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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第262节





262、关于圣言的字义或“外义”。圣言的字义与世界的表象保持一致 (58992614082719272018321874224225202533)。它适合普通人的理解(2533904890639086)。圣言的字义适应世界(8783)。因为尘世位于终端,属灵和属天实相都终结于此并以此为基础,就像房子建在地基上一样。离开了“外义”的圣言“内义”,就像没有地基的房子一样(93609430943398241004410436)。因为圣言的这种特性,它成为属灵含义和属天含义的容器(9407)。因为圣言的这种特性,圣言全部内容的字义都是圣洁和神圣的,甚至每一个点也是这样(6396801869187091981032110637)。为以色列子孙们所立的律法,尽管有些被废除了,但因其“内义”的缘故,它们仍然是圣言(921192599349)。作为象征性教会的以色列和犹太教会的律法、审判和法规仍具有效力,包括其“内义”和“外义”。有些“外义”仍应该被严格遵守;如果人们愿意遵守,有些可能是有用处的;还有一些被完全废除了(9349)。即使有些律法被废除,圣言仍是神圣的(10637)。


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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 262

262. The literal meaning or outer form of the Word.

The literal meaning of the Word is in keeping with the outward appearance of things in this world (589, 926, 1832, 1874, 2242, 2520, 2533, 2719), and is suited to the comprehension of ordinary people 1(2533, 9049, 9063, 9086). In its literal meaning, the Word is earthly: 8783. This is because the earthly level is the outermost level to which spiritual and heavenly realities descend and on which they rest, the way a house rests on its foundation; otherwise, the inner meaning without the outer would be like a house without a foundation: 9360, 9430, 9433, 9824, 10044, 10436. Because this is the nature of the Word, it is a vessel that contains spiritual and heavenly meanings (9407); and because this is its nature, there is something holy and divine in absolutely every bit of its literal meaning, right down to the smallest letter (639, 680, 1869, 1870, 9198, 10321, 10637). Even though some laws given for the children of Israel have been annulled, they are still the holy Word because of the inner meaning they contain: 9211, 9259, 9349. Of the laws, judgments, and statutes established for the Israelite or Jewish church (which was a symbolic church), there are some that are still valid in both senses, inner and outer; there are some that are still absolutely mandatory in their literal sense; there are some that can be helpful at our own discretion; and there are some that have been completely annulled: 9349 (which gives details). The Word is divine even in respect to the laws that have been annulled: 10637.

What the Word is like in its literal meaning if it is not understood in its inner meaning as well, or what amounts to the same thing, understood according to a true body of teaching drawn from the Word: 10402. A vast number of heresies come into existence from reading the literal meaning without the inner meaning or without a genuine body of teaching drawn from the Word: 10400. People whose interest lies solely in the outer level of the Word apart from what lies within cannot bear the deeper messages of the Word: 10694. That is what the Jews were like, and they still are today: 2301, 302, 303, 3479, 4429, 4433, 4680, 4844, 4847, 10396, 10401, 10407, 10694, 10701, 10707.


1. The Latin word here translated "ordinary people" is simplices, traditionally translated "the simple. " In Swedenborg's day, illiteracy was common in the Swedish lower classes. For example, when Swedenborg's father, Jesper Swedberg, was a military chaplain in the late 1600s, only a quarter of the soldiers in the royal regiment could read (Tafel 1875, 104). [GFD]

2. On problematic material in Swedenborg's works, including his attitude toward Jews, see the discussion in the translator's preface, pages 19-21. [Editors]

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 262

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 262

262. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 262

262. The literal or external sense of the Word.

The sense of the letter of the Word is according to the appearances in the world, Arcana Coelestia 589, 926, 1832, 1838, 1874, 2242, 2520, 2533, 2719; and accommodated to the comprehension of the simple-minded, Arcana Coelestia 2533, 9048, 9063, 9086. The Word in the sense of the letter is natural, Arcana Coelestia 8783; because the Natural is the ultimate in which spiritual and celestial things terminate, and upon which they rest, like a house upon its foundation; and otherwise the internal sense of the Word apart from the external would be like a house without a foundation, Arcana Coelestia 9360, 9430, 9433, 9824, 10044, 10436. Since the Word is of such a quality, it is the continent of the spiritual and celestial senses, Arcana Coelestia 9407. And, because it is of such a quality, the holy Divine is in the sense of the letter, as to each and all things therein, even down to every iota, Arcana Coelestia 639, 680, 1869, 1870, 9198, 10321, 10537. Although the laws which were enacted for the sons of Israel, have been abrogated, they are still the Holy Word, on account of the internal sense within them, Arcana Coelestia 9211, 9259, 9349. Among the laws, judgments, and statutes for the Israelitish and Jewish Church, which was a representative Church, there are some which are still in force, both in the external and the internal sense; there are some that ought by all means to be observed in their external sense; there are others that may be of use, if people are so disposed, and there are still others that are altogether abrogated, concerning which see Arcana Coelestia 9349. The Word is Divine, even as to those things which have been abrogated, Arcana Coelestia 10637.

Concerning the quality of the Word in the sense of the letter, if it is not understood at the same time as to the internal sense, or, what amounts to the same thing, according to true doctrine from the Word, Arcana Coelestia 10402. Innumerable heresies spring from the sense of the letter apart from the internal sense, that is, apart from genuine doctrine from the Word, Arcana Coelestia 10400. Those who are in an External apart from an Internal cannot endure the interior things of the Word, Arcana Coelestia 10694. The Jews were of such a character, and they are also such at the present day, Arcana Coelestia 301-303, 3479, 4429, 4433, 4680, 4844, 4947, 10396, 10401, 10407, 10694, 10701, 10707.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 262

262. Of the literal or external sense of the Word.

The sense of the letter of the Word is according to appearances in the world (n. 589, 926, 1408, 2719, 2720, 1832, 1874, 2242, 2520, 2533). And is adapted to the capacity of the simple (n. 2533, 9048, 9063, 9086). The Word in its literal sense is natural (n. 8783). Because what is natural is the ultimate wherein spiritual and celestial things terminate, and upon which they rest like a house upon its foundation; and otherwise the internal sense of the Word without the external, would be like a house without a foundation (n. 9360, 9430, 9433, 9824, 10044, 10436). The Word is the containant of a spiritual and celestial sense, because it is of such a quality (n. 9407). And that it is holy and Divine in the sense of the letter as to each and all things therein, even to every iota, because it is of such a quality (n. 639, 680[1-5], 1869, 1870, 9198, 10321, 10637). The laws enacted for the sons of Israel, are yet the Holy Word, notwithstanding their abrogation, on account of the internal sense which they contain (n. 9211, 9259, 9349). Of the laws, judgments and statutes, for the Israelitish and Jewish church, which was a representative church, there are some which are still in force, both in their external and internal sense; some which ought to be strictly observed in their external sense; some which may be of use, if people are disposed to observe them, and some which are altogether abrogated (n. 9349). The Word is Divine, even as to those which are abrogated (n. 10637).

The quality of the Word as to the sense of the letter, if not understood at the same time as to the internal sense, or what is the same thing, according to true doctrine from the Word (n. 10402). Innumerable heresies arise from the sense of the letter without the internal sense, or without true doctrine from the Word (n. 10400). They who are in an external without an internal cannot endure the interior things of the Word (n. 10694). The Jews were of such a quality, and they are also such at this day (n. 301-303, 3479, 4429, 4433, 4680, 4844, 4847, 10396, 10401, 10407, 10694, 10701, 10707).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 262 (original Latin 1758)

262. De Sensu Litterae seu Externo Verbi.

Quod sensus litterae Verbi sit secundum apparentias in mundo (Arcana Coelestia 584 (589), 926, 1719 (1408, 2719?), 1720 (1410, 2720?) 1832, 1874, 2242, 2520, 2533).

Et ad captum simplicium (Arcana Coelestia 2533, 9049, [9048?], 9063, 9086).

Quod Verbum in sensu litterae sit naturale (Arcana Coelestia 8783).

Ex causa quia naturale est ultimum, in quod desinunt spiritualia et caelestia, et super quo sicut domus super suo fundamento subsistunt, et quod alioqui sensus internus absque externo foret sicut domus absque fundamento (Arcana Coelestia 9360, 9430, 9433, 9824, 10044, 10436).

Quod Verbum, quia tale, sit continens sensus spiritualis et caelestis (Arcana Coelestia 9407).

Et quia tale, quod sit sanctum Divinum in sensu litterae quoad omnia et singula ibi, usque ad unamquamque jotham (Arcana Coelestia 639, 680, 1319, [1869?], 1870, 9198, 10321, 10637).

Quod leges pro filiis Israelis latae, tametsi abrogatae, usque sanctum Verbum sint, ob sensum internum in illis (Arcana Coelestia 9210, [9211?], 9259, 9349).

Quod leges, judicia et statuta pro Ecclesia Israelitica et Judaica, quae fuit ecclesia repraesentativa, sint quae adhuc in utroque sensu, externo et interno, valent, sint quae secundum sensum externum omnino custodienda sunt, sint quae possunt esse usui si libet, et sint quae prorsus abrogata (de quibus, Arcana Coelestia 9349).

Quod Verbum Divinum sit etiam quoad illa quae abrogata sunt (Arcana Coelestia 10637).

Quale Verbum in sensu litterae, si non intelligitur simul quoad sensum internum, seu quod idem, secundum veram doctrinam e Verbo (Arcana Coelestia 10402).

Quod ex sensu litterae absque sensu interno, seu absque genuina doctrina ex Verbo, haereses immenso numero scaturiant (Arcana Coelestia 10401, [10400?],).

Quod illi qui in externo absque interno sunt, non sustineant interiora Verbi (Arcana Coelestia 10694).

Quod Judaei tales fuerint, et quoque hodie sint (Arcana Coelestia 301-303, 3479, 4429, 4433, 4680, 4844, 4847, 10396, 10401, 10407, 10694, 10701, 10707).

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