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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第26节





26、关于各种类型的良善和真理。良善和真理有无数种,一个与另一个决不会完全一样(72369002)。天堂里,良善和真理也有无数种 (684690374455987236)。各种各样的天堂就是各种各样的良善,它们各有特色,彼此不同 (351937443804398640054067414942637236783378369002)。这种种差异取决于其源出真理的千差万别,因而使得每一个个体都有自己独特的良善(347035193804414969177236)。因此,天堂里的所有天使社群,一个社群里的每个天使彼此都不同(6903241351938043986406741494263723678337836)。但是,通过主的爱,他们行动如同一人,因此最后视为一个人(4573986)。

大体上,跟据程度的不同,良善和真理被区分为属世的、属灵的和属天的(20693240)。总体上,根据三层天堂的区分,有三种程度的良善,从而有三种程度的真理(4154987310270)。内在之人(灵魂)之中的良善及其真理具有三个层次,外在之人也是这样(4154)。有自然良善、公民良善和道德良善(3768)。一些生来具备的自然良善在来世不是良善,除非变成属灵良善(246324642468340834693470350835187761) 在(498849925032)节里论述了自然且属灵的良善,以及自然而非属灵的良善。而1904,1911,2503节讨论了知识真理和事实真理。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 26

26. On different forms of goodness and truth. There is infinite variety, and no one thing can be identical to any other thing: 7236, 9002. There is an infinite variety in the heavens as well: 684, 690, 3744, 5598, 7236. The variations in the heavens are variations of goodness, and they are the basis of all differentiations there: 3519, 3744, 3804, 3986, 4005, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002. These variations are defined by the truths (which are manifold) that shape the goodness of a given individual: 3470, 3519, 3804, 4149, 6917, 7236. That is how all the angelic communities in the heavens and all the individual angels in the communities are differentiated from each other: 690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836. They still act as one because of the love they receive from the Lord and because of their devotion to a single purpose: 457, 3986.

In general terms, goodness and truth are differentiated by level into earthly, spiritual, and heavenly varieties: 2069, 3240. Broadly, the three levels of goodness and of accompanying truth match the three heavens: 4154, 10270. There are three levels of goodness and truth in the inner self and three levels in the outer self as well: 4154. There is earthly goodness, civic goodness, and moral goodness: 3768. The earthly kind of goodness into which some of us are born is not good in the other life unless it becomes spiritual goodness: 2463, 2464, 2468, 3408, 3469, 3470, 3508, 3518, 7761. On earthly goodness that is spiritual and earthly goodness that is not spiritual: 4988, 4992, 5032. There is intellectual truth and there is factual truth: 11904, 1911, 2503.


1. The Latin words here translated "intellectual truth" are verum intellectuale, which literally mean "a truth of the intellect. " The Latin words here translated "factual truth" are verum scientificum, which literally mean "a truth of knowledge. " Broadly speaking, in his use of these terms Swedenborg reworks a traditional distinction made in the terminology of the medieval Christian philosophers known as the Scholastics. They distinguished between two types of cognition: the sensitive (that is, knowledge deriving from or pertaining to the senses) and the intellectual. "By the former we perceive individual, concrete material objects, facts, and phenomena. The proper object of the latter are purely immaterial objects, and material objects abstracted from the individual and universalized" (Shallo 1923, 107). Furthermore, according to Scholastic philosophy, "we are enjoying intellectus [intellect] when we ‘just see' a self-evident truth" (Lewis 1964, 157). Swedenborg's verum scientificum corresponds to the "sensitive" knowledge of the Scholastics; he uses it to label a truth taken into one's knowledge from the realm of the senses, a "fact. " By contrast, he uses the term verum intellectuale to describe both our knowledge when it has been united to the inflowing Divine ( Secrets of Heaven 1496) and the truth inflowing from the Divine that meets up with and illuminates our knowledge ( Secrets of Heaven 1901[2]). The manner in which Swedenborg's verum intellectuale corresponds to Scholastic "intellectual" knowledge is that it is knowledge of higher truth that is confirmed by an inner perception that a thing is so (compare Secrets of Heaven 1495-1496). Since this perception is an intuitive linking of acquired knowledge with the fundamental premises of divine order, verum intellectuale has sometimes been translated "intuitive truth" in this edition. For more on the instantaneous perception of truth by means of a connection with divine inflow, see Secrets of Heaven 104, 202, 521. [SS, RS, LHC]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 26

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 26

26. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 26

26. Concerning the various kinds of goods and truths. There is an infinite variety, and there is never one thing exactly like another thing, Arcana Coelestia 7236, 9002. In the heavens also there is an infinite variety, Arcana Coelestia 684, 690, 3744, 5598, 7236. The varieties in the heavens are varieties of good; and to them is due the distinction of all things there, Arcana Coelestia 3519, 3744, 3804, 3986, 4005, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002. These varieties arise from truths which are manifold, through which every one has good, Arcana Coelestia 3470, 3519, 3804, 4149, 6917, 7236. On this ground all angelic societies in the heavens, and every angel in a society, are distinct from each other, Arcana Coelestia 690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836. Nevertheless, they all act as one through love from the Lord, on account of all regarding one end, Arcana Coelestia 457, 3986.

Goods and truths in general, according to degrees, are distinguished into such as are natural, spiritual, and celestial, Arcana Coelestia 2069, 3240. In general, there are three degrees of good, and consequently of truth, according to the three heavens, Arcana Coelestia 4154, 9873, 10270. There are goods and truths thence of a threefold kind in the internal man, and as many in the external man, Arcana Coelestia 4154. There is natural good, civil good, and moral good, Arcana Coelestia 3768. The natural good, into which some are born, is not good in the other life, unless it becomes spiritual good, Arcana Coelestia 2463, 2464, 2468, 3408, 3469, 3470, 3508, 3518, 7761. Concerning natural good spiritual, and natural good not spiritual, Arcana Coelestia 4988, 4992, 5032. There is intellectual truth, and there is scientific truth, Arcana Coelestia 1904, 1911, 2503.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 26

26. Of the various kinds of goods and truths.

There is an infinite variety, and one thing is never exactly the same as another (n. 7236, 9002). There is also an infinite variety in the heavens (n. 684, 690, 3744, 5598, 7236). Varieties in the heavens are varieties of good, and thence is the distinction of all therein (n. 3519, 3744, 3804, 3986, 4005, 4067, 41 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002). These varieties are from truths, which are manifold, by which everyone has good (n. 3470, 3519, 3804, 4149, 6917, 7236). Thence all the angelic societies in the heavens, and every angel in a society are distinguished from each other (n. 690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836). But they all act in unity by love from the Lord, and thereby regard one end (n. 457, 3986).

In general, goods and truths are distinguished according to degrees, into natural, spiritual, and celestial (n. 2069, 3240). In general, there are three degrees of good, and consequently of truth, according to the three heavens (n. 4154, 9873, 10270). The goods and thence the truths in the internal man, are of a threefold kind, and so also in the external (n. 4154). There is natural good, civil good, and moral good (n. 3768). Natural good, into which some are born, is not good in the other life, unless made spiritual good (n. 2463, 2464, 2468, 3408, 3 469, 3470, 3508, 3518, 7761). Of natural spiritual good; and of that which is not spiritual (n. 4988, 4992, 5032). There is intellectual truth, and scientific truth (n. 1904, 1911, 2503).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 26 (original Latin 1758)

26. De variis Bonis et Veris.

Quod infinita varietas sit, et nusquam aliquid idem cum altero (Arcana Coelestia 7236, 9002).

Quod in caelis etiam infinita varietas sit (Arcana Coelestia 684, 690, 3744, 5598, 7236).

Quod varietates in caelis sint varietates boni, et quod inde distinctio omnium ibi (Arcana Coelestia 3519, 3744, 3804, 3986, 4005, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836, 9002).

Quod illae varietates sint ex veris, quae multiplicia, per quae bonum cuivis (Arcana Coelestia 3470, 3519, 3804, 4149, 6917, 7236).

Quod inde omnes societates angelicae in caelis, et unusquisque angelus in societate, inter se distincti sint (Arcana Coelestia 690, 3241, 3519, 3804, 3986, 4067, 4149, 4263, 7236, 7833, 7836).

Sed quod usque unum agant per amorem a Domino et per quod spectent unum finem (Arcana Coelestia 457, 3986).

Quod bona et vera in genere secundum gradus distinguantur in naturalia, spiritualia, et caelestia (Arcana Coelestia 2069, 3240).

Quod tres gradus boni et inde veri sint in communi secundum tres caelos (Arcana Coelestia 4154, 9873, 10296 (10270)).

Quod triplicis generis bona et inde vera sint in interno homine, et totidem in externo (Arcana Coelestia 4154).

Quod sit bonum naturale, bonum civile, et bonum morale (Arcana Coelestia 3768).

Quod bonum naturale, in quod aliqui nascuntur, non sit bonum in altera vita, nisi fiat bonum spirituale (Arcana Coelestia 2463, 2464, 2468, 3408, 3469, 3470, 3508, 3518, 7761).

De bono naturali, spirituali, et non spirituali (Arcana Coelestia 4988, 4992, 5032).

Quod sit verum intellectuale, et quod sit verum scientificum (Arcana Coelestia 1904, 1911, 2503).

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