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《天堂与地狱》 第287节













  [3]当圣经上说“耶和华闻到安息的香气” 时,也是指平安的状态(如出埃及记29:182541利未记1:913172:296:81423:12-1318民数记15:371328:681329:2681336)。






287. 由于这些是平安的起源, 所以主被称为“和平的君”, 并声称平安出自祂, 在祂里面; 天使被称为“平安的天使”, 天堂也被称为“平安的居所”. 如以下经文:

因有一婴孩为我们而生, 有一子赐给我们, 政权必担在祂的肩头上; 祂名称为奇妙, 策士, 神, 勇士, 永恒的父, 和平的君! 祂的政权与平安必加增无穷. (以赛亚书 9:6-7)

耶稣说, 我留下平安给你们, 我将我的平安赐给你们. 我所赐的, 不像世界所赐的. (约翰福音 14:27)

我将这些事告诉你们, 是要叫你们在我里面有平安. (约翰福音 16:33)

愿耶和华向你仰脸, 赐你平安. (民数记 6:26)

和平的使者在痛苦哭泣, 大路荒凉. (以赛亚书 33:7-8)

公义的果效必是平安; 我的百姓必住在平安的居所. (以赛亚书 32:17-18)

圣言中的“平安”所指的, 就是神性和天堂的平安; 这一点从提及它的其它经文也可以看出来(如以赛亚书 52:7; 54:10; 59:8; 耶利米书 16:5; 25:37; 29:11; 哈该书 2:9; 撒迦利亚书 8:12; 诗篇 37:37等). 由于“平安”表示主和天使, 以及天堂的喜乐和良善的快乐, 故“愿你平安”是古代打招呼的形式, 至今仍在使用. 主在吩咐祂所差遣的门徒时也确认了这一点, 祂说:

无论进哪一家, 先要说愿这一家平安; 那里若有当得平安的人, 你们所求的平安就必临到那家. (路加福音 10:5-6)

主自己向使徒显现时, 说:

愿你们平安. (约翰福音 20:19, 21, 26)

当经上说“耶和华闻到怡神的香气”(如出埃及记 29:18, 25, 41; 利未记 1:9, 13, 17; 2:2, 9; 6:8, 14; 23:12, 13, 18; 民数记 15:3, 7, 13; 28:6, 8, 13; 29:2, 6, 8, 13, 36)时, 也是指平安的状态. “怡神的香气”在属天意义上表示对平安的感知. 由于平安表示主里面神性本身和神性人身的合一, 以及主与天堂并教会, 以及天堂里的所有人和教会中接受祂的所有人的结合, 所以安息日作为这些事的一个提醒而被设立, 其名就表示安息或平安, 它是教会最神圣的代表. 由于同样的原因, 主自称“安息日的主”(马太福音 12:8; 马可福音 2:27, 28; 路加福音 6:5).

注: 在圣言中, “气味”表示照着所描述实体的爱与信的品质而对某种怡人或不怡人之物的感知(天国的奥秘 3577, 4626, 4628, 4748, 5621, 10292节). “香气”在论及耶和华时, 表示对平安的感知(天国的奥秘 925, 10054节). 这就是为何乳香, 各种香气, 以及油和油膏的香味会成为代表(天国的奥秘 925, 4748, 5621, 10177节). “安息日”在至高意义上表示主里面神性本身和神性人身的合一; 在内义上表示主的神性人身与天堂并教会的结合; 一般来说表示良善与真理的结合, 因而表示天堂的婚姻(天国的奥秘 8495, 10356, 10730节). 因此, “安息日的安息”表示这种合一的状态, 因为那时主有了安息, 平安和救赎由此临到天堂和大地; 在相对意义上它表示主与人的结合, 因为那时人有了平安和救赎(天国的奥秘 8494, 8510, 10360, 10367, 10370, 10374, 10668, 10730节).



287. 平安既源於此, 經上便稱主是"和平的君,"且說平安出於祂, 在祂內, 天人也因而被稱為"平安的天人,"天國亦被稱為"平安的居所,"如以下經文:

因有一嬰孩為我們而生, 有一子賜給我們, 政權必擔在他的肩頭上。他名稱為奇妙, 策士, 全能上帝, 永在的父, 和平的君。他的政權與平安必加增無窮。(以賽亞書9:6-7);我留下平安給你們, 我將我的平安賜給你們。我所賜的, 不像世人所賜的。

(約翰福音14:27);我將這些事告訴你們, 是要叫你們在我裡面有平安。(約翰福音16:33);願耶和華向你仰臉, 賜你平安。(民數記6:26);和平的使者在痛苦哭泣, 大路荒涼。(以賽亞書33:7-8);公義的果效必是平安, 我的百姓必住在平安的居所。(以賽亞書32:17-18)。

從提及"平安"的其它經文, 也可知"平安"在聖言中系指神性的天國平安(如以賽亞書52:7, 54:10, 59:8,耶利米書16:5, 25:37, 29:11; 哈該書2:9; 撒迦利亞書8:12; 詩篇37:37, 等等)。

"平安"既指主, 天國, 天國之樂, 良善之樂,"願你平安"也就成了古代延續至今的問安之語。主差遣門徒時也確認了這一點, 祂說:"無論進哪一家, 先要說'願這一家平安'。那裡若有當得平安的人, 你們所求的平安就必臨到那家。"(路加福音10:5-6)主向使徒顯現時, 也是說:"願你們平安。"(約翰福音20:19, 21, 26)

另外, 當經上說"耶和華馨香"時(出埃及記29:18, 25, 41),

利未記1:9, 13, 17, 2:2, 9, 6:8, 6:15, 21, 23:12-13, 18;民數記15:3, 7, 13, 28:6, 8, 13; 29:2, 6, 8, 13, 36), 也是指平安的狀態。"馨香,"在屬天的意義上, 即指平安的感受。

平安既指主的神性與神聖之人在主內的合一, 並主與天國, 教會, 天國的每位天人及教會的每位接受祂的信徒的合一, 以平安命名的"安息日"也就設立了, 以作為這些事的紀念。它成了教會一個至聖的象徵, 主也因此自稱為"安息日的主"(馬太福音12:8; 馬可福音2:27-28; 路加福音6:5)。

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Heaven and Hell #287 (NCE, 2000)

287. Because these are the origins of peace, the Lord is called the Prince of Peace and says that peace comes from him and that peace is in him. So too angels are called angels of peace and heaven the dwelling place of peace, as in the following passages:

A child is born to us, a son is given to us, on whose shoulder the government [shall rest], and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, God, Hero, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace; of the increase of government and peace there shall be no end. (Isaiah 9:5-6 9:6-7)

Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you, not as the world gives do I give to you." (John 14:27)

I have told you these things so that you might have peace in me. (John 16:33)

May Jehovah lift his face to you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:26)

The angels of peace weep bitterly, the highways are ruined. (Isaiah 33:7-8)

The work of justice will be peace, and my people will live in a dwelling place of peace. (Isaiah 32:17-18)

[2] We may also gather that "peace" in the Word means divine and heavenly peace from other passages where it is mentioned, as for example in Isaiah 52:7; 54:10; 59:8; Jeremiah 16:5; 25:37; 29:11; Haggai 2:9; Zechariah 8:12; Psalms 37:37; and elsewhere.

Because peace means the Lord and heaven and also heavenly joy and the delight of good, greetings in ancient times were - and consequently still are-"Peace be with you." The Lord confirmed this, too, when he sent out his disciples and told them, "When you enter a house, first say 'Peace be upon this house'; and if a child of peace is there, let your peace rest upon it" (Luke 10:5-6). Further, the Lord himself said "Peace be with you" when he appeared to the apostles (John 20:19, 21, 26).

[3] A state of peace is also meant in the Word when it says that "Jehovah smelled an odor of quietness," as in Exodus 29:18, 25, 41; Leviticus 1:9, 13, 17, 2:2, 9, 6:8, 14 6:15, 21?; Leviticus 23:12-13, 18; Numbers 15:3, 7, 13, 28:6, 8, 13, 29:2, 6, 8, 13, 36. "An odor of quietness," in the heavenly sense, means a perception of peace. 1

Since peace means the oneness of the Divine itself and the divine human in the Lord and the union of the Lord with heaven and with the church and with everyone in heaven, and also with everyone in the church who accepts him, the Sabbath was instituted as a reminder of these matters and was named for quietness and peace. It became the holiest symbol of the church, which is why the Lord called himself the Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:27-28; Luke 6:5). 2


1. An odor in the Word means a perception of something pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the quality of the love and faith of the entity described: 3577, 4626, 4628, 4748, 5021 [5621?], 10292. An odor of quietness, in relation to Jehovah, means a perception of peace: 925, 10054. So frankincense, various kinds of incense, and the fragrances in oils and salves came to be representative: 925, 4748, 5621, 10177.

2. In the highest sense, the Sabbath means the oneness of the Divine itself with the divine human in the Lord; and in the inner sense the union of the Lord's divine human with heaven and the church. In a general sense it means the union of the good and the true and therefore the heavenly marriage: 8495, 10356, 10730. So the rest on the Sabbath day meant the state of that oneness, because then the Lord has rest, through which peace and salvation come to the heavens and to earth; and in a relative sense it means the union of the Lord with us, because then we have peace and salvation: 8494, 8510, 10360, 10367, 10370, 10374, 10668, 10730.


Heaven and Hell #287 (Harley, 1958)

287. Because these are the origins of peace the Lord is called "the Prince of peace", and He declares that from Him is peace and in Him is peace; and the angels are called angels of peace, and heaven is called a habitation of peace, as in the following passages:

Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, God, Mighty One, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end. Isaiah 9:6-7.

Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I unto you. John 14:27.

These things have I spoken unto you that in Me ye may have peace. John 16:33.

Jehovah lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace. Numbers 6:26.

The angels of peace weep bitterly, the highways are wasted. Isaiah 33:7-8.

The work of justice shall be peace; and My people shall dwell in a habitation of peace. Isaiah 32:17-18

[2] That it is Divine and heavenly peace that is meant in the Word by "peace" can be confirmed also from other passages where it is mentioned (as Isaiah 52:7; 54:10; 59:8, Jeremiah 16:5; 25:37; 29:11, Haggai 2:9, Zechariah 8:10, Psalm 37:37, and elsewhere.) Because "peace" signifies the Lord and heaven, and also heavenly joy and the delight of good, "Peace be with you" was an ancient form of salutation that is still in use; and it was approved by the Lord in His saying to the disciples whom He sent forth:

Into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house; and if a son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it. Luke 10:5-6.

And when the Lord Himself appeared to the apostles, He said

Peace be with you. John 20:19, 21, 26.

[3] A state of peace is also meant in the Word where it is said that:

Jehovah smelled an odour of rest. as Exodus 29:18, 25, 41, Leviticus 1:9, 13, 17; 2:2, 9; 6:15, 21; 23:12-13, 18, Numbers 15:3, 7, 13; 28:6, 8, 13; 29:2, 6, 8, 13, 36.

An "odour of rest" in the heavenly sense signifies a perception of peace. 1Since peace signifies the union of the Divine Itself and the Divine Human in the Lord, also the conjunction of the Lord with heaven and with the Church, and with all who are in heaven, as well as in the Church, who receive Him, so the Sabbath was instituted as a reminder of these things, its name meaning rest or peace, and was the most holy representative of the Church. For the same reason, the Lord called Himself "Lord of the Sabbath" (Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:27-28; Luke 6:5). 2


1. In the Word an "odour" signifies the perception of agreeableness or disagreeableness, according to the quality of the love and faith of which it is predicated (Arcana Coelestia 3577, 4626, 4628, 4748, 5621, 10292).

An "odour of rest", in reference to Jehovah, means a perception of peace (Arcana Coelestia 925, 10054).

This is why frankincense, incense, and odours in oils and ointments, became representative (Arcana Coelestia 925, 4748, 5621, 10177).

2. The "Sabbath" signifies in the highest sense the union of the Divine Itself and the Divine Human in the Lord; in the internal sense the conjunction of the Divine Human of the Lord with heaven and with the Church; in general, the conjunction of good and truth, thus the heavenly marriage (Arcana Coelestia 8495, 10356, 10730).

Therefore "rest on the Sabbath day" signified the state of that union, because then the Lord had rest, and thereby there is peace and salvation in the heavens and on the earth; and in a relative sense it signified the conjunction of the Lord with man, because man then has peace and salvation (Arcana Coelestia 8494, 8510, 10360, 10367, 10370, 10374, 10668, 10730).


Heaven and Hell #287 (Ager, 1900)

287. Because these are the origins of peace the Lord is called "the Prince of peace," and He declares that from Him is peace and in Him is peace; and the angels are called angels of peace, and heaven is called a habitation of peace, as in the following passages:

Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall he upon His shoulder; and His name shall he called Wonderful, Counsellor, God, Mighty, Father of eternity, Prince of peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end (Isaiah 9:6, 7).

Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I unto you (John 14:27).

These things have I spoken unto you that in Me ye may have peace (John 16:33).

Jehovah lift up His countenance upon thee and give thee peace (Numbers 6:26).

The angels of peace weep bitterly, the highways are wasted (Isaiah 33:7, 8).

The work of righteousness shall be peace; and My people shall dwell in a habitation of peace (Isaiah 32:17, 18).

[2] That it is Divine and heavenly peace that is meant in the Word by "peace" can be seen also from other passages where it is mentioned (As Isaiah 52:7; Isaiah 54:10; Isaiah 59:8; Jeremiah 16:5; Jeremiah 25:37; Jeremiah 29:11; Haggai 2:9; Zechariah 8:12; Psalm 37:37; and elsewhere.) Because "peace" means the Lord and heaven, and also heavenly joy and the delight of good, "Peace be with you" was an ancient form of salutation that is still in use; and it was ratified by the Lord in His saying to the disciples whom He sent forth:

Into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house; and if a son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it (Luke 10:5, 6).

And when the Lord Himself appeared to the apostles, He said

Peace be with you (John 20:19, 21, 26).

[3] A state of peace is also meant in the Word where it is said that:

Jehovah smelled an odor of rest (as Exodus 29:18, Exodus 29:25, Exodus 29:41; Lev. Exodus 1:9, Exodus 1:13, Exodus 1:17; Exodus 2:2, Exodus 2:9; Exodus 6:8, Exodus 6:14; Exodus 23:12-13, Exodus 23:18; Num, Exodus 15:3, Exodus 15:7, Exodus 15:13; Exodus 28:6, Exodus 28:8,Exodus 28:13; Exodus 29:2, Exodus 29:6, Exodus 29:8, Exodus 29:13, Exodus 29:36).

"Odor of rest" in the heavenly sense signifies a perception of peace. 1As peace signifies the union of the Divine Itself and the Divine Human in the Lord, also the conjunction of the Lord with heaven and with the church, and with all who are in heaven, and with all in the church who receive Him, so the Sabbath was instituted as a reminder of these things, its name meaning rest or peace, and was the most holy representative of the church. 2For the same reason the Lord called Himself "the Lord of the Sabbath" (Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:27-28; Luke 6:5) Arcana Coelestia 8495, 10356, 10730).


1. In the word an "odor" signifies the perception of agreeableness or disagreeableness, according to the quality of the love and faith of which it is predicated (Arcana Coelestia 3577, 4626, 4628, 4748, 5621, 10292).

An "odor of rest," in reference to Jehovah, means a perception of peace (925, 10054).

This is why frankincense, incense, and odors in oils and ointments, became representative (925, 4748, 5621, 10177).

2. The "Sabbath" signifies in the highest sense the union of the Divine Itself and the Divine Human in the Lord; in the internal sense the conjunction of the Divine Human of the Lord with heaven and with the church; in general, the conjunction of good and truth, thus the heavenly marriage
Therefore "rest on the Sabbath day" signified the state of that union, because then the Lord had rest, and thereby there is peace and salvation in the heavens and on the earth; and in a relative sense it signified the conjunction of the Lord with man, because man then has peace and salvation (8494, 8510, 10360, 10367, 10370, 10374, 10668, 10730).


De Coelo et de Inferno #287 (original Latin)

287. Quia inde sunt origines pacis, ideo Dominus vocatur "Princeps pacis," et dicit quod ab Ipso pax, et in Ipso pax; tum angeli dicuntur "angeli pacis," et caelum "habitaculum pacis" ut in his sequentibus locis:

Puer natus est nobis, Filius datus est nobis, super cujus humero principatus; et vocabitur nomen Ipsius Mirabilis, Consiliarius, Deus, Heros, Pater aeternitatis, Princeps Pacis; multiplicanti principatum et pacem non erit finis (Esaias 9:5-6 [B.A. Esaias 9:6-7]).

Jesus dixit, "Pacem relinquo vobis, pacem meam do vobis non sicut mundus dat, Ego do vobis," (Johannes 14:27). "Haec locutus sum vobis, ut in Me pacem habeatis," (Johannes 16:33).

"Tollet Jehovah facies suas ad te, et dabit tibi pacem," (Numeri 6:26).

"Angeli pacis amare flent vastatae sunt semitae," (Esaias 33:7-8).

"Erit opus, justitiae pax et habitabit populus meus in habitaculo pacis," (Esaias 32:17-18).

[2] Quod sit pax Divina et caelestis, quae per "pacem" in Verbo intelligitur, constare etiam potest ex aliis locis, ubi nominatur (Ut Esaias 52:7; 54:10; 59:8; Jeremias 16:5; 25:37; 29:11; Haggaeus 9; Sacharia 8:12; Psalm 37:37; et alibi).

Quia Pax significat Dominum et caelum, et quoque caeleste gaudium, et jucundum boni, ideo salutationes antiquis temporibus fuerunt, et inde quoque hodie sunt, "Pax vobiscum;" quod etiam Dominus confirmavit, dicendo ad discipulos quos emisit,

"Quam domum intraveritis, primum dicite Pax domui huic et si fuerit ibi filius pacis, requiescet super illo pax vestra," (Luca 10:5-6)

et quoque Ipse Dominus, cum apparuit apostolis, dixit,

Pax vobiscum (Johannes 20:19, 21, 26).

[3] Status pacis etiam intelligitur in Verbo per Quod Jehovah dicitur "odoratus odorem quietis" (ut Exodus 29:18, 25, 41; Leviticus 1:9, 13, 17; 2:2, 9; 6:8, 14; 23:12-13, 18; Numeri 15:3, 7, 13; 28:6, 8, 13; 29:2, 6, 8, 13, 16):

per "odorem quietis," in sensu caelesti significatur perceptio pacis. 1Quoniam "pax" significat unionem ipsius Divini ac Divini Humani in Domino, ac conjunctionem Domini cum caelo et cum ecclesia, ac cum omnibus in caelo et quoque in ecclesia qui recipiunt Ipsum, ideo in recordationem eorum Sabbatum institutum est, ac nominatum a quiete seu pace, ac sanctissimum Ecclesiae Repraesentativum fuit; ac ideo Dominus Se vocavit "Dominum Sabbati"

(Matthaeus 12:8; Marcus 2:27-28; Luca 6:5) 2


1. Quod "odor" in Verbo significet perceptivum grati vel ingrati secundum quale amoris et dei de quo dicitur (3577, 4626, 4628, 4748, 5021 [5621?] 10292).

Quod "odor quietis," ubi de Jehovah, sit perceptivum pacis (925, 10054).

Quod ideo thura, suffimenta, odores in oleis et unguentis, facta sint repraesentativa (925, 4748, 5621, 10177).

2. Quod "sabbathum" in supremo sensu significaverit unionem ipsius Divini ac Divini Humani in Domino, in sensu interno conjunctionem Divini Humani Domini cum caelo et cum ecclesia, in genere conjunctionem boni et veri, ita conjugium caeleste (8495, 10356, 10730).

Inde quod "quies die sabbati" significaverit statum illius unionis, quia tunc Domino quies et per id pax et salus in caelis et in terris, et in sensu respectivo conjunctionem Domini cum homine, quia tunc ei pax et salus (8494, 8510, 10360, 10367, 10370, 10374, 10668, 10730).

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