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《天堂与地狱》 第387节







387. 四十一, 天使在天堂的工作

逐一列举天堂的工作是不可能的, 更不用说详加描述了, 只能大体说一说. 因为它们数不胜数, 并照社群的职能而各不相同. 每个社群都有自己的特定职能; 事实上, 社群因照良善划分(参看41节), 故也照功用划分, 因为对天堂里的所有人来说, 良善是行为中的良善, 也就是功用. 在那里, 人人都发挥某种功用, 因为主的国是功用的国.

注: 主的国是功用的国(天国的奥秘 454, 696, 1103, 3645, 4054, 7038节). 发挥功用就是服侍主(天国的奥秘 7038节). 在来世, 人人都必须发挥功用(天国的奥秘 1103节); 甚至邪恶的地狱之人也发挥功用, 但方式却不同(天国的奥秘 696节). 每个人的品质都取决于他所发挥的功用(天国的奥秘 4054, 6815节); 举例说明(天国的奥秘 7038节). 天使的福分在于仁之良善, 也就是发挥功用(天国的奥秘 454节).



387. 天人的職業

關於天人的職業, 我無法逐一列舉或詳加描述, 只能作一個籠統的說明。因為天人的職業無以數計, 且照其所在社群的作用而有所分別。事實上, 每個社群皆起到一個特殊的作用。因為社群照良善而分(參41節), 也就照作用而分。對每位天人而言, 善是實踐之善, 也就是有用。每位天人均起到特殊的作用, 因為主之國是用之國。

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Heaven and Hell #387 (NCE, 2000)

387. What Angels Do in Heaven

There is no way to list all the functions that people have in the heavens or to describe them in detail, though it is possible to say something on the subject in general terms; they are innumerable and vary depending on the roles of the communities as well. In fact, each community plays a unique role, since the communities differ depending on their virtues (see above, 41) and therefore on their function. This is because virtues for everyone in the heavens are virtues in act, which are functions. Everyone there does something specifically useful, for the Lord's kingdom is a kingdom of uses. 1


1. The Lord's kingdom is a kingdom of uses: 453 [454], 696, 1103, 3645, 4054, 7038. Serving the Lord is being useful: 7038. Everyone needs to be useful in the other life: 1103; even evil and hellish people, but in a different manner: 696. Everyone's quality is determined by the use that individual fulfills: 4054, 6815; with examples: 7038. Angelic blessedness consists of good, thoughtful deeds, and therefore of fulfilling uses: 454.


Heaven and Hell #387 (Harley, 1958)


It is impossible to enumerate the employments in the heavens, still less to describe them in detail, but something may be said about them in a general way; for they are numberless, and vary in accordance with the duties of the societies. Each society has its peculiar duty, for as societies are distinct in accordance with goods (see above, 41), so they are distinct in accordance with uses, because with all in the heavens goods are goods in act, which are uses. Everyone there performs a use, for the Lord's kingdom is a kingdom of uses. 1


1. The Lord's kingdom is a kingdom of uses (Arcana Coelestia 454, 696, 1103, 3645, 4054, 7038).

Performing uses is serving the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 7038).

In the other life all must perform uses (Arcana Coelestia 1103); even the wicked and infernal;, but in what manner (696).

All are such as are the uses they perform (Arcana Coelestia 4054, 6815); illustrated (Arcana Coelestia 7038).

Angelic blessedness consists in the goods of charity, that is, in performing uses (454).


Heaven and Hell #387 (Ager, 1900)


It is impossible to enumerate the employments in the heavens, still less to describe them in detail, but something may be said about them in a general way; for they are numberless, and vary in accordance with the functions of the societies. Each society has its peculiar function, for as societies are distinct in accordance with goods (see above, 41), so they are distinct in accordance with uses, because with all in the heavens goods are goods in act, which are uses. Everyone there performs a use, for the Lord's kingdom is a kingdom of uses. 1


1. The Lord's kingdom is a kingdom of uses (Arcana Coelestia 454, 696, 1103, 3645, 4054, 7038).

Performing uses is serving the Lord (7038).

In the other life all must perform uses (1103); even the wicked and infernal, but in what manner (696).

All are such as are the uses they perform (4054, 6815); illustrated (7038).

Angelic blessedness consists in the goods of charity, that is, in performing uses (454).


De Coelo et de Inferno #387 (original Latin)


Functiones in caelis non enumerari, nec describi possunt in specie, sed modo de illis aliquid dici in genere, nam sunt innumerae, et quoque secundum societatum officia varia: unaquaevis enim societas peculiare officium obit; nam sicut societates distinctae sunt secundum bona, (videatur supra, 41,) ita secundum usus, quoniam bona apud omnes in caelis sunt bona in actu, quae sunt usus. Unusquisque ibi usum praestat, nam regnum Domini est regnum usuum. 1


1. Quod regnum Domini sit regnum usuum (453 [454?] 696, 1103, 3645, 4054, 7038).

Quod servire Domino sit usus praestare (7038)

Quod omnes in altera vita usus praestare debeant (1103). Quod etiam mali et infernales, sed quomodo (696). Quod omnes tales sint, quales sunt usus quos praestant (4054, 6815); illustratum (7038).

Quod beatum angelicum consistat in bonis charitatis, ita in usibus praestandis (454).

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