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《最后的审判》 第21节





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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 21

21. The reason the Lord rose from the dead not only spiritually but also physically is that when he was in the world he glorified his entire human nature, that is, made it divine. 1His soul, which he had from the Father, was the Divinity in and of itself, and his body became a likeness of his soul-that is, of the Father-and therefore also divine. That is why he rose in respect to both soul and body, unlike anyone else. 2He also proved this to his disciples. They thought they were seeing a spirit when they saw him, but he said:

See my hands and feet-that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have. (Luke 24:36, 37, 38, 39)

In this way he showed them that he was human not only with respect to his spirit but with respect to his body as well.


1. For more on this process of “glorification,” see note 1 in New Jerusalem 185. [Editors]

2. [Swedenborg note] We rise from the dead in our spirit: 10593, 10594. Only the Lord rose from the dead with his body as well: 1729, 2083, 5078, 10825.

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 21

21. The Lord rose again not only in spirit, but also in body, because the Lord, while in the world, glorified, that is, made Divine, His whole humanity. For the soul He had from the Father was of itself the real Divine, and His body became a likeness of the soul, that is, of the Father, so it too was Divine. That is why He, unlike any human being, rose again in both spirit and body. 1He made this plain to the disciples, who thought they were seeing a spirit when they saw Him, saying:

Look at my hands and my feet, see that it is I myself. Touch Me and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see Me have. Luke 24:36-39.

In these words He indicated that He was man, not only in spirit but also in body.


1. People rise again only as spirits (10593-10594). The Lord alone also rose again bodily (1729, 2083, 5078, 10825).

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 21

21. That the Lord rose again not only as to the Spirit, but also as to the Body, is because the Lord, when He was in the world, glorified His whole Human, that is, made it Divine. For the soul, which He had from the Father, was the Divine Itself from Himself, and the body was made a similitude of the soul, that is of the Father, and therefore also Divine. Hence it is that He Himself, unlike any man, rose again as to both; 1which He also manifested to His disciples, who believed they saw a spirit when they saw Him; for he said:

Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself: feel Me and see, for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as ye see Me have (Luke 24:36-39).

By which He pointed out that He was not only Man as to the Spirit, but also as to the body.


1. Man rises again as to the spirit only (10593, 10594). The Lord alone rose as to the body also (1729, 2083, 5078, 10825).

De Ultimo Judicio 21 (original Latin 1758)

21. Quod Dominus non modo quoad Spiritum, sed etiam quoad Corpus resurrexerit, est quia Dominus totum Humanum suum, cum fuit in mundo, glorificavit, hoc est, Divinum fecit: Anima enim, quae Ipsi a Patre, ex se ipsum Divinum fuit, et Corpus factum est similitudo Animae hoc est, Patris, ita quoque Divinum: inde est, quod Ipse secus ac ullus homo, quoad utrumque resurrexerit; 1quod etiam manifestavit discipulis, qui credebant videre spiritum cum Ipsum, dicendo,

"Videte manus meas et pedes meos, quod Ipse Ego sim: palpate Me et videte; nam spiritus non carnem et ossa habet, sicut Me videtis habere" (Lucas 24:36-39 2);

Per quae indicavit, quod non modo sit Homo quoad Spiritum, sed etiam quoad Corpus.



1. Quod homo resurgat tantum quoad spiritum (10593-10594).

Quod solus Dominus etiam quoad Corpus resurrexerit (1729, 2083, 5078, 10625)."2. 36-39 pro ""36-38"""

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