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《婚姻之爱》 第201节






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Conjugial Love #201 (Chadwick (1996))

201. (xvi) Thus by stages their forms are from within made more perfect and noble.

The most perfect and noblest human form is when two forms are made by marriage into one, so when the flesh of two becomes one, as they were created to be. The man's mind is then lifted into a higher light, and the wife's mind into a higher heat; and then they germinate, flower and bear fruit, like trees in spring (188-189 above). It will now be seen in the next section that the ennobling of this form leads to the birth of noble fruit, spiritual in the heavens, natural on earth.

Conjugial Love #201 (Rogers (1995))

201. 16. Their forms are also thus progressively perfected and ennobled from within. The human form is most perfect and most noble when by marriage two forms become one form, thus when the flesh of two becomes one flesh, in accordance with the story of their creation. The husband's mind is then elevated into a higher light, and the wife's mind into a higher warmth, and they then burgeon, blossom and bear fruit, like trees in springtime (as may be seen above in nos. 188, 189).

We will see in the discussion that follows next that the ennobling of this form results in the birth of noble fruits - spiritual fruits in heaven, natural fruits on earth.

Love in Marriage #201 (Gladish (1992))

201. 16. And in this way their forms are continually perfected and made more excellent from within. The most perfect and highest human form is in two forms that make one form by joining together, which happens when two make one flesh in accordance with creation.

Then the man's mind is raised into higher light and the wife's mind into higher warmth, and then they bud, flower, and bear fruit like trees in springtime (see nos. 188-189 above). The next article will show that the perfecting of this form bears noble fruit - spiritual in heaven, natural on earth.

Conjugial Love #201 (Acton (1953))

201. XVI. THAT THUS THEIR FORMS ALSO ARE SUCCESSIVELY PERFECTED FROM WITHIN, AND ENNOBLED. The most perfect and noblest human form is that which exists when by marriage two forms become one single form, thus when two fleshes become one flesh in accordance with creation. That the mind of the man is then elevated into superior light, and the mind of the wife into superior heat; and that they then bud and blossom and bear fruit, as do trees in the time of spring; this the reader may see above (nos. 1 88, 189). That from the ennobling of this form, noble fruits are born, spiritual in the heavens, natural on earth, will be seen in the article which now follows.

Conjugial Love #201 (Wunsch (1937))

201. (xvi) Thus their forms are also gradually perfected and ennobled from within. The most perfect and the noblest human form is when two forms by marriage become one form, thus when two flesh become one flesh, in accord with the creation. Then the man's mind is elevated into higher light, and the wife's into higher heat, and they germinate, flower and are fruitful, like trees in the springtime (see above n. 188-189). Under the proposition to follow, the reader will see that from this ennoblement of form noble fruits are born, spiritual in the heavens, natural on earth.

Conjugial Love #201 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

201. (16) That thus also their forms are successively perfected and ennobled from. the interior. The most perfect and the noblest human form is when two forms become one form by marriage, thus when the flesh of two becomes one flesh according to creation. For then the mind of the man is elevated into superior light, and the mind of the wife into superior heat; and then they put forth, and blossom, and bear fruit, as trees in the time of spring. See above n. 188, 189. That from the ennobling of this form noble fruits are born, spiritual in the heavens, natural on earth, will be seen in the article that now follows.

De Amore Conjugiali #201 (original Latin (1768))

201. XVI: Quod etiam ita successive ab interiori perficiantur et nobilitentur illorum formae. Perfectissima et nobilissima forma humana, est cum duae formae per conjugium fiunt una forma, ita cum duae carnes fiunt una caro, secundum creationem; quod tunc Mens viri elevetur in superiorem lucem, et Mens uxoris in superiorem calorem, et quod tunc germinent, floreant, et fructificent, sicut arbores tempore veris, videatur supra 188, 189. 1Quod ex nobilitatione hujus formae, nascantur nobiles fructus, in Coelis spirituales, in terris naturales, in nunc sequente Articulo videbitur.


1. Prima editio: 189

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