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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 851

851. And with him a hundred forty and four thousand. That this signifies, according to truths in their whole extent, is evident from the signification of a hundred and forty-four thousand, as denoting truths in their whole extent; concerning which see above (n. 271); and also by princes (n. 29, 408).

By a hundred and forty-four thousand are meant truths in their whole extent, for the same things are signified by that number as by the number twelve; and by twelve are signified truths and goods in their whole extent. The reason why a hundred and forty-four thousand signify similar things is, that compound numbers signify the same as the simple numbers from which they arise by multiplication; and the number one hundred and forty-four arises from the multiplication of twelve by twelve. And one hundred and forty-four thousand signify the same as one hundred and forty-four. But upon this subject see what is said in the explanation of chap. vii. which treats of the twelve thousand sealed out of every tribe, and the hundred and forty-four thousand sealed out of all the tribes together.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 851

851. And with Him a hundred forty-four thousand, signifies according to truths in the whole complex. This is evident from the signification of a "hundred forty-four thousand," as being truths in the whole complex (See above n. 9, 206, 253, 270, 297, 430).

[2] "Elders and princes" have a like signification in Isaiah:

Jehovah hath stood up to plead, and standeth to judge the peoples. Jehovah will come to judgment with the elders of His people and the princes thereof (270; also of "princes," n. 29, 408).

[3] "A hundred forty-four thousand" means truths in the whole complex, because that number has a similar signification as the number "twelve" and "twelve" signifies truths and goods in the whole complex. "A hundred forty-four thousand" has a similar signification as twelve because composite numbers have a similar signification as the simple numbers from which they arise by multiplication; and the number one hundred forty-four arises from the multiplication of twelve by twelve. Again, one hundred forty-four thousand has a similar signification as one hundred forty-four. But on this see many things that were said in the explanation of the seventh chapter, which treats of the twelve thousand sealed out of each tribe, and the one hundred forty-four thousand sealed out of all the tribes together.

Apocalypsis Explicata 851 (original Latin 1759)

851. "Et cum Ipso centum quadraginta quatuor millia." Quod significet secundum vera in omni complexu, constat ex significatione "centum quadraginta quatuor millia", quod sint vera in omni complexu (de qua supra, n. 430). Similia per illa significantur, quae per haec Domini verba ad duodecim suos discipulos,

"Jesus..dixit illis, Amen dico vobis, quod vos, qui secuti estis Me in regeneratione, quando sedebit Filius hominis super throno gloriae suae, sedebitis etiam vos super duodecim thronis, judicantes duo decim tribus Israelis" (Matthaeus 19:28);

per quae non intelligitur quod duodecim discipuli sessuri sint super duodecim thronis, et judicaturi duodecim tribus Israelis, sed quod Dominus judicaturus omnes secundum vera ex bono quod ab Ipso; nam per "duodecim discipulos" significantur omnes qui ab ecclesia, et in sensu abstracto omnia ecclesiae, quae sunt vera ex bono. (Sed haec etiam supra, n. 9, 206, 253 [b] , 270, 297, 430 [c] , explicata videantur.)

[2] Similia etiam significantur per "seniores" et "principes" apud Esaiam,

"Jehovah stitit Se ad litigandum, et stans ad judicandum populos; Jehovah in judicium veniet cum senioribus populi sui, et principibus ejus" (3:13, 14):

per "seniores populi", et per "principes ejus", similia significantur quae per "duodecim discipulos", nempe omnes qui ab ecclesia in veris et bonis ejus sunt, et in sensu abstracto vera et bona ecclesiae in omni complexu. (Quod illa per "seniores" significentur, videatur supra, n. 1

270; et quod etiam per "principes", n. 29, 408.)

[3] Quod per "centum quadraginta quatuor millia" intelligantur vera in omni complexu, est quia similia per illum numerum, quae per "duodecim" significantur, et per "duodecim" significantur vera et bona in omni complexu; quod similia per "centum quadraginta quatuor millia", est quia numeri compositi similia significant quae numeri simplices, ex quibus illi per multiplicationem exsurgunt, ac numerus 144 exsurgit per multiplicationem 12 in 12: similis significatio est numeri "centum et quadraginta quatuor millium" quae est numeri "centum et quadraginta quatuor": sed de hac re videantur plura in explicatione capitis praecedentis, 7, ubi agitur de "duodecim millibus" obsignatis ex unaquavis tribu, et de "centum et quadraginta, quatuor millibus" obsignatis simul ex omnibus tribubus.


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