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Apocalypse Explained (Tansley translation 1923) 875

875. For the hour of his judgment is come. That this signifies the separation of those who live according to Divine truths, from those who do not live according to them, is evident from the signification of hour, as denoting state, in this case the last state of the church, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of judgment, as denoting the separation of the good from the evil; consequently, of those who live according to the Lord's Divine truths from those who do not. For the latter are evil, but the former are good. That the separation of these is signified by the Last Judgment, is evident from the things set forth in the small work concerning The Last Judgment. That it is the separation of those who live according to Divine truths, from those who do not live according to them, is evident from the passages in the Word where the Last Judgment is treated of, as in Matthew xxv., where the separation of the sheep from the goats is described. The sheep are those who have done good, and the goats those who have not done good. Also from the passages in the Word where it is said that every one shall be judged according to his works, that is, according to his life:

As in 785).

The reason why it is called the hour of judgment is, that hour signifies not only time but also state, like day, week, month, year, and time in general; as may be seen above (n. 571, 610, 664, 673, 747, 761). And concerning the signification of hour in particular, see above (n. 194, 488, 673).

Hour and day are so often mentioned in the Word because of the spiritual sense which is in every part of it. For while man thinks of hour and day, and thence of time, the angels, who are in the spiritual sense of the Word, think of state. The reason is, that angels have no idea of time, because they have no days, weeks, months, and years, such as are in the world; but they have changes of state, by which they measure things successive; concerning which see the work on Heaven and Hell 162-169), where time in heaven is treated of.

Apocalypse Explained (Whitehead translation 1912) 875

875. For the hour of His judgment is come, signifies the separation of those who live according to Divine truths from those who do not live according to them. This is evident from the signification of "hour," as being state, here the last state of the church (of which presently); also from the signification of "judgment," as being the separation of the good from the evil, thus of those who live according to the Lord's Divine truths from those who do not; for the latter are the evil but the former are the good. That the Last Judgment means the separation of these can be seen from what has been said in the small work on The Last Judgment. That this is the separation of those who live according to Divine truths from those who do not live according to them can be seen from the passages in the Word where the Last Judgment is treated of, as in the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew, where the separation of the sheep from the goats is described, the "sheep" being those who have done goods, and the "goats" those who have not done goods; also from passages in the Word where it is said that "everyone shall be judged according to his works," that is, according to his life (as 785. It is said "the hour of judgment," because "hour" signifies not only time but also state (the same as "day," "week," "month," "year," and time in general, as may be seen above, n. 571, 610, 664, 673, 747, 761; also concerning the signification of "hour" in particular, n. 194, 488, 673). "Hour" and "day" are so often mentioned in the Word on account of the spiritual sense in every particular of the Word; for while a man is thinking of hour and day, and thus of time, the angels, who are in the spiritual sense of the Word, are thinking of state; and for the reason that the angels, have no idea of time because they have no days, weeks, months, and years, such as are in the world, but have changes of state, from which they measure things successive (See in the work on Heaven and Hell 162-169, where Time in Heaven is treated of).

Apocalypsis Explicata 875 (original Latin 1759)

875. "Quia venit hora judicii Ipsius." Quod significet separationem viventium secundum Divina vera a non viventibus secundum illa, constat ex significatione "horae", quod sit status, hic status ultimus ecclesiae (de qua sequitur); et ex significatione "judicii", quod sit separatio bonorum a malis, ita viventium secundum Divina vera Domini a non viventibus secundum illa, hi enim sunt mali, illi autem boni; quod separatio illorum significetur per "ultimum judicium", constare potest ex illis quae in opusculo De Ultimo Judicio dicta sunt: quod sit separatio viventium secundum Divina vera a non viventibus secundum illa, constare potest a locis in Verbo ubi de ultimo judicio agitur; ut a capite [l] 25 apud Matthaeum, ubi describitur separatio ovium ab hircis, quod "oves" sint qui bona fecerunt, et "hirci" qui non bona; tum a locis in Verbo ubi dicitur

quod "quisque judicabitur secundum opera", hoc est, secundum vitam ejus, (Ut Matthaeus 16:27; Johannes 5:29; 1

Apocalypsis 14:13; 20:12, 13; cap. 22:12, et alibi;)

videatur supra (n. 785). Quod dicatur "hora judicii", est quia "hora" significat non modo tempus, sed etiam statum; (sicut "dies", "septimana", "mensis", "annus", et in genere "tempus", videatur supra, n. 571, 610, 2

664, 673, 747, 761; ac de significatione "horae" in specie, n. 194, 488, 673); quod toties in Verbo dicatur "hora" et "dies", est propter sensum spiritualem in singulis Verbi; nam dum homo cogitat horam et diem, et inde tempus, angeli, qui in spirituali sensu Verbi sunt, cogitant statum; causa est quia angeli non aliquam ideam temporis habent, quoniam non illis sunt dies, septimanae, menses et anni, quales in mundo, sed sunt illis mutationes status, ex quibus mensurant successiva (de qua re videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 162-169, ubi De Tempore in Caelo actum est] .


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