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《宇宙星球》 第14节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 14

14. The spirits from Mercury possess far more knowledge than other spirits do, both about what is going on within our own solar system and also about what is happening on extrasolar planets. Once they have learned something they retain it, and they also recall it every time they encounter something similar. This shows that spirits have the faculty of memory and that their memory is far better than ours is. It also shows that spirits retain what they hear and see and perceive, especially things they enjoy, such as the information about higher realities that gives pleasure to these spirits from Mercury. This is because things that we delight in and love flow into us almost effortlessly and remain with us. The rest does not penetrate but only glances off the surface of our minds and disappears. 1


1. For a fuller statement on the role of love in memory retention, see Secrets of Heaven 5893:2. This role is in accord with the general principle articulated in Swedenborg’s works that whatever we love we seek out, and it becomes part of us and remains with us forever, whereas what we do not love we consider foreign and reject from ourselves. See Secrets of Heaven 10153, 10740-10749; Heaven and Hell 18, 363, 479-481; New Jerusalem 113; Marriage Love 34-36, 524. [LSW]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 14

14. The spirits of Mercury surpass others in the amount of knowledge they possess, both about matters within the solar system and in the starry sky beyond it. What they have once learned they retain, and recall whenever similar facts are observed. This is another clear proof that spirits have a memory, one in fact much more perfect than human beings have. They retain what they see, hear or otherwise grasp, especially if they get pleasure from it, as these spirits do from knowledge. Things that give pleasure and are loved flow in as if of their own accord and are retained. Other things do not penetrate the memory, but only make superficial contact and slip away.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 14

14. The spirits of Mercury, above all other spirits, possess the knowledges of things, as well respecting this solar system, as respecting the earths which are in the starry heavens; and what they have once acquired to themselves, that they retain, and also recollect as often as anything similar occurs. Hence also it may appear manifest, that spirits have memory, and that it is much more perfect than the memory of men; and further, that what they hear, see, and apperceive, they retain, and especially such things as delight them, as these spirits are delighted with the knowledges of things. For whatever things cause delight, and affect the love, these flow in as it were spontaneously, and remain; other things do not enter, but only touch the surface and pass by.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 14 (original Latin)

14. Spiritus Mercurii prae reliquis spiritibus cognitiones rerum, tam qua in hujus Solis mundo, quam quae extra hunc in Caelo astrifero sunt, possident; et quae semel sibi acquisiverunt, illa retinent, et quoque illorum reminiscuntur, quoties similia occurrunt: inde quoque manifeste constare potest, quod memoria spiritibus sit, et quod illa multo perfectior sit memoria hominum; tum quod quae spiritus audiunt, vident, et appercipiunt, retineant, et maxime talia, quibus delectantur, ut hi spiritus cognitionibus rerum; nam quae delectationi sunt et amori, ea quasi sponte sua influunt, et remanent; caetera non intrant, sed modo superficiem tangunt, et praeterlabuntur.

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