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《宇宙星球》 第36节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  36、他们有这样的习惯,他们所知道的,不会告诉任何人,却又想从每个人那里获知他所知道的。不过,他们会与自己的社群分享他们的一切知识,以致所有人都知道一个人所知道的,每个人也都知道所有人所知道的。在天堂,各种良善都得以共享,因为天堂之爱将自己的一切与其他人共享;这就是天使智慧和幸福的源头(AC 549-50, 1390-1, 1399, 10130, 10723)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 36

36. They have a custom of not telling anyone else what they know but nevertheless trying to find out from all others what the others know. Within their own community, though, they share everything, to the point that what one knows, all know, and what they all know each one knows. 1

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 36

36. It is their custom not to tell anyone what they know, yet they want to learn from everyone what he knows. But they share all their knowledge with their own community, to the point that all know what one knows, and each one there knows what all know. 1


1. In the heavens all kinds of goodness are shared, since heavenly love shares everything of its own with others; this is the source of their wisdom and happiness (Arcana Caelestia 549-550, 1390-1391, 1399, 10130, 10723).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 36

36. It is their custom not to declare to another what they know, but still they desire to learn from all others what is known to them. But with their own society they communicate all things, insomuch that what one knows all know, and what all know each one there knows. 1


1. That in the heavens there is given a communication of all goods, inasmuch as it is the property of heavenly love to communicate all its possessions with others; and that hence the angels derive wisdom and happiness (Arcana Coelestia 549, 550, 1390, 1391, 1399, 10130, 10723).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 36 (original Latin)

36. Pro more habent, ut non dicant alicui quae sciunt, sed usque ab omnibus scire volunt quae ipsi sciunt: sed cum sua societate communicant omnia, usque adeo, ut quae unus scit omnes sciant, et quae omnes quisque ibi. 1


1. Quod in caelis detur communicatio omnium bonorum, quoniam amor caelestis communicat omnia sua cum aliis; et quod inde illis sapientia et felicitas, Arcana Coelestia 549, 550, 1390, 1391, 1399, 10130, 10723.

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