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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第139节











139、关于良心。没有良心的人不知道良心是什么 (74909121)。有一些人嘲笑良心,当他们听到它是什么时(721)。一些人相信良心什么都不是;一些人相信它是一种悲哀、阴郁和自然的(译者注:与“灵性的”相对)事物,由身体或世俗原因产生;一些人相信它是普通人心灵里的一个宗教后果(950)。一些人不知道他们有良心,然而当时他们有(2380)。

良善的人有良心,但是邪恶的人没有(8319657490)。爱上帝和爱友邻的人有良心(2380)。良心尤其是与那些被主重生的人同在(977)。只有真理但没有相应的生命的人没有良心 (107610771919)。通过自然良善而非宗教去行善的人没有良心 (6208)。人的良心来自他的教会教义或是一些宗教原则并按此而活(9112)。人的良心是根据属于他的宗教的那些事物和他相信是真理的那些事物产生的(107720539113)。良心是一种内在约束,由于它,人坚持良善地思考、说话和行动;由于它,人阻止自己邪恶地思考、说话和行动,并且这样做不是为了自己和世界,而是为了良善、真理、正义和正直(19199120)。良心是一个内在命令,也就是一个人应该这样做或不应该这样做(19191935)。在本质上,良心是一个对什么是真和什么是正确的良心(9868081)。灵性重生之人的新意志(译者注:同“意愿”)是良心(92710231043104442994328449391159596)。人的属灵生活是来自良心(9117)。

有真的良心、假的良心和错误的良心,关于此(1033)。形成良心的真理越真,良心根据它的比例越正确 (205320639114)。概括地说,良心是两重的,内在和外在,内在良心是属于属灵良善,它在本质上是真理,外在良心是属于道德良善和公民良善,它在本质上是真诚和正义,概括地说,是正直(5140620710296)。

良心的痛是心灵的焦虑,由不公正、不真诚和任何邪恶导致,由于它们对抗上帝和反对良善待友邻(7217)。如果当一个人思想邪恶时,他感到焦虑,它就是来自良心(5470)。良心的痛是一种痛苦的感觉,它是由于人做的邪恶及良善和真理的丧失引起的(7217)。因为诱惑是人内在的真理和谬误的战争,由于诱惑里有痛苦和焦虑,因此除了那些有良心的人外,没人接受属灵的诱惑 (847)。






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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 139

139. From Secrets of Heaven

Conscience. People who have no conscience do not know what a conscience is: 7490, 9121. There are some people who laugh at conscience when they are told that there is such a thing: 7217. Some believe that there is no such thing as conscience; some believe that it is a kind of earthly pain and sadness brought on by a change either in physical health or in worldly circumstances; some believe that it is a form of control put on the lower classes by their religious tradition: 1206, 847, 950. Some are unaware that they have a conscience even though they do: 2380.

[2] Good people have a conscience; evil people do not: 831, 965, 7490. If our life is devoted to love for God or to love for our neighbor, we have a conscience: 2380. It is especially the case that we have a conscience if we have been regenerated by the Lord: 977. We do not have a conscience if we are focused only on knowing what is true and not on living by it: 1076, 1077, 1919. We do not have a conscience if we do what is good simply because we are good-natured and not for religious reasons: 6208.

[3] We develop a conscience based on the teachings of our church or of whatever religious tradition we follow: 9112. Our conscience is shaped by the principles we believe to be true that we have been taught by our religion: 1077, 2053, 9113. Conscience is an inner restraint that keeps us focused on thinking, saying, and doing what is good and that holds us back from thinking, saying, and doing what is evil, not for selfish and worldly reasons but for the sake of what is good, true, fair, and right: 1919, 9120. Conscience is an inner voice telling us whether or not to act in some particular way: 1919, 1935. Essentially, conscience is an awareness of what is true and right: 986, 8081. The new will in a spiritual, regenerated individual is a conscience: 928, 1023, 1043, 1044, 4299, 4328, 4493, 9115, 9596. Our spiritual life comes from our conscience: 9117.

[4] Conscience may be true, or spurious, or false: 1033 (which includes discussion). The genuineness of the truths that shape our conscience is what determines how true our conscience is: 2053, 2063, 9114. In general, there are two levels on which conscience can exist, an inner level and an outer level. A conscience on an inner level is a conscience that is focused on what is spiritually good; its essence is truth. A conscience on an outer level is a conscience that is focused on what is morally and civically good; its essence is honesty and fairness-or more broadly, what is right: 5145, 6207, 10296.

[5] The pain felt in our conscience is a mental anxiety because of what is unfair, dishonest, and in any way evil, something we believe to be contrary to God and to the well-being of our neighbor: 7217. If we feel anxious when our thoughts take an evil turn, that comes from our conscience: 5470. The pain felt in our conscience is anguish because of something evil that we are doing, or else because of a loss of goodness or truth: 7217. Because a spiritual crisis 2is a battle between what is true and what is false in our deeper levels, and because there is pain and anxiety involved in crises of the spirit, only people who have a conscience are allowed to have spiritual crises: 847.

[6] People who have a conscience speak and act from the heart: 7935, 9114. People who have a conscience do not swear empty oaths: 2842. People who have a conscience enjoy a sense of inner well-being when they are doing something good or performing some act of justice that accords with their conscience: 9118. People who have a conscience in this world have a conscience in the other life as well and are among the happy there: 965. Heaven flows into our conscience: 6207, 6213, 9122. The Lord governs spiritual people through their conscience, which serves them as an inner restraint: 1835, 1862. People who have a conscience have an inward kind of thinking, while people who do not have a conscience have only a superficial kind of thinking: 1919, 1935. People who have a conscience base their thinking on what is spiritual, while people who do not have a conscience base their thinking only on what is earthly: 1914. People who do not have a conscience are only outwardly human: 4459. The Lord governs people who do not have a conscience by means of outward restraints, all of which have to do with their love for themselves and for the world and the accompanying fear of losing reputation, status, position, profit, and possessions, as well as fear of the law and of loss of life: 1077, 1080, 1835. People who have no conscience and yet allow themselves to be controlled by these external restraints can still function well in high offices in this world and do just as much good as people who do have a conscience; but the restraints under which the former are operating are external and the things they do are good outwardly, whereas the restraints under which the latter are operating are internal and the things they do are good inwardly: 6207.

[7] People who do not have a conscience try to destroy the conscience of people who do: 1820. People who have no conscience in this world have no conscience in the other life either: 965, 9122. This means that for people in hell there is no torment of conscience on account of the evil things they did in this world: 965, 9122.

[8] The identity and nature of people who are hyperconscientious: 3how hard they are on others, and what they correspond to in the spiritual world: 5386, 5724.

[9] People from the Lord's spiritual kingdom have a conscience, and it takes shape in their intellect: 863, 865, 875, 895, 927, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2256, 4328, 4493, 5113, 8521, 9115, 9915, 9995, 10124. People who are in the Lord's heavenly kingdom have something higher than conscience: 927, 1043, 4493, 5113, 6367, 8521, 9915, 9995, 10124.


1. Much later in Swedenborg's body of work, in True Christianity 665, he provides an account of a memorable occurrence that lays out in further detail various theories regarding the nature of conscience. [JSR]

2. The Latin term here translated "spiritual crisis," tentatio, is used in a particular way in Swedenborg's theology, yet the process to which it refers is sufficiently multifaceted that no single English equivalent will suffice in all contexts. It has traditionally been translated "trial" or "temptation," an echo of its use in the Bible (see, for example,Psalms 95:9; Matthew 26:41; Luke 4:1-13; James 1:2-3, 12-14; Revelation 3:10). In the present edition it is at times alternatively translated "inner conflict" or "assault," "struggle," "crisis," "test," "trial," "temptation," or "enticement," depending on context. Tentatio has six major meanings in Swedenborg's theology, all of which relate to its root meaning of "trying," and all of which are used to express various aspects of a human being's experience during a crisis of the spirit. It denotes: 1. "an assault" or "attack," because this is how Swedenborg says such a crisis begins-as an attack from hell ( Secrets of Heaven 1690); 2. "an attempt," because such attacks are an attempt on the part of hell to control the individual ( New Jerusalem 190); 3. "a putting to the test" or "a being put to the test," because although hell may not have a "putting to the test" as its goal, spiritual crises serve to test the individual, and in them one could be said to succeed or fail (in the sense that either the individual allows the Lord to be victorious or the individual succumbs; see New Jerusalem 192); 4. "an enticement to evil," because enticement is an aspect of the assault: hell attacks the good things that the individual's inner self loves by inflaming desires and stirring up unclean thoughts and impulses that still reside in the outer self ( New Jerusalem 196); 5. "a battle" or "combat," namely, between heaven and hell, because a struggle occurs as heaven resists and counters the attack from hell ( Secrets of Heaven 6657[2]; Revelation Unveiled 100); 6. "a harrowing, painful, trying experience," usually culminating in utter despair and followed by consolation ( Secrets of Heaven 1787; New Jerusalem 196), because this is how a spiritual crisis feels to the individual. Perhaps the three meanings used most commonly in Swedenborg's theology are the first, the fifth, and the sixth: attack on, battle within, and harrowing of the individual. For a general overview of this topic with abundant references to Secrets of Heaven, see New Jerusalem 187-201. [JSR]

3. The Latin word here translated "hyperconscientious" is conscientiosi. It refers to people afflicted by continuous, severe, and unreasonable guilt about their sinfulness. This is a state of "melancholy," or depressive habit of mind, long decried as harmful in the Christian church. In the Protestant tradition, Bishop John Moore of Norwich (1646-1714) is recorded to have spoken on the topic in 1691 (López-Ibor and López-Ibor Alcocer 2010, 227); in the Catholic tradition, Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori (1696-1787) wrote a small treatise against it (Liguori [1751] 1999, 209-216). In technical religious parlance it is referred to as "scrupulosity" or "scrupulous conscience"; in modern psychological practice it has also been called "scrupulosity" and is understood as a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder (Abramowitz and Jacoby 2014, 140-149). (In this use, "scruple" is understood negatively as a doubt based on trifling grounds, a meaning that is paralleled in Swedenborg's use of the Latin term scrupulus in Secrets of Heaven 6479; Spiritual Experiences [= Swedenborg 1998-2013] 3667. Compare the Oxford English Dictionary, under "scruple 2," definition 1.) For other passages in which these "hyperconscientious" people are mentioned, see True Christianity 562:1, 665:7; Spiritual Experiences 1240. Compare also Marriage Love 271. [JFS, SS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 139

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 139

139. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 139


Concerning Conscience. Those who have no conscience, do not know what conscience is, Arcana Coelestia 7490, 9121. There are some who laugh at conscience, when they hear what it is, no. 7217. Some believe that conscience is nothing; some that it is a natural feeling of pain causing sadness, which arises either from causes in the body, or in the world; and some that it is something with people generally which arises from their religion, 950. Some do not know that they have a conscience, when yet they have one, 2380.

The good have conscience, but not the evil, Arcana Coelestia 831, 965, 7490. Those have conscience who are in love to God and in love towards the neighbour, Arcana Coelestia 2380. Those chiefly have conscience, who have been regenerated by the Lord, Arcana Coelestia 977. Those who are in truths alone, and not in a life according to them, have no conscience, Arcana Coelestia 1076, 1077, 1919. Those who do good from natural good, and not from religion, have no conscience, Arcana Coelestia 6208.

Conscience with a man is from the doctrine of his Church, or from his particular religion, and it is according thereto, Arcana Coelestia 9112. Conscience with a man is formed from those things which belong to his religion, and which he believes to be true, Arcana Coelestia 1077, 2053, 9113. Conscience is an internal bond, by which a man is induced to think, speak, and do good; and by which he is withheld from thinking, speaking, and doing evil; and indeed not for the sake of himself and the world, but for the sake of what is good, true, just, and upright, Arcana Coelestia 1919, 9120. Conscience is an internal dictate, that a man ought to act so, or not so, Arcana Coelestia 1919, 1935. Conscience, in its essence, is a consciousness of what is true and right, Arcana Coelestia 986, 8081. The new will with a spiritual regenerate man is conscience, Arcana Coelestia 927, 1023, 1043, 1044, 4299, 4328, 4493, 9115, 9596. Spiritual life with a man is from conscience, Arcana Coelestia 9117.

There is true conscience, spurious conscience, and false conscience, concerning which see Arcana Coelestia 1033. The more that conscience has been formed from genuine truths, the more it is true, Arcana Coelestia 2053, 2063, 9114. In general, conscience is twofold, interior and exterior; interior conscience is that of spiritual good, which in its essence is truth, and exterior conscience is that of moral and civil good, which in its essence is what is sincere and just, and in general what is right, Arcana Coelestia 5145, 10296.

The pang of conscience is an anxiety of the mind on account of any injustice, insincerity, and evil which a man believes to be against God, and against the good of the neighbour, Arcana Coelestia 7217. If there is a feeling of anxiety when a man thinks evil, it arises from conscience, Arcana Coelestia 5470. The pang of conscience consists in an anguish felt on account of any evil which a man does, and also on account of the privation of good and truth, Arcana Coelestia 7217. Inasmuch as temptation is a combat of truth and falsity in a man's interiors, and as in temptations there is a feeling of pain and anxiety, therefore none other are admitted into spiritual temptations, except those who have conscience, Arcana Coelestia 847.

Those who have conscience speak and act from the heart, Arcana Coelestia 7935, 9114. Those who have conscience do not swear in vain, Arcana Coelestia 2842. Those who have conscience are in a state of interior blessedness when they do what is good and just according to conscience, Arcana Coelestia 9118. Those who have conscience in this world, have conscience also in the other life, and are there among the happy, Arcana Coelestia 965. The influx of heaven takes place with a man into conscience, Arcana Coelestia 6207, 6213, 9122. The Lord rules the spiritual man through conscience, which with him is an internal bond, Arcana Coelestia 1835, 1862. Those who have conscience have interior thought, but those who have no conscience, have only exterior thought, Arcana Coelestia 1919, 1935. Those who have conscience, think from the Spiritual, while those who have no conscience, think only from the Natural, Arcana Coelestia 1820. Those who have no conscience, are only external men, Arcana Coelestia 4459. The Lord rules those who have no conscience through external bonds, such as are all those things which belong to the love of self and of the world, and as consequently relate to the fear of the loss of reputation, honour, office, gain, or wealth, and to the fear of the law, and of the loss of life, Arcana Coelestia 1077, 1080, 1835. Those who have no conscience, and still suffer themselves to be ruled by those external bonds, are able to discharge in the world the duties of high offices, and to do good, just as well as those who have conscience; but the former do so in an external form from external bonds, but the latter in an internal form from internal bonds, Arcana Coelestia 6207.

Those who have no conscience are desirous of destroying conscience with those who have it, Arcana Coelestia 1820. Those who have no conscience in this world, have no conscience in the other life, Arcana Coelestia 965, 9122. Wherefore, those who are in hell do not feel any pang of conscience on account of the evils they have done in the world, Arcana Coelestia 965, 9122.

Who, and of what quality, and how troublesome, the morbidly conscientious are, and to what things they correspond in the spiritual world, Arcana Coelestia 5386, 5724.

Those who are from the Lord's spiritual kingdom, have a conscience, which has been formed in their intellectual part, Arcana Coelestia 863, 865, 875, 895, 927, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2256, 4328, 4493, 5113, 6367, 8521, 9115, 9915, 9995, 10124. It is otherwise with those who are in the Lord's celestial kingdom, Arcana Coelestia 927, 2256, 5113, 6367, 8521, 9915, 9995, 10124.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 139


Of Conscience.

They who have no conscience, do not know what conscience is (n. 7490, 9121). There are some who laugh at conscience, when they hear what it is (n. 721). Some believe that conscience is nothing; some that it is a sad, doleful, natural something, arising from bodily or worldly causes; and some that it is an effect of religion on the minds of the common people (n. 950). Some know not that they have conscience, when yet they have it (n. 2380).

The good have conscience, but not the evil (n. 831, 965, 7490). They who are in love to God and in love towards the neighbor have conscience (n. 2380). Conscience is especially with those who are regenerated by the Lord (n. 977). They who are in truths alone, and not in a life according to them, have no conscience (n. 1076, 1077, 1919). They who do good from natural good, and not from religion, have no conscience (n. 6208).

Man's conscience is from the doctrine of his church, or from some religious principle, and is according thereto (n. 9112). Conscience is formed with man from those things which are of his religion, and which he believes to be truths (n. 1077, 2053, 9113). Conscience is an internal bond, by which man is held to thinking, speaking, and doing good; and by which he is withheld from thinking, speaking, and doing evil; and this is not for the sake of self and the world, but for the sake of good, truth, justice, and uprightness (n. 19 19, 9120). Conscience is an internal dictate, that one ought to do so or not so (n. 1919, 1935). Conscience is in its essence a conscience of what is true and right (n. 986, 8081). The new will with the spiritual regenerate man is conscience (n. 927, 1023, 1043, 1044, 4299, 4328, 4493, 9115, 9596). The spiritual life of man is from conscience (n. 9117).

There is a true conscience, a spurious conscience, and a false conscience, concerning which (n. 1033). Conscience is more true, in proportion as it is formed from more genuine truths (n. 2053, 2063, 9114). In general, conscience is two-fold, interior and exterior, and interior conscience is of spiritual good, which in its essence is truth, and exterior conscience is of moral and civil good, which in its essence is sincerity and justice, in general, uprightness (n. 5140, 6207, 10296).

Pain of conscience is anxiety of mind on account of injustice, insincerity, and any evil, which a man believes to be against God, and against the good of the neighbor (n. 7217). If anxiety is felt when a man thinks evil, it is from conscience (n. 5470). Pain of conscience is an anguish felt on account of the evil which man does, and also on account of the privation of good and truth (n. 7217). Since temptation is a combat of truth and falsity in the interiors of man, and since in temptations there is pain and anxiety, therefore no others are admitted into spiritual temptations, but those who have conscience (n. 847).

They who have conscience speak and act from the heart (n. 7935, 9114). They who have conscience do not swear in vain (n. 2842). They who have conscience are in interior blessedness when they do what is good and just according to conscience (n. 9118). They who have conscience in the world, have conscience in the other life, and are there amongst the happy (n. 965). The influx of heaven flows into conscience with man (n. 6207, 6213, 9122). The Lord rules the spiritual man by conscience, which is an internal bond (n. 1835, 1862). They who have conscience, have interior thought; but they who have no conscience, have only exterior thought (n. 1919, 1935). They who have conscience, think from the spiritual, but they who have no conscience, think only from the natural (n. 1820). They who have no conscience, are only external men (n. 4459). The Lord rules those who have no conscience by external bonds, which are all those things which are of the love of self and of the world, and which thence relate to the fear of the loss of reputation, honor, office, gain, wealth, and the fear of the law, and of the loss of life (n. 1077, 1080, 1835). They who have no conscience, and yet suffer themselves to be ruled by these external bonds, are capable of discharging the duties of high offices in the world, and of doing good, as well as those who have conscience; but the former do it in an external form, and from external bonds, whereas the latter do it in an internal form, and from internal bonds (n. 6207).

They who have no conscience would destroy conscience with those who have it (n. 1820). They who have no conscience in the world, have no conscience in the other life (n. 965, 9122). Hence those who are in hell have no torment of conscience for their evils in the world (n. 965, 9122).

Who and of what quality, and how troublesome, the scrupulously conscientious are, and what they correspond to in the spiritual world (n. 5386, 5724).

They who are in the Lord's spiritual kingdom, have conscience, and it is formed in their intellectual part (n. 863, 865, 875, 895, 927, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2256, 4328, 4493, 5113, 6367, 8521, 9596, 9915, 9995, 10124). It is otherwise with those who are in the Lord's celestial kingdom (n. 927, 2256, 5113, 6367, 8521, 9915, 9995, 10124).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 139 (original Latin 1758)

139. (Ex Arcanis Caelestibus.)

De Conscientia.

Quod qui conscientiam non habent, non sciant quid conscientia (Arcana Coelestia 7490, 9121).

Quod sint quidam qui rident ad conscientiam, cum audiunt quid sit (Arcana Coelestia 7217).

Quod quidam credant quod conscientia nihil sit; quidam quod aliquid triste dolorificum naturale, vel ex causis in corpore, vel ex causis in mundo quidam quod aliquid apud vulgus ex religioso (Arcana Coelestia 950).

Quod quidam nesciant quod conscientiam habeant, cum tamen habent (Arcana Coelestia 2380).

Quod bonis sit conscientia, non autem malis (Arcana Coelestia 831, 965, 7490).

Quod conscientia illis sit qui in amore in Deum, et in amore erga proximum (Arcana Coelestia 2380).

Quod conscientia praecipue sit illis qui a Domino regenerati sunt (Arcana Coelestia 977).

Quod illis qui in solis veris sunt, et non in vita secundum illa, conscientia non sit (Arcana Coelestia 1076, 1077, 1919).

Quod illis qui ex bono naturali faciunt bonum, et non ex religione, conscientia non sit (Arcana Coelestia 6208).

Quod sit homini conscientia ex suae ecclesiae doctrina, aut ex religioso, et secundum id (Arcana Coelestia 9112).

Quod conscientia apud hominem formetur ex illis quae sunt ejus religionis, et credit vera esse (Arcana Coelestia 1077, 2053, 9113).

Quod conscientia sit vinculum internum, quo tenetur homo ad cogitandum, loquendum, et faciendum bonum; et quo detinetur a cogitando, loquendo et faciendo malum; et hoc non propter se et mundum, sed propter bonum, verum, justum et rectum (Arcana Coelestia 1919, 9120).

Quod conscientia sit dictamen internum, quod ita vel non ita sit faciendum (Arcana Coelestia 1919, 1935).

Quod conscientia sit conscientia veri et recti in sua essentia (Arcana Coelestia 986, 8081).

Quod nova voluntas apud hominem spiritualem regeneratum sit conscientia (Arcana Coelestia 928, [927?], 1023, 1043, 1044, 4299, 4328, 4493, 9115, 9596).

Quod ex conscientia sit vita spiritualis homini (Arcana Coelestia 9117).

Quod sit conscientia vera, conscientia spuria, et conscientia falsa (de quibus, Arcana Coelestia 1033).

Quod conscientia eo magis vera sit, quo ex veris magis genuinis formata est (Arcana Coelestia 2053, 2063, 9114).

Quod conscientia in genere sit duplex, interior et exterior; quod interior sit boni spiritualis, quod in sua essentia est verum, et quod exterior sit boni moralis et civilis, quod in sua essentia est sincerum et justum, in genere rectum (Arcana Coelestia 8042 (5140, 6207?) 10296).

Quod dolor conscientiae sit anxietas mentis, propter injustum, insincerum, et quodcunque malum, quod homo credit esse contra Deum, et contra bonum proximi (Arcana Coelestia 7217).

Si anxium sentitur cum homo cogitat male, quod ex conscientia sit (Arcana Coelestia 5470).

Quod conscientiae dolor sit angi propter malum quod homo facit, ut et propter privationem boni et veri (Arcana Coelestia 7217).

Quia tentatio est pugna veri et falsi in interioribus hominis, et qua in tentationibus est dolor et anxietas, quod ideo non alii in tentationes spirituales admittantur quam qui conscientiam habent (Arcana Coelestia 847).

Qui conscientiam habent, quod ex corde loquantur et agant (Arcana Coelestia 7935, 9114).

Qui conscientiam habent, quod in vanum non jurent (Arcana Coelestia 2842).

Qui conscientiam habent, quod in beatitudine interiore sint, quando faciunt bonum et justum secundum conscientiam (Arcana Coelestia 9118).

Qui conscientiam in mundo habent, quod etiam conscientiam in altera vita habeant, ac ibi inter felices sint (Arcana Coelestia 965).

Quod influxus caeli sit in conscientiam apud hominem (Arcana Coelestia 6207, 6213, 9122).

Quod Dominus regat hominem spiritualem per conscientiam, quae ei est vinculum internum (Arcana Coelestia 1835, 1862).

Qui conscientiam habent, quod interiorem cogitationem habeant; autem non conscientiam habent, quod modo cogitationem exteriorem habeant (Arcana Coelestia 1919, 1935).

Qui conscientiam habent, quod ex spirituali cogitent; qui autem non conscientiam habent, quod modo ex naturali cogitent (Arcana Coelestia 1820).

Qui non conscientiam habent, quod modo externi homines sint (Arcana Coelestia 4459).

Quod Dominus illos, qui non conscientiam habent, regat per vincula externa, quae sunt omnia quae sunt amoris sui et mundi, ac inde timoris jacturae famae, honoris, functionis, lucri, opum, ac timoris legis et vitae (Arcana Coelestia 1077, 1080, 1835).

Quod qui conscientiam non habent, et usque se patiuntur regi per vincula illa externa, quod usque fungi queant officiis eminentibus in mundo, ac bonum facere aeque ac qui conscientiam habent; sed illi in externa forma ex vinculis externis, hi autem in interna forma ex vinculis internis (Arcana Coelestia 6707, [6207?],).

Qui conscientiam non habent, quod velint destruere conscientiam apud illos qui habent (Arcana Coelestia 1820).

Qui non conscientiam in mundo habent, quod nec conscientiam in altera vita habeant (Arcana Coelestia 965, 9122).

Inde, quod apud illos qui in inferno sunt, non sit aliquis cruciatus conscientiae propter mala sua in mundo (Arcana Coelestia 965, 9122).

Conscientiosi quinam et quales sunt, et quam molesti, et quibus correspondent in mundo spirituali (Arcana Coelestia 5386, 5724).

Quod illi qui e regno spirituali Domini sunt, conscientiam habeant, et quod ea formata sit in parte eorum intellectuali (Arcana Coelestia 863, 865, 875, 895, 927, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2256, 4328, 4493, 5113, 6367, 8521, 9506, [9596?], 9935, [9915?], 9995, 10124).

Quod aliter se habeat cum illis qui in regno caelesti Domini sunt (Arcana Coelestia 927, 2256, 5113, 6367, 8521, 9935, [9915?], 9995, 10124).

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