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《最后的审判》 第22节



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The Last Judgment (New Century Edition 2020) 22

22. There is more on the fact that heaven and hell come from humankind in the material presented in several chapters of Heaven and Hell, as follows: “Non-Christians, 1or People outside the Church, in Heaven” (318-328), “Children in Heaven” (329-345), “Wise and Simple People in Heaven” (346-356), “Rich and Poor People in Heaven” (357-365), “Each of Us Is Inwardly a Spirit” (432-444), “After Death, We Are in a Complete Human Form” (453-460), “After Death, We Possess Every Faculty of Sensation, Memory, Thought, and Emotion That People Have in the Material World: We Leave Nothing Behind except Our Earthly Body” (461-469), “Our First State after Death” (491-498), “Our Second State after Death” (499-511), “Our Third State” (512-520), and information about the hells (536-588).

All of these chapters show in specific ways that heaven is not made up of angels created in the beginning and that hell is not made up of a devil and his gang, but that both are made up exclusively of angels and devils who were born as human beings.


1. The term here translated “non-Christians” is a form of the Latin word gentes. On this term, see note 2 in New Jerusalem 3. [Editors]

Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1992) 22

22. I demonstrated in many sections of my book HEAVEN AND HELL that heaven and hell are from the human race; for instance, in the following. Nations and peoples outside the church in heaven (318-328). Children in heaven (329-345) The wise and the simple in heaven (345-356). The rich and the poor in heaven (357-365). Each individual is a spirit in his interiors (432-444). Man after death possesses a perfect human form (453-460). Man after death has every sense, memory, thought and affection which he had in the world, and leaves nothing behind except his earthly body (461-469). Man's first state after death (491-498); his second state (499-511); his third state (512-517). Further about the hells (536-588), All of these passages offer detailed proofs that heaven is not composed of a class of angels created from the beginning, nor hell of a devil and his crew, but only of those who were born as human beings.

Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1892) 22

22. Moreover that heaven and hell are from the human race, has been shown in many articles in the work on Heaven and Hell as in the following: Of the Nations and People in Heaven who are out of the Church (318-328). Of Infants in Heaven (329-345). Of the Wise and the Simple in Heaven (344-356). Of the Rich and the Poor in Heaven (357-365). Every Man is a Spirit, as regards his own interiors (432-444). Man after Death is in a perfect human Form (453-460). Man after Death is in all the sense, memory, thought, and affection, which he had in the world, and leaves nothing but his terrestrial body (461-469). Of the First state of man after Death (491-498). Of the Second State of man after Death (499-511). Of his Third state (512-517). See moreover what is said of the Hells (536-588). From all these articles it may be seen, that heaven does not consist of any angels created in the beginning, nor hell of any devil and his crew, but solely of those who have been born men.

De Ultimo Judicio 22 (original Latin 1758)

22. Praeterea quod caelum et infernum sint ex humano genere, in pluribus articulis in opere De Caelo et Inferno ostensum est; ut in his sequentibus: De Gentibus et Populis extra Ecclesiam in Caelo (318-328): De Infantibus in Caelo (329-345): De Sapientibus et Simplicibus in Caelo (346-356): De Divitibus et Pauperibus in Caelo (357-365): Quod unusquisque Homo sit Spiritus quoad interiora sua (432-444): Quod Homo post Mortem sit in perfecta Forma humana (453-460): Quod Homo post Mortem sit in omni sensu, memoria, cogitatione, affectione, in quibus in mundo, et quod nihil relinquat praeter terrestre suum corpus (461-469): De Primo Statu hominis post mortem (491-498): De Secundo Statu hominis post mortem (499-511): De Tertio ejus Statu (512-517): et porro quae de Infernis (536-588): Ex quibus omnibus in specie constare potest, quod caelum non consistat ex aliquibus angelis in principio creatis, nec infernum ex aliquo diabolo et ejus turba, sed solum ex illis qui nati sunt homines.

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