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《天堂与地狱》 第130节








130. 在天堂, 光是属灵的, 并且这光就是神性真理; 这一点可从以下事实推断出来: 只要世人凭神性真理处于聪明和智慧, 他和天使一样拥有属灵之光和来自这光的启示. 人的属灵之光是他的理解力之光, 这光的对象就是真理; 他通过分析将这些真理排列组合, 形成理性, 并基于它们得出一系列结论. 属世人不知道理解力看见这类事物所凭借的光是真光, 因为他既没有用肉眼看见它, 也没有在思维中觉察到它. 然而, 有许多人认识这光, 并将其与那些作属世思考而非属灵思考之人所在的属世之光区别开来. 那些只考虑尘世, 并将一切事物归于自然界的人就作属世思考; 而那些考虑天堂, 并将一切事物归于神性的人则作属灵思考. 我经常被恩准发觉并看见, 启示心智的真光是存在的, 这光完全不同于被称为属世之光的光. 我从内在被逐层提入那光; 随着我被提升, 我的理解力得到如此启示, 以至于使我能感知到以前未曾感知到的东西, 最终感知到我凭基于属世之光的思维所无法领悟的那类事物. 有时, 让我感到恼火的是, 当这些事物清清楚楚, 明明白白地在天堂之光中被感知到时, 我却无法理解它们. 正因理解力拥有它的光, 所以论及理解力的话, 也论及眼睛, 如: 当理解力明白时, 就说它看见了, 在光中; 当它不明白时, 就说它在模糊和幽暗中, 等等.

注: 人是理性的, 因为他的理解力被天堂之光光照(天国的奥秘 1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9128, 9399, 10569节). 理解力之所以被启示, 是因为它是真理的接受者(天国的奥秘 6222, 6608, 10659节). 理解力照着人从主在良善中接受真理的程度而被启示(天国的奥秘 3619节). 理解力和源于良善的真理是一样的, 而良善通过这真理得以形成(天国的奥秘 10064节). 理解力从天堂获得光, 正如视觉从尘世获得光(天国的奥秘 1524, 5114, 6608, 9128节). 来自主的天堂之光始终与人同在, 但它只照着人处于源自良善的真理的程度而流入(天国的奥秘 4060, 4214节). 当人从感官层被提升时, 他便进入一种更温和的光, 最终进入天堂之光(天国的奥秘 6313, 6315, 9407节). 当人被提升至聪明时, 就会有一种进入天堂之光的实际提升(天国的奥秘 3190节). 当我从世俗观念中退出时, 所感受到的光明何等伟大(天国的奥秘 1526, 6608节).



130. 顯然, 天國中的光是心靈之光, 並且那光就是神性真理(聖理)。當我們這樣認為時, 也同樣享受這心靈之光, 從這光獲得啟發, 直至分享其中以聖理為基礎的聰明與智慧。這心靈之光是人的洞察之光, 其物件是真實的事物, 通過對它們的分析並將其編排整理, 從而得出一系列結論。

物質之人意識不到讓我們看見這些事物的光是真正的光, 因為他們用眼睛沒看到, 用頭腦沒想到。儘管如此, 還是有很多人承認此光, 並且知道它與物質之光的區別——當人只是物質地而非心靈地思考時, 他們在物質之光找到自己。人若僅僅關注這個世界, 將一切歸於物質, 便是物質地思考。當人注重天國, 將一切歸於上帝, 便是心靈地思考。

我常被允許覺察到:啟迪思想之光是真正的光, 與物質之光截然不同。我還被許可看見那光。在思想上我已逐漸被提升至那光之中。當被提升時, 我的認知獲得光照, 以至於能明白此前憑藉物質之光領悟不了的, 甚至一些根本無法領悟之事。在物質之光中無法理啟之事, 在天國之光中卻如此清晰明瞭。

正因我們的思想有光照耀, 我們怎樣說眼睛, 也就怎樣說我們的思想。例如, 當我們理解某事時, 就說明白或明朗了;反之, 就說它晦暗不明;諸如此類的說法很多。

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Heaven and Hell #130 (NCE, 2000)

130. It stands to reason that the light in the heavens is spiritual and that that light is divine truth when we consider that we also have spiritual light and that we have enlightenment from it to the extent that we participate in intelligence and wisdom on the basis of divine truth. Our spiritual light is the light of our discernment, whose objects are things true that it arranges in order by a process of analysis and forms into relationships, and from which it draws a series of conclusions. 1

Natural people are unaware that the light that enables us to see such things is a real light because they do not see it with their eyes or notice it with their thought. Still, many people do recognize it and also distinguish it from the natural light in which they find themselves when they are thinking naturally and not spiritually. People are thinking naturally when they are focusing solely on this world and attributing everything to nature. They are thinking spiritually, however, when they focus on heaven and attribute everything to the Divine.

I have often been allowed to perceive that the light that illumines the mind is a true light, quite different from the light that we call natural light. I have also been allowed to see it. I have been gradually elevated into that light inwardly, and as I was raised up, my discernment was enlightened to the extent that I could grasp what I had been unable to grasp before, ultimately things that could in no way be comprehended by thought from natural light. At times I have resented the fact that they were incomprehensible [in natural light] when they were so clearly and plainly perceived in the heavenly light. 2

Since our mind does have light, we speak of it much as we do of our eyes - for example, that it sees and is in the light when it grasps something, and that it is in darkness and shadows when it does not; and there are many other similar sayings.


1. Heaven's light illuminates our discernment, making us rational individuals: 1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9126 [9128?], 9399, 10659 [10569?]. Discernment is enlightened because it is what is receptive of truth: 6222, 6608, 10659 [10569?]. Discernment is enlightened to the extent that we accept what is true in what is good from the Lord: 3619. The quality of our discernment is determined by the quality of heartfelt truths out of which it is formed: 10064. Discernment has light from heaven the way sight has light from the world: 1524, 5114, 6608, 9128. Heaven's light from the Lord is always present with us, but flows in [only] to the extent that we are engaged in truth because of what is good: 4060, 4213 [4214?].

2. When we are lifted above the sensory level, we come into a gentler light, and eventually into a heavenly light: 6313, 6315, 9407. An actual raising into heaven's light occurs when we are engaged in intelligence: 3190. How much light I perceived when I was led out of my worldly concepts: 1526, 6608.


Heaven and Hell #130 (Harley, 1958)

130. That the light in the heavens is spiritual and moreover that this light is Divine Truth may be inferred from the fact that man also has spiritual light and has enlightenment from that light so far as he is in intelligence and wisdom from Divine Truth. Man's spiritual light is the light of his understanding, and the objects of that light are truths, which he arranges analytically into groups, forms into reasons, and from them draws conclusions in a series. 1The natural man does not know that the light from which the understanding sees such things is the real light, for he neither sees it with his eyes nor perceives it in thought. Yet, there are many who recognize this light and distinguish it from the natural light in which those are who think naturally and not spiritually. Those who take account of the world only, think naturally and attribute all things to nature; while those think spiritually who take account of heaven and attribute all things to the Divine. It has many times been granted to me to perceive and also to see that there is a true light (lux) that enlightens the mind, wholly distinct from the light called the natural light (lumen). I have been raised up interiorly into that light by degrees, and as I was raised up, my understanding became so enlightened as to enable me to perceive what I did not perceive before, and finally such things as I could not even comprehend by thought from natural light. Sometimes I felt indignant that these things could not be comprehended when yet they were so clearly and plainly perceived in heavenly light. 2Since the understanding has its light, therefore it is said of it, as of the eye, that it sees and is in light when it perceives, and is in obscurity and shade when it does not perceive, and many similar expressions.


1. The light of heaven illumes man's understanding and on account of this man is rational (Arcana Coelestia 1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9128, 9399, 10569).

The understanding is enlightened because it is a recipient of truth (Arcana Coelestia 6222, 6608, 10659).

The understanding is enlightened to the extent that man receives truth in good from the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 3619).

The understanding is such as are the truths from good by which it is formed (Arcana Coelestia 10064).

The understanding has light from heaven, as the sight has light from the world (Arcana Coelestia 1524, 5114, 6608, 9128).

The light of heaven from the Lord is always present with man, but it flows in only in the degree that man is in truth from good (Arcana Coelestia 4060, 4214).

2. When man is raised up from the sensual he comes into a milder light, and at length into celestial light (Arcana Coelestia 6313, 6315, 9407).

When man is raised up into intelligence there is an actual elevation into the light of heaven (Arcana Coelestia 3190).

How great a light was perceived when I was withdrawn from worldly ideas (Arcana Coelestia 1526, 6608).


Heaven and Hell #130 (Ager, 1900)

130. That light in the heavens is spiritual and that this light is Divine truth may be inferred also from the fact that men as well as angels have spiritual light, and have enlightenment from that light so far as they are in intelligence and wisdom from Divine truth. Man's spiritual light is the light of his understanding, and the objects of that light are truths, which he arranges analytically into groups, forms into reason, and from them draws conclusions in series. 1The natural man does not know that the light from which the understanding sees such things is a real light, for he neither sees it with his eyes nor perceives it by thought. And yet there are many who recognize this light, and distinguish it from the natural light in which those are who think naturally and not spiritually. Those think naturally who take account of the world only, and attribute all things to nature; while those think spiritually who take account of heaven and attribute all things to the Divine. It has often been granted me to perceive and also to see that there is a true light that enlightens the mind, wholly distinct from the light that is called natural light [lumen]. I have been raised up interiorly into that light by degrees; and as I was raised up my understanding became so enlightened as to enable me to perceive what I did not perceive before, and finally such things as I could not even comprehend by thought from natural light. Sometimes I felt indignant that I could not comprehend these things when they were so clearly and plainly perceived in the light of heaven. 2Because there is a light that belongs to the understanding, the same things are said of it as of the eye, as that it sees and is in light when it perceives, and is in obscurity and shade when it does not perceive, and so on.


1. Man is rational because his understanding is illumined by the light of heaven (Arcana Coelestia 1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9128, 9399, 10569).

The understanding is enlightened because it is a recipient of truth (6222, 6608, 10659).

The understanding is enlightened to the extent that man receives truth in good from the Lord (3619).

The understanding is such as are the truths from good by which it is formed (10064).

The understanding has light from heaven, as the sight has light from the world (1524, 5114, 6608, 9128).

The light of heaven from the Lord is always present with man, but it flows in only in the degree that man is in truth from good (4060, 4214).

2. When man is raised up from the sensual he comes into a milder light, and at length into heavenly light (6313, 6315, 9407).

When man is raised up into intelligence there is an actual elevation into the light of heaven (3190).

How great a light was perceived when I was withdrawn from worldly ideas (1526, 6608).


De Coelo et de Inferno #130 (original Latin)

130. Quod lux in caelis spiritualis sit, et quod illa lux sit Divinum verum, concludi etiam potest ex eo, quod homini quoque sit lux spiritualis, et quod ex illa luce ei illustratio sit quantum in intelligentia et sapientia est ex Divino Vero: lux spiritualis hominis est lux intellectus ejus, cujus objecta sunt vera, quae in ordines analytice disponit, in rationes format, et ex illis res in serie concludit. 1Quod realis lux sit, ex qua intellectus talia videt, naturalis homo nescit, quia non videt illam oculis, nec appercipit illam cogitatione: sed multi usque norunt, et quoque illam distinguunt a luce naturali, in qua sunt qui naturaliter et non spiritualiter cogitant: naturaliter cogitant, qui modo spectant in mundum, et naturae omnia tribuunt spiritualiter autem cogitant, qui spectant ad caelum, ac Divino omnia tribuunt. Quod lux vera sit, quae illustrat mentem, plane distincta a luce, quae lumen naturale vocatur, multoties mihi percipere, et quoque videre datum est: elevatus sum in lucem illam interius per gradus et sicut elevatus sum, illustrabatur intellectus, usque tandem ut perciperem quae non prius percepi, et tandem talia quae ne quidem comprehendi possunt 2cogitatione ex lumine naturali; indignatus sum quandoque, quod non comprehenderentur, cum tamen clare et perspicue percepta sunt in luce caelesti. 3Quia intellectui est lux, ideo dicitur de illo simile quod de oculo, ut quod videat et in luce sit, cum percipit, et quod ei obscurum et umbra sit, cum non percipit, et similia plura.


1. Quod lux caeli illuminet intellectum hominis; quod ideo homo rationalis sit (1524, 3138, 3167, 4408, 6608, 8707, 9126 [9128?] 9399, 10569).

Quod intellectus illustretur, quia est recipiens veri (6222, 6608, 10659).

Quod intellectus illustretur, quantum homo recipit verum in bono a Domino (3619).

Quod intellectus talis sit, qualia sunt vera ex bono, a quibus formatus (10064).

Quod intellectui sit lux e caelo, sicut visui lux e mundo (1524, 5114, 6608, 9128).

Quod lux caeli a Domino semper apud hominem adsit, sed quod tantum influat, quantum homo in vero ex bono est (4060, 4213 [4214?]).

2. possunt pro "possum"

3. Quod homo cum elevatur a sensuali, in lumen mitius veniat, et tandem in lucem caelestem (6313, 6315, 9407).

Quod actualis elevatio in lucem caeli sit, cum homo in intelligentiam (3190).

Lux quanta percepta, cum abductus sum ab ideis mundanis (1526, 6608).

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