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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第200节






200、主在试探中为人征战。 在试探中唯有主在为人征战,人自己完全不能做事 (16928172817581768273)。人自己无法以任何方式征战邪恶和谬误,因为那将是对抗全部地狱,除了主无人能掌控和战胜它 (1692)。地狱攻击人,主为人征战 (8159)。人靠真理和良善作战,即靠他对于真理和良善的知识和爱在作战,然而事实上不是人在作战,而是主经由它们在征战 (1661)。人以为主在试探中离开了他,因为此时他的祷告不像以前那样被垂听,其实此时主离他更近 (840)。试探中,人应该竭力独立作战,而不是垂手等待即刻的援助。即便如此,他仍应该相信是主在作战 (171281798969)。没有其他方式去接纳一个属天的自我 (19371947288228832891)。这种自我强调的不是人自己,而是与他同在的主 (193719172882288328918497)。

除非一个人相信,至少是试探过后相信,主为他征战并已得胜,否则试探是无效的,产生不了良善 (8969)。为功德行善的人不能对抗邪恶,因为他们靠自我的努力去战斗,不允许主为他们战斗 (9978)。通过试探,人若相信是他们自己挣来了天堂,这样的人难以得救 (2273)。

主不试探人,而是给人自由,并引向良善 (2768)。试探看似来自神,其实不是 (4299)。主祷文祈求的“不让我们遇见试探”的话,在1875节里有见证人的经历作为证据 (1875)。和一般人对于试探的理解相反,主允许试探发生,但并不协同试探 (2768)。

每一种试探里都有自由,尽管它看上去不是这样。但是主赐予的自由同在于人的深处,他据以抵抗试探,努力打赢而不被征服,若无自由他将无能为力 (193719472881)。经由对于真理和良善的热爱,主创造了自由,并在人不知不觉中注入他的内在 (5044)。因为一切自由都是爱或慈爱,并与爱的特性相称 (287031588987899095859591)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 200

200. In crises of the spirit the Lord fights for us. The Lord alone fights for us in spiritual crises; we do nothing on our own: 1692, 8172, 8175, 8176, 8273. Of ourselves there is no way whatever that we could fight against evil and falsity, because this would be fighting against all the hells, which no one but the Lord alone can control and conquer: 1692. The hells fight against us and the Lord fights for us: 8159. Resources we use in the fight are truths and goodness, and therefore our knowledge about and love for truth and goodness. However, it is not we who are fighting, it is the Lord who is doing so by these means: 1661. When we are in crises of the spirit, we think that the Lord is absent because our prayers are not heard then the way they are when we are not in such crises, but in fact the Lord is even more present at such times: 840. When we are in spiritual crises we need to fight as though we were on our own, not drop our hands and wait for direct intervention, yet we should still believe that the Lord is the one doing the work: 1712, 8179, 8969. There is no other way we can receive a heavenly selfhood: 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891. The nature of this selfhood-it is not ours but is something within us that belongs to the Lord: 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891, 8497.

[2] A crisis of the spirit does not accomplish anything or bring about any good if even after it is over we do not believe that it was the Lord who fought and conquered for us: 8969. People who want credit for their deeds cannot fight against evils, because they fight by their own efforts and do not let the Lord fight for them: 9978. It is hard for us to be saved if we believe that we ourselves have earned heaven by going through spiritual crises: 2273.

The Lord does not test us but sets us free and leads us to goodness: 2768. Spiritual crises seem to come from the Divine, but in actuality they do not: 4299. What is meant by "Lead us not into temptation" [Matthew 6:13; Luke 11:4] in the Lord's Prayer: 1875 (which includes evidence from eyewitness experience). Contrary to the way we usually think permission 1works, the Lord does not condone the spiritual crises he permits us to undergo: 2768.

There is freedom in all crises of the spirit even though it does not seem so. But this freedom is deep within us from the Lord; it allows us to fight and try to win and not be overcome, which we could not do without freedom: 1937, 1947, 2881. The Lord creates this freedom through a love for truth and goodness that he has imparted to our inner self without our knowing it (5044), because all freedom is a function of love and affection and depends on what that love is like (2870, 3158, 8987, 8990, 9585, 9591).


1. According to Swedenborg's concept of "permission," the Lord permits evil to happen, though he does not will it or cause it to occur. For discussion, see New Jerusalem 272-273; Divine Providence 234-284. For further references to Secrets of Heaven on this topic, see New Jerusalem 170[5], 276[2]. Compare note 115. [SS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 200

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 200

200. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 200

200. The Lord combats for a Man in Temptations. The Lord alone in a man struggles in temptations, and the man does not struggle at all from himself, Arcana Coelestia 1692, 8172, 8175, 8176, 8273. From himself a man cannot struggle at all against evils and falsities, because that would mean struggling against all the hells, which no one except the Lord alone can subdue and conquer, Arcana Coelestia 1692. The hells fight against a man, and the Lord fights for him, Arcana Coelestia 8159. The man struggles from the truths and goods, and thus from the knowledges and the affections thereof which are with him; but it is not the man that struggles, but the Lord that struggles through them, Arcana Coelestia 1661. When in temptations, the man thinks that the Lord is absent, because his prayers are not listened to as they are when he is not in them; nevertheless, the Lord is then more present, Arcana Coelestia 840. In temptations a man ought to struggle as from himself, and not to hang down his hands, or to expect immediate help; but he ought nevertheless to believe that help is from the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 1712, 8179, 8969. Otherwise the man cannot receive a heavenly Self (proprium), Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891. The quality of that Self (proprium), that it is not man's but the Lord's with him, Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891, 8497.

Temptation serves no purpose, and is productive of no good, unless the man, at least after the temptations, believes that the Lord has fought and conquered for him, Arcana Coelestia 8969. Those who place merit in works, cannot struggle against evils, because they struggle from Self (proprium), and do not allow the Lord to combat for them, Arcana Coelestia 9978. Those who believe that by temptations they have merited heaven, are saved only with difficulty, Arcana Coelestia 2273.

The Lord does not tempt, but He liberates, and introduces good, Arcana Coelestia 2768. It appears as if temptations were from the Divine, when yet they are not, Arcana Coelestia 4299. How the petition: Lead us not into temptation, is to be understood in the Lord's Prayer; from experience, Arcana Coelestia 1875. The Lord does not concur in temptations by permitting them, according to the idea of permission entertained by man, Arcana Coelestia 2768.

In every temptation there is freedom, although it does not appear so; but this freedom is with man interiorly from the Lord, and by virtue of it he combats and desires to conquer, and not to be conquered; without that freedom he would not do this, Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947, 2881. The Lord effects this through the affection of truth and good which has been impressed on the internal man, the man being ignorant of it, Arcana Coelestia 5044 Arcana Coelestia 5044[1-13]. For all freedom belongs to affection, that is, to love, and is according, to its quality, Arcana Coelestia 2870, 3158, 8987, 8990, 9585, 9591.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 200

200. The Lord combats for man in temptations.

The Lord alone combats for man in temptations, and man does not combat at all from himself (n. 1692, 8172, 8175, 8176, 8273). Man cannot by any means combat against evils and falsities from himself, because that would be to fight against all the hells, which the Lord alone can subdue and conquer (n. 1692). The hells fight against man, and the Lord for him (n. 8159). Man combats from truths and goods, thus from the knowledges and affections thereof which are with him; but it is not man who combats, but the Lord by them (n. 1661). Man thinks that the Lord is absent in temptations, because his prayers are not heard as they are when out of them, but nevertheless the Lord is then more present with him (n. 840). In temptations man ought to combat as from himself, and not to hang down his hands and expect immediate help; but nevertheless he ought to believe that it is from the Lord (n. 1712, 8179, 8969). Man cannot otherwise receive a heavenly proprium (n. 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891). The quality of that proprium, that it is not man's, but the Lord's with him (n. 1937, 1917, 2882, 2883, 2891, 8497).

Temptation is of no avail, and productive of no good, unless a man believes, at least after the temptations, that the Lord has fought and conquered for him (n. 8969). They who place merit in works, cannot combat against evils, because they combat from their own proprium, and do not permit the Lord to combat for them (n. 9978). They who believe they have merited heaven by their temptations, are with much difficulty saved (n. 2273).

The Lord does not tempt, but liberates, and leads to good (n. 2768). Temptations appear to be from the Divine, when yet they are not (n. 4299). In what sense the petition in the Lord's prayer, "Lead us not into temptations," is to be understood, from experience (n. 1875). The Lord does not concur in temptations by permitting them, according to the idea which man has of permission (n. 2768).

In every temptation there is freedom, although it does not appear so, but the freedom is interiorly with man from the Lord, and he therefore combats and is willing to conquer, and not to be conquered, which he would not do without freedom (n. 1937, 1947, 12881). The Lord effects this by means of the affection of truth and good impressed on the internal man, although the man does not know it (n. 5044). For all freedom is of affection or love, and according to its quality (n. 2870, 3158, 8987, 8990, 9585, 9591).


1. The printed text has 1917, a misreading of the Latin.

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 200 (original Latin 1758)

200. Quod Dominus pugnet pro homine in tentationibus.

Quod Dominus solus apud hominem in tentationibus pugnet, et homo nihil ex se (Arcana Coelestia 1692, 8172, 8175, 8176, 8273).

Quod homo nequaquam ex se possit pugnare contra mala et falsa, quia id feret contra omnia inferna, quae domare et vincere nemo potest nisi solus Dominus (Arcana Coelestia 1692).

Quod inferna pugnent contra hominem, et Dominus pro homine (Arcana Coelestia 8159).

Quod homo pugnet ex veris et bonis, ita ex cognitionibus et affectionibus illorum, quae sunt apud illum; sed quod non homo,

Sed Dominus per illas (Arcana Coelestia 1661).

Quod homo in tentationibus putet Dominum abesse, quia preces tunc non ita audiuntur prout extra illas, sed quod usque Dominus tunc praesentior sit (Arcana Coelestia 840).

Quod homo in tentationibus quasi ex se pugnare debeat, et non remittere manus, et non exspectare immediatam opem; sed quod usque credet quod a Domino (Arcana Coelestia 1712, 8179, 8969).

Quod homo aliter non recipere possit proprium caeleste (Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891).

Quale id proprium, quod non sit hominis sed Domini apud illum (Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947, 2882, 2883, 2891, 8497).

Quod tentatio non conducat, nec aliquid boni inferat, si homo non credat, usque post tentationes, quod Dominus pugnaverit et vicerit pro illo (Arcana Coelestia 8969).

Qui meritum ponunt in operibus, quod non possint pugnare contra mala, quia pugnant ex proprio, et non permittunt Dominum pugnare pro illis (Arcana Coelestia 9978).

Quod aegre salvari queant qui credunt se per tentationes meruisse caelum (Arcana Coelestia 2273).

Quod Dominus non tentet, sed liberet, et inducat bonum (Arcana Coelestia 2768).

Quod tentationes appareant sicut a Divino, cum tamen non sunt (n.429).

Quomodo intelligitur in Oratione Dominica, per, "Ne inducas nos in tentationes" (ab experientia, Arcana Coelestia 1875).

Quod Dominus in tentationibus non concurrat permittendo, secundum ideam quam homo habet de permissione (Arcana Coelestia 2768).

Quod in omni tentatione sit liberum, tametsi non ita apparet; sed quod id liberum sit interius apud hominem a Domino; et quod ideo pugnare et velit vincere, et non vinci, quod absque libero non faceret (Arcana Coelestia 1937, 1947, 2881).

Quod Dominus per affectionem veri et boni impressam interno homini id faciat, inscio homine (Arcana Coelestia 5044).

Nam omne liberum est affectionis seu amoris, et secundum quale ejus (Arcana Coelestia 2870, 3158, 8907, 8990, 9585, 9591 (8987).

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