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《天堂与地狱》 第340节






340. 许多人以为在天堂, 孩子保持小孩子的样子不变, 并且在天使当中就像孩子. 人若不知道何为天使, 可能因教堂里随处可见的绘画和图像确认这种观点; 在这些绘画和图像中, 天使就被表现为孩子. 然而, 事实完全不是这样. 构成天使的, 是聪明和智慧; 孩子只要没有这些, 便不是天使, 尽管与天使同在. 不过, 一旦变得聪明, 智慧, 他们就变成天使. 神奇的是, 那时他们不再像孩子, 而是像成人, 因为他们不再具有孩子般的性质, 而是具有更成熟的天使性质. 聪明与智慧便产生这种效果. 孩子之所以随着在聪明和智慧上不断被完善而显得更成熟, 因而像少年和青年人, 是因为聪明和智慧是最基本的属灵食物. 因此, 滋养他们心智的事物也滋养他们的身体; 这是由于对应, 因为身体的形式无非是内层的外在形式. 不过, 要知道, 在天堂, 孩子的成长不会超过刚成年的时期, 而是永远停留在这个时期. 为让我确信这一事实, 我被允许与一些自孩提时就在天堂被抚养长大的人交谈, 也与一些仍是孩子的人交谈; 同样是这些人, 长成青年后, 我再次与他们交谈; 我从他们听说了他们的生命从一个阶段发展到另一个阶段的历程.

注: 属灵的食物是知识, 聪明和智慧, 因而是为它们源头的良善和真理(天国的奥秘 3114, 4459, 4792, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5655, 8562, 9003节). 所以, 就灵义而言, 凡从主的口所发出的, 都是食物(天国的奥秘 681节). “饼”因表示总体上的一切食物, 故表示一切属天和属灵的良善(天国的奥秘 276, 680, 2165, 2177, 3478, 6118, 8410节). 这是因为它们滋养心智, 而心智属于内在人(天国的奥秘 4459, 5293, 5576, 6277, 8410节).



340. 很多人以為天國的孩子將保持孩子的模樣, 始終以孩子的姿態生活在天人當中。不知何為天人的人可能因教堂隨處可見的壁畫而堅固這種看法;在壁畫中, 天人正是孩子的模樣。然事實迥非如此。構成天人的乃是聰明和智慧, 而孩子尚不具備這些品質。孩子雖與天人同在, 本身卻還不是天人。唯有獲得聰明智慧, 他們才成為天人。而且令人稱奇的是, 彼時他們不再像孩子, 而像成人, 因為他們不再是孩子的品性, 而是成熟的天人的品性。這與聰明和智慧是同步進行的。

孩子在吸收聰明智慧的過程中逐漸變得成熟, 因為聰明和智慧正是心靈的營養。滋養他們心靈的, 也滋養他們的身體。這是出於對應, 因為身體的形狀無非是內在秉性的外在顯現。

需要瞭解的是, 天國的孩子不會超過壯年, 而將永葆青春年華。為讓我確信這一點, 我被允許與一些曾經夭折並已經在天國長大的人交談, 也與一些還是孩子, 之後長成青年的人交談, 我從他們聽說了從一個階段到另一個階段的生命歷程。

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Heaven and Hell #340 (NCE, 2000)

340. Many people think that children remain children in heaven and are like children among the angels. People who do not know what an angel is can corroborate this opinion because of the images here and there in churches, where angels are represented as children. However, things are actually very different. Intelligence and wisdom make an angel, qualities that they do not have as long as they are children. Children are with the angels, but they themselves are not angels yet. Once they are intelligent and wise they are angels for the first time. In fact - something that has surprised me - then they no longer look like children but like adults, because they no longer have a childlike nature but a more grown-up angelic nature. This goes with intelligence and wisdom.

The reason children look more grown-up as they are perfected in intelligence and wisdom - that is, like adolescents and young adults - is that intelligence and wisdom are the essential spiritual food. 1So the things that nourish their minds also nourish their bodies, which is a result of correspondence, since the form of the body is nothing but an outward form of their inner natures.

It does need to be known that children in heaven do not grow up beyond the prime of youth, but remain at that age forever. To assure me of this, I have been allowed to talk with some who had been raised as children in heaven and had grown up there, with some while they were still children, and then later with the same ones when they had become youths; and I have heard from them about the course of their life from one age level to another.


1. Spiritual food is information, intelligence, and wisdom, and therefore the goodness and the truth that are their source: 3114, 4459, 4792, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5656 [5655?], 8562, 9003. So "food" in a spiritual sense is whatever comes forth from the mouth of the Lord: 681."Bread" means all food in general, so it means all heavenly and spiritual good: 276, 680, 2165, 2177, 3478, 6118, 8410. This is because they nourish the mind, which belongs to the inner person: 4459, 5293, 5576, 6277, 8418 [8410?].


Heaven and Hell #340 (Harley, 1958)

340. Many may suppose that in heaven little children remain little children, and continue as such among the angels. Those who do not know what an angel is may have had this opinion confirmed from portrayals here and there in churches, in which angels are represented as little children. But the fact is entirely otherwise. It is intelligence and wisdom that make an angel, and as long as little children do not possess these they are not angels, although they are with the angels; but as soon as they become intelligent and wise they become angels. Indeed, I have marvelled that they do not then appear as little children, but as adults, for they are no longer of an infantile genius, but of a more mature angelic genius. Intelligence and wisdom bring this about. The reason little children appear more mature, thus as youths and young men, as they are perfected in intelligence and wisdom, is that intelligence and wisdom are essential spiritual nourishment; 1and thus the things that nourish their minds also nourish their bodies, and this from correspondence, for the form of the body is simply the external form of the interiors. But it should be known that in heaven little children advance in age only to early manhood, and remain in this to eternity. That I might be assured that this is so I have been permitted to talk with some who had been educated as little children in heaven, and had grown up there, with some also while they were little children, and again with the same when they had become young men. And I have heard from them about the progress of their life from one age to another.


1. Spiritual food is knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom, thus the good and truth from which these are (Arcana Coelestia 3114, 4459, 4792, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5655, 8562, 9003).

Therefore in a spiritual sense everything that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord is food (Arcana Coelestia 681).

Because bread means all food in general it signifies every good, celestial and spiritual (Arcana Coelestia 276, 680, 2165, 2177, 3478, 6118, 8410).

And for the reason that these nourish the mind, which belongs to the internal man (Arcana Coelestia 4459, 5293, 5576, 6277, 8410).


Heaven and Hell #340 (Ager, 1900)

340. Many may suppose that in heaven little children remain little children, and continue as such among the angels. Those who do not know what an angel is may have had this opinion confirmed by paintings and images in churches, in which angels are represented as children. But it is wholly otherwise. Intelligence and wisdom are what constitute an angel, and as long as children do not possess these they are not angels, although they are with the angels; but as soon as they become intelligent and wise they become angels; and what is wonderful, they do not then appear as children, but as adults, for they are no longer of an infantile genius, but of a more mature angelic genius. Intelligence and wisdom produce this effect. The reason why children appear more mature, thus as youths and young men, as they are perfected in intelligence and wisdom, is that intelligence and wisdom are essential spiritual nourishment; 1and thus the things that nourish their minds also nourish their bodies, and this from correspondence; for the form of the body is simply the external form of the interiors. But it should be understood that in heaven children advance in age only to early manhood, and remain in this to eternity. That I might be assured that this is so I have been permitted to talk with some who had been educated as children in heaven, and had grown up there; with some also while they were children, and again with the same when they had become young men; and I have heard from them about the progress of their life from one age to another.


1. Spiritual food is knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom, thus the good and truth from which these are (Arcana Coelestia 3114, 4459, 4792, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5655, 8562, 9003).

Therefore in a spiritual sense everything that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord is food (681).

Because bread means all food in general it signifies every good, celestial and spiritual (276, 680, 2165, 2177, 3478, 6118, 8410).

And for the reason that these nourish the mind, which belongs to the internal man (4459, 5293, 5576, 6277, 8410).


De Coelo et de Inferno #340 (original Latin)

340. Multi autumare possunt, quod infantes maneant infantes in caelo, et quod sint sicut infantes inter angelos. Qui in ignorantia sunt, quid angelus, in opinione illa potuerunt confirmari a simulacris hic et ibi in templis, ubi angeli ut infantes exhibentur: sed res se prorsus aliter habet. Intelligentia et sapientia facit angelum; quam quamdiu infantes nondum habent, sunt quidem apud angelos, sed non sunt angeli; cum vero intelligentes et sapientes [ 1facti] sunt, tunc primum fiunt angeli: immo, quod miratus sum, tunc non apparent sicut infantes, sed sicut adulti; nam tunc non amplius infantili genio sunt, sed angelico adulteriori; intelligentia et sapientia hoc secum fert. Quod infantes, sicut perficiuntur intelligentia et sapientia, appareant adultiores, ita sicut adolescentes et juvenes, est causa quia intelligentia et sapientia est ipsa nutritio spiritualis; 2ideo quae nutriunt mentes eorum, ea quoque nutriunt corpora eorum, et hoc ex correspondentia, nam forma corporis non est nisi quam forma externa interiorum. Sciendum est, quod infantes in caelo non adolescant ultra quam ad primum juventutem, ac ibi subsistant in aeternum. Ut pro certo scirem quod ita sit, datum est loqui cum aliquibus qui ut infantes educati sunt in caelo, et qui adoleverunt ibi; cum quibusdam etiam quando infantes erant, et dein cum iisdem quando juvenes facti; et ab illis audivi vitae eorum cursum ab una aetate ad alteram.


1. [facti]:--vide Arcana Coelestia 2304.

2. Quod cibus spiritualis sit scientia intelligentia et sapientia, ita bonum et verum, ex quibus illa (3114, 4459, 4792, 5247, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5656 [5655?] 8562, 9003).

Inde quod cibus in spirituali sensu sit omne quod exit ex ore Domini (681).

Quia panis significat omnem cibum in genere, ideo ille significat omne bonum caeleste et spirituale (276, 680, 2165, 2177, 3478, 6118, 8410).

Causa, quia illa nutriunt mentem, quae interni hominis (4459, 5293, 5576, 6277, 8418 [8410?]).

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