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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 9

9. When it is known that all names In the Word signify things, and that the names of the twelve sons of Jacob, or the twelve tribes, signify all the goods and truths of the church in the aggregate; and similarly the names of the twelve disciples of the Lord; and that Peter, James, and John, signify faith, charity, and the good of charity, some arcana in the Word may then be seen; as for example, why the Lord gave the name of Peter to Simon, and to James and John the name Boanerges, which signifies sons of thunder (Arcana Coelestia 8581, 10580; similarly "the stone of Israel," n. 6426; and that thunders signify Divine truths from heaven, n. 7573, 8914, and lightnings the brilliance thereof, n. 8813; hence also thunders are called voices, n. 7573, 8914.)

[2] I will here mention some of the arcana which may be seen, when it is known that Peter signifies faith, and John the good of charity. First, why the Lord said to Peter,

"I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of the heavens" (Arcana Coelestia 10134); and three, or three times, signifies what is complete to the end (Arcana Coelestia 2788, 4495, 5159, 9198, 10127. That the end of the church comes when there is no faith, because no charity, may be seen in the small work, The Last Judgment 33-39, etc.).

[3] A third arcanum which may be seen, is, the signification of the following words concerning Peter and John:

Jesus said to Peter, Simon Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. He saith to him the second time, Simon Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep. He saith unto him the third time, Simon Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? and said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. And he saith unto him, Feed my sheep. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest; but when thou shalt behold, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and lead whither thou wouldest not. And when he had thus spoken, he saith unto him, Follow me. Peter, being turned, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, following, and he saith, Lord, this man what? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me" (Arcana Coelestia 3994, 10132; that sheep signify those who are in the good of charity towards the neighbour, n. 4169, 4809; and that to feed is to instruct, n. 5201, 6078.)

[4] What would be the quality of faith in the first time of the church, and what its quality in the last time is next described by the Lord. The first time of the church is meant by "when thou wast young," and the last time by "when thou shalt be old." That when he was young he girded himself, and walked whither he would, signifies, that, in the first time of the church, they would drink in truths from the good of charity, and would act from freedom; for to act from freedom is to act from the affection of truth from good. "When thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee and lead whither thou wouldest not," signifies, that in the last time of the church they would no longer drink in truths from the good of charity, that is, they would know them merely because stated by another, and would thus be in a servile state, that being a servile state in which good does not lead. (That garments signify truths, may be seen, Arcana Coelestia 1073, 2576, 5319, 5954, 9212, 9216, 9952, 10536; and that therefore to gird oneself denotes to drink in and apprehend truths, n. 9952. That to walk is to act and live; that to act from freedom is to act from love or affection, since what a man loves that he does freely, n. 2870, 3158, 8987, 8990, 9585, 9591. That every church begins from charity, but that in process of time it declines to faith, and at length to faith alone, 1834, 1835, 2231, 4683, 8094.)

[5] Because, at the last time of the church, faith becomes of such a quality as to reject the good of charity, saying that faith alone constitutes the church and saves, and not the good of life, which is charity, therefore Jesus said to Peter, by whom such faith is there meant, "Follow me." "And, being turned, Peter seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, following, and saith, Lord, what this man?" by which is signified, that faith, in the last time of the church, would turn away from the Lord; for it is said of Peter, by whom that faith is signified, that, "being turned," he saw; and he also said of the disciple whom Jesus loved or of John, by whom is signified the good of charity, "what this man?" that is, that he is nothing; but Jesus said to him, "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to thee; follow thou me"; by which is signified that the good of charity will follow the Lord, and acknowledge Him, even to the last time of the old church and the first of the New. (That the last time of the old church is called the consummation of the age, and the beginning of the New, the coming of the Lord, may be seen, Heaven and Hell 13-19).

[6] The fifth arcanum which becomes evident when it is known that John represented the good of love, is, what is signified by the words of the Lord from the cross to the mother Mary, and to John:

"When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple standing by whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy Son! And he saith to that disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home" (John 19:26, 27).

By mother and by woman is there meant the church, and by John the good of charity; and by the things said to them, that the church will be where there is the good of charity. (That by woman, in the Word, is meant the church, may be seen, Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30). By the apostles, in this passage, are not meant the apostles, but all truths from good which are from the Lord; so that those words signify, that the Lord alone will judge all from the truths which are from good, thus, every one according to those truths.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 9

9. When one knows that all names in the Word signify things, and that the names of the twelve sons of Jacob, or of the twelve tribes, signify all truths and goods of the church in the complex; and in like manner, the names of the twelve disciples of the Lord; and that "Peter," "James," and "John" signify faith, charity, and the good of charity; he can see many arcana in the Word; as for example, why:

The Lord gave the name Peter to Simon, and to James and John the name Boanerges, which means sons of thunder (Arcana Coelestia 8581, 10580; in like manner the "stone of Israel," n. 6426; that "thunders" signify Divine truths from heaven 7573, 8914; and "lightning" the splendors thereof, n. 8813; whence thunders were also called "voices," 7573, 8914)

[2] I will here mention some arcana that may be seen by those who are aware that "Peter" signifies faith, and "John" the good of charity. First, why the Lord said to Peter:

I also say unto thee, Thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build My church; and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of the heavens (Arcana Coelestia 10134); and "three" or "thrice," signifies what is complete to the end (n. Arcana Coelestia 2788, 4495, 5159, 9198, 10127. That the end of the church is when there is no faith, because no charity, see in the small work on The Last Judgment 33-39, seq.).

[3] A third arcanum that may be seen is what is signified by the following words concerning Peter and John:

Jesus saith to Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? He saith unto Him, Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love Thee. He saith unto him, Feed My lambs. He saith to him again a second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? He saith unto Him, Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love Thee. He saith unto him, Tend My sheep. He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me? Peter was grieved because He said unto him the third time, Lovest thou Me? And he saith unto Him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love Thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed My sheep. Verily, verily, I say unto thee, when thou wast younger, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest; but when thou shall be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and bear thee whither thou wouldest not. And when He had thus spoken, He saith unto him, Follow Me. Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, following, and he saith, Lord, What shall this one [do]? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me (Arcana Coelestia 3994, 10132; that "sheep" signify those who are in the good of charity towards the neighbor, n. 4169, 4809; and that "to feed" is to instruct, n. 5201, 6078)

[4] Faith, as it was to be in the first period of the church and as it was to be in the last, is then described by the Lord. The first period of the church is meant by "when thou wast younger," and its last by "when thou shalt be old." That when Peter "was younger he girded himself and walked whither he would," signifies that in the first period of the church men would imbibe truths from the good of charity and would act from freedom; for to act from freedom is to act from the affection of truth from good. "When thou shalt be old thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee and lead thee whither thou wouldest not," signifies that in the last period of the church they would no longer imbibe truths from the good of charity, thus would not know them in any other way than as declared by another; and thus would be in a servile state; for a servile state ensues when good does not lead. (That "garments" signify truths, see Arcana Coelestia 1073, 2576, 5319, 5954, 92 9212, 9216, 9952, 10536; and that therefore to "gird oneself" denotes to imbibe and perceive truths, n. 9952. That to "walk" is to act and live; to act from freedom is to act from love or affection, since what a man loves that he does freely, n. 2870, 3158, 8987, 8990, 9585, 9591. That every church begins from charity, but that in process of time it turns aside to faith, and at length to faith alone, n. 1834, 1835, 2231, 4683, 8094.)

[5] Since, in the last period of the church, faith becomes such that it rejects the good of charity, saying that faith alone constitutes the church and is saving, and not the good of life which is charity, Jesus said to Peter, by whom such faith is here meant, "Follow Me; and Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, following; and he saith, Lord, what shall this one [do]?" By this is signified that faith, in the last period of the church, would turn itself away from the Lord; for it is said of Peter, by whom such faith is signified, that "turning about, he saw;" also that he said of the disciple whom Jesus loved, or of John, by whom is signified the good of charity, "what shall this one [do]?" that is, that he is not anything. But Jesus said to him, "If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me." By this is signified that the good of charity will follow the Lord, and will acknowledge Him, even to the last period of the old church, and the first of the new. (That the last period of the old church is called "the consummation of the age," and the beginning of the new church "the coming of the Lord," see John 13:23; 21:20); namely, because the good of love was what the Lord saw when He beheld John, who represented and signified that good; since it is that good that constitutes heaven and the church (See the work on John 19:26, 27).

By "mother" and by "woman" is here meant the church, and by "John" the good of charity; and by the things here said, that the church will be where the good of charity is. (That by "woman," in the Word, is meant the church, may be seen in Matthew 19:28; Luke 22:30).

By "apostles" here are meant not apostles, but all truths from good, which are from the Lord; thus by these words is signified that the Lord alone will judge all from truths that are from good, thus that everyone will be judged according to those truths.

Apocalypsis Explicata 9 (original Latin 1759)

9. Quando quis scit quod omnia nomina in Verbo significent res, et quod nomina duodecim filiorum Jacobi, aut duodecim tribuum, significent omnia vera et bona ecclesiae in complexu, et similiter nomina duodecim discipulorum Domini, et quod "Petrus", "Jacobus" et "Johannes" significent fidem, charitatem, et bonum charitatis, is videre potest plura arcana in Verbo; quemadmodum, cur Dominus imposuit Simoni nomen "Petrus", ac Jacobo et Johanni nomina "Boanerges", quae significant "filios tonitrui" (Marc. 3 [16,] 17);

"Petrus" enim sicut "petra" significat Dominum quoad verum ex bono, seu fidem ex charitate; et "filii tonitrui" significant illos qui ex affectione quae amoris recipiunt vera caeli.

(Quod "petra" significet Dominum quoad verum ex bono seu fidem ex charitate, videatur n. 8581, 10580; similiter "Lapis Israelis", n. 6426: et quod "tonitrua" significent Divina vera ex caelo, n. 7573, 8914; ac "fulgura" splendores illorum, n. 8813; inde etiam tonitrua dicta fuerunt "voces", n. 7573, 8914.)

[2] Aliqua arcana, quae videre possunt illi qui sciunt quod "Petrus" significet fidem, et "Johannes" bonum charitatis, velim memorare:

Primum, – Cur Dominus ad Petrum dixit,

"Ego tibi dico, quia tu es Petrus, et super hac petra aedificabo meam ecclesiam;... et dabo tibi claves regni caelorum" (Matthaeus 16:18, 19).

Apparet ex littera sicut Petro data sit illa potentia, cum tamen nulla data est Petro; sed dictum ad illum, quia "Petrus" significabat verum ex bono quod a Domino, et vero ex bono quod a Domino est omnis potentia, ita Domino ex bono per verum (quod ita sit, illustratum videas in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 57).

Alterum arcanum quod videri potest cum scitur quod "Petrus" significet fidem, est, – Cur Dominus dixit ad illum, quod

Antequam gallus cecinerit, ter Ipsum abnegaturus esset; quod etiam factum est (Matthaeus 26:34, seq.).

Per illa significabatur, quod ultimo tempore ecclesiae nulla esset fides in Dominum quia nulla charitas; 1

"gallicinium" enim aeque ac "diluculum" significat ultimum tempus ecclesiae (n. AC 10134 2

); ac "tria" vel "ter" significant completum ad finem (n. 2788, 4495, 5159, 3

9198, 10127. Quod finis ecclesiae sit quando non fides quia non charitas, videatur in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio 33-39, seq.).

[3] Tertium arcanum quod videri potest, est, – Quid haec sequentia de Petro et Johanne significant:

Jesus dixit ad Petrum, "Simon Jona, diligis Me?... Dicit Ei, Etiam Domine, Tu scis quod amem Te. Dicit ei, Pasce agnos meos. Dicit ei secundo, Simon Jona, diligis Me? Ait Illi, Etiam Domine, Tu scis quod amem Te. Dicit ei, Pasce oves meas. Dicit ei tertio, Simon Jona, amas Me? Contristatus est Petrus, quia dixit ei tertio, Amas Me; et dicit Ei, Domine, Tu omnia scis, Tu cognoscis quod amem Te. Et dicit ei, Pasce oves meas. Amen, amen dico tibi, cum esses junior, cingebas te ipsum, et ambulabas quo volebas; quando autem senueris, extendes manus tuas, et alius te cinget et ducet quo non vis. .... ..Et hoc effatus dicit ei, Sequere Me. Conversus Petrus videt discipulum quem diligebat Jesus sequentem;.... et dicit, Domine, hic quid? Dicit ei Jesus, Si eum volo manere donec veniam, quid ad te? Tu sequere Me" (Johannes 21:15-22 4


Quid haec significant, nemo scire potest nisi sciat sensum internum, et quod "Petrus" significet fidem, ac "Johannes" bonum charitatis; ita "Petrus" illos in ecclesia qui in fide sunt, et "Johannes" illos qui in bono charitatis. Quod Jesus ter dixerit ad Petrum, "Amas Me", et Petrus ter dixerit", (Tu scis) quod amem Te", et quod Jesus tunc dixerit, "Pasce agnos meos", et "Pasce oves meas", significat quod illi qui in fide sunt ex amore instruere debeant illos qui in bono amoris in Dominum et in bono charitatis erga proximum sunt; illi enim qui in fide ex amore sunt etiam in veris sunt, et illi qui inde in veris sunt, instruunt de bono et ducunt ad bonum; nam omne bonum spirituale, quod homini, comparatur et implantatur per vera. (Quod significent illos qui in bono innocentiae et amoris in Dominum sunt, videatur n. 3994, 10132; quod "oves" illos qui in bono charitatis erga proximum, n. 4169, 4809; et quod "pascere" sit instruere, n. 5201, 6078.)

[4] Deinde describitur a Domino qualis fides futura est primo tempore ecclesiae, et qualis futura ultimo; primum tempus ecclesiae intelligitur per "cum esses junior", et ultimum tempus per "cum senueris"; quod "cum esset junior, cingeret se ipsum, et ambularet quo vellet", significat quod primo tempore ecclesiae haurirent vera ex bono charitatis, et quod ex libero agerent, nam ex libero agere est ex affectione veri ex bono; "quando senueris, extendes manus tuas, et alius te cinget et ducet quo non vis", significat quod ultimo tempore ecclesiae non amplius ex bono charitatis haurirent vera, ita non scirent aliunde quam quia dicuntur ab alio, et sic quod in statu servo erunt, nam status servus fit quando non bonum ducit.

(Quod "vestimenta" significent vera, videatur n. 1073, 2576, 5319, 5954, 9212, 9216, 9952, 10536; et quod ideo "cingere se" sit haurire et appercipere vera, n. 9952; quod "ambulare" sit agere et vivere; quod ex libero agere, sit ex amore seu affectione, quoniam quod homo amat hoc libere facit, n. 2870, 3158, 5

8987, 8990, 9585, 9591. Quod omnis ecclesia incipiat a charitate, sed quod temporis successu deflectat ad fidem, et tandem ad solam fidem, n. 1834, 1835, 2231, 4683, 8094.)

[5] Quia fides ultimo tempore ecclesiae talis fit ut rejiciat bonum charitatis, dicendo quod sola fides faciat ecclesiam et salvet, et non bonum vitae quod est charitas, ideo Jesus dixit ad Petrum, per quem ibi fides talis intelligitur, "Sequere Me; et conversus Petrus videt discipulum quem diligebat Jesus sequentem, ... et dicit, Domine, quid hic?" Per quae significatur, quod fides ultimo tempore ecclesiae averteret se a Domino; nam dicitur de Petro, per quem significatur illa fides, quod "conversus" viderit, et quoque dixerit de discipulo quem Jesus diligebat, seu de Johanne, per quem significatur bonum charitatis, "Quid hic?" hoc est, quod non sit aliquid: sed dixit ad eum Jesus, "Si volo eum manere donec veniam, quid ad te? Tu sequere Me"; per quae significatur, quod bonum charitatis secuturum sit Dominum et Ipsum agniturum, usque ad ultimum tempus ecclesiae veteris et primum novae. (Quod ultimum tempus ecclesiae veteris dicatur "consummatio saeculi", et principium novae dicatur "adventus Domini", videatur n. 4535, 10622.)

Quartum arcanum, quod videri potest, est, – Cur Dominus dilexit Johannem prae reliquis discipulis, et cur ideo Johannes accubuit ad pectus seu in sinu Domini (Johannes 13:23; 21:20); quod nempe fuerit quia bonum amoris erat in conspectu Domini cum videbat Johannem, qui id bonum repraesentavit et significavit, quia id bonum est quod facit caelum et ecclesiam. (Videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 13-19.)

Quintum arcanum est quod patet cum scitur quod Johannes repraesentaverit bonum amoris, nempe, – Quid significatur per Domini verba e cruce ad Mariam matrem et ad Johannem:

"Jesus videt matrem, et discipulum astantem quem diligebat: dicit matri suae, Mulier, ecce filius tuus; et dicit discipulo illi, Ecce mater tua; et ex illa hora accepit eam discipulus ille in domum suam propriam" (Johannes 19:26, 27);

per "matrem" et per "mulierem" ibi intelligitur ecclesia, et per "Johannem" bonum charitatis; et per illa, quod ecclesia erit ubi bonum charitatis.

(Quod per "mulierem" in Verbo intelligatur ecclesia, videatur n. 252, 253, 749, 770, 3160, 6014, 7337, 8994; quod similiter per "matrem", n. 289, 2691, 2717, 3703, 4257, 6

5581, 8897, 10490; quod "accipere in domum propriam "sit cohabitare, patet.) Ex his nunc constare potest, quanta arcana latent in Verbo, quae solum patent illis qui sciunt ejus sensum internum seu spiritualem. Absque illo sensu nec sciri potest quid significatur per quod Apostoli sessuri sint super duodecim thronis, et judicaturi duodecim tribus Israelis (Matthaeus 19:28; Luca 22:30);

per "apostolos" ibi non intelliguntur apostoli, sed omnia vera ex bono quae a Domino; ita significatur per ea verba, quod Dominus solus omnes judicaturus sit ex veris quae ex bono, ita unumquemvis secundum illa.


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