930, 3883-3896, 9050).

[3] Quod "Nunc facta sit salus et potentia Dei nostri", significat quod Dominus nunc possit salvare, sic ut "potentia" ibi significet quod possit, ita possibilitatem, est quia Dominus non potuerit salvare illos qui ab ecclesia Ipsius fuerunt, priusquam draco cum angelis ejus expulsus, hoc est, separatus a caelo esset. Qui non scit leges ordinis Divini, credere potest quod Dominus salvare possit quemlibet, ita malos aeque ac bonos; inde opinio quorundam est, quod in fine etiam salventur omnes qui in inferno sunt; sed quod nemo salvari possit ex misericordia immediata, sed ex mediata, et quod usque ex pura misericordia salventur qui Divinum Verum anima et corde a Domino recipiunt, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno (n. 521-527).

[4] Hoc quoque intelligitur per haec verba apud Johannem,

"Proprii Ipsum non receperunt; quotquot vero receperunt, dedit illis potestatem ut filii Dei essent, credentibus in nomen Ipsius, qui non ex sanguinibus, neque ex voluntate carnis, neque ex voluntate viri, sed ex Deo nati sunt" (1:11-13):

per "proprios" qui non receperunt, intelliguntur illi qui ab ecclesia ubi Verbum, et per id Dominus potuit illis notus esse; quare illi qui ab Ecclesia Judaica erant per "proprios" ibi intelliguntur: quod Dominus "dederit credentibus in nomen Ipsius potestatem ut filii Dei essent" significat quod 3

illis qui receperunt ab Ipso Divina vera anima et corde, seu fide et vita, dederit caelum; per "credere in nomen Ipsius" significatur recipere Dominum fide et vita, nam per "nomen Domini" significatur omne per quod colitur; per "filios Dei" intelliguntur qui a Domino regenerantur: "qui non ex sanguinibus" significat qui non falsificaverunt et adulteraverunt Verbum; "qui non ex voluntate carnis", significat qui non in malis ex proprio suo sunt; "qui non ex voluntate viri" significat qui non in falsis ex proprio suo sunt; "voluntas" enim significat proprium hominis, "caro" significat malum, ac "vir" significat falsum: "sed ex Deo nati sunt", significat qui regenerati sunt per vera ex Verbo et per vitam secundum illa. Ex his quoque constare potest quod non salvari possint qui non volunt reformari ac regenerari a Domino, quod fit per receptionem Divini Veri fide et vita.


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