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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第188节





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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 188

188. There are evil spirits and good spirits with each of us. The evil spirits are in our evil tendencies and the good spirits are in our good tendencies. When the evil spirits come closer they stir up our evil tendencies, and the good spirits respond by stirring up our good ones. This leads to a collision and a battle that causes us the inner anxiety that is a crisis of the spirit.

We can see from this that spiritual crises are caused by hell and do not come from heaven. This is also what is taught by the faith of the church, which is that God does not test anyone. 1


1. This seems to be a reference to James 1:13: "No one, when tempted, should say, ‘I am being tempted by God'; for God . . . tempts no one" (New Revised Standard Version). There are, however, several other biblical passages that either definitely state or strongly imply that God does tempt, or test, humans; for instance, Genesis 22:1: "God tested Abraham. " Swedenborg's exegesis of that particular verse applies more generally to these contrary examples; he says that its inner meaning is actually that God never tests anyone. At times when our characters are tested, he says, God "is constantly delivering us from our struggles, so far as he can, which is to say, so far as deliverance does no harm. At the same time he is constantly focusing on the good to which he can lead us when we are being tested. . . . Although it is fair to say he allows us to be tested, his permission does not work the way we think it does-that when he allows something, he approves of it" ( Secrets of Heaven 2768, paraphrased and referenced in New Jerusalem 200[2]). See also Spiritual Experiences (= Swedenborg 1998-2013) 343; Revelation Explained (= Swedenborg 1994-1997a) 246:2; True Christianity 256. For more on the concept of testing in Swedenborg's works, see note 2 in New Jerusalem 139. [SS, RS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 188

188. We all have harmful spirits and good spirits with us. The harmful spirits are associated with our bad traits, and the good spirits are associated with our good traits. When the harmful spirits approach us, they bring out our bad traits, while the good spirits bring out our good traits. Then there is a conflict and a fight, which brings on anguish inside us, and this anguish is inner struggle.

So you can see that inner struggles are brought on by hell and are not from heaven. This is part of Christian belief, which says that God does not torment anyone.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 188

188. For each individual has with him evil spirits and good spirits. The evil spirits are attached to his evil qualities, the good spirits to his good qualities. When evil spirits come close, they elicit a person's evils, and good spirits on the other hand elicit his good qualities. The result is a collision and conflict, which causes him inward anxiety, and this is being tempted. It is plain from this that temptations are brought on by hell, and are not from heaven. This is also in keeping with the church's belief that God tempts no one.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 188

188. For there are with every man both evil and good spirits: the evil spirits are in his evils, and the good spirits in his goods. When the evil spirits draw near they bring forth his evils; and conversely the good spirits bring forth his goods. From this there arises a collision and a combat, from which the man experiences that interior distress, which is meant by temptation. From this it is plain that temptations are caused by hell, and not by heaven; as is also in accordance with the faith of the Church, which teaches that God tempts no one.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 188

188. For there are both evil and good spirits with every man; the evil spirits are in his evils, and the good spirits in his goods. When the evil spirits approach they draw forth his evils, while the good spirits, on the contrary, draw forth his goods; whence arise collision and combat, from which the man has interior anxiety, which is temptation. Hence it is plain that temptations are not induced by heaven, but by hell; which is also the faith of the church, which teaches that God tempts no one.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 188 (original Latin 1758)

188. Sunt enim apud unumquemvis hominem spiritus mali et spiritus boni; spiritus mali sunt in ejus malis, et spiritus boni in ejus bonis. Spiritus mali cum prope veniunt, educunt ejus mala, ac spiritus boni vicissim ejus bona; inde collisio et pugna, ex quibus homini anxietas interior, quae est tentatio. Inde patet quod tentationes inducantur ab inferno, et non e caelo; quod etiam ab ecclesiae fide est, quae est quod Deus neminem tentet.

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