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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第186节




























186、关于重生的更多详情。 人被重生是通过信仰的真理以及据此而行的生命 (190420469088995910028)。主的圣言表达了这个意思:


“水”表示信仰的真理,“圣灵”表示依之而行的生活 (10240)。“水”在圣言中表示信仰的真理 (270230585668856810238)。灵性的净化,也就是邪恶和谬误的净化,是信仰真理的结果 (279959547044791890881022910237)。当人被重生时,真理被播种和植入良善里,从而成为生命的一部分 (880218925742697)。这里讨论了何种性质的真理才能被植入良善行为中 (8725)。 在重生过程中,真理被引入并与良善行为结合;相应的,良善行为被引入并融入真理 (53658516)。 这种相互地引入和结合是怎样发生的,这里有讨论 (315510067)。当真理变为意志的一部分时,真理被植入良善中,因为它那时变成了爱的一部分(10367)。

人可能经由两种状态被重生:第一,他被通向真理的良善引导;第二,他依良善而行,并通过良善看见真理 (79927993850585068510851285168643864886588685869087018772922792309274973610048100571006010076)。3610节介绍了在人里面当真理位于第一,良善位于第二时,他的状态是怎样的 (3610)。因此看来,当人重生时,他是通过真理看待良善,但是被重生后,他是依据良善思想真理 (6247)。这期间人似乎发生了一个上下颠倒的反转 (6507)。

但是必须知道,当人被重生时,实际上真理不位于第一,良善也不在第二,只是看起来是如此。但是当人被重生后,显而易见地且事实上良善位居第一,而真理居第二位 (33243325333033363494353935483556356335703576360337014243424542474337492549264928493049775351625662696273851610110)。因此在重生中,良善既是起因也是结果 (9337)。因为当人被重生时 (或者说当人成为一个教会时,两者其实是一回事),真理看上去在第一位,良善看上去在第二位。由于这个现象,古人中曾有过争论,即信仰的真理和仁爱的良善何者先从教会产生 (3672435)。

实际上,仁爱的良善是教会的长子,而信仰的真理只是看上去像 (33253494492549264928493080428080)。“长子”在圣言中表示教会中为首的,具优先和排前的地位 (3325)。主被称为长子,因为祂里面和从祂而来的是一切爱、仁慈和信仰的良善 (3325)。

当人处于后面状态时(依良善看真理),他不应该转回前面的状态(即依真理看良善),下面几节讨论了为什么 (24543650-3655589558977857792385058506851085128516927410184)。主的圣言解释过这些:




下面这些章节描述人的重生过程,以及它是怎么发生的(15552343249026572979305732863310331633323470370143535113512652705280534267178772877390439103100211005710367)。重生的奥秘无数,因为重生贯穿于人的一生 (2679317935843665369037014377455145525122512653985912675191039258929692979334)。这些奥秘极少进入人的知识和觉察 (31799336)。主的圣言就是此意:


关于属灵教会之人的重生过程在这里讨论 (2675267826792682)。关于属天教会之人的重生过程,以及它们之间的不同,在这里讨论 (511310124)。

人的重生与婴儿的情况很相似,首先学会说话,然后是思考,随后是好好的生存,终于一切都自由自在地由着他自己 (320392969297)。因此,主分阶段引导人的重生过程,开始是婴儿期,然后是童年期,后来终于长大成人 (366536904377-43796751)。当人被主重生时,他首先处于外在天真状态,也就是像一个婴儿的状态,然后一步步的导向内在天真状态,也就是他的智慧状态(933493351002110210)。婴儿状态天真的本质和特性,和智慧状态天真的本质和特性描述在这里 (1616230523063494456347975608930110021)。 下面几节比较了人的重生与子宫里胚胎的受孕和成型过程 (357049319258)。基于它们的相似性,圣言里提到的受孕和诞生意为灵性的受孕和诞生,也就是人重生的各阶段 (61311451255202025843860386840704668623910204)。下面以植物王国的萌发为例说明人的重生(51155116)。在灵性世界,彩虹代表人重生的各个阶段(104210431053)。

内在或属灵之人,以及外在或属世之人,都必须重生,且两者彼此依从 (386838703872387638773882)。内在之人必须比外在之人先重生,因为内在之人是在天堂的光中,外在之人是在人间之光中 (3321332534693493435387469325)。外在或属世之人依靠内在或属灵之人重生 (328632883321)。外在或属世之人重生之前,人不会被重生 (8742-874790439046906193259334)。 除非属世之人被重生,否则属灵之人是关闭的 (6299)。这种状态下人看不到与信心和爱相关连的真知与善行 (3493396943534588)。当属世之人被重生时,整个人就被重生了 (74427443)。“为门徒洗脚”就是这个意思,主的下述圣言也一样:


圣言中的“洗”表示灵性的洗,是从邪恶和谬误中净化出来 (31471023710241)。“脚”表示属于物质之人的那些特性 (21623761398642804938-4952)。因此,“洗脚”是净化物质之人 (314710241)。

属世之人如何被重生,描述在下面的章节 (350235083509351835733576357936163762378653735647565056515660)。属世之人重生后的特性,以及未重生的属世之人的特性描述在这里 (87448745)。属世之人与属灵之人作对越少,人被重生的越多 (3286)。当人被重生后,属世之人能够觉察属灵事物的流入 (5651)。

人的感官层面,就是属世之人的最低层面,如今已不被重生,但是人被提升超越了它 (7442)。当人被重生时,人事实上从感官层面被提升到天堂之光中 (61836454)。关于感官导向之人的本质和特性,收集在上面第50节中 (50)。

人的重生是经由灵流流入人所持有的良善和真理的知识中 (409640974364)。当人被重生时,他经由过渡性良善和真理被引入真实的良善和真理,而后过渡性的良善和真理被搁置,由真实的置换了它们 (366536863690397440634067414563849382)。导致他的真知和良善进入一种全新秩序 (42504251993110303)。它们按照目的被安排 (4104),因此根据人意愿的属灵生活的实际而安排 (9297)。重生的人经历很多状态,并且不断更深层地被带入天堂中,因此离主更近 (6645)。重生的人被赋予天堂的样式 (8512)。他的内在向天堂打开 (85128513)。人通过重生进入天使的智慧。然而只要他仍然在世间,这些就隐藏在他的深层内在里,但是在来世会示现,那时他的智慧就和天使的一样 (24948747)。

这里描述了被重生之人的开悟状态 (269727012704)。通过重生,人得到一种新的悟性 (2657)。何以重生之人的良善结更多善果且其真知(Truth)多重光大,这里做了介绍 (984)。当重生之人的良善运行时,其真知的涌现可以比喻为像群星环绕,且各自不断再生成的真知如星光闪烁,以至无穷无尽 (5912)。一个重生之人其出自良善的真理是这样安排的,源初的来自良善的真理,位于中心源头的位置,其余的根据它们相互的亲缘关系按其衍生次序向周围扩散,到达最外沿处彼此变得模糊不清 (41294551455251345270)。

重生之人的来自良善的真知呈现出天堂的样式 (33163470358443025704570960286690993110303)。请参阅《天堂与地狱》一书,其中天堂的样式一章(23章)描述那里的人们如何结交与沟通 (天堂与地狱200-212节),而30章描述天使的智慧(天堂与地狱265-275节)。

在重生之人的意念里,属灵事物与物质事物相互对应 (2850)。他生命的等级秩序是彻底转置的 (333251598995)。 在灵里他完全是一个新人 (3212)。从外观上看,他依然故我,好像未重生,但是他的内在已全然今是昨非 (5159)。重生是获取属灵良善的唯一途径,于是对良善的热爱,感动他愿意良善和行出良善 (4538)。任何情感,若曾经融入人内心的特定真知,都有能力在日后唤醒该真知 (5893)。人的真知越远离其初发点—那时人以自己为核心,就越能与良善结合并获得属灵生命 (36073610)。人的真知享有的生命程度,对应于他爱自己和爱世界的邪恶被摈弃的程度 (3610)。

当人被重生时,他起初的对于真理的向往是不纯的,但是随着时间的推移它被不断净化 (30898413)。被重生之人的邪恶和谬误被缓慢地摈弃,而不是迅速地 (93349335)。人的邪恶和谬误是人的一部分,故而持续存在,它们只有通过重生才能被摈弃 (86586888792915812406456482068393898890149333-93369445944794489451-945499381005710060)。无人能被彻底重生以至达到完美 (89451226648)。邪灵不敢攻击重生者 (1695)。教会中人相信称义教导者对重生所知甚少 (5398)。

人必须有自由以便能够被重生(193719472876288131453146315840318700)。 通过重生人被引到天堂的自由中 (2874287528822892)。良善和真理不能被强迫结合,因为如此不会重生 (2875288140318700)。关于与重生有关的自由,可参见上述关于自由的章节。

重生之人必定经历灵里的征战 (36968403)。因为征战的发生是为了良善和真理的结合,也是为了内在之人和外在之人的结合(424842725773)。

上一节  目录  下一节

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 186

186. More on regeneration. We are regenerated by means of the truths that belong to religious faith and through living by them: 1904, 2046, 9088, 9959, 10028. This is the meaning of the Lord's words "Unless you have been born of water and the spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of God" (John 3:5); "water" means the truth that belongs to religious faith and "the spirit" means a life in accord with that truth: 10240. Water in the Word means the truth that belongs to religious faith: 2702, 3058, 5668, 8568, 10238. Spiritual purification, which is purification from evil and falsity, is effected by means of the truths that belong to religious faith: 2799, 5954, 7044, 7918, 9088, 10229, 10237. When we are being regenerated, truths are sown and rooted in doing good so that they become part of our life: 880, 2189, 2675, 2697. What truths must be like before they can be rooted in doing good: 8725. In the process of regeneration, truth is introduced and joined to doing good, and likewise doing good is introduced and joined to truth: 5365, 8516. How that mutual introduction and joining takes place: 3155, 10067. Truth becomes rooted in doing good when we come to will it, because it then becomes something that we love: 10367.

[2] There are two states we go through when we are being regenerated: the first is when we are being led to do what is good by means of truth, and the second is when we act on the basis of what is good and see what is true from what is good: 7992, 7993, 8505, 8506, 8510, 8512, 8516, 8643, 8648, 8658, 8685, 8690, 8701, 8772, 9227, 9230, 9274, 9509, 10057, 10060, 10076. What our state is like when truth is in first place for us and goodness is second: 3610. We can see from this that when we are being regenerated we look toward goodness from the perspective of truth, but when we have been regenerated, we look toward truth from the perspective of goodness: 6247. So there is a kind of reversal in which our state is turned upside down: 6507.

[3] It is important to know, though, how things really stand: while we are being regenerated, truth is only apparently but not actually in first place and goodness in second place; but when we have been regenerated goodness is actually and observably in first place and truth in second place: 3324, 3325, 3330, 3336, 3494, 3539, 3548, 3556, 3563, 3570, 3576, 3603, 3701, 4243, 4244, 4247, 4337, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930, 4977, 5351, 6256, 6269, 6273, 8516, 10110. This means that goodness comes both first and last in our regeneration: 9337. Because truth seems to come first and goodness seems to come second when we are being regenerated (or when we are becoming a form of the church, which amounts to the same thing), this appearance led to a difference of opinion among the ancients as to which was the firstborn of the church, the truth that belongs to religious faith or the good actions that come from caring: 367, 2435. The good actions that come from caring are the firstborn of the church in actual fact, while the truth that belongs to religious faith is only apparently so: 3325, 3494, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930, 8042, 8080. "Firstborn" in the Word means what comes first in the church and has preference and higher rank: 3325. That is why the Lord is called "the firstborn"-because all the good that comes from love and caring and faith exists within him and originates from him: 3325.

[4] Once we are in the later state (looking at truth from the perspective of goodness) we should not turn back to the earlier state (looking at goodness from the perspective of truth), and why that is the case: 2454, 3650-3655, 5895, 5897, 7857, 7923, 8505, 8506, 8510, 8512, 8516, 9274, 10184 (which include discussion of the Lord's words "Those who are in the field then 1should not go back to get their outer garments" [Matthew 24:18] and "Those who are in the field then should not turn back. Remember Lot's wife" [Luke 17:31-32], showing that this is what those sayings mean).

[5] A description of the way the process of our regeneration unfolds: 1555, 2343, 2490, 2657, 2979, 3057, 3286, 3310, 3316, 3332, 3470, 3701, 4353, 5122, 5126, 5270, 5280, 5342, 6717, 8772, 8773, 9043, 9103, 10021, 10057, 10367. There are countless mysteries concerning regeneration, because regeneration goes on throughout our entire lifetime: 2679, 3179, 3665, 3690, 3701, 4377, 4551, 4552, 5122, 5126, 5398, 6751, 9103, 9258, 9296, 9297, 9334. Hardly any of these mysteries come into our knowledge or perception: 3179, 9336. This is what is meant by these words of the Lord: "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it is coming from or where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the spirit" (John 3:8). Information about the process of regeneration of those who are part of the spiritual church: 2675, 2678, 2679, 2682. Information about the process of regeneration of those who are part of the heavenly church, and the differences between the two: 5113, 10124.

[6] It is much the same for someone who is being regenerated as it is for a baby who first learns to talk, then to think, later to live rightly, until finally everything flows freely, seemingly on its own: 3203, 3701. So someone who is being regenerated is led by the Lord through stages: the first is like infancy, the next is like childhood, and the one after that is like adulthood: 3665, 3690, 4377, 4378, 4379, 6751. When we are being regenerated by the Lord, at first we are in a state of outward innocence, which is a state like infancy for us. Then step by step we are led through to a state of inward innocence, which is a state of wisdom for us: 9334, 9335, 10021, 10210. The nature and characteristics of the innocence of infancy and the nature and characteristics of the innocence of wisdom: 1616, 2305, 2306, 3494, 4563, 4797, 5608, 9301, 10021. A comparison between our regeneration and the conception and formation of an embryo in the womb: 3570, 4931, 9258. Because of this parallel, references to conception and birth in the Word mean spiritual conception and birth-that is, stages in our regeneration: 613, 1145, 1255, 2020, 2584, 3860, 3868, 4070, 4668, 6239, 10204. Our regeneration is illustrated by the process of germination in the plant kingdom: 5115, 5116. In the spiritual world the stage of our regeneration is represented as a rainbow: 1042, 1043, 1053.

[7] Both the inner or spiritual self and the outer or earthly self need to be regenerated, and the one is regenerated by means of the other: 3868, 3870, 3872, 3876, 3877, 3882. The inner self is regenerated before the outer because the inner is in heaven's light and the outer is in this world's light: 3321, 3325, 3469, 3493, 4353, 8748, 9325. The outer or earthly self is regenerated by means of the inner or spiritual self: 3286, 3288, 3321. We are not regenerated until our outer or earthly self has been regenerated: 8742-8747, 9043, 9046, 9061, 9325, 9334. If our earthly self is not being regenerated, our spiritual self is closed off (6299) and is in effect blind to the truths and the good actions that are related to faith and love (3493, 3969, 4353, 4588). When the earthly self has been regenerated the whole person has been regenerated: 7442, 7443. This is the meaning of the washing of the disciples' feet and by these words of the Lord: "Those who have bathed need only to have their feet washed to be completely clean" (John 13:10): 10243. Washing in the Word means spiritual washing, which is purification from evils and falsities (3147, 10237, 10241), and feet mean the attributes of our earthly self (2162, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952), so "washing our feet" means purifying our earthly self (3147, 10241).

[8] How the earthly self is regenerated: 3502, 3508, 3509, 3518, 3573, 3576, 3579, 3616, 3762, 3786, 5373, 5647, 5650, 5651, 5660. The nature of the earthly self when it has been regenerated and its nature when it has not been regenerated: 8744, 8745. The less our earthly self fights with our spiritual self, the more regenerated we are: 3286. When we have been regenerated, our earthly self perceives the spiritual things that are flowing in: 5651.

[9] Our sensory level, which is the lowest level of our earthly self, is not regenerated nowadays, but instead we are raised above it: 7442. When we are being regenerated we are actually lifted up from the sensory level into the light of heaven: 6183, 6454. The nature and characteristics of sense-oriented people may be seen in the references assembled in 50 above.

[10] We are regenerated by means of an inflow into whatever knowledge we have about goodness and truth: 4096, 4097, 4364. When we are being regenerated we are led by means of intermediate forms of goodness and truth into genuine forms of them, after which the intermediate forms are left behind and the genuine ones take their place: 3665, 3690, 3686, 3974, 4063, 4067, 4145. This then brings our truths and our desires to do good into a completely different arrangement: 4250, 4251, 9931, 10303. They are arranged according to our goals (4104); therefore they are arranged according to the use to which we wish to put our spiritual life (9297). When we are being regenerated we undergo many different states, but are steadily being led deeper into heaven and therefore closer to the Lord: 6645. Those who have been regenerated are patterned after heaven: 8512. Their inner reaches are opened into heaven: 8512, 8513. Through regeneration we come into angelic intelligence, but this lies hidden in our deeper levels as long as we are living in this world. It is opened up in the other life, however, and then we have the same kind of wisdom as angels have: 2494, 8747. The state of enlightenment that is given to those who are being regenerated: 2699, 2701, 2704. Through regeneration we are given a new faculty of understanding: 2657. How goodness becomes more fruitful and truth multiplies in people who are being regenerated: 984. When goodness takes charge in those who have been regenerated, the truths that come forth around it form little stars, so to speak, and each of these generates more starlike truths around itself, without end: 5912. In a person who has been regenerated, the truths that come from goodness are arranged in a pattern so that the genuine truths connected with that goodness are in the center; these are like parents to the next group of truths; and still other truths are placed farther away according to the degree of kinship or family ties, extending all the way to the outermost areas, where it is dark: 3128, 4551, 4552, 5134, 5270. In people who have been regenerated, truths that come from goodness are arranged in the form of heaven: 3316, 3470, 3584, 4302, 5704, 5709, 6028, 6690, 9931, 10303. In the book Heaven and Hell, see also the chapters "Heaven's Form, Which Determines How People Associate and Communicate There" (200-212) and "The Wisdom of Heaven's Angels" (265-275).

[11] In people who have been regenerated there is a correspondence between the spiritual and the earthly contents of their minds: 2850. In people who have been regenerated the whole hierarchy of their lives has been completely inverted: 3332, 5159, 8995. In their spirits, those who have been regenerated are completely new people: 3212. Those who have been through regeneration may seem outwardly like those who have not, but they are not like them inwardly: 5159. Regeneration is the only way we can gain spiritual goodness-which is intending and doing good because we are moved by a love for goodness: 4538. Whatever emotion instilled a given truth in us before has the power to evoke that truth again: 5893. The more our truths are disconnected from their origin in our self-focused life, the more they can be joined to goodness and receive spiritual life: 3607, 3610. Our truths have life to the extent that the evils stemming from our love for ourselves and for the world are put aside: 3610.

[12] When we are being regenerated, the first desire we feel for truth is not pure, but over time that desire is gradually purified: 3089, 8413. When we are being regenerated, the evil and false things in us are put aside slowly, not quickly: 9334, 9335. The evil and false things that have become part of us still continue to exist and are only put aside by our regeneration: 865, 868, 887, 929, 1581, 2406, 4564, 8206, 8393, 9014, 9333-9336, 9445, 9447, 9448, 9451-9454, 9938, 10057. There is no way we can be so completely regenerated that we are declared perfect: 894, 5122, 6648. Evil spirits do not dare attack someone who has been regenerated: 1695. People in the church who believe in justification know very little about regeneration: 5398.

[13] We need freedom in order to be regenerated: 1937, 1947, 2876, 2881, 3145, 3146, 3158, 4031, 8700. Through regeneration we are brought into heavenly freedom: 2874, 2875, 2882, 2892. No joining of goodness and truth takes place under coercion, so no regeneration does either: 2875, 2881, 4031, 8700. For more on our freedom in regard to regeneration, see the teachings given in the chapter on freedom above [141-149].

[14] When we are being regenerated, we must of necessity undergo spiritual crises (3696, 8403) because such crises happen for the sake of joining goodness and truth together in us and also joining our inner and outer selves together (4248, 4572, 5773).


1. Swedenborg has added the word "then" (Latin tunc) to this quotation fromMatthew 24:18 (and to the following quotation from Luke 17:31-32), apparently in reference to the apocalyptic circumstances described earlier in the biblical text. The looser quotation standards of his day allowed such editorial interpolations. [LSW, SS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 186

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 186

186. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 186

186. Additional statements concerning Regeneration. A man is regenerated through the truths of faith, and a life according thereto, Arcana Coelestia 1904, 2046, 9088, 9959, 10028. This is meant by the Lord's words (John 3:5), "Unless a man is born through water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God;" water signifies the truth of faith, and spirit, a life according thereto, Arcana Coelestia 10240. By water, in the Word, is signified the truth of faith, Arcana Coelestia 2702, 3058, 5668, 8568, 10238. Through the truths of faith also there is wrought that spiritual purification, which cleanses from evils and falsities, Arcana Coelestia 2799, 5954, 7044, 7918, 9088, 10229, 10237. When a man is being regenerated, truths are inseminated and implanted in good, that they may become matters of life, Arcana Coelestia 880, 2189, 2574, 2697. What must be the quality of truths in order that they may be implanted in good, Arcana Coelestia 8725. In regeneration truth is initiated into, and conjoined with, good, and good reciprocally with truth, Arcana Coelestia 5365, 8516. How this reciprocal initiation and conjunction is effected, Arcana Coelestia 3155, 10067. Truth is implanted in good when it becomes a subject of the will, because then it becomes a subject of the love, Arcana Coelestia 10367.

A man who is being regenerated has two states: the first state is, when through truth he is led to good; the second state when he acts from good, and from good sees truth, Arcana Coelestia 7992, 7993, 8505, 8506, 8510, 8512, 8516, 8643, 8648, 8658, 8685, 8690, 8701, 8772, 9227, 9230, 9274, 9509, 10048, 10057, 10058, 10076. The quality of a man's state when truth is in the first place, and good in the second, Arcana Coelestia 3610. From this it is evident that while a man is being regenerated, he looks from truth to good but that after he has been regenerated, he looks from good to truth, Arcana Coelestia 6247. A sort of inversion thus takes place, in that the state of a man is being turned about, Arcana Coelestia 6507.

It is to be borne in mind, however, that the case is so, that when a man is being regenerated, truth is in the first place and good in the second not actually, but only apparently; but that after a man has been regenerated, good is actually and perceptibly in the first place, and truth in the second, Arcana Coelestia 3324, 3563, 3570, 3576, 3325, 3330, 3336, 3494, 3539, 3548, 3556, 3563, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930, 4977, 5351, 6256, 6269, 6273, 8516, 10110. Good, consequently, is the first and the last of regeneration, Arcana Coelestia 9337. Since during a man's regeneration, or what is the same thing, while he is becoming a Church, truth appears to be in the first place, and good in the second, on account of this appearance it was a controverted point among the ancients, whether the truth of faith or the good of charity was the first-born of the Church, Arcana Coelestia 367, 2435. The good of charity is actually the first-born of the Church, and the truth of faith only apparently, Arcana Coelestia 3325, 3494, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930, 8042, 8080. By the first-born, in the Word, there is also signified the first thing of the Church, to which belongs priority and superiority, Arcana Coelestia 3325. Wherefore, the Lord is called the First-born, because in Him and from Him is all the good of love, charity, and faith, Arcana Coelestia 3325.

From the latter state which prevails when truth is regarded from good, a man ought not to return to the former state, in which good is regarded from truth; the reasons, why, Arcana Coelestia 2454, 3650-3651, 5895, 5897, 7857, 7923, 8505, 8506, 8510, 8512, 8516, 9274, 10184. The Lord's words in Matthew 24:18, are there explained "Let him who is in the field not return back to take his clothes;" also, Luke 17:31-32, "Whosoever then shall be in the field, let him not return to those things which, are behind him. Remember Lot's wife;" for by these words are signified the above things.

How the process of man's regeneration is accomplished; a description of this process, Arcana Coelestia 1555, 2343, 2490, 2657, 2979, 3057, 3286, 3310, 3316, 3332, 3470, 3701, 4353, 5122, 5126, 5270, 5280, 5342, 6717, 8772, 8773, 9043, 9103, 10021, 10057, 10367. The arcana of regeneration are innumerable, since regeneration continues throughout the whole of a man's life, Arcana Coelestia 2679, 3179, 3584, 3665, 3690, 3701, 4377, 4551, 4552, 5122, 5126, 5398, 5912, 6751, 9103, 9258, 9296, 9297, 9334. Scarcely anything of these arcana reaches a man's knowledge and perception, Arcana Coelestia 3179, 9336. This is what is meant by the Lord's words in John 3:8, "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but knowest not whence it cometh and whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit." The process of the regeneration of the man of the spiritual Church, Arcana Coelestia 2675, 2678, 2679, 2682. And the process of the regeneration of the man of the celestial Church; what difference there is between them, Arcana Coelestia 5113, 10124.

The case with a man when he is being regenerated, is like that of a child, in that he first learns how to speak, then how to think, afterwards how to lead a good life, until all these things flow, as it were, of their own accord, Arcana Coelestia 3203, 9296, 9297. He who is being regenerated is thus first led by the Lord as a child, afterwards as a youth, and lastly as an adult, Arcana Coelestia 3665, 3690, 4377-4379, 6751. When a man is being regenerated by the Lord, he is first in a state of external innocence, which is the state of his infancy, afterwards he is successively led into a state of internal innocence, which is the state of his wisdom, Arcana Coelestia 9334, 9335, 10021, 10210. What the innocence of infancy is, and what its quality; and what the innocence of wisdom is, and what its quality, Arcana Coelestia 1616, 2305, 2306, 3494, 4563, 4797, 5608, 9301, 10021. A comparison between the regeneration of man, and the conception and formation of the embryo in the womb, Arcana Coelestia 3570, 4931, 9258. On this account, generations and births in the Word signify spiritual generations and births, that is, the things which belong to regeneration, Arcana Coelestia 613, 1145, 1255, 2020, 2584, 3860, 3868, 4070, 4668, 6239, 10204. Man's regeneration is illustrated by the germinations in the vegetable kingdom, Arcana Coelestia 5115, 5116. Man's regeneration is represented in the rainbow, Arcana Coelestia 1042, 1043, 1053.

Both the internal or spiritual man, and the external or natural man, have to be regenerated, and the one by means of the other, Arcana Coelestia 3868, 3870, 3872, 3876, 3877, 3882. The internal man has to be regenerated before the external, because the internal man is in the light of heaven, and the external man in the light of the world, Arcana Coelestia 3221, 3325, 3469, 3493, 4353, 8746, 9325. The external or natural man is regenerated through the internal or spiritual man, Arcana Coelestia 3286, 3288, 3321. A man is not regenerate before his external or natural man has been regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 8742-8747, 9043, 9046, 9061, 9325, 9334. The spiritual man is closed up unless the natural man is regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 6299 and with respect to the truths and goods of faith and love, it is, as it were, blind, Arcana Coelestia 3493, 3969, 4353, 4588. When the natural man has been regenerated, the whole man is regenerate, Arcana Coelestia 7442, 7443. This is signified by the washing of the disciples' feet, and by these words of the Lord (John 13:9-10), "He that is washed needeth, not save to wash his feet, and is wholly clean," Arcana Coelestia 10243. Washing, in the Word, signifies spiritual washing, which is purification from evils and falsities, Arcana Coelestia 3147, 10237, 10241; and the feet signify those things which belong to the natural man, Arcana Coelestia 2162, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952. Wherefore washing the feet means purifying the natural man, Arcana Coelestia 3147 Arcana Coelestia 3147[1-10], 10241.

How the natural man is regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 3502, 3508, 3509, 3518, 3573, 3576, 3579, 3616, 3762, 3786, 5373, 5647, 5650, 5651, 5660. The quality of the natural man after it has been regenerated, and its quality when it is not regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 8744, 8745. So far as the natural man does not combat with the spiritual man, so far a man has been regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 3286. When a man has been regenerated, the natural man by means of influx, perceives spiritual things, Arcana Coelestia 5651.

The Sensual which is the last or ultimate [part] of the natural man is not regenerated at the present day, but the man is elevated above it, Arcana Coelestia 7442. Those who are being regenerated, are actually raised above sensual things into the light of heaven, Arcana Coelestia 6183, 6454. What the sensual man is, and what its quality, may be seen in the extracts above, no. 50.

A man is regenerated through an influx into the knowledges of good and truth, which he possesses, Arcana Coelestia 4096, 4097, 4364. When a man is being regenerated, he is introduced through intermediate goods and truths into genuine goods and truths, and afterwards the intermediate goods and truths are abandoned, and those which are genuine succeed in their place, Arcana Coelestia 3665, 3686, 3690, 3974, 3982, 4063, 4067, 4145. Another order is then introduced among the truths and goods, Arcana Coelestia 4250, 4251, 9931, 10303. They are arranged according to ends, Arcana Coelestia 4104. Thus according to the uses of spiritual life, Arcana Coelestia 9297. Those who are being regenerated undergo many states, and are continually being brought more interiorly into heaven, and thus nearer to the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 6645. He who is regenerate is in the order of heaven, Arcana Coelestia 8512. His Internal has been opened into heaven, Arcana Coelestia 8512, 8513. Through regeneration a man comes into angelic wisdom, which however lies concealed in his interiors so long as he lives in the world, but is made manifest in the other life; and then, he enjoys a wisdom similar in kind to that of the angels, Arcana Coelestia 2494, 8747. The state of those who are being regenerated in respect to enlightenment, Arcana Coelestia 2697, 2701, 2704. Through regeneration a man receives a new understanding, Arcana Coelestia 2657. How the case is with respect to the fructification of good and the multiplication of truth, with those who are being regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 984. Truths from good with one who has been regenerated, through successive derivations, form as it were a star, and continually multiply themselves round about, Arcana Coelestia 5912. Truths from good with one who has been regenerated, are arranged into such order, that the genuine truths of good, from which, as from parents, the rest proceed, are in the middle, while the rest succeed in order according to their relationship and affinities, down to the last, where there is obscurity, Arcana Coelestia 4129, 4551, 4552, 5134, 5270. Truths from good, with one who has been regenerated, are arranged in the form of heaven, Arcana Coelestia 3316, 3470, 3584, 4302, 5704, 5709, 6028, 6690, 9931, 10303; and in the work on Heaven and Hell, in the chapters "Concerning the Form of Heaven, according to which are effected there, all consociations and communications," Heaven and Hell 200-212; and " Concerning the Wisdom of the Angels of Heaven," Heaven and Hell 265-275.

With one who has been regenerated, there is a correspondence between spiritual and natural things, Arcana Coelestia 2850. With one who has been regenerated, the order of life has been altogether inverted, Arcana Coelestia 3332, 5159, 8995. The regenerate man is entirely new as to his spirit, Arcana Coelestia 3212. As to outward things he appears like one who has not been regenerated, but not as to inward things, Arcana Coelestia 5159. Only through regeneration does a man obtain spiritual good which consists in willing and in doing good from the affection of the love of good, Arcana Coelestia 4538. Those truths which enter with an affection are also reproduced, Arcana Coelestia 5893. In proportion as truths are deprived of life from a man's Self (proprium), they are conjoined with good and receive spiritual life, Arcana Coelestia 3607, 3610. In proportion as evils from the love of self and of the world are removed, truths have life, Arcana Coelestia 3610.

The first affection of the truth with a man who is being regenerated is not pure, but it is purified successively, Arcana Coelestia 3089, 8413. Evils and falsities are removed slowly, not quickly, with a man who is being regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 9334, 9335. The evils and falsities which belong to a man's Self, nevertheless remain, and are removed only through regeneration, Arcana Coelestia 865, 868, 887, 929, 1581, 2406, 4564, 8206, 8393, 8988, 9014, 9333-9336, 9445, 9447, 9448, 9451-9454, 9938, 10057, 10060. A man can never be regenerated so far as to be called perfect, Arcana Coelestia 894, 5122, 6648. Evil spirits do not dare to assault any one who has been regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 1695. Those who believe the justification [taught] in the Church, know little about regeneration, Arcana Coelestia 5398.

A man must have freedom, in order that he may be regenerated, Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947, 2876, 2881, 3145, 3146, 3158, 4031, 8700. Through regeneration a man is introduced into heavenly freedom, Arcana Coelestia 2874, 2875, 2882, 2892. Through compulsion there does not exist any conjunction of good and truth, and therefore no regeneration, Arcana Coelestia 2875, 3881, 4031, 8700. The remaining statements concerning freedom, so far as they have a bearing on Regeneration, may be seen in the Doctrine above, where Freedom is treated of.

He who is being regenerated, must necessarily undergo temptations, Arcana Coelestia 3696, 8403; because temptations take place for the sake of the conjunction of good and truth, is well as for the sake of the conjunction of the internal and external man, Arcana Coelestia 4248, 4572, 5773.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 186

186. Further particular concerning regeneration.

Man is regenerated by the truths of faith, and by a life according to them (n. 1904, 2046, 9088, 9959, 10028). This is meant by the words of the Lord:

Unless a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God (John 3:5).

"Water" signifies the truth of faith, and "spirit" a life according thereto (n. 10240). "Water" in the Word signifies the truth of faith (n. 2702, 3058, 5668, 8568, 10238). Spiritual purification, which is from evils and falsities, is effected by the truths of faith (n. 2799, 5954, 7044, 7918, 9088, 10229, 10237). When man is regenerated, truths are inseminated and implanted in good, that they may become of the life (n. 880, 2189, 2574, 2697). What the quality of truths must be that they may be implanted in good (n. 8725). In regeneration truth is initiated and conjoined to good, and good reciprocally to truth (n. 5365, 8516). How this reciprocal initiation and conjunction is effected (n. 3155, 10067). Truth is implanted in good when it becomes of the will, since it then becomes of the love (n. 10367).

There are two states of the man who is regenerated; first, when he is led by truth to good; second, when he acts from good, and from good sees truth (n. 7992, 7993, 8505, 8506, 8510, 8512, 8516, 8643, 8648, 8658, 8 8685[1-2], 8690, 8701, 8772, 9227, 9230, 9274, 9736, 10048, 10057, 10060, 10076). The quality of man's state when truth is in the first place, and good in the second (n. 3610). Hence it appears that when man is regenerating, he looks to good from truth; but when regenerated, he regards truth from good (n. 6247). Thus a turning over as it were takes place, in that the state of man is inverted (n. 6507).

But it is to be known, that when man is regenerating, truth is not actually in the first place and good in the second, but only apparently; but when man is regenerated, good is in the first place and truth in the second, actually and perceptibly (n. 3324, 3325, 3330, 3336, 3494, 3539, 3548, 3556, 3563,3570, 3576, 3603, 3701, 4243, 4245, 4247, 4337, 4 925, 4926, 4928, 4930, 4977, 5351, 625 6, 6269, 6273, 8516, 10110). Thus good is the first and last of regeneration (n. 9337). Since truth appears to be in the first place and good in the second, when man is regenerating, or, which is the same thing, when man becomes a church, on account of this appearance it was a matter of controversy among the ancients, whether the truth of faith or the good of charity is the first-born of the church (n. 367[1-2], 2435).

The good of charity is actually the first-born of the church, but the truth of faith only apparently (n. 3325, 3494, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930, 8042, 8080). "First-born" in the Word signifies the first of the church, to which priority and superiority belongs (n. 3325). The Lord is called the first-born, because in Him and from Him is all the good of love, of charity, and of faith (n. 3325).

Man ought not to return from the latter state wherein truth is regarded from good, to the former state, wherein good is regarded from truth, and why (n. 2454, 3650-3655, 5895, 5897, 7857, 7923, 8505, 8506, 8510, 8512, 8516, 9274, 1 10184[1-6]). Where these words of the Lord are explained:

Let not him who is in the field return back to take his garments (Matt. 24:18);


Whosoever shall then be in the field, let him not return to those things which are behind him. Remember Lot's wife (Luke 17:31, 32);

for this is signified by those words.

The process of the regeneration of man described, and how it is effected (n. 1555, 2343, 2490, 2657, 2979, 3057, 3286, 3310, 3316, 3332, 3470, 3701, 4353, 5113, 5126, 5270, 5280, 5342, 6717, 8772, 8773, 9043, 9103, 10021, 10057, 10367). The arcana of regeneration are innumerable, since regeneration continues during the whole life of man (n. 2679, 3179, 3584, 3665, 3690, 3701, 4377, 4551, 4552, 5122, 5126, 5398, 5912, 6751, 9103, 9258, 9296, 9297, 9334). Scarcely any of these arcana come to the knowledge and perception of man (n. 3179, 9336). This is what is meant by the words of the Lord:

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but knowest not whence it cometh and whither it goeth; so is everyone that is born of the Spirit (John 3:8).

Concerning the process of the regeneration of the man of the spiritual church (n. 2675, 2678, 2679, 26 2682). And concerning the process of regeneration of the man of the celestial church, with the difference (n. 5113, 10124).

The case of the regenerate man is similar to that of an infant, who first learns to speak, then to think, afterwards to live well, until all those things flow from him spontaneously, as from himself (n. 3203, 9296, 9297). Thus he who is regenerated is first led by the Lord as an infant, then as a boy, and afterwards as an adult (n. 3665, 3690, 4377-4379, 6751). When man is regenerated by the Lord, he is first in a state of external innocence, which is his state of infancy, and is afterwards successively led into a state of internal innocence, which is his state of wisdom (n. 9334, 9335, 10021, 10210). The nature and quality of the innocence of infancy, and of the innocence of wisdom (n. 1616, 2 305, 2306, , 34944563, 4797, 5608, , 930110021). A comparison between the regeneration of man, and the conception and formation of an embryo in the womb (n. 3570, 4931, 9258). Therefore "generations and nativities" in the Word signify spiritual generations and nativities, which belong to regeneration (n. 613, 1145, 1255, 20 20, 2584, 3860, 3868, 4070, 4668, 6239, 10204). The regeneration of man illustrated by the germinations in the vegetable kingdom (n. 51 15, 5116). The regeneration of man represented in the rainbow (n. 1042, 1043, 1053).

The internal or spiritual man, and the external or natural man, must each of them be regenerated, and the one by means of the other (n. 3868, 3870, 3872, 3876, 3877, 3882). The internal man must be regenerated before the external, since the internal man is in the light of heaven, and the external man in the light of the world (n. 3321, 3325, 3469, 3493, 4353, 8746, 9325). The external or natural man is regenerated by means of the internal or spiritual (n. 3286, 3288, 3321). Man is not regenerate before the external or natural man is regenerated (n. 8742-8747, 9043, 9046, 9061, 9325, 9334). The spiritual man is shut unless the natural man is regenerated (n. 6299). And it is as it were blind as to the truths and goods of faith and love (n. 3493, 3969, 4353, 4588). When the natural man is regenerated the whole man is regenerated (n. 7442, 7443). This is signified by "the washing of the disciples' feet," and by these words of the Lord:

He that is washed hath no need to be washed except as to his feet, and the whole is clean (John 13:9, 10; n. 10243).

"Washing" in the Word signifies spiritual washing, which is purification from evils and falsities (n. 3147, 10237, 10241). And "feet" signify those things that are of the natural man (n. 2162[1-16], 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952). Therefore "to wash the feet," is to purify the natural man (n. 3147, 10241).

How the natural man is regenerated (n. 3502, 3508, 3509, 3518, 35 3573, 3576, 3579, 3616, 3762, 3786, 5373, 5647, 5 650, 5651, 5660). The quality of the natural man when it is regenerated, and when it is not regenerated (n. 8744, 8745). So far as the natural man does not combat with the spiritual man, so far the man is regenerated (n. 3286). When a man is regenerated, the natural man perceives spiritual things by influx (n. 5651).

The sensual, which is the ultimate of the natural man, is not regenerated at this day, but man is elevated above it (n. 7442). All who are regenerated are actually elevated from the sensual into the light of heaven (n. 6183, 6454). The nature and quality of the sensual man may be seen in the extracts above (n. 50).

Man is regenerated by influx into the knowledges of good and truth which he has (n. 4096, 4097, 4364). When man is regenerated, he is introduced through mediate goods and truths into genuine goods and truths, and afterwards the mediate goods and truths are left, and the genuine succeed in their place (n. 3665, 3686, 3690, 3974, 4063, 4067, 4145, 6384, 9382). Then another order is induced amongst truths and goods (n. 4250, 4251, 9931, 10303). They are disposed according to ends (n. 4104). Thus according to the uses of spiritual life (n. 9297). They who are regenerated undergo many states, and are continually brought more interiorly into heaven, thus nearer to the Lord (n. 6645). The regenerate man is in the order of heaven (n. 8512). His internal is open into heaven (n. 8512, 8513). Man by regeneration comes into angelic intelligence, which, however, lies concealed in his interiors so long as he remains in the world, but is opened in the other life, and his wisdom is then like that of the angels (n. 2494, 8747). The states as to enlightenment of those who are regenerated described (n. 2697, 2701, 2704). By regeneration man receives a new understanding (n. 2657). How the case is with respect to the fructification of good, and the multiplication of truth, with those who are regenerated (n. 984). With a regenerate person truths from good form as it were a constellation by successive derivations, and continually multiply themselves round about (n. 5912). With a regenerate person, truths from good are disposed into such order, that the genuine truths of good, from which, as their parents, the rest proceed, are in the middle, whilst the rest succeed in order according to their relationship and affinities, even to the ultimates, where there is obscurity (n. 4129, 4 551, 4552, 5134, 5270). With a regenerate person truths from good are arranged in the form of heaven (n. 3316, 3470, 3584, 4302, 5704, 5709, 6028, 6690, 9931, 10303); and in the work on Heaven and Hell, under the article Concerning the Form of Heaven, according to which are the consociations and communications there (n. 200-212); and Concerning the Wisdom of the Angels of Heaven (n. 265-275).

With a regenerate person, there is a correspondence between spiritual things and natural things (n. 2850). His order of life is altogether inverted (n. 3332, 5159, 8995). He is altogether a new man as to his spirit (n. 3212). He appears like the unregenerate man as to externals, but not as to internals (n. 5159). Spiritual good, which is to will and to do good from the affection of the love of good, can only be given to man by means of regeneration (n. 4538). Truths, which enter with affection, are reproduced (n. 5893). Truths, so far as they are deprived of life from the proprium of man, are so far conjoined to good, and receive spiritual life (n. 3607, 3610). So far as evils from the love of self and the love of the world are removed, so far there is life in truths (n. 3610).

The first affection of truth with the man who is regenerated is not pure, but is purified successively (n. 3089, 8413). Evils and falsities, with the man who is regenerated, are removed slowly, and not quickly (n. 9334, 9335). The evils and falsities of the proprium of man still remain, and are only removed by regeneration (n. 865, 868, 887, 9 29, 1581, 2406, 4564, 8206, 8393, 8988, 9014, 9333-9336, 9445, 9447, 9448, 9451-9454, 9938, 10057, 10060). Man can never be so far regenerated as to be called perfect (n. 894, 5122, 6648). Evil spirits dare not assault the regenerate (n. 1695). They who believe the justification taught in the church, know little of regeneration (n. 5398).

Man must have freedom, to be capable of being regenerated (n. 1937, 1947, 2876, 2881, 3145, 3146, 3158, 4031, 8700). Man is introduced into heavenly freedom by regeneration (n. 2874, 2875, 2882, 2892). There is no conjunction of good and truth by compulsion, and thus no regeneration (n. 2875, 2881, 4031, 8700). Other particulars respecting freedom as it regards regeneration, may be seen in the doctrine above, where it treats of Freedom.

He who is regenerated, must necessarily undergo temptations (n. 3696[1-5], 8403). Because temptations take place for the sake of the conjunction of good and truth, and also on account of the conjunction of the internal and the external man (n. 4248, 4272, 5773).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 186 (original Latin 1758)

186. Plura de Regeneratione.

Quod homo regeneretur per vera fidei, et per vitam secundum illa (Arcana Coelestia 1904, 2046, 9088, 9959, 10028).

Quod hoc intelligatur per Domini verba,

"Nisi homo generetur per aquam et spiritum, non potest ingredi in regnum Dei" (Johannes 3:5):

Per "aquam" significatur verum fidei, et per "spiritum" vita secundum illud (Arcana Coelestia 10240).

Quod per "aquam" in Verbo significetur verum fidei (Arcana Coelestia 2702, 3058, 5668, 8568, 10238).

Quod etiam purificatio spiritualis quae est a malis et falsis, fiat per vera fidei (Arcana Coelestia 2799, 5954, 7044, 7918, 9089 (9088?), 10229, 10237).

Quod vera, cum regeneratur homo, inseminentur et implantentur bono, ut fiant vitae (Arcana Coelestia 880, 2189, 2475, [2574?], 2697).

Vera qualia erunt, ut implantari queant bono (Arcana Coelestia 8725).

Quod verum initietur et conjungatur bono, ac bonum vero, reciproce, in regeneratione (Arcana Coelestia 5365, 8516).

Quomodo initiatio et conjunctio reciproca fit (Arcana Coelestia 3155, 10067).

Quod verum implantetur bono cum fit voluntatis, quoniam tunc fit amoris (Arcana Coelestia 10367).

Quod sint bini status homini qui regeneratur, primus cum ducitur per verum ad bonum, alter cum ex bono agit, et ex bono videt verum (Arcana Coelestia 7992, 7993, 8505, 8506, 8510, 8512, 8516, 8643, 8648, 8658, 8685, 8690, 8701, 8772, 9227, 9230, 9274, 9739, [9736?], 10048, 10057, 10058, [10060?], 10076).

Qualis status hominis cum verum primo loco est, et bonum secundo (Arcana Coelestia 3610).

Inde patet quod homo, cum regeneratur, ex vero spectet ad bonum, sed cum regeneratus est ex bono spectet verum (Arcana Coelestia 6247).

Ita quod fiat quasi versura, in eo quod status hominis invertatur (Arcana Coelestia 6507).

Sed sciendum est quod ita se res habeat, quod, cum homo regeneratur, verum primo loco et bonum secundo sit, non actualiter sed modo apparenter; at quod, cum homo regeneratus est, bonum primo loco sit et verum secundo actualiter et perceptibiliter (Arcana Coelestia 3324, 3325, 3330, 3336, 3494, 3539, 3548, 3556, 3563, 3570, 3576, 3603, 3701, 4243, 4244, [4245?], 4247, 4337, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930, 4977, 5351, 6256, 6269, 6273, 8516, 10110).

Ita quod bonum sit primum et ultimum regenerationis (Arcana Coelestia 9337).

Quia verum primo loco apparet esse, et bonum secundo, cum regeneratur homo, seu quod idem, cum homo fit ecclesia, quod propter illam apparentiam ab antiquis controversum sit num verum fidei vel num bonum charitatis sit primogenitum ecclesiae (Arcana Coelestia 367, 2435).

Quod bonum charitatis sit primogenitum ecclesiae actualiter, at verum fidei modo apparenter (Arcana Coelestia 3325, 3494, 4925, 4926, 4928, 4930, 8042, 8080).

Quod etiam per "primogenitum" in Verbo significetur primum ecclesiae, cui prioritas et superioritas (Arcana Coelestia 3325).

Quod ideo Dominus dicatur Primogenitus, quia in Ipso et ab Ipso omne bonum amoris, charitatis, et fidei (Arcana Coelestia 3325).

Quod non redeundum sit a statu posteriori, qui est cum a bono spectatur verum ad statum priorem, qui est cum a vero spectatur bonum, causae (Arcana Coelestia 2454, 3650-3655, 5895, 5897, 7857, 7923, 8505, 8506, 8510, 8512, 8516, 9274, 10184: explicantur ibi Domini verba,

"Qui tunc in agro, ne revertatur retro ad tollendum vestimenta sua" (Matthaeus 24:18);


"Quicunque tunc [in] agro, ne revertatur in quae post illum; mementote uxoris Lothi" (Lucas 17:31-32);

Nam illa per ea verba significantur).

Processus regenerationis hominis, quomodo fit, describitur (Arcana Coelestia 1555, 2343, 2490, 2657, 2979, 3057, 3286, 3310, 3316, 3332, 3470, 3701, 4353, 5112, (5113?) 5126, 5270, 5280, 5342, 6717, 8772, 8773, 9043, 9103, 10021, 10057, 10367).

Quod arcana regenerationis innumerabilia sint, quoniam regeneratio perstat per totam vitam hominis (Arcana Coelestia 2679, 3179, 3584, 3665, 3694, 3701, 4377, 4551, 4552, 5122, 5126, 5398, 5912, 6751, 9103, 9258, 9296, 9297, 9334, [3690?],).

Quod vix aliquid ex arcanis illis ad cognitionem et perceptionem hominis perveniat (Arcana Coelestia 3179, 9336).

Quod hoc sit quod intelligitur per Domini verba,

"Ventus quo vult spirat, et sonum ejus audis, sed non scis unde venit et quo vadit; ita est quisquis natus est ex spiritu" (Johannes 3:8).

De processu regenerationis hominis ecclesiae spiritualis (Arcana Coelestia 2675, 2678, 2679, 2682).

Et de processu regenerationis hominis ecclesiae caelestis, et quae differentia (Arcana Coelestia 5113, 10124).

Quod cum homine qui regeneratur, similiter se habeat sicut cum infante, quod primum discat loqui, dein cogitare, postea vivere bene, usque dum omnia sponte sicut a se fluant (Arcana Coelestia 3203, 9296, 9297).

Ita quod qui regeneratur, primum ducatur a Domino sicut infans, dein sicut puer, postea sicut adultus (Arcana Coelestia 3665, 3690, 4377-4379, 6751).

Quod homo, cum regeneratur a Domino, primum in statu innocentiae externae sit, qui est status ejus infantiae; dein successive perducatur in statum innocentiae internae, qui est status ejus sapientiae (Arcana Coelestia 9334, 9335, 10021, 10210).

Quae et qualis innocentia infantiae, et quae et qualis innocentia sapientiae (Arcana Coelestia 1616, 2305, 2306, 3495 (3494) 4563, 4797, 5608, 9301, 10021).

Comparatio regenerationis hominis cum conceptione et formatione embryonis in utero (Arcana Coelestia 3570, 4931, 9258).

Quod ideo "generationes" et "nativitates" in Verbo significent generationes et nativitates spirituales, hoc est, quae sunt regenerationis (Arcana Coelestia 613, 1145, 1235, 2020, 2584, 3860, 3868, 4070, 4668, 6239, 10197 (10204)).

Regeneratio hominis illustrata per germinationes in regno vegetabili (Arcana Coelestia 5115, 5116).

Regeneratio hominis repraesentata in iride (Arcana Coelestia 1042, 1043, 1053).

Quod uterque homo, tam internus seu spiritualis quam externus seu naturalis, regenerandus sit, et quod unus per alterum (Arcana Coelestia 3868, 3870, 3872, 3876, 3877, 3882).

Quod internus homo prius regeneretur quam externus, quoniam internus est in luce caeli, et externus in luce mundi (Arcana Coelestia 3321, 3325, 3469, 3493, 4353, 8748, [8746?], 9325).

Quod externus seu naturalis homo regeneretur per internum seu spiritualem (Arcana Coelestia 3286, 3288, 3321).

Quod homo non regeneratus sit priusquam externus seu naturalis ejus homo regeneratus est (Arcana Coelestia 8742-8747, 9043, 9046, 9061, 9328, [9325?], 9334).

Nisi naturalis homo regeneratur, quod spiritualis claudatur (Arcana Coelestia 6299).

Et quod sit quoad vera et bona fidei et amoris quasi caecus (Arcana Coelestia 3493, 3969, 4353, 4587, [4588?],).

Quando naturalis homo regeneratus est, quod totus homo regeneratus sit (Arcana Coelestia 7442, 7443).

Quod hoc significetur per "lavationem pedum discipulorum," et per haec Domino verba,

"Qui lotus est non opus habet nisi [ut] quoad pedes lavetur, et mundus est totus" (Johannes 13:9, 20)

(Arcana Coelestia 10243); quod "lavatio" in Verbo significet lavationem spiritualem, quae est purificatio a malis et falsis (Arcana Coelestia 3147, 10237, 10241); et quod "pedes" significent illa quae sunt naturalis hominis (Arcana Coelestia 2162, 3761, 3986, 4280, 4938-4952); ita quod "lavare pedes" sit purificare naturalem hominem (Arcana Coelestia 3147, 10241).

Quomodo naturalis homo regeneratur (Arcana Coelestia 3502, 3508, 3509, 3510, 3573, 3576, 3579, 3616, 3762, 3786, 5373, 5647, 5650, 5651, 5660, [3510?],).

Qualis naturalis homo est cum regeneratus, et qualis cum non regeneratus (Arcana Coelestia 8744, 8745).

Quod quantum naturalis homo non pugnat cum spirituali, tantum homo regeneratus sit (Arcana Coelestia 3286).

Cum regeneratus est homo, quod naturalis homo percipiat spiritualia per influxum (Arcana Coelestia 5651).

Quod sensuale, quod est ultimum naturalis hominis hodie non regeneretur, sed quod homo elevetur ab illo (Arcana Coelestia 7442).

Quod illi qui regenerantur, eleventur a sensualibus actualiter in lucem caeli (Arcana Coelestia 6183, 6454).

Quis et qualis sensualis homo (videatur supra in collectis, 50).

Quod homo regeneretur per influxum in cognitiones boni et veri, quas habet (Arcana Coelestia 4096, 4097, 4364).

Quod homo, cum regeneratur, introducatur per bona et vera media in bona et vera genuina, et quod postea vera et bona media relinquantur, et genuina loco illorum succedant (Arcana Coelestia 3665, 3686, 3690, 3974, 4063, 4067, 4145, 6382 (6384, 9382?)).

Quod tunc inducatur alius ordo inter vera et bona (Arcana Coelestia 4250, 4251, 9931, 10303).

Quod disponantur secundum fines (Arcana Coelestia 4104).

Ita quod secundum usus vitae spiritualis (Arcana Coelestia 9297).

Quod qui regenerantur plures status subeant, ac jugiter perducantur interius in caelum, ita propius ad Dominum (Arcana Coelestia 6645).

Quod regeneratus sit in ordine caeli (Arcana Coelestia 8512); quod internum ejus sit apertum in caelum (Arcana Coelestia 8512, 8513).

Quod homo per regenerationem in intelligentiam angelicam veniat, at quod illa in interioribus ejus abscondita lateat quamdiu vivit in mundo, sed quod aperiatur in altera vita, et quod tunc ei similis sapientia sit qualis est angelis (Arcana Coelestia 2494, 8747).

Status illorum qui regenerantur, quoad illustrationem (Arcana Coelestia 2697, 2701, 2704).

Quod homo per regenerationem novum intellectum accipiat (Arcana Coelestia 2657).

Quomodo se habet cum fructificatione boni et multiplicatione veri apud illos qui regenerantur (Arcana Coelestia 984).

Quod vera ex bono apud regeneratum faciant sicut stellam per derivationes successivas, et se circumcirca continue multiplicent (Arcana Coelestia 5912).

Quod vera ex bono apud regeneratum disposita sint in eum ordinem ut genuina vera boni, ex quibus ut parentibus procedunt reliqua, sint in medio, et dein succedant ordine secundum propinquitates et affinitates, usque ad ultima, ubi obscurum (Arcana Coelestia 4128, 4551, 4552, 5134, 5270, [4129?],).

Quod vera ex bono apud regeneratum disposita sint in formam caeli (Arcana Coelestia 3316, 3470, 3584, 4302, 5704, 5709, 6028, 6690, 9931, 10303; et in opere De Caelo et Inferno, in articulo De Forma Caeli, secundum quam consociationes et communicationes ibi, De Caelo et Inferno 200-212; et De Sapientia Angelorum Caeli, De Caelo et Inferno 265-275).

Quod apud regeneratum correspondentia sit inter spiritualia et naturalia (Arcana Coelestia 2850).

Quod ordo vitae prorsus inversus sit apud regeneratum (Arcana Coelestia 3332, 5159, 8995).

Quod homo regeneratus sit prorsus novus quoad spiritum (Arcana Coelestia 3212).

Quod regeneratus quoad externa appareat similis non regenerato, non autem quoad interna (Arcana Coelestia 5159).

Quod bonum spirituale, quod est ex affectione amoris boni velle et facere bonum non sit homini nisi quam per regenerationem (Arcana Coelestia 4538).

Quod vera, 1qua affectione intrant, etiam reproducantur (Arcana Coelestia 5893).

Quod vera, quantum deprivantur vita a proprio hominis, tantum conjungantur bono, et vitam spiritualem accipiant (Arcana Coelestia 3607, 3610).

Quod veris tantum vita sit, quantum mala ex amore sui et mundi removentur (Arcana Coelestia 3610).

Quod prima affectio veri apud hominem qui regeneratur, non sit pura, sed quod successive purificetur (Arcana Coelestia 3089, 8413).

Quod mala et falsa, apud hominem qui regeneratur, lente removeantur, et non cito (Arcana Coelestia 9334, 9335).

Quod mala et falsa, quae propria hominis, usque remaneant, et quod modo per regenerationem removeantur (Arcana Coelestia 865, 868, 887, 929, 1581, 2406, 4564, 8206, 8393, 8988, 9014, 9333-9336, 9445, 9447, 9448, 9451-9454, 9938, 10057, 10059, [10060?],).

Quod homo nusquam ita regenerari possit ut perfectus dici queat (Arcana Coelestia 894, 5122, 6648).

Quod mali spiritus non ausint aggredi regeneratum (Arcana Coelestia 1695).

Quod qui credunt justificationem in ecclesia, parum sciant de regeneratione (Arcana Coelestia 5398).

Quod liberum homini esse debeat, ut possit regenerari (Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947, 2876, 2881, 3145, 3146, 3158, 4031, 8700).

Quod homo in liberum caeleste introducatur per regenerationem (Arcana Coelestia 2874, 2875, 2882, 2892).

Quod nulla conjunctio boni et veri detur per coactum, ita nulla regeneratio (Arcana Coelestia 2875, 2881, 4031, 8700).

(Reliqua de libero circa regenerationem, videatur supra in Doctrina, ubi de Libero.)

Qui regeneratur, quod necessario tentationes subiturus sit (Arcana Coelestia 3696, 8403).

Quoniam tentationes fiunt propter conjunctionem boni et veri, tum propter conjunctionem interni et externi hominis (Arcana Coelestia 4248, 4272, 5772 (5773)).


. 1 "qua":--sic editio princeps; a nonnullis hic legeretur quae.

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