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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 873

873. (Verse 7) Saying with a great voice. That this signifies exhortation, is evident from the signification of a loud voice, as denoting exhortation, because it involves the things following, where it is said that they should fear God, and give glory unto Him. A voice is frequently mentioned in the Word, also a loud voice; and when it is from the Lord, or from His angels, it signifies Divine truth in general, and all that proceeds from the Lord; consequently, also, commandment and precept, and thus also exhortation, with other things besides; concerning which see above (n. 261, 302, 424, 668, 682). For a voice from the angels is not a voice from themselves, but through them, from the Lord.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 873

873. Verse 7 (261, 302, 424, 668, 682); for a voice from the angels is not a voice from them but through them from the Lord.

Apocalypsis Explicata 873 (original Latin 1759)

873. [Vers. 7.] "Dicentem voce magna." Quod significet exhortationem, constat ex significatione "vocis magnae", quod sit exhortatio, quia involvit sequentia, ubi dicitur quod "timerent Deum, et darent Ipsi gloriam: "vox" in Verbo saepius dicitur, tum "vox magna"; et cum a Domino, aut ab angelis Ipsius, in genere significat Divinum Verum, et omne quod procedit a Domino, proinde etiam mandatum et praeceptum, ita quoque exhortationem, et plura (de quibus videatur supra, n. 261, 302, 424, 668, 682); nam vox ab angelis non est vox ab illis, sed per illos a Domino.

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