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《宇宙星球》 第61节

(一滴水译本 2020)



  当听说我们地球来的许多人也变成天使,并从内心变得完全不同时,他们都很惊讶。他们原以为我们地球上的所有人都是他们所遇见的那种。但他们被告知,许多人不是这样,也有些人出于良善思考,和那些出于邪恶思考的人不一样;并且那些出于良善思考的人会变成天使。为向他们证明事实的确如此,由我们地球来的天使组成的唱诗班从天而降,一个接一个,以一个和谐的声音齐声赞美主。与我同在的木星灵们如此陶醉于这些唱诗班,以致他们以为自己几乎被提上天堂。唱诗班的这种赞美持续了约一个小时,他们在其中所感受到的快乐传给我,以致我也能感受到它。他们说,他们会把这事告诉在别处的朋友。当许多灵人和谐一致、齐声说话时,他们就形成所谓的唱诗班(关于这些唱诗班,参看AC 2595, 2596, 3350)。他们的言语有一种和谐(参看AC 1648, 1649)。在来世,唱诗班会被引入和谐一致(AC 5182)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 61

61. Spirits of that planet do not want to be in the company of spirits from our planet because they are different in temperament and custom. They say that spirits from our planet are crafty, and quick and clever at evil schemes, but do not know much about what is good or give it much thought.

Spirits from Jupiter are much wiser than spirits from our planet. They describe us as talking a lot and thinking very little and therefore having almost no inner perception or ability even to tell what is good. This leads them to conclude that the people of our planet are external by nature.

[2] On one occasion some evil spirits from our planet were allowed to exercise their evil skills and harass some spirits from Jupiter who were with me. The spirits from Jupiter stood this for quite a while, but eventually said they could no longer endure it. They came to believe there could not be anyone worse than these spirits, because the spirits twisted their imagination and thinking so much that they felt shackled and could not be rescued and freed except by divine intervention.

When I read them passages from the Word about our Savior’s suffering on the cross, some European spirits put up horrifying roadblocks in order to steer the spirits from Jupiter away from belief. I asked who these European spirits were and what they had done in the world. I discovered that some of them had been preachers and many had been Jesuits, that is, members of the Society of the Lord. 1I told the spirits from Jupiter that during their earthly lives these evil spirits had been able to move crowds to tears with their sermons about the Lord’s suffering. I added that they had been able to do this because in the world their thinking had been very different from what they said, so their hearts had one agenda but their mouths presented something else. Now, though, they were not allowed to speak deceptively, because when they became spirits they were forced to say exactly what they thought.

The spirits from Jupiter were absolutely stunned that there could be such a discrepancy between the inside and the outside of anyone, that is, that anyone could say one thing but think something completely different. For them this would be impossible.

[3] They were astonished, then, to hear that many people from our planet actually become angels and are totally different from these people at heart; they had presumed that all the people on our planet were alike. It was explained to them that many were not like the ones they had met. There are people who think with good intent and not with evil intent like those others, and the ones with good intent become angels.

To show them that this was true, choruses of angels from our planet, one after another, came to them from heaven, joining with one voice and with one accord in praise to the Lord. 2The choruses gave the spirits of Jupiter who were with me such pleasure that they seemed to themselves to have been caught up into heaven. The choruses’ praises went on for about an hour. I could feel the delight the spirits took in these praises because it was communicated to me. The spirits said they would describe this experience to their companions who were elsewhere.


1. On the Jesuits, or the Society of Jesus, see note 2 in Last Judgment 58. Here Swedenborg modifies the name to “the Society of the Lord,” perhaps because in his theology he prefers to use the term “the Lord” rather than the name “Jesus” (see note 10 in New Jerusalem 1). [Editors]

2. [Swedenborg note] It is called a chorus when a number of spirits speak at the same time and are of one mind: 2595, 2596, 3350 (which include descriptions). They speak with one accord: 1648, 1649 (which include descriptions). In the other life, choruses serve bring people into a state of unanimity: 5182.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 61

61. The spirits of that world are unwilling to associate with spirits from ours because of the difference in their character and behaviour. They call the spirits of our world cunning, quick and clever at devising evil, knowing or thinking little about good. Moreover the spirits of the world of Jupiter are much wiser than the spirits of our world. They say of ours that they talk too much and think too little, so that they cannot have much inward perception, even of what good is. From this they infer that the people of our world are external men.

[2] Some wicked spirits of our world were once permitted to exercise their wicked tricks so as to annoy the spirits from Jupiter who were with me. They put up with this for quite a long time, but eventually admitted they could stand no more. They could not believe that any worse spirits existed, for their imagination and thought were so perverted by these that they seemed as if tied up, with no hope of being untied and set free except by Divine aid. When I read some passages from the Word about our Saviour's passion, the European spirits introduced horrifying scandals, intending to corrupt the spirits of Jupiter. Enquiry was made into who they were and what they had been in the world. It turned out that some of them had been preachers, most of them from those who call themselves the Society of the Lord or Jesuits. I said that when they lived in the world they had been able to move the common people to tears by their preaching about the Lord's passion. The reason, I went on to say, was that in the world they thought one thing and said another, so differing in what they intended in their hearts and what they professed with their lips; but now they were not allowed to speak so deceitfully, for on becoming spirits they are compelled to speak as they think. The spirits from Jupiter were particularly amazed that such a divorce between a person's interiors and exteriors was possible that they could say one thing and think another, something they found impossible.

[3] They were surprised to hear that many from our world actually become angels and were totally different at heart. They had supposed that all in our world were like the ones they had met. But they were told that many were not like that, and that there are those whose thoughts are dictated by goodness, not by wickedness as in the case of the others. These are the ones who become angels.

To show them this was true, choirs composed of angels from our world came from heaven, which one after another together glorified the Lord with one voice and in harmony. 1The spirits of Jupiter with me were so charmed by these choirs they thought themselves almost carried up into heaven. This glorifying by choirs lasted about an hour, and the delight they felt in it was conveyed to me, so that I too could feel it. They said they would tell their friends who were not there about it.


1. It is called a choir when many spirits speak in unison at once (on these see Arcana Caelestia 2595-2596, 3350). Their speech has a harmony (on this see Arcana Caelestia 1648-1649). Choirs in the next life are the means by which spirits are brought into unanimity (Arcana Caelestia 5182).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 61

61. The spirits of that earth are not willing to associate with the spirits of our earth, because they differ both in minds and manners. They say that the spirits of our earth are cunning, and that they are prompt and ingenious in the contrivance of evil; and that they know and think little about what is good. Moreover, the spirits of the earth Jupiter are much wiser than the spirits of our earth. They say also of our spirits, that they talk much and think little, and thus that they are not capable of an interior perception of many things, not even of what is good; hence they conclude, that the men of our earth are external men. Once also it was permitted evil spirits of our earth, by their evil arts, to act upon and infest the spirits of Jupiter who were with me. The spirits of Jupiter endured them for a long time, but at length confessed that they could endure no longer, and that they believed it impossible for worse spirits to exist, for they perverted their imagination and also their thoughts in such a manner that they seemed to themselves as it were bound, and that they could not be extricated and set at liberty without Divine aid. Whilst I was reading in the Word some passages concerning our Savior's passion, then European spirits infused dreadful scandals, with intent to seduce the spirits of Jupiter. Inquiry was made who they were, and what had been their profession in the world, and it was discovered that some of them had been preachers; and that the greater part were of those who call themselves of the Lord's society, or Jesuits. I said that when they lived in the world, by their preaching concerning the Lord's passion, they were able to move the common people to tears. I added also the reason, that in the world they thought one way and spoke another, thus entertained one thing in the heart and professed another with the mouth; but now it was not permitted them to speak thus deceitfully, because when they become spirits, they are compelled to speak just as they think. The spirits of Jupiter were greatly astonished that there could be given such a disagreement between a man's interiors and his exteriors, so that he could speak altogether differently from what he thought; which to them was impossible. They wondered when they heard that many who are from our earth also become angels, and are of an altogether different heart, supposing at the time that all on our earth were like those present. But it was said that there are many of a different nature, and that there are also those who think from good, and not as these from evil; and that they who think from good become angels. That they might know that it was so, there came out of heaven choirs of angels from our earth, one after another, which with one voice and in harmony together glorified the Lord. 1Those choirs so greatly delighted the spirits of Jupiter who were with me, that they seemed to themselves, as if they were caught up into heaven. The glorification by the choirs lasted about an hour, and the delight they received was communicated to me and given me to feel. They said that they would tell their people about it who were elsewhere.


1. When many spirits speak together and unanimously they form what is called a choir, and concerning them (Arcana Coelestia 2595, 2596, 3350). In their speech there is harmony (Arcana Coelestia 1648, 1649). By choirs in the other life introduction into unanimity is effected (Arcana Coelestia 5182)

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 61 (original Latin)

61. Spiritus illius Telluris non volunt in consortio esse cum spiritibus nostrae Telluris, quia differunt animis et moribus; dicunt, quod spiritus nostrae Telluris sint astuti, ac ad machinanda mala prompti et ingeniosi: et quod parum sciant et cogitent de bono. Praeterea spiritus Telluris Jovis multo sapientiores sunt spiritibus nostrae Telluris; de nostris etiam dicunt, quod multa loquantur et parum cogitent, et sic quod non multa possint interius percipere, et ne quidem quid bonum: concludunt inde, quod homines nostrae Telluris, homines externi sint. Quondam etiam permittebatur spiritibus malis nostrae Telluris agere per artes suas malas, et infestare Spiritus Joviales, qui apud me; hi illos admodum diu sustinebant, sed tandem fassi sunt quod non possent amplius, et quod crederent pejores non dari, nam pervertebant illorum imaginationem et quoque cogitationem ita, ut sibi viderentur quasi ligati, et non nisi quam ope Divina inde extricandi et liberandi. Cum legerem in Verbo aliqua de Passione Salvatoris nostri, tunc Spiritus Europaei inferebant dira scandala, animo seducendi Spiritus Joviales: inquirebatur quinam essent, et quid in mundo obiverant, et compertum quod quidam eorum fuerint Praedicatores, et plures ex illis qui se ex Societate Domini seu Jesuitas vocant; dicebam, quod illi, cum in mundo vixerunt, tunc per Praedicationes de Passione Domini commovere potuerint vulgus ad lachrymas; addebam etiam causam, quod in mundo aliter cogitaverint et aliter loquuti sint, ita aliud corde gesserint, et aliud ore tulerint, et quod nunc non ita fraudulenter illis liceat loqui; nam cum fiunt spiritus, adiguntur ad loquendum prorsus sicut cogitant. Obstupuerunt Spiritus Jovis maxime, quod tale dissidium interiorum et exteriorum apud hominem dari posset, nempe prorsus aliter loqui et aliter cogitare, quod sibi impossibile esset. Mirabantur, cum audirent, quod plures, qui ex nostra Tellure, etiam Angeli fiant, et quod illi prorsus alio corde sint; autumabant tunc quod in nostra Tellure omnes essent illis similes; sed dictum quod multi non tales sint, et quod etiam sint qui ex bono cogitant, et non ex malo sicut illi, et quod qui ex bono, angeli fiant. Ut scirent quod ita esset, ex coelo ab e nostra Tellure veniebant Chori, unus post alterum qui simul una voce et cum concentu glorificabant Dominumz: 1Chori illi tantopere oblectabant Spiritus Joviales qui apud me, ut viderentur sibi quasi in coelum rapti: glorificatio illa per choros perstabat per horam circiter: delitias illorum, quas inde capiebant, mecum communicatas, sentire dabatur: dicebant quod id dicerent suis qui alibi.


1. Quod dicatur Chorus, cum plures spiritus simul et unanimiter loquuntur, de quibus, Arcana Coelestia 2595, 2596, 3350: quod in loquela eorum sit concentus, de quo, Arcana Coelestia 1648, 1649 Quod per choros in altera vita fiat inauguratio in unanimitatem, Arcana Coelestia 5182.

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