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《揭秘启示录》 第833节

(一滴水译本 2019)

  833.启19:19.“我看见那兽和地上的君王,并他们的众军都聚集,要与骑马的并祂的军兵争战”表所有信奉唯信的内在恶人,无论领头的还是其追随者,都将攻击主在圣言中的神性真理,并侵扰那些将属于主的新教会之人。“兽”表示那些陷入唯信宗教的人(参看567576577594598601节);下面会看到,他们就是那些内在邪恶,信奉该宗教的人。“地上的君王”表示那些比其他人更深地陷入该宗教的虚假之人,因而表示领头的;因为“地上的君王”表示那些处于来自圣言的教会真理之人,在反面意义上表示那些陷入虚假的人(20483704720737740节),在此表示那些陷入虚假的人。“他们的众军”表示他们当中所有那些同样陷入虚假的人(447节)。“争战”表示攻击,因为在圣言中,“争战”表示属灵的战争,也就是虚假攻击真理,或真理攻击虚假(500586707节)。“骑马的”表示主的圣言(820821节);他们无法攻击主自己,但能攻击祂在圣言中的神性真理,因而也就攻击了主,因为主就是圣言,故“要与骑马的争战”表示这一点。“军队”(an army)表示那些处于神性真理的人,因而抽象来说,表示神性真理,故表示那些属于主的新天堂和新教会的人,因为神性真理在他们当中(参看826节)。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 833

833. 19:19 And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. This symbolically means that all inwardly evil people who professed faith alone will, together with their leaders and followers, attack the Lord's Divine truths in His Word and assail those who will belong to the Lord's New Church.

The beast symbolizes people caught up in a religion teaching faith alone, as may be seen in nos. 567, 576, 577, 594, 598, 601 above. That they include only those people who are inwardly evil and have professed that religion will be seen below. The kings of the earth symbolize people who more than others are caught up in the falsities of that religion, thus its leaders. For kings of the earth symbolize people governed by the church's truths from the Word, and in an opposite sense, people caught up in falsities (nos. 20, 483, 704, 737, 720, 740). Here they are people caught up in falsities. Their armies symbolize all those among them who are likewise caught up in falsities (no. 447).

To make war means, symbolically, to attack, since war in the Word symbolizes spiritual war, which is one of falsity against truth, and of truth against falsity (nos. 500, 586, 707). He that sat on the horse symbolizes the Lord in relation to the Word (nos. 820, 821). And because people cannot fight against the Lord Himself, but fight against His Divine truths found in the Word, thus fighting also against the Lord because the Lord embodies the Word, therefore this is what is meant by making war against Him who sat on the horse.

That an army or host symbolizes people who possess Divine truths, thus abstractly Divine truths themselves, accordingly people who belong to the Lord's New Heaven and New Church, because it is they who possess Divine truths, may be seen in no. 826 above.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 833

833. [verse 19] 'And I saw the beast and the kings of the land and their armies gathered together to wage war with the One sitting upon the horse, and with His army' signifies that all the interiorly evil who have made profession of faith alone, with the leaders and their adherents, are going to attack the Lord's Divine Truths in His Word and to infest those who will be of the Lord's New Church. That by 'the beast' are signified those who are in the form of religion of faith alone, may be seen above (567, 576-577, 594, 598, 601). That they are those who are interiorly evil and have made profession of that form of religion will be seen below. By 'the kings of the land' are signified those who are in the untruths of that form of religion more than the rest, thus the leaders; for by 'the kings of the land' are signified those who are in the truths of the Church out of the Word, and in the opposite sense those who are in untruths (20, 483, 704, 737, 720, 740), here those who are in untruths. By 'their armies are signified all those among them who likewise are in untruths (447). By 'to wage war' is signified to attack, since by 'war' in the Word is signified the spiritual war that is of untruth against truth and of truth against untruth (500, 586, 707). By 'the One sitting upon the horse' is understood the Lord as to the Word (820-821); and because they cannot fight against the Lord Himself but can against His Divine Truths that are in the Word, and thus also they fight against the Lord because the Lord is the Word, therefore this is understood by 'to wage war with the One sitting upon the horse.' That by 'an army' are signified those who are in Divine truths, thus abstractly Divine Truths, therefore those who are of the Lord's New Heaven and of the Lord's New Church because Divine truths are with them, may be seen above (826).

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 833

833. Verse 19. And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war with him that sat upon the horse, and with his army, signifies that all the interiorly evil, who have professed faith alone, with the leaders and their followers, will fight against the Lord's Divine truths in His Word, and will infest those who will be of the Lord's New Church. That by "the beast" are signified those who are in the religious persuasion of faith alone, may be seen above, (567, 576, 577, 594, 598, 601). That it is only they who are interiorly evil, and have professed that religious persuasion, will be seen below. By "the kings of the earth" are signified those who are in the falsities of that religious persuasion more than the rest, thus the leaders; for by "the kings of the earth" are signified those who are in the truths of the church from the Word, and in the opposite sense those who are in falsities, (20, 483, 704, 720, 737, 740); here those who are in falsities. By "their armies" all those among them are signified who in like manner are in falsities, (447). By "making war" is signified to contend against, since by "war" in the Word spiritual war is signified, which is that of falsity against truth, and of truth against falsity, (500, 586, 707). By "Him that sat upon the horse" is meant the Lord as to the Word, (820, 821); and because they cannot fight against the Lord Himself, but against His Divine truths which are in the Word, and thus they fight also against the Lord, because the Lord is the Word, this therefore is meant by "making war with Him that sat upon the horse." That by "an army" those are signified who are in Divine truths, thus abstractly Divine truths, consequently those who are of the Lord's New Heaven and New Church, because Divine truths are with them, may be seen above, (826).

Apocalypsis Revelata 833 (original Latin 1766)

833. (Vers. 19.) "Et vidi Bestiam et reges terrae et exercitus eorum congregatos facere bellum cum Sedente super Equo, et cum exercitu Ipsius," significat quod omnes interius mali, qui professi sunt solam Fidem, cum antesignanis et eorum clientibus, impugnaturi sint Divina Vera Domini in Verbo Ipsius, et infestaturi illos qui e Nova Ecclesia Domini erunt. - Quod per "Bestiam" significentur qui in Religioso de sola Fide sunt, videatur supra (567, 576, 577, 594, 598, 601); quod sint modo illi qui interius mali sunt, et id Religiosum professi, videbitur infra: per "reges terrae" significantur qui prae reliquis in falsis istius Religiosi sunt, ita antesignani; per "reges terrae" enim significantur qui in veris Ecclesiae ex Verbo sunt, et in opposito Sensu qui in falsis (20, 483, 704, 737, 720, 740), hic qui in falsis: per "exercitus" illorum significantur omnes inter illos qui similiter in falsis sunt (447); per "facere bellum" significatur impugnare, quoniam per "bellum" in Verbo significatur bellum spirituale, quod est falsi contra verum, ac veri contra falsum (500, 586, 707); per "Sedentem super Equo" intelligitur Dominus quoad Verbum (820, 821); et quia non pugnare possunt contra Ipsum Dominum, sed contra Divina vera Ipsius quae in Verbo sunt, et sic quoque pugnant contra Dominum, quia Dominus est Verbum, ideo id per "bellum facere cum Sedente super Equo," intelligitur: quod per "exercitum" significentur qui in Divinis veris sunt, ita abstracte Divina Vera, proinde illi qui e novo Caelo et e nova Ecclesia Domini sunt, quia apud illos sunt Divina vera, videatur supra (826).

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