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《揭秘启示录》 第600节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 600

600. 13:14 And to lead astray those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs which it was granted to do in the presence of the beast. This symbolically means that through their testifications and assertions the clergy lead people in the church into errors.

To lead astray means, symbolically, to lead into errors. Those who dwell on the earth symbolize people in the Protestant Reformed Church, as in nos. 578, 588, 597 above. The signs which the second beast was granted to do in the presence of the first beast symbolize testifications and assertions (nos. 598, 599). The beast from the sea, before whom the signs were done, symbolizes the faith of the dragon among the laity (no. 567); and the beast coming up out of the earth that did the signs, which is elsewhere called a false prophet, symbolizes the faith of the dragon among the clergy (no. 594).

The Lord says something akin to this in Matthew 24:24-26.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 600

600. [verse 14] 'And he leads astray those dwelling upon the land on account of the signs that were given him to enact in the presence of the beast' signifies that by testifications and attestations they lead the men of the Church into errors. By 'to lead astray' is signified to lead into errors; by 'those dwelling upon the land' are signified the men of the Church of the Reformed, as above (578, 588, 597); by 'the signs that were given him to enact before the beast' are signified testifications and attestations (598-599); by 'the beast out of the sea' in whose presence the signs were enacted is signified the faith of the dragon with the laity (567); and by 'the beast coming up out of the land,' which did the signs and elsewhere is called 'the false prophet,' is signified the faith of the dragon with the clergy (594). The like is said by the Lord in Matthew 24:24-26.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 600

600. Verse 14. And he seduceth them that dwell on the earth, on account of the signs which were given him to do before the beast, signifies that by their testifications and attestations they lead the men of the church into errors. "To seduce" signifies to lead into errors; by "them that dwell on the earth" are signified the men of the churches of the Reformed, as above, (578, 588, 597); by "the signs" which it was given him to do before the beast, are signified testifications, and attestations, (598-599); by "the beast out of the sea," before which the signs were done, is signified the faith of the dragon among the laity, (567); and by "the beast coming up out of the earth," which did signs, and which in other places is called the false prophet, is signified the faith of the dragon among the clergy, (594). The like is said by the Lord in Matthew 24:24-26.

Apocalypsis Revelata 600 (original Latin 1766)

600. (Vers. 14.) "Et seducat habitantes super terra propter signa quae data ei facere coram Bestia," significat quod per testificationes et contestationes inducant homines Ecclesiae in errores. - Per "seducere" significatur inducere in errores per "habitantes super terra" significantur homines Ecclesiae Reformatorum, ut supra (578, 588, 597); per "signa," quae data ei facere coram Bestia, significantur testificationes et contestationes (598, 599); per "Bestiam ex Mari," coram qua signa facta sunt, significatur fides Draconis apud Laicos (567); et per "Bestiam ascendentem ex Terra," quae fecit signa, et alibi vocatur Pseudopropheta, significatur fides Draconis apud Clericos (594). Simile dicitur a Domino apud Matthaeum 24:24-26.

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