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《宇宙星球》 第64节

(一滴水译本 2020)


  来自木星的灵人和天使在巨人(即天堂)里面对应于思维的想象力,因而对应于内在部分的活动。而我们地球灵则对应于身体外在部分的各种功能;当这些试图掌权时,思维的活动或想象就无法从内在流入。这就是双方的生命气场之间产生冲突的原由。属灵气场,也就是生命的气场,从每个世人、灵人和天使那里流出并四溢,包围着他们(AC 4464, 5179, 7454)。它从其情感和由此而来的思维之生命流出(AC 2489, 4464, 6206)。在来世,联结和分离都取决于这些气场(AC 6206, 9606, 9607, 10,312)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 64

64. Since the inhabitants of the planet Jupiter gain intelligence by a different route than that followed by the inhabitants of our planet and since they are also of a different basic disposition because of the way they live, they cannot be with us very long. They either leave us or send us away.

There are auras, properly called spiritual auras, that constantly radiate from every spirit, that in fact flow out in waves. These auras originate in the activity of the spirits’ feelings and associated thoughts and therefore the life within them. 1In the other life, auras are always what determine whether people associate with each other. Auras that are in harmony join people together in response to the degree of their harmony, and auras that conflict repel people from each other in response to the degree of their discord.

[2] In the universal human, spirits and angels who come from Jupiter have to do with the image-making activity of thought and therefore inner creativity, while spirits from our planet have to do with various functions of the outer parts of the body. When these latter functions are trying to be in control, the creative or image-making activity of thought cannot flow into them from within. As a result, there is a conflict between the auras arising from the way each group lives.


1. [Swedenborg note] Every human, spirit, and angel has an aura that flows out in waves from and envelops that individual; this is the spiritual or life aura: 4464, 5179, 7454. It flows out from their feelings and associated thoughts: 2489, 4464, 6206. In the other life, auras determine both the alliances and the divisions that occur: 6206, 9606, 9607, 10312.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 64

64. Since the inhabitants of the world of Jupiter acquire intelligence in a different way from that of the inhabitants of our world, and have moreover by their manner of living acquired a different character, they cannot bear to be together for long, either moving away themselves or sending the others away. There are what we must call spiritual spheres continually emanating, or rather pouring out, from every spirit. Their source is the activity of their affections and the thoughts they produce, and so their life itself. 1In the next life it is these spheres which determine association. Those which are harmonious bring spirits together so far as their harmony permits; those which are in conflict keep spirits apart as far as their conflict demands.

[2] The spirits and angels from the world of Jupiter answer to the PICTURING POWER OF THOUGHT in the Grand Man, that is, an activity of internal parts. The spirits of our world, however, answer to various functions of the external parts of the body. When these try to dominate, the activity or picturing of thought cannot exert its influence from within. This is the cause of the conflict between the life spheres of either party.


1. A spiritual sphere, that of their life, flows out and pours forth from each person, spirit and angel and envelops them (Arcana Caelestia 4464, 5179, 7454). Its source is their life of affection and thus thought (Arcana Caelestia 2489, 4464, 6206). In the next life these spheres determine how groups are formed and also dissolved (Arcana Caelestia 6206, 9606-9607, 10312).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 64

64. Because the inhabitants of the earth Jupiter procure intelligence for themselves by a way different from that of the inhabitants of our earth, and are moreover of a different genius from their life, therefore they cannot abide long together, but either shun them or remove them. There are spheres, which may be called spiritual spheres, which continually flow forth, yea, overflow from every spirit; they flow from the activity of the affections and consequent thoughts, thus from the life itself. 1All consociations in the other life are regulated according to these spheres; those which agree being joined together according to their agreement, and those which disagree being separated according to their disagreement. The spirits and angels who are from the earth Jupiter, in the Greatest Man have relation to the imaginative of thought, and consequently to an active state of the interior parts; but the spirits of our earth have relation to the various functions of the exterior parts of the body, and when these are desirous to have dominion, the activity or imaginative of thought from the interior cannot flow in: hence come the oppositions between the spheres of the life of each.


1. A spiritual sphere, which is the sphere of the life, flows forth and overflows from every man spirit, and angel, and encompasses them about (Arcana Coelestia 4464, 5179, 7454). It flows forth from the life of their affections and consequent thoughts (Arcana Coelestia 2489, 4464, 6206). In the other life consociations and also dissociations are according to spheres (Arcana Coelestia 6206, 9606, 9607, 10312).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 64 (original Latin)

64. Quia incolae Telluris Jovis per aliam viam sibi intelligentiam comparant, quam incolae nostrae Telluris, et praeterea alia indole sunt ex vita, ideo non possunt diu simul esse, sed vel fugiunt illos vel removent illos. Sunt sphaerae, quae sphaerae spirituales vocandae, quae ex unoquovis spiritu continue emanant, imo exundant; fluunt ex activo affectionum et inde cogitationum, ita ex ipsa vita; 1consociationes in altera vita omnes fiunt secundum sphaeras; quae concordant conjunguntur secundum concordantiam, quae discordant removentur secundum discordantiam. Spiritus et Angeli, qui a Tellure Jovis sunt, referunt in maximo Homine IMAGINATIVUM COGITATIONIS, et sic statum activum partium interiorum; nostrae autem Telluris spiritus referunt varias functiones partium exteriorum corporis, quae cum dominari volunt, activum seu imaginativum cogitationis ab interiori non influere potest: inde oppugnantiae inter sphaeras vitae utriusque.


1. Quod sphaera spiritualis, quae est sphaera vitae, effluat exundet ex unoquovis homine, spiritu, et angelo, et circumstipet illos, Arcana Coelestia 4464, 5179, 7454. Quod effluatex vita affectionis et inde cogitationis eorum, Arcana Coelestia 2489, 4464, 6206. Quod in altera vita consociationes fiant secundum sphaeras, et quoque dissociationes, Arcana Coelestia 6206, 9606, 9607, 10312.

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