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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 872

872. And unto every nation, and tribe, and tongue, and people. That this signifies unto all who are in the goods of life and of doctrine, and in truths therefrom, is evident from the signification of nation, as denoting those who are in the good of life, because in the good of love; concerning which see above (n. 175, 331, 625); and from the signification of tribe, as denoting those who are in truths from good; concerning which see above (n. 39, 430, 431); and from the signification of tongue, as denoting confession from good of heart - thus those who are in the good of doctrine; concerning which see above (n. 455, 625); and from the signification of people, as denoting those who are in truths of doctrine; concerning which also see above (n. 175, 331, 625). From these things it is evident that by every nation, and tribe, and tongue, and people, are signified all those who are in the goods of life and doctrine, and in the truths therefrom; thus both the simple and the learned, wherever they may be, whether within the church or without it.

According to the sense of the letter, by every nation, tribe, tongue, and people, are meant all of whatever religion they are; but in the spiritual sense all those who live well, and understand rightly.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 872

872. And unto every nation and tribe and tongue and people, signifies to all who are in the goods of life and doctrine and in truths thence. This is evident from the signification of "nation" as being those who are in the good of life, because they are in the good of love (See above, n. 175, 331, 625);

also from the signification of "tribe," as being those who are in truths from good (See above, n. 39, 430, 431);

also from the signification of "tongue," as being confession from good of heart, thus those who are in good of doctrine (See above, n. 455, 625);

also from the signification of "people" as being those who are in truths of doctrine (See above 75, 331, 625).

This makes clear that "every nation and tribe and tongue and people" signifies all who are in the goods of life and doctrine, and in truths thence, thus both the simple and the learned, wherever they may be, whether within the church or outside of it. In the sense of the letter "every nation, tribe, tongue, and people," means all, of whatsoever religion they are; but in the spiritual sense it means all who live well and understand well.

Apocalypsis Explicata 872 (original Latin 1759)

872. "Et omni genti et tribui et linguae et populo." Quod significet omnibus qui in vitae et doctrinae bonis et inde veris sunt, constat ex significatione "gentis", quod sint qui in bono vitae, quia in bono amoris (de qua supra, n. 175, 331, 625); ex significatione "tribus", quod sint qui in veris ex bono sunt (de qua supra, n. 39, 430, 431); ex significatione "linguae", quod sit confessio ex bono cordis, ita in doctrinae bono (de qua supra. n. 455, 625); et ex significatione "populi", quod sint qui in doctrinae veris (de qua etiam supra, n 175, 331, 625); ex quibus patet quod per "omnem gentem et tribum et linguam et populum", significentur omnes qui in vitae et doctrinae bonis et inde veris sunt, ita tam simplices quam docti, ubicunque sint, sive intra ecclesiam sive extra illam. Secundum sensum litterae, per "omnem gentem, tribum, linguam et populum" intelliguntur omnes ex quacunque religione sunt; sed in sensu spirituali intelliguntur omnes qui bene vivunt, et bene intelligunt.

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