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《新耶路撒冷及其属天的教义》 第299节




299、必须承认主的神性。有圣言并因而认识主的地方是教会。极其重要的是,不可否认主的神性,以及祂的神性作为 (2359)。教会内不认主的人不能与神性联结,这与教外之人不同(10205)。

承认主的神性以及祂与圣父的合一,是教会的核心教义 (100831011210370107301073810816-1081810820)。

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Teachings (New Century Edition 2020) 299

299. We are to acknowledge the divinity of the Lord. Within the church, where the Word exists and the Lord is known by means of it, it is important that we not deny the divinity of the Lord or the holiness that emanates from him: 2359. People within the church who do not acknowledge the Lord cannot be joined with the Divine. It is different for people outside the church: 10205. The essence of the church is to acknowledge the Lord's divine nature and his oneness with the Father: 10083, 10112, 10370, 10738, 10730, 10816, 10817, 10818, 10820.

The Heavenly City (Woofenden translation 1993) 299

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Chadwick translation 1990) 299

299. Not translated.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Tafel translation 1911) 299

299. The Lord's Divine is to be acknowledged. Within the Church where the Word is, and where the Lord thereby is known, neither the Lord's Divine nor the Holy proceeding from Him, ought to be denied, Arcana Coelestia 2359. Those who within the Church do not acknowledge the Lord, have no conjunction with the Divine; it is different with those who are outside the Church, Arcana Coelestia 10205. The essential of the Church is to acknowledge the Lord's Divine and His unition with the Father, Arcana Coelestia 10083, 10112, 10370, 10730, 10738, 10816-10818, 10820.

The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 299

299. The Divine of the Lord is to be acknowledged.

Within the church where the Word is, and where the Lord is thereby known, the Divine of the Lord ought not to be denied, nor the holy proceeding from Him (n. 2359). They within the church who do not acknowledge the Lord, have no conjunction with the Divine, which is not the case with those who are out of the church (n. 10205). It is an essential of the church to acknowledge the Divine of the Lord, and His unition with the Father (n. 10083, 10112, 10370, 10730, 10738, 10816-10818, 10820).

De Nova Hierosolyma et ejus Doctrina Caelesti 299 (original Latin 1758)

299. Quod Divinum Domini agnoscendum sit.

Quod intra ecclesiam, ubi est Verbum, et per id notus est Dominus, non negandum sit Divinum Domini, nec Sanctum procedens ab Ipso (Arcana Coelestia 2359).

Qui non agnoscunt Dominum intra ecclesiam, quod eis non conjunctio sit cum Divino; aliter qui extra ecclesiam sunt (Arcana Coelestia 10205).

Quod essentiale ecclesiae sit agnoscere Divinum Domini, ac unitionem Ipsius cum Patre (Arcana Coelestia 10083, 10112, 10370, 10728, [1073?], 10730, 10816-10818, 10820).

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