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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第263节







263、主就是圣言。圣言在最深层含义上就是主,描述祂荣耀人身的所有实相,也就是祂如何与自身神性一致;也描述了祂如何征服地狱,有序整合地狱和天堂的万事万物 (22497014)。它描述了主在人世的一生,并且主与天使们始终同在 (2523)。所以唯有主位于圣言的最核心,并且圣言的神性和圣洁都来自祂 (18739357)。主说关于祂的所有经文都实现了,意为圣言最深层的所有内容都实现了(7933)。

圣言表示神性真理 (469250759987)。主是圣言,因为祂是神性真理(2533);主是圣言,因为圣言来自祂,并且以祂为主题 (2859)。因为圣言在最深层含义上论述的只有主,主祂自己就在其中(18739357)。因为全部圣言及其所有细节,都蕴含神性良善和神性真理的密切结合 (30045502)。“耶稣”表示神性良善,“基督”表示神性真理(300430053009)。惟有神性真理是真实的,它来自神,惟有它里面才有实在(5272688070048200)。由于从主而来的神性真理是天堂里的光,神性良善是天堂里的热。天堂的一切事物是从神性良善和神性真理而来。物质界是凭借天堂或灵界才得以存在。所以显然所有被造物都是凭借神性真理或圣言被造的,根据约翰福音的这些圣言:

太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。万物是籍着他造的;凡被造的,没有一样不是籍着他造的;道成肉身(约翰福音1:13142803289452726880。一切事物凭借神性真理被造,因此是被主所造,更多详情可参阅《天堂与地狱》(137)。其中该书的两章(116-125节),和(126-140节)有更充分叙述。主和人的结合是凭借圣言实现的,也就是凭借“内义”实现的 (10375)。凭借全部圣言的所有细节,此结合得以实现,因此圣言比所有其他著作更为奇妙 (10632-10634)。因为圣言已被写成,所以主能据此和人说话(10290)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 263

263. The Lord is the Word. The sole subject of the deepest meaning of the Word is the Lord, and it describes all the phases of the glorification of his human nature (that is, of its union with the divine nature itself), as well as all the phases of his taking control of the hells and setting in order everything there and in the heavens: 2249, 7014. So in this meaning there is a description of the Lord's whole life in our world, and by means of this there is a constant presence of the Lord with the angels: 2523. At the very center of the Word there is only the Lord, and this is the source of what is divine and holy in the Word: 1873, 9357. The Lord's saying that the Scripture about him was fulfilled [Luke 18:31; 24:44] was referring to everything in the deepest meaning of the Word: 7933.

"The Word" means divine truth: 4692, 5075, 9987. The Lord is the Word because he is divine truth: 2533. The Lord is the Word also because the Word comes from him and is about him (2859); and in its deepest meaning is about no one but the Lord, so the Lord himself is there (1873, 9357); and also because there is a marriage of divine goodness and divine truth throughout the Word and in its every detail (3004, 5502). "Jesus" means divine goodness and "Christ" means divine truth: 3004, 3005, 3009. Divine truth [ coming from divine goodness] is the sole reality, and only what it dwells in-which comes from what is divine-is substantial: 5272, 6880, 7004, 8200. 1And because divine truth emanating from the Lord is heaven's light and divine goodness is its warmth, and because everything there comes into being from that light and warmth, and because this earthly world as a whole comes into being by means of heaven or the spiritual world, we can see that everything that has been created has been created from divine truth-that is, from the Word, just as it says in John: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things that were made were made through him. And the Word became flesh" [John 1:1, 3, 14]: 2803, 2894, 5272, 7678. For more on the creation of everything by divine truth and therefore by the Lord, see 137 of the book Heaven and Hell. A fuller picture can be drawn from two of its chapters: 116-125 ["The Sun in Heaven"] and 126-140 ["Light and Warmth in Heaven"].

A joining together of the Lord and us is accomplished through the Word, by means of its inner meaning: 10375. Absolutely everything in the Word is a means to this joining together, and this is why the Word is more wondrous than anything else that has been written: 10632, 10633, 10634. Now that the Word has been written, the Lord speaks to us through it: 10290.


1. Substance, in its philosophical sense, is the basic, underlying constituent that carries the attributes of a thing. Thus, for example, Swedenborg elsewhere stipulates that without substance the attribute of form cannot be present ( True Christianity 52). A rough idea of substance can be obtained by thinking of it as the spiritual equivalent of what we call matter. In this passage, and in several of the Secrets of Heaven passages referred to here (5272, 6880, 8200), Swedenborg indicates that divine truth is not merely mental thought, or spoken or written words, but the reality itself that underlies everything in the universe. Therefore all things actually proceed from it, and it literally gives them substance. Although some of these passages appear to ascribe this all-encompassing role to divine truth alone, it seems clear that Swedenborg is not excluding divine goodness: In one of the passages just mentioned, Secrets of Heaven 5272, he writes that "divine truth coming from divine goodness is the most real and most essential thing there is in the universe" (emphasis added; this passage is the origin of the material presented in brackets here in the main text). Elsewhere he presents the two divine attributes as completely integrated, as the singular verbs in the proposition of Divine Love and Wisdom 40 suggest: "Divine love and wisdom is substance and is form. " For further discussion of the idea of substance in Swedenborg's works, see Brown 1919, 398-413; for relevant passages in Swedenborg's works, see those collected at Odhner 1986, 6 with note 1 in New Jerusalem 4. [SS, JSR, RS]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 263

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 263

263. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 263

263. The Lord is the Word. In its inmost sense the Word treats only of the Lord, and there are described in it all the states of the glorification of His Human, that is, of its union with the very Divine; and likewise all the states of the subjugation of the hells, and of the orderly arrangement of all things in them and in the heavens, Arcana Coelestia 2249, 7014. In that sense, consequently, the Lord's whole life in the world is described, and through it there is the Lord's continuous presence with the angels, Arcana Coelestia 2523. Consequently the Lord alone is in the inmost of the Word, and the Divinity and holiness of the Word is thence, Arcana Coelestia 1873, 9357. The Lord's saying that the Scripture was fulfilled concerning Him, signifies that all the things which are contained in the inmost sense were fulfilled, Arcana Coelestia 7933.

The Word signifies the Divine Truth, Arcana Coelestia 4692, 5075, 9987. The Lord is the Word because He is the Divine Truth, Arcana Coelestia 2533. The Lord also is the Word because the Word is from Him, and concerning Him, Arcana Coelestia 2859. And because in the inmost sense it treats of the Lord alone, wherefore the Lord Himself is therein, Arcana Coelestia 1873, 9357. And because in each and all things of the Word there is the marriage of the Divine Good and the Divine Truth, Arcana Coelestia 3004, 5502. Jesus denotes the Divine Good, and Christ the Divine Truth, Arcana Coelestia 3004, 3005, 3009. The Divine Truth is the only reality, and that in which it is, which is from the Divine, the only substantiality, Arcana Coelestia 5272, 6880, 7004, 8200. Since the Divine Truth which proceeds from the Lord is light in heaven, and the Divine Good heat in heaven; and since all things in heaven exist therefrom, and the natural world exists through heaven, that is, through the spiritual world; it is evident that all things that have been created, were created out of the Divine Truth, that is, out of the Word, according to these words in John: "In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God, and God was the Word; and through it were all things made which were made; AND THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH;" Arcana Coelestia 2803, 2894, 5272, 7796. Further particulars concerning the creation of all things by the Divine Truth, thus, by the Lord, may be seen in the Work on Heaven and Hell 137. And more fully in the two articles therein, Heaven and Hell 116-125, 126-140.

The conjunction of the Lord with man has place through the Word, by means of the internal sense, Arcana Coelestia 10375. By means of each and all the things of the Word there is conjunction, and therefore the Word is more wonderful than any other writing Arcana Coelestia 10632-10634. Since the Word was written, the Lord speaks with men by means of it, Arcana Coelestia 10290.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 263

263. The Lord is the Word.

The Word in its inmost sense treats only of the Lord, and describes all the states of the glorification of His Human, that is, of its union with the Divine itself; and likewise all the states of the subjugation of the hells, and of the ordination of all things therein and in the heavens (n. 2249, 7014). Thus the Lord's whole life in the world is described in that sense, and thereby the Lord is continually present with the angels (n. 2523). Consequently the Lord alone is in the inmost of the Word, and the Divinity and sanctity of the Word is from thence (n. 1873, 9357). The Lord's saying that all the Scripture concerning Him was fulfilled, signifies that all things which are contained in the inmost sense were fulfilled (n. 7933).

The Word signifies the Divine truth (n. 4692, 5075, 9987). The Lord is the Word because He is the Divine truth (n. 2533). The Lord is the Word also because the Word is from Him, and treats of Him (n. 2859). And because it treats of the Lord alone in its inmost sense, thus because the Lord Himself is therein (n. 1873, 9357). And because in each and all things of the Word there is a marriage of Divine good and Divine truth (n. 3004, 5502). "Jesus" is the Divine good, and "Christ" the Divine truth (n. 3004, 3005, 3009). The Divine truth is alone real, and that in which Divine truth is, which is from the Divine, is alone substantial (n. 5272, 6880, 7004, 8200). And as the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord is light in heaven, and the Divine good is heat in heaven; and as all things in heaven derive their existence from the Divine good and the Divine truth; and as the natural world has its existence through heaven, or the spiritual world; it is plain that all things which were created, were created from the Divine truth, or from the Word, according to these words in John:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word, and by it were all things made which were made; and the Word was made flesh (John 1: 13, 14; n. 2803, 2894, 5272, 6880).

Further particulars concerning the creation of all things by the Divine truth, consequently by the Lord, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell (n. 137). And more fully in the two articles therein (n. 116-125, and n. 126-140). The conjunction of the Lord with man is effected through the Word, by means of the internal sense (n. 10375). Conjunction is effected by each and all things of the Word, and the Word is therefore more wonderful than all other writings (n. 10632-10634). Since the Word has been written, the Lord thereby speaks with men (n. 10290).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 263 (original Latin 1758)

263. Quod Dominus sit Verbum.

Quod in sensu intimo Verbi agatur unice de Dominus, ac describantur omnes status glorificationis Humani Ipsius, hoc est, unionis cum ipso Divino, et quoque omnes status subjugationis infernorum, ac ordinationis omnium ibi et in caelis (Arcana Coelestia 2249, 7014).

Ita quod in illo sensu describatur omnis vita Domini in mundo, et quod per id praesentia Domini continua sit apud angelos (Arcana Coelestia 2523).

Proinde quod solus Dominus sit in intimo Verbi; et quod inde Divinum et sanctum Verbi sit (Arcana Coelestia 1873, 9357).

Quod Dominus dixerit quod impleta sit Scriptura de Ipso, significet quod omnia quae in sensu intimo (Arcana Coelestia 7933).

Quod Verbum significet Divinum Verum (Arcana Coelestia 4692, 5075, 9987).

Quod Dominus Sit Verbum quia est Divinum Verum (Arcana Coelestia 2533).

Quod Dominus sit Verbum etiam quia Verbum est ab Ipso, et de Ipso (Arcana Coelestia 2859).

Ac de solo Domino in sensu intimo, ita Ipse Dominus ibi (Arcana Coelestia 1873, 9357).

Et quia in omnibus et singulis Verbi est conjugium Divini Boni et Divini Veri (Arcana Coelestia 3004, 5502).

Quod "Jesus" sit Divinum Bonum, et "Christus" Divinum Verum (Arcana Coelestia 3004, 3005, 3009).

Quod Divinum Verum sit unicum reale, et quod id in quo est, quod est ex Divino, sit unicum substantiale (Arcana Coelestia 5272, 6880, 7004, 5200 [8200?]).

Et quia Divinum Verum procedens a Domino est lux in caelo, et Divinum Bonum est calor in caelo, et quia ex illis omnia ibi existunt, et quia per caelum seu per mundum spiritualem existit mundus naturalis, patet quod omnia quae creata sunt, ex Divino Vero, ita 1ex Verbo, creata sint, secundum haec verba apud Johannem,

In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum:" ....et per illud omnia facta sunt quae facta.... "Et Verbum caro factum est" ((Joh. 1:1, 3, 14), Arcana Coelestia 2803, 2884, [2894?], 5272, 7830, [6880?],).

(Porro de creatione omnium a Divino Vero, ita a Domino, videatur in opere De Coelo et Inferno 137; et plenius ex binis articulis ibi, 116-125, et 126-140.)

Quod conjunctio Domini cum homine sit per Verbum, medio sensu interno (Arcana Coelestia 10375).

Quod per omnia et singula Verbi sit conjunctio et quod inde Verbum sit mirabile prae omni scripto (Arcana Coelestia 10632-10634).

Quod Dominus, postquam Verbum conscriptum est, loquatur per id cum hominibus (Arcana Coelestia 10290).


1. ex pro "est"

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