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《天堂与地狱》 第190节





190. 和世上的房子不同, 天使所住的房子不是建造的, 而是由主照各人对良善与真理的接受而白白赐给他们. 它们也照着天使内层状态的变化而稍微发生变化(参看154-160节). 天使将他们所拥有的都归于主; 凡他们所需的, 都被赐给他们.



190. 天人的房子不是像人間的房子那樣是修築起來的, 而是主照各人接受良善與真理的情況免費賜予的。隨著天人內在狀態的變化, 房子也會發生改變(154-160)。凡天人所有的, 他們都歸恩於主的賞賜;凡天人所需的, 主都白白地賜給他們。

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Heaven and Hell #190 (NCE, 2000)

190. The houses angels live in are not constructed as houses in our world are, but are given them by the Lord gratis, to each individual according to his or her acceptance of what is good and true. They also change slightly in response to the changes of state of their deeper natures (see above, 154-160).

Whatever angels possess, they attribute to the Lord, and anything they need is given to them.


Heaven and Hell #190 (Harley, 1958)

190. The houses in which angels dwell are not built as are houses in the world, but they are given to them freely by the Lord, to every one in accordance with his reception of good and truth. They also vary a little in accordance with changes of the state of the interiors of the angels as mentioned above (154-160). Everything whatsoever that the angels possess they hold as gifts from the Lord, and whatever they have need of is given to them.


Heaven and Hell #190 (Ager, 1900)

190. The houses in which angels dwell are not erected, as houses in the world are, but are given to them gratuitously by the Lord, to everyone in accordance with his reception of good and truth. They also change a little in accordance with changes of the state of interiors of the angels (of which above, n (Heaven and Hell 154-160). 154-160). Everything whatsoever that the angels possess they hold as received from the Lord; and everything they have need of is given them.


De Coelo et de Inferno #190 (original Latin)

190. Domus, in quibus angeli habitant, non construuntur sicut domus in mundo, sed donantur illis gratis a Domino, cuique secundum receptionem boni et veri: paulo etiam variantur secundum mutationes status interiorum illorum (de quibus supra, 154-160. Omnia quaecunque angeli possident, accepta ferunt Domino; et quibuscunque opus habent, illis donantur.

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